870 research outputs found

    Analisis Rasio Keuangan Camel Untuk Menilai Kinerja Bank Persero Konvensional Di Indonesia Periode 2010 – 2012

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    The research was conducted at the state-owned banks in Indonesia Conventional whosefinancial statements have been published. The purpose of this study was to assess the performanceof state-owned banks in Indonesia Conventional period 2010 - 2012 in terms of financial ratiosCAMEL. Sources of data used in this study is an overview of data in the form of internal Internalcompany, the profile of each Government-Owned Commercial Banks (Persero) Conventional, dataon the number of customers, the legal foundation of the establishment of State-Owned CommercialBanks (Persero) Conventional and securities licensing, and financial statement data are derivedfrom the data of four (4) financial statements of the Government-Owned Commercial Banks(Persero) Conventional in Indonesia for three (3) consecutive years, ie 2010-2012. While the sourceof the data came from state-owned banks in Indonesia Conventional whose financial statementshave been published by Bank Indonesia. The financial statement data used consist of a balancesheet and income statement.Variables used to assess the performance of state-owned banks in Indonesia is Conventionalfinancial ratios CAMEL, consisting of the ratio Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Bad Debt RatioRatio (BDR), Return on Assets ratio (ROA), Return on Equity ratio (ROE ), Ratio of Net InterestMargin (NIM), Ratio of Operating Expenses to Operating Income (ROA), and the ratio of loan todeposit ratio (LDR). This variable is an independent variable, where the independent variable is theindependent variable, not the independent variable is always paired with the dependent variable. Soin this study the researcher did not make comparisons and are not looking for a relationship withother variables. Therefore, research like this is called descriptive research.Results of this study indicate the financial performance of state-owned banks in Indonesiaas a whole Conventional each CAMEL financial ratios from 2010 to 2012, the ratio of CapitalAdequacy Ratio (CAR), Bad Debt Ratio Ratio (BDR), Return on Assets ratio (ROA ), Ratio Return onEquity (ROE), Ratio of Net Interest Margin (NIM), and the ratio of loan to deposit ratio (LDR) hasfluctuated increased, while the ratio of Operating Expenses to Operating Income (ROA) decreasedfrom 77.73% to 70 , 96 so it should be increased operating income, respectively Conventionalowned banks in Indonesia. Broadly speaking, its financial performance is in accordance with BankIndonesia, but there needs to be an increase in the ratios, especially the ratio Ratio of OperatingExpenses to Operating Income (ROA). This shows that the performance of state-owned banks inIndonesia Conventional CAMEL ratios in terms of the provisions of Bank Indonesia, so it can beconcluded that its financial performance from 2010 to 2012 quite well

    Jet-cloud interations and the brightening of the narrow line region in Seyfert galaxies

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    We study the kinematical and brightness evolution of emission line clouds in the narrow line region (NLR) of Seyfert galaxies during the passage of a jet. We derive a critical density above which a cloud remains radiative after compression by the jet cocoon. The critical density depends mainly on the cocoon pressure. Super-critical clouds increase in emission line brightness, while sub-critical clouds generally are highly overheated reducing their luminosity below that of the inter-cloud medium. Due to the pressure stratification in the bow-shock of the jet, a cylindrical structure of nested shells develops around the jet. The most compact and brightest compressed clouds surround the cloud-free channel of the radio jet. To support our analytical model we present a numerical simulation of a supersonic jet propagating into a clumpy NLR. The position-velocity diagram of the simulated H_alpha emission shows total line widths of the order of 500 km/s with large-scale variations in the radial velocities of the clouds due to the stratified pressure in the bow-shock region of the jet. Most of the luminosity is concentrated in a few dense clouds surrounding the jet. These morphological and kinematic signatures are all found in the well observed NLR of NGC1068 and other Seyfert galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Interaction of Infall and Winds in Young Stellar Objects

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    The interaction of a stellar or disk wind with a collapsing environment holds promise for explaining a variety of outflow phenomena observed around young stars. In this paper we present the first simulations of these interactions. The focus here is on exploring how ram pressure balance between wind and ambient gas and post-shock cooling affects the shape of the resulting outflows. In our models we explore the role of ram pressure and cooling by holding the wind speed constant and adjusting the ratio of the inflow mass flux to the wind mass flux (Mdot_a/Mdot_w) Assuming non-spherical cloud collapse, we find that relatively strong winds can carve out wide, conical outflow cavities and that relatively weak winds can be strongly collimated into jet-like structures. If the winds become weak enough, they can be cut off entirely by the infalling environment. We identify discrepancies between results from standard snowplow models and those presented here that have important implications for molecular outflows. We also present mass vs. velocity curves for comparison with observations.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures (PNG and EPS

    The transverse velocity and excitation structure of the HH 110 jet

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    We present long-slit spectroscopic observations of the HH 110 jet obtained with the 4.2~m William Herschel Telescope. We have obtained for the first time, spectra for slit positions along and across the jet axis (at the position of knots B, C, I, J and P) to search for the observational signatures of entrainment and turbulence by studying the kinematics and the excitation structure. We find that the HH 110 flow accelerates from a velocity of 35 km/s in knot A up to 110 km/s in knot P. We find some systematic trends for the variation of the emission line ratios along the jet. No clear trends for the variation of the radial velocity are seen across the width of the jet beam. The cross sections of the jet show complex radial velocity and line emission structures which differ quite strongly from each other.Comment: 1 tar fil

    3-D Kinematics of the HH 110 jet

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    We present new results on the kinematics of the jet HH 110. New proper motion measurements have been calculated from [SII] CCD images obtained with a time baseline of nearly fifteen years. HH 110 proper motions show a strong asymmetry with respect to the outflow axis, with a general trend of pointing towards the west of the axis direction. Spatial velocities have been obtained by combining the proper motions and radial velocities from Fabry-Perot data. Velocities decrease by a factor ~3 over a distance of ~1018^{18} cm, much shorter than the distances expected for the braking caused by the jet/environment interaction. Our results show evidence of an anomalously strong interaction between the outflow and the surrounding environment, and are compatible with the scenario in which HH 110 emerges from a deflection in a jet/cloud collision.Comment: (1)Universitat de Barcelona; (2)UNAM; (3)UPC; (4)University of Hawaii; (5)Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope. 9 pages; 7 Figures Accepted by A&

    Bipolar molecular outflows driven by hydromagnetic protostellar winds

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    We demonstrate that magnetically-collimated protostellar winds will sweep ambient material into thin, radiative, momentum-conserving shells whose features reproduce those commonly observed in bipolar molecular outflows. We find the typical position-velocity and mass-velocity relations to occur in outflows in a wide variety of ambient density distributions, regardless of the time histories of their driving winds.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, submitted to ApJ

    Star formation triggered by SN explosions: an application to the stellar association of ÎČ\beta Pictoris

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    In the present study, considering the physical conditions that are relevant in interactions between supernova remnants (SNRs) and dense molecular clouds for triggering star formation we have built a diagram of SNR radius versus cloud density in which the constraints above delineate a shaded zone where star formation is allowed. We have also performed fully 3-D radiatively cooling numerical simulations of the impact between SNRs and clouds under different initial conditions in order to follow the initial steps of these interactions. We determine the conditions that may lead either to cloud collapse and star formation or to complete cloud destruction and find that the numerical results are consistent with those of the SNR-cloud density diagram. Finally, we have applied the results above to the ÎČ−\beta-Pictoris stellar association which is composed of low mass Post-T Tauri stars with an age of 11 Myr. It has been recently suggested that its formation could have been triggered by the shock wave produced by a SN explosion localized at a distance of about 62 pc that may have occurred either in the Lower Centaurus Crux (LCC) or in the Upper Centaurus Lupus (UCL) which are both nearby older subgroups of that association (Ortega and co-workers). Using the results of the analysis above we have shown that the suggested origin for the young association at the proposed distance is plausible only for a very restricted range of initial conditions for the parent molecular cloud, i.e., a cloud with a radius of the order of 10 pc and density of the order of 20 cm−3^{-3} and a temperature of the order of 50−-100 K.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, to appear in MNRA

    Position-Velocity Diagrams for the Maser Emission coming from a Keplerian Ring

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    We have studied the maser emission from a thin, planar, gaseous ring in Keplerian rotation around a central mass observed edge-on. The absorption coefficient within the ring is assumed to follow a power law dependence with the distance from the central mass as, k=k0r^{-q}. We have calculated position-velocity diagrams for the most intense maser features, for different values of the exponent q. We have found that, depending on the value of q, these diagrams can be qualitatively different. The most intense maser emission at a given velocity can either come mainly from regions close to the inner or outer edges of the amplifying ring or from the line perpendicular to the line of sight and passing through the central mass (as is commonly assumed). Particularly, when q>1 the position-velocity diagram is qualitatively similar to the one observed for the water maser emission in the nucleus of the galaxy NGC 4258. In the context of this simple model, we conclude that in this object the absorption coefficient depends on the radius of the amplifying ring as a decreasing function, in order to have significant emission coming from the inner edge of the ring.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the 2007 July 20 issue of The Astrophysical Journa
