33 research outputs found

    Coherent control of multipartite entanglement

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    Quantum entanglement between an arbitrary number of remote qubits is examined analytically. We show that there is a non-probabilistic way to address in one context the management of entanglement of an arbitrary number of mixed-state qubits by engaging quantitative measures of entanglement and a specific external control mechanism. Both all-party entanglement and weak inseparability are considered. We show that for N4N\ge4, the death of all-party entanglement is permanent after an initial collapse. In contrast, weak inseparability can be deterministically managed for an arbitrarily large number of qubits almost indefinitely. Our result suggests a picture of the path that the system traverses in the Hilbert space

    Bounding the entanglement of N qubits with only four measurements

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    We introduce a new measure for the genuinely N-partite (all-party) entanglement of N-qubit states using the trace distance metric, and find an algebraic formula for the GHZ-diagonal states. We then use this formula to show how the all-party entanglement of experimentally produced GHZ states of an arbitrary number of qubits may be bounded with only four measurements

    Violating Bell inequality using weak coherent states

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    We present an experimental investigation of two-photon interference using a continuous-wave laser. We demonstrate the violation of the CHSH inequality using the phase randomized weak coherent states from a continuous wave laser. Our implementation serves as an approach to reveal the quantum nature of a source that is considered to be a classical source.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Genuinely Multipartite Concurrence of N-qubit X-matrices

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    We find an algebraic formula for the N-partite concurrence of N qubits in an X-matrix. X- matricies are density matrices whose only non-zero elements are diagonal or anti-diagonal when written in an orthonormal basis. We use our formula to study the dynamics of the N-partite entanglement of N remote qubits in generalized N-party Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states. We study the case when each qubit interacts with a partner harmonic oscillator. It is shown that only one type of GHZ state is prone to entanglement sudden death; for the rest, N-partite entanglement dies out momentarily. Algebraic formulas for the entanglement dynamics are given in both cases

    Hanbury Brown and Twiss Interferometry with Twisted Light

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    The rich physics exhibited by random optical wave fields permitted Hanbury Brown and Twiss to unveil fundamental aspects of light. Furthermore, it has been recognized that optical vortices are ubiquitous in random light and that the phase distribution around these optical singularities inprints a spectrum of orbital angular momentum onto a light field. We demonstrate that random fluctuations of light give rise to the formation of correlations in the orbital angular momentum components and angular positions of pseudothermal light. The presence of these correlations is manisfested through distinct interference structures in the orbital angular momentum-mode distribution of random light. These novel forms of interference correspond to the azimuthal analog of the Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect. This family of effects can be of fundamental importance in applications where entanglement is not required and where correlations in angular position and orbital angular momentum suffice. We also suggest that the azimuthal Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect can be useful in the exploration of novel phenomena in other branches of physics and astrophysics.Comment: Science Advance

    Tavis-Cummings model beyond the rotating wave approximation: Quasi-degenerate qubits

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    The Tavis-Cummings model for more than one qubit interacting with a common oscillator mode is extended beyond the rotating wave approximation (RWA). We explore the parameter regime in which the frequencies of the qubits are much smaller than the oscillator frequency and the coupling strength is allowed to be ultra-strong. The application of the adiabatic approximation, introduced by Irish, et al. (Phys. Rev. B \textbf{72}, 195410 (2005)), for a single qubit system is extended to the multi-qubit case. For a two-qubit system, we identify three-state manifolds of close-lying dressed energy levels and obtain results for the dynamics of intra-manifold transitions that are incompatible with results from the familiar regime of the RWA. We exhibit features of two-qubit dynamics that are different from the single qubit case, including calculations of qubit-qubit entanglement. Both number state and coherent state preparations are considered, and we derive analytical formulas that simplify the interpretation of numerical calculations. Expressions for individual collapse and revival signals of both population and entanglement are derived.Comment: 12 Pages, 8 Figures. Comparison to the rotating wave approximation adde