27 research outputs found

    Innovation In Orang Ulu Indigenous Crafts

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    The rapid depletion of raw materials in Belaga, Sarawak due to extensive timber extraction, land clearing for oil palm plantation and inundation of river valleys for hydroelectric power dam construction as well as changing lifestyle and values; consequences of development have affected the production of Orang Ulu rich material culture such as mats, baskets and other utilitarian items sustainable. Arrays of new emergence of Orang Ulu material culture assemblage reflects forms of their adaptation to a dynamic change in culture dictated by the scarcity of raw materials, global taste and acceptance of readily commercialized materials. Although it requires new knowledge and skills in the new reproduction; that is the way their rich material culture can survive. This paper discusses the innovation in the Orang Ulu indigenous material through the introduction of plastic as an alternative material used in traditional crafts and utilitarian objects reproduction; and its implication on values and authenticity of the new reproduction to the indigenous culture as a whole

    Exploring The Birth of Modern Art in Borneo, Post-War Era 1945 to 1970 : Meneroka Kewujudan Seni Moden di Borneo; Era Pasca-Perang dari 1945 ke 1970

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    This paper describes the development of modern art in Borneo particularly in Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei, after the Second World War until the 1970s. This was the period when British Colonial government dictated the education system, which consequentially inculcated visual art through art and craft subject imposed on all vernacular schools in Borneo. British influence within the state governance, social and education system designed with Western ideology, created not only westernized society and mind-set, but at the same time generated artistic opportunities for emerging local painters to be involved in the initiation of Modern Art in Borneo. Through historical method and analysis of primary and secondary data, it was obvious that the existence of colonial government departments and institutions such as museums and teaching colleges, and other social organization in Borneo at that time, contributed significantly to artistic movement? The similar structure and motivation of development in other areas of Borneo, confirmed that artistic affirmation of modern art advanced homogenously. Their understanding of easel painting as well as unique interpretation of culture once distanced from traditional art, resulting in a new visual image that transcended their ethnicity and identity through new medium and tools. These meticulous interventions modestly visualized in each painting as discussed in this paper, hopefully will give a deeper understanding and appreciation towards the history of modern art in Borneo

    Perubahan Material Dalam Kraftangan Oleh Masyarakat Melayu di Saribas, Sarawak

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    Penyelidikan ini bertujuan melihat perubahan material yang berlaku di kalangan pembuat kraf di bahagian Saribas, Sarawak yang memfokuskan kepada perkembangan terhadap penggunaan material untuk menghasilkan kraftangan pada era moden yang mendepani cabaran iaitu sumber semulajadi semakin berkurangan. Kraftangan bermaksud penghasilan peralatan berguna (Utility), ataupun alat hiasan menggunakan kemahiran tangan atau bantuan perkakas ringkas secara tradisional. Pada era moden, pertukangan kraftangan di Saribas masih merupakan produk tradisional yang dihasilkan secara kendiri atau berkelompok untuk tujuan komersial secara kecil-kecilan. Hasil kajian, mendapati aktiviti penghasilan dan penjualan kraftangan merupakan salah satu daripada sumber pendapatan bagi segelintir masyarakat kampung. Penghasilan kraftangan lazimnya menggunakan hasil hutan, namun kebelakangan ini para pembuat kraf dikesan lebih kreatif memanfaatkan bahan alternatif untuk menggantikan bahan asal. Berdasarkan metod kualitatif yang telah dijalankan, hasil pemerhatian dan observasi jelas terdapat beberapa perubahan signifikan pada bahan kraf di mana lebih banyak menggunakan sumber bahan berasaskan plastik atau bahan alternatif lain yang bersifat menyerupai bahan asal. Kajian merumuskan, kraftangan era moden telah mengalami proses inovasi kerana perkembangan kraf yang mempunyai perubahan ketara dari kraf tradisional, terutamanya pada bahan buatan yang mengalami perubahan hampir 90 peratus, manakala fungsi dalam masyarakat moden juga mengalami perubahan yang signifikan dan memerlukan penafsiran semula dari sudut semiotik

    TTikar Bergerang: The Reflection of Culture And Heritage Of The Saribas Malay, Sarawak

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    This paper investigates the indigenous knowledge of mat making and its social context in Malay community of Saribas. It focuses on tikar bergerang in particular. The mat which incorporates open weave, creates a lace impression pattern around the body weave frame. As stated by Awang Azman (2010), material culture’s scholar, there is an urgency to study Sarawak Malay due to a significant dissimilarity between them with the Malay of Peninsular Malaysia in many aspects of local knowledge and heritage. Thus, the aim of this research is to discover the production technology, role and values of tikar bergerang in the Saribas Malay community in Sarawak. Through in-depth interviews with tikar bergerang weavers and observation, the cultural object is analysed using material culture study developed by Fleming (1974). The result indicated that the mat is only intended for important function and perceived as a sacred material object. The mat complex patterns and complicated weaving techniques reflect the idiosyncrasy of Saribas region compared to other parts of Sarawak, the intellectual, indigenous technology and common values shared among its community

    Traditional Food Wrapping And Packaging: Culture And Identity Of The Saribas Malay, Sarawak

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    This paper analyses the basic principles of food wrapping and packaging practiced by the Saribas Malay in Sarawak, focusing on the aspect of technology, roles, materials of the traditional means. The main purpose of this study is to discover how this part of the Saribas Malay’s culture, cuisine is interpreted in the form of indigenous scientific knowledge and technology, and art. Interviews and observation wrapping. This little effort and attempt is hoped to conserve the traditional food have been conducted in several villages in Saribas such as Betong, Pusa, Beladin, Debak and Spaoh to gather information and identify individuals with knowledge and skills in food knowledge, the representational of culture and identity of the Saribas Malay

    Tikar Bergerang : The Reflection of Culture And Heritage Of The Saribas Malay, Sarawak

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    This paper investigates the indigenous knowledge of mat making and its social context in Malay community of Saribas. It focuses on tikar bergerang in particular. The mat which incorporates open weave, creates a lace impression pattern around the body weave frame. As stated by Awang Azman (2010), material culture’s scholar, there is an urgency to study Sarawak Malay due to a significant dissimilarity between them with the Malay of Peninsular Malaysia in many aspects of local knowledge and heritage. Thus, the aim of this research is to discover the production technology, role and values of tikar bergerang in the Saribas Malay community in Sarawak. Through in-depth interviews with tikar bergerang weavers and observation, the cultural object is analysed using material culture study developed by Fleming (1974). The result indicated that the mat is only intended for important function and perceived as a sacred material object. The mat complex patterns and complicated weaving techniques reflect the idiosyncrasy of Saribas region compared to other parts of Sarawak, the intellectual, indigenous technology and common values shared among its community

    Material Culture: A Digital Documentation of the Art and Culture of the Saribas Malay, Sarawak

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    This paper investigates the use and application of material culture study methods to document and organise the cultural collections of the Saribas Malay community in Betong Division, Sarawak. The main objective of the study is to identify the Saribas Malays’ awareness on the importance to document material culture. A documentation template based on material culture theory was designed to preserve and sustain cultural objects, starting with a practical application can be easily used and effectively implemented by the local community. This qualitative research used in-depth interviews to gather data on respondents’ awareness on the importance of documenting material culture and their perception on using the template. The respondents were selected among Saribas Malays who make, use, keep and collect cultural objects. For the purpose of this study, Fleming’s (1974) and Prown’s (1982) models were adapted to construct a template to document information of the artefacts and as analytical tools. The findings from the interview sessions with the Saribas community showed that they were positive towards the effort to preserve material culture through documentation. The simple template proposed was sufficient to record basic information of the artefacts. Although this will take a while to complete, but in the end, this activity will be able to document the artefacts and be used as reference for academics, museum cataloguing and antique collection purposes Keywords: Material Culture; Saribas Malay; Borneo; Digital Documentation; Analytical Too