232 research outputs found

    Misunderstandings in fisheries: an ethnography of regulative categories and communication around Gansbaai and Dyer Island

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    Includes bibliographical references.In the context of wide-spread, world-wide declines in fish stocks, such as the inshore fishery in the Benguela ecosystem along Gansbaai, fishers in Gansbaai partly rely on the availability of small pelagic fish (sardine and anchovy). However, fishers also hand-line and angle actively, and more recently practiced a range of other fishing techniques. Ten weeks of fieldwork in Gansbaai allowed the intertwined lived reality of fishers’ every- day practices to come to the fore. Regulation of techniques and target species has curtailed fishers through restrictive fishing rights, quotas and more recently the rise of protected areas such as Marine Protected Areas ... This project relates the situation of Gansbaai fishers in the face of a possible experimental closure of the waters surrounding nearby Dyer Island to purse seining, proposed in support of the conservation of African penguins

    Effects of folic acid and pantothenic acid supplementation to two rations on rumen fermentation, duodenal nutrient flow and serum and milk variables of dairy cows

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    The aim of the present experiments was to investigate the influences of a daily supplementation of 1 g folic acid (FA), respectively pantothenic acid (PA) on ruminal fermentation, as well as on serum and milk variables. German Holstein cows with one cannula in the dorsal sac of the rumen and another in the proximal duodenum received a ration with a forage to concentrate ratio (F:C) of 34:66 (high concentrate, HC) in the first part of each experiment and in the second part of 66:34 (high forage, HF). Each ration was fed with and without FA or PA supplementation. Thereby, the influences of the ration composition on the synthesis and/or degradation of folates, FA and PA due to ruminal microorganisms were to be investigated. The number of lactating and dry cows was in the first part of the FA experiment four and two, and in the second part four and four. In the first part of the PA experiment it was six and two and in the second part five and four. Regardless of the dietary F:C ratio, both vitamins had rather minor effects on ruminal fermentation as well as on the serum and milk variables. However, irrespective of the ration the FA supplementation increased the serum 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate concentration. The PA supplementation only increased the duodenal PA flow during the feeding of the HF ration. Irrespective of the ration, the serum and milk PA concentrations as well as the milk PA yields were not influenced by the PA supplementation. However, feeding the HC ration always resulted in higher PA amounts in all considered fluids compared to the HF ration. This was the same for the folate amounts in the serum. Thus, the results of the present experiments show that a 1 g FA supplementation increases the 5-methyl-tetrahyrofolate concentration in the serum, but no positive effects for the dairy cows were detectable, while a 1 g PA supplementation neither increases the PA concentrations in the serum or in the milk. However, the apparent disappearance between mouth and duodenum for PA was between 88 and 97%.Effekte einer Folsäure- und Pantothensäure-Supplementierung zu zwei Rationen auf die ruminale Fermentation, den duodenalen Nährstofffluss und Serum- und Milchvariablen von Milchkßhen Die durchgefßhrten Versuche hatten zum Ziel, den Einfluss einer Zulage von 1 g Folsäure (FA) bzw. Pantothensäure (PA) je Tag auf die ruminale Fermentation sowie auf Serum- und Milchvariablen von Milchkßhen zu untersuchen. Deutsche Holstein Kßhe mit je einer Fistel im dorsalen Pansensack sowie im proximalen Duodenum erhielten im ersten Abschnitt jedes Versuches eine Ration mit einem Grundfutter-Kraftfutter-Verhältnis (GF:KF) von 34:66 (high concentrate, HC) und im zweiten Abschnitt von 66:34 (high forage, HF) jeweils mit und ohne Vitaminzulage. Damit sollten mÜgliche Einflßsse der Rationszusammensetzung auf die Synthese und/oder den Abbau von Folaten, FA und PA durch die Pansenmikroorganismen getestet werden. Die Anzahl an laktierenden bzw. trockenstehenden Kßhen betrug im ersten Abschnitt des FA-Versuchs vier und zwei, im zweiten Abschnitt vier und vier; im ersten Abschnitt des PA-Versuchs sechs und zwei und im zweiten Abschnitt fßnf und vier. Unabhängig vom GF:KF Verhältnis hatten beide Vitamine einen nur geringen Einfluss auf die ruminale Fermentation sowie auf die Serum- und Milchvariablen. Die FA-Zulage steigerte bei beiden Rationen die 5-Methyl-Tetrahydrofolat-Konzentration im Serum. Die PA-Gabe erhÜhte den duodenalen PA-Fluss lediglich bei Fßtterung der HF-Ration. Ein Einfluss der PA-Gabe auf die PA-Konzentrationen in Serum und Milch, sowie die Milch-PA-Menge wurde bei keiner Ration nachgewiesen. Die Fßtterung der HC-Ration resultierte im Vergleich zur HF-Ration allerdings immer in hÜheren PA-Mengen in den untersuchten Flßssigkeiten. Analog traf dies fßr die Folatmengen im Serum zu. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse der durchgefßhrten Versuche, dass die Zulage von 1 g FA die 5-Methyl-Tetrahydrofolat-Konzentration im Serum steigert. Ein positiver Effekt fßr die Kuh war allerdings nicht nachweisbar. Die Zulage von 1 g PA zeigte weder gesteigerte PA-Konzentrationen im Serum noch in der Milch. Die scheinbaren Verluste an PA zwischen Maul und Duodenum betrugen allerdings 88 bis 97 %

    Study of toluene rotary fluid management device and shear flow condenser performance for a space-based organic Rankine power system

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    Management of two-phase fluid and control of the heat transfer process in microgravity is a technical challenge that must be addressed for an orbital Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) application. A test program was performed in 1-g that satisfactorily demonstrated the two-phase management capability of the rotating fluid management device (RFMD) and shear-flow condenser. Operational tests of the RFMD and shear flow condenser in adverse gravity orientations, confirmed that the centrifugal forces in the RFMD and the shear forces in the condenser were capable of overcoming gravity forces. In a microgravity environment, these same forces would not have to compete against gravity and would therefore be dominant. The specific test program covered the required operating range of the Space Station Solar Dynamic Rankine Cycle power system. Review of the test data verified that: fluid was pumped from the RFMD in all attitudes; subcooled states in the condenser were achieved; condensate was pushed uphill against gravity; and noncondensible gases were swept through the condenser

    Study of toluene stability for an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) space-based power system

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    The design, fabrication, assembly, and endurance operation of a dynamic test loop, built to evaluate the thermal stability of a proposed Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) working fluid, is discussed. The test fluid, toluene, was circulated through a heater, simulated turbine, regenerator, condenser and pump to duplicate an actual ORC system. The maximum nominal fluid temperature, 750 F, was at the turbine simulator inlet. Samples of noncondensible gases and liquid toluene were taken periodically during the test. The samples were analyzed to identify the degradation products formed and the quantity of these products. From these data it was possible to determine the degradation rate of the working fluid and the generation rate of noncondensible gases. A further goal of this work was to relate the degradation observed in the dynamic operating loop to degradation obtained in isothermal capsule tests. This relationship was the basis for estimating the power loop degradation in the Space Station Organic Rankine Cycle system

    The reduction of supersonic jet noise using pulsed microjet injection

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 99).This thesis is concerned with the active control of supersonic jet noise using pulsed microjet injection at the nozzle exit. Experimental investigations were carried out using this control method on an ideally expanded Mach 1.8 jet operating at 900, 1300 and 1700'F. Six Bosch fuel injectors were modified and mounted on a toroidal manifold around a Mach 1.8 nozzle. Noise data were collected from the jet at baseline condition, which refers to the uncontrolled case. The injectors were fired at pressures of 400 and 800 psig, using water, at frequencies of 1, 5 and 10 Hz and at duty cycles of 50 and 75%. For comparison, acoustic data were also collected from the jet while the microjets were injecting steadily at a constant pressure. The results led to the following two conclusions: for injection at a given mass flow rate, noise reductions are higher with pulsed injection compared to the steady case, and for injection at a given pressure, the amount of noise reduction increases with duty cycle. In particular, for pulsing at a 50% duty cycle, pulsing achieves comparable noise reduction as compared to steady injection at all of the temperatures tested while using only 66% of the mass flow rate. The most dramatic result was achieved at 17000F for pulsing at a 75% duty cycle with an injection pressure of 800 psig. In this case, pulsing achieves 317% of the noise reduction as compared to steady injection (corresponding to 2.6 and 0.8 dB respectively) while using a comparable amount of water. Similar results were obtained at lower temperatures as well. At all operating points it was found that less water is used with pulsing to achieve a given noise reduction, and is realized at the cost of a higher injection pressure. Suggestions are provided as to how to determine the frequency and duty cycle required for maximum noise suppression with the least amount of water.by Paul Aaron Ragaller.S.M

    Response of HIV-infected patients with syphilis to therapy with penicillin or intravenous ceftriaxone

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ceftriaxone is commonly used as an alternative antibiotic drug in treating syphilis but clinical data on its efficacy are limited. Objective: To evaluate the response of HIV-infected patients with active syphilis to treatment with penicillin or ceftriaxone.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective study involving 24 consecutive patients with a positive Veneral Disease Research Laboratory test (VDRL) and at least one specific treponemal test. 12 patients were treated with different regimens of high-dose penicillin G for at least 2 weeks. Another 12 patients were treated with ceftriaxone 1-2 g per day intravenously for 10-21 days.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After a median follow up of 18,3 months all patients of the penicillin-treated group and 11 of 12 ceftriaxone-treated patients showed a ≥ 4-fold decline in VDRL-titers; 91% of them already within 6 months after therapy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our serological data demonstrate a comparable efficacy of currently recommened penicillin and ceftriaxone treatment regimens for active syphilis in HIV-infected patients.</p

    Late Life-Threatening Hemorrhage after Percutaneous Tracheostomy

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    Purpose. Formation of a tracheoinnominate artery fistula (TIF) and consecutive hemorrhage is a rare and life-threatening complication with high mortality. Warning symptoms can be absent. The current literature contains only few considerations for misleading signs, especially in cases where the contact between the tissue and the cannula is tight. Method and Results. We report two cases of life-threatening hemorrhages that appeared six days and two months after percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy (PDT) in two patients, respectively. In these cases, diagnosis of tracheoinnominate artery fistula (TIF) was difficult. Tracheal ring fracture after PDT and pressure ulceration caused by cannula were implicated in TIF formation. The cannula was overblocked to buy time before surgical closure. Both patients survived without any additional neurological deficiency. Conclusion. Massive hemorrhage in patients after tracheostomy is likely due to TIF. Ultrasound scanning before PDT and careful periodical followup of the trachea are required

    A telling silence: Nietzsche on the downfall of the dialectic

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    A Telling Silence: Nietzsche on the Downfall of the Dialectic presents a rereading of Nietzsche's work in the German original with a view to the conspicuous silence in which Nietzsche shrouds his relationship to the dialectic. The study shows how this silence is betrayed in the intricacies of Nietzsche's writing, and in turn betrays the nature of his relationship to the dialectic as integral to his minking and inherent in his historical position as a philosopher. Nietzsche's distinct use of the terms Wiederkehr and Wiederkunft indicates that he thinks his fundamental thought specifically as Wiederkunft and, correspondingly, determines being as bringing-forth, as giving-birth, as Niederkunft. Since Niederkunft, in metaphysical terms, describes the tragic act per se, this definition of being coincides with the definition of being as tragedy, which had preoccupied Nietzsche since his youth. An inquiry into the fact that Nietzsche hardly speaks of work at all shows, accordingly, that he renounces the notion of the human that has characterized Western philosophy since Plato. As the first thinker of the West, he defines the human not in work, but in labour and in this sense not as man, but as woman - signalling, thus, a solution to the dead end of the master-slave-dialectic. Finally, the study questions the tradition of reading Nietzsche's thinking as explosion, which prevails in Nietzsche scholarship to date, and presents Nietzsche's minking as the antidote to the explosive age of dialectics. As it ascribes to Nietzsche's thinking the implosion of the dialectical age as well as the emergence of a new era of human life on earth, it depicts his thinking in essence as the Niederkunft of the Western system of thought, and subsequently examines its implications today
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