1,142 research outputs found

    Foreign Capital and Economic Growth

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    Nonindustrial countries that have relied more on foreign finance have not grown faster in the long run as standard theoretical models predict. The reason may lie in these countries’ limited ability to absorb foreign capital, especially because their financial systems have difficulty allocating it to productive uses, and because their currencies are prone to appreciation (and often overvaluation) when such inflows occur. The current anomaly of poor countries financing rich countries may not really hurt the former’s growth, at least conditional on their existing institutional and financial structures. Our results do not imply that foreign finance has no role in development or that all types of capital naturally flow “uphill.” Indeed, the patterns associated with foreign direct investment flows have generally been more consistent with theoretical predictions. However, we find no evidence that providing financing in excess of domestic saving is the channel through which financial integration delivers its benefits.Foreign capital, economic growth, macroeconomics, foreign finance

    Failure of Aileron Control Cable in Ajeet Aircraft MK-E-2015

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    The Aileron control cable of an Ajeet aircraft was found snapped . On ootical and scanning electron microscopic examination, it was found that the majority of the strands of the cable had thinned due to excessive contact wear with a oulley and subsequently failed in tension

    Modernizing China's growth paradigm

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    China has achieved tremendous economic progress in the last three decades, but there is much work to be done to make the economy resilient to large shocks, ensure the sustainability of its growth, and translate this growth into corresponding improvements in the economic welfare of its citizens. We discuss the complex challenges that Chinese policymakers face in striking the right balance in terms of speed and coordination of reforms. We argue that China's current stage of development, along with its rising market orientation and increasing integration with the world economy, may make the incremental and piecemeal approaches to reforms increasingly untenable and, in some cases, could even generate risks of their own. The present favorable domestic and external circumstances provide an excellent window of opportunity for bolder reforms and for tackling some deep-rooted problems without causing much economic disruption

    Failure of a Rotor Blade of Tube unit K-601 Madras Fertilishers Limited

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    The failure of the first stage turbine blade in rotor C of Unit K- 601 was analysed. It is concluded that the blade had fractured first at the tenon due to high hardness of the base material. The fracture of the tenon led to vibration of the blade and its failure at the outer hole by fatigue

    A Pragmatic Approach to Capital Account Liberalization

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    Cross-country regressions suggest little connection from foreign capital inflows to more rapid economic growth for developing countries and emerging markets. This suggests that the lack of domestic savings is not the primary constraint on growth in these economies, as implicitly assumed in the benchmark neoclassical framework. We explore emerging new theories on both the costs and benefits of capital account liberalization, and suggest how one might adopt a pragmatic approach to the process.

    Forbidden oxygen lines at various nucleocentric distances in comets

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    To study the formation of the [OI] lines - i.e., 5577 A (the green line), 6300 A and 6364 A (the two red lines) - in the coma of comets and to determine the parent species of the oxygen atoms using the green to red-doublet emission intensity ratio (G/R ratio) and the lines velocity widths. We acquired at the ESO VLT high-resolution spectroscopic observations of comets C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), 73P-C/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3, 8P/Tuttle, and, 103P/Hartley 2 when they were close to the Earth (< 0.6 au). Using the observed spectra, we determined the intensities and the widths of the three [OI] lines. We have spatially extracted the spectra in order to achieve the best possible resolution of about 1-2", i.e., nucleocentric projected distances of 100 to 400 km depending on the geocentric distance of the comet. We have decontaminated the [OI] green line from C2 lines blends. It is found that the observed G/R ratio on all four comets varies as a function of nucleocentric projected distance. This is mainly due to the collisional quenching of O(1S) and O(1D) by water molecules in the inner coma. The observed green emission line width is about 2.5 km/s and decreases as the distance from the nucleus increases which can be explained by the varying contribution of CO2 to the O(1S) production in the innermost coma. The photodissociation of CO2 molecules seems to produce O(1S) closer to the nucleus while the water molecule forms all the O(1S) and O(1D) atoms beyond 1000 km. Thus we conclude that the main parent species producing O(1S) and O(1D) in the inner coma is not always the same. The observations have been interpreted in the framework of the coupled-chemistry-emission model of Bhardwaj & Raghuram (2012) and the upper limits of CO2 relative abundances are derived from the observed G/R ratios. Measuring the [OI] lines could indeed provide a new way to determine the CO2 relative abundance in comets.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, the abstract is shortene

    Efficient video transfer using LAN caching assisted by cloud computing

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    There is a good probability of accessing same video content multiple times from a cloud based Video Streaming Server by same peer or different peers of a given LAN, effectively increasing Internet bandwidth or data flow for same content from server to client, thereby over loading routers between server and client and also resulting in higher power consumption at routers. This proposed concept tries to avoid multiple streaming of high volume video files from Server by caching first successful streamed data on to LAN peer which is currently viewing the video data and subsequently the same LAN peer streaming the video to other desiring peers when demanded for. Proposed implementation model retains all other server activities with server except for allowing an available LAN peer copy of video to be streamed to another peer of the same LAN when requested for

    Failure of a Steam Turbine

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    A steam turbine developed excessive vibration due to the shift of the turbine disk on the shaft. The nut intended to lock the disk had loosened from the shaft threads and come out of the shaft. The investigation revealed that the locking mechanism for the disk was not proper

    GitLab: work where you want, when you want

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    GitLab is a software company that works “all remote” at the scale of more than 1000 employees located in more than 60 countries. GitLab has no physical office and its employees can work from anywhere they choose. Any step of the organizational life of a GitLab employee (e.g., hiring, onboarding and firing) is performed remotely, except for a yearly companywide gathering. GitLab strongly relies on asynchronous coordination, allowing employees to work anytime they want. After highlighting some of the main practices implemented by GitLab to effectively work all remotely and asynchronously, I asked renowned organizational scientists their thoughts on this interesting case and to question the generalizability of the all remote asynchronous model. Understanding whether and under what conditions this model can succeed can be of guidance for organizational designers that are now considering different remote models in response of the COVID-19 shock and its aftermath

    MOCF: A Multi-Objective Clustering Framework using an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    Traditional clustering algorithms, such as K-Means, perform clustering with a single goal in mind. However, in many real-world applications, multiple objective functions must be considered at the same time. Furthermore, traditional clustering algorithms have drawbacks such as centroid selection, local optimal, and convergence. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based clustering approaches were developed to address these shortcomings. Animals and their social Behaviour, particularly bird flocking and fish schooling, inspire PSO. This paper proposes the Multi-Objective Clustering Framework (MOCF), an improved PSO-based framework. As an algorithm, a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based Multi-Objective Clustering (PSO-MOC) is proposed. It significantly improves clustering efficiency. The proposed framework's performance is evaluated using a variety of real-world datasets. To test the performance of the proposed algorithm, a prototype application was built using the Python data science platform. The empirical results showed that multi-objective clustering outperformed its single-objective counterparts