495 research outputs found

    A simple spectral condition implying separability for states of bipartite quantum systems

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    For two qubits and for general bipartite quantum systems, we give a simple spectral condition in terms of the ordered eigenvalues of the density matrix which guarantees that the corresponding state is separable.Comment: 5 pages Revised 31 May 200

    The Free Energy of the Spin Boson Model

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    For n spins coupled linearly to a boson field in a volume v_n, the existence of the specific free energy in the limit n→∞, v_n→∞, with n/v_n = const., is proved under specified conditions on the Hamiltonian. A variational expression is obtained for the limiting specific free energy, and a critical temperature is identified, above which the system behaves as if there were no coupling at all

    Entanglement in thermal equilibrium states

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    We revisist the issue of entanglement of thermal equilibrium states in composite quantum systems. The possible scenarios are exemplified in bipartite qubit/qubit and qubit/qutrit systems.Comment: 4 figure

    Two level systems interacting with bosons: thermodynamic limit of thermodynamic functions

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    For a two-level system coupled linearly to bosons, we reduce the existence of the thermodynamic limit of the thermodynamic functions to that of the corresponding limit for the free bosons. The case where the interaction is with the radiation-field is treated as a particularly relevant example

    Spectral Conditions on the State of a Composite Quantum System Implying its Separability

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    For any unitarily invariant convex function F on the states of a composite quantum system which isolates the trace there is a critical constant C such that F(w)<= C for a state w implies that w is not entangled; and for any possible D > C there are entangled states v with F(v)=D. Upper- and lower bounds on C are given. The critical values of some F's for qubit/qubit and qubit/qutrit bipartite systems are computed. Simple conditions on the spectrum of a state guaranteeing separability are obtained. It is shown that the thermal equilbrium states specified by any Hamiltonian of an arbitrary compositum are separable if the temperature is high enough.Comment: Corrects 1. of Lemma 2, and the (under)statement of Proposition 7 of the earlier version

    Two-spin subsystem entanglement in spin 1/2 rings with long range interactions

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    We consider the two-spin subsystem entanglement for eigenstates of the Hamiltonian H=∑1≀j<k≀N(1rj,k)ασj⋅σk H= \sum_{1\leq j< k \leq N} (\frac{1}{r_{j,k}})^{\alpha} {\mathbf \sigma}_j\cdot {\mathbf \sigma}_k for a ring of NN spins 1/2 with asssociated spin vector operator (ℏ/2)σj(\hbar /2){\bf \sigma}_j for the jj-th spin. Here rj,kr_{j,k} is the chord-distance betwen sites jj and kk. The case α=2\alpha =2 corresponds to the solvable Haldane-Shastry model whose spectrum has very high degeneracies not present for α≠2\alpha \neq 2. Two spin subsystem entanglement shows high sensistivity and distinguishes α=2\alpha =2 from α≠2\alpha \neq 2. There is no entanglement beyond nearest neighbors for all eigenstates when α=2\alpha =2. Whereas for α≠2\alpha \neq 2 one has selective entanglement at any distance for eigenstates of sufficiently high energy in a certain interval of α\alpha which depends on the energy. The ground state (which is a singlet only for even NN) does not have entanglement beyond nearest neighbors, and the nearest neighbor entanglement is virtually independent of the range of the interaction controlled by α\alpha.Comment: 16 figure

    Geometric interpretation for A-fidelity and its relation with Bures fidelity

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    A geometric interpretation for the A-fidelity between two states of a qubit system is presented, which leads to an upper bound of the Bures fidelity. The metrics defined based on the A-fidelity are studied by numerical method. An alternative generalization of the A-fidelity, which has the same geometric picture, to a NN-state quantum system is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Phys. Rev.
