2,066 research outputs found

    Ralph Waldo Emerson as Nature Poet

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    Since nature inherently contains moral truth, knowledge and wisdom, the artist should rely on it, rather than convention, in shaping, formulating and appraising his work. Emerson maintains that literary works should not be only be evaluated according to artificial standards of tradition, but should rather be judged by nature since art is based organically on it. He shares with Coleridge the belief that literary forms should innately stem from nature instead of following mechanical laws of decorum. Emerson affirms that if we succeed in having a direct relation with the "basic forces" of nature, by retreating to a primitive, simple life, we will be able to reinvent genuine, organic forms (Matthiessen 133-6). In "Nature", Emerson further argues that nature provides us with language as well as with an explanation of the use of language. Every word in language is a symbol of a natural fact; for example, "right" is a sign for "straight" while "wrong" means "twisted". Similarly, we borrow the word "heart" to express emotion and the word "head" as analogous to thought. Both the abstract and the concrete find their roots in the visible forms of nature. Moreover, every natural fact corresponds to some spiritual fact. We symbolically use "light" and "darkness" to express knowledge and ignorance

    Thermal conductivity of evolving quark-gluon plasma in the presence of a time-varying magnetic field

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    The effect of the temperature evolution of QGP on its thermal conductivity and elliptic flow is investigated here in the presence of a time-varying magnetic field. Thermal conductivity plays a vital role in the cooling rate of the medium or its temperature evolution. The magnetic field produced during the early stages of (non-central) heavy-ion collisions decays with time, where electrical conductivity plays a significant role. As the medium expands, the electrical and thermal properties change, reflecting the effect in various observables. In this study, we have calculated the thermal conductivity of the QGP medium, incorporating the effects of temperature and magnetic field evolution. We discovered that conductivity significantly depends on the cooling rate and its value increases due to temperature evolution. Furthermore, the influence of these evolutions on the elliptic flow coefficient is measured, and elliptic flow is found to decrease.Comment: 14 pages and 3-captioned figures, Submitted for publicatio

    Impact of strong magnetic field, baryon chemical potential, and medium anisotropy on polarization and spin alignment of hadrons

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    The recent observation of global polarization of Λ\Lambda (Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}) hyperons and spin alignment of ϕ\phi and K0K^{*0} vector mesons create remarkable interest in investigating the particle polarization in the relativistic fluid produced in heavy-ion collisions at GeV/TeV energies. Among other sources of polarization, the Debye mass of a medium plays a crucial role in particle polarization. Any modification brought to the effective mass due to the temperature, strong magnetic field (eB), baryonic chemical potential (μB\mu_{B}), and medium anisotropy (ξ\xi), vorticity, etc., certainly affects the particle polarization. In this work, we explore the global hyperon polarization and the spin alignment of vector mesons corresponding to the strong magnetic field, baryonic chemical potential, and medium anisotropy. We find that the degree of polarization is flavor-dependent for hyperons. Meanwhile, vector meson spin alignment depends on the hadronization mechanisms of initially polarized quarks and anti-quarks. Medium anisotropy significantly changes the degree of polarization in comparison with the magnetic field and baryon chemical potential.Comment: 13 pages and 8-captioned figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Impact of Medium Anisotropy on Quarkonium Dissociation and Regeneration

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    Quarkonium production in ultra-relativistic collisions plays a crucial role in probing the existence of hot QCD matter. This study explores quarkonia states dissociation and regeneration in the hot QCD medium while considering momentum anisotropy. The net quarkonia decay width (ΓD\Gamma_{D}) arises from two essential processes: collisional damping and gluonic dissociation. The quarkonia regeneration includes the transition from octet to singlet states within the anisotropic medium. Our study utilizes a medium-modified potential that incorporates anisotropy via particle distribution functions. This modified potential gives rise to collisional damping for quarkonia due to the surrounding medium, as well as the transition of quarkonia from singlet to octet states due to interactions with gluons. Furthermore, we employ the detailed balance approach to investigate the regeneration of quarkonia within this medium. Our comprehensive analysis spans various temperature settings, transverse momentum values, and anisotropic strengths. Notably, we find that, in addition to medium temperatures and heavy quark transverse momentum, anisotropy significantly influences the dissociation and regeneration of various quarkonia states.Comment: 9 pages and 4 captioned figure

    Comparison of Radiography and Ultrasonography for Diagnosis of Diaphragmatic Hernia in Bovines

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    The present study was conducted on 101 animals suffering from thoracoabdominal disorders; out of which twenty seven animals (twenty six buffaloes and one cow) were diagnosed with diaphragmatic hernia based on clinical signs, radiography, ultrasonography, and left flank laparorumenotomy. Radiography alone confirmed diaphragmatic hernia in 18 cases (66.67%) with a sac-like structure cranial to the diaphragm. In 15 animals the sac contained metallic densities while in three cases a sac-like structure with no metallic densities was present. Ultrasonography was helpful in confirming diaphragmatic hernia in 23 cases (85.18%) and ultrasonographically reticular motility was evident at the level of 4th/5th intercostal space in all the animals. B+M mode ultrasonography was used for the first time for diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia in bovines and the results suggested that ultrasonography was a reliable diagnostic modality for diaphragmatic hernia in bovines

    J/ψJ/\psi and ψ\psi(2S) polarization in proton-proton collisions at the LHC energies using PYTHIA8

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    The production mechanisms of charmonium states in both hadronic and heavy-ion collisions hold great significance for investigating the hot and dense QCD matter. Studying charmonium polarization in ultra-relativistic collisions can also provide insights into the underlying production mechanisms. With this motivation, we explore the J/ψJ/\psi and ψ\psi(2S) polarization in proton+proton collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 7, 8, and 13 TeV using a pQCD-inspired Monte-Carlo event generator called PYTHIA8. This work considers reconstructed quarkonia through their dimuons decay channel in the ALICE forward rapidity acceptance range of 2.5<yμμ<42.5 < y_{\mu \mu} < 4. Further, we calculate the polarization parameters λθ\lambda_{\theta}, λϕ\lambda_{\phi}, λθϕ\lambda_{\theta \phi} from the polar and azimuthal angular distributions of the dimuons in helicity and Collins-Soper frames. This study presents a comprehensive measurement of the polarization parameters as a function of transverse momentum, charged-particle multiplicity, and rapidity at the LHC energies. Our findings of charmonium polarization are in qualitative agreement with the corresponding experimental data.Comment: 10 pages and 5-captioned figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Impact of vorticity and viscosity on the hydrodynamic evolution of hot QCD medium

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    The strongly interacting transient quark-gluon plasma (QGP) medium created in ultra-relativistic collisions survive for a duration of a few fm/c. The spacetime evolution of QGP crucially depends on the equation of state (EoS), vorticity, viscosity, magnetic field, etc. In the present study, we obtain the QGP lifetime considering it as a 1+1-dimensionally (1+1) D expanding fluid by using second-order viscous hydrodynamics. We observe that the coupling of vorticity and viscosity significantly increases the lifetime of rotating QGP. Incorporating a static magnetic field along with vorticity and viscosity makes the evolution slower. However, for a non-rotating medium, the static magnetic field slightly decreases the QGP lifetime by accelerating the evolution process. We also report the rate of change of vorticity in the QGP medium, which can be helpful in studying the medium behavior in detail.Comment: 16 pages and 20 captioned figures. Submitted for publicatio