7 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Dominant bacterial phyla in caves and their predicted functional roles in C and N cycle

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    List of the genes codes for enzymes involved in carbohydrate degradation identified using PICRUSt. Table S2. List of the homologs of methanogenesis-associated genes that were identified from the five cave sediments using PICRUSt. Table S3. List of the genes coding for enzymes involved in nitrogen cycle identified using PICRUSt. Table S4. Pearson correlation (PC) between physiochemical factors with the dominant bacterial phyla. Table S5. Pearson correlation (PC) between physiochemical factors with the bacterial diversity. Figure S1. Bioplot generated for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of 20 geochemical variables. Cave samples are shown as colored symbols and physicochemical variables are represented by green lines. Figure S2. Relative abundance of the functional genes present in the cave samples. (DOCX 122 kb

    Combinations of consensus motifs and composite motifs are enriched in the groups of promoters bound by different combinations of transcription factors.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Top DNA motifs mostly enriched in test sets v.s. background sets of promoters in the −500 bp…0 bp relative to the transcription start site. Motifs are sorted by enrichment and statistical confidence level using CisFinder. For CREB, c-Jun C/EBPβ set cJun and C/EBPβ bound promoters were used as a background. <b>B.</b> Enrichment of promoters containing only two or three transcription factors consensus binding motifs in groups of promoters bound by different combination of transcription factors in undifferentiated keratinocytes. Consensus motifs for CREB (CRE) - TGACGTCA, C/EBPβ - (C/EBP) TTGCGCAA and for c-Jun (AP-1) TGA(C/G)TCA. Note that promoters containing combination of motifs are overrepresented in the groups of promoters bound by corresponding transcription factor. * - numbers are different from expected (p<0.05).</p

    CREB binding is relatively low in the group of promoters bound by CREB, C/EBPβ and cJun and induced by differentiation.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Transcription factor binding distributions in all promoters, promoters bound by CREB, C/EBPβ and c-Jun, and promoters bound by all three of these proteins that are also either induced or repressed upon differentiation. Columns show the mean value of the binding affinity for each of the three transcription factors in these four groups of promoters, while error bars show the 15% and 85% percentiles. The binding affinity of CREB is significantly lower in promoters bound by all three transcription factors and induced by differentiation. Number on top represents the p-value from an unpaired t-test. <b>B.</b> Chip-PCR for promoter regions of SPRP1A and DNAse1L3 induced by differentiation. CREB binding is low in comparison with C/EBPβ and c-Jun. 3′ GAPDH region was not enriched in these samples.</p

    Upon keratinocyte differentiation RNAP binding and mRNA levels are preferentially induced when promoters are bound by combinations of C/EBPβ and cJun.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Scatterplott of changes in RNAP binding after differentiation versus RNAP binding in undifferentiated keratinocytes show 797 and 841 promoters are induced or repressed upon differentiation. These changes correlate with changes in mRNA levels. <b>B.</b> Transcription factors CREB, C/EBPβ and c-Jun bind distinct set of promoters in differentiated keratinocytes. Euler diagrams show that promoters bound by C/EBPβ and c-Jun are preferentially induced by differentiation and promoters bond by CREB are not. <b>C.</b> Fraction of promoters bound by different combination of transcription factors in differentiated keratinocytes where RNAP binding is repressed (white bars) or induced by differentiation (black bars). <b>D.</b> Fraction of genes with mRNA levels induced or repressed by differentiation more than 1.4 times in groups of promoters bound by different combinations of transcription factors. * - values are different from expected (p<0.005 using a two-tailed unpaired t-test).</p

    C/EBPβ preferentially binds to methylated promoters and methylated promoters bound by C/EBPβ are preferentially induced by differentiation.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Euler diagrams of methylated and unmethylated promoters bound by different combination of transcription factors show that CREB binding is depleted on methylated promoters while C/EBPβ and c-Jun binding is overrepresented. <b>B.</b> Percent of promoters with RNAP is induced or repressed by differentiation in promoters bound by different combinations of transcription factors in differentiated keratinocytes for unmethylated (left) and methylated promoters (right). <b>C.</b> Percent of genes with mRNA is induced or repressed by differentiation in promoters bound by different combinations of transcription factors in differentiated keratinocytes for unmethylated (left) and methylated promoters (right). * - numbers are significantly different from expected, (p<0.05).</p

    Spin-sensitive long-range proximity effect in ferromagnet/spin-triplet-superconductor bilayers

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    The discovery of noncentrosymmetric superconductors, such as CePt3Si, and chiral superconductors, such as Sr2RuO4, calls for experimental methods to identify the presence of spin-triplet pairing. We here demonstrate a method which accomplishes this in an appealingly simple manner: a spin-sensitive proximity effect in a ferromagnet/triplet superconductor bilayer. It is shown how the orientation of the field can be used to unambiguously distinguish between different spin-triplet states. Moreover, the proximity effect becomes long ranged in spite of the presence of an exchange field and even without any magnetic inhomogeneities, in contrast to conventional S/F junctions. Our results can be verified by scanning-tunneling-microscopy spectroscopy and can be useful as a tool to characterize the pairing state in unconventional superconducting materials. ©2011 American Physical Societ