4 research outputs found

    Rendimiento y componentes de rendimiento de papaya fertilizada con gallinaza en un suelo Coto (Typic Eutrustox)

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    A field experiment was established on Coto clay (Typic Eutrustox) to evaluate the use of chicken manure as fertilizer for papaya. Four manure rates (0, 5,10 and 15 t/ha) were evaluated in all possible combinations with four rates of inorganic fertilizer (0, 56, 112 and 224 g/plant/month of 15-15-15). Fresh and dry weight of papaya leaves (petioles and blades) increased significantly with manure applications, but no effect of inorganic fertilizer treatments was observed. Phosphorus and potassium concentration in papaya blades was higher in plots receiving 15 t/ha of chicken manure. Fertilizer applications increased K content in blades and decreased magnesium content. Both manure and fertilizer treatments increased fruit yield. The application of 10 and 15 t/ha of manure resulted in fruit yields of 42.19 and 54.76 t/ha. These yields were significantly higher than the yields obtained with the 0 and 5 t/ha treatments. The 0, 56,112 and 224 g/plant/month fertilizer treatments resulted in fruit yields of 28.11, 42.60, 37.22 and 38.25 t/ha, respectively. The yield of the 0 fertilizer treatment was significantly lower, but no significant difference was observed among the other fertilizer treatments. Chicken manure applications increased soil available phosphorus (Bray 1-P) from 16.57 to 28.64 mg/kg, and soil exchangeable potassium from 0.12 to 0.19 cmolc/kg. Fertilizer applications had no significant effect on these two parameters. A significant correlation was observed between papaya yield and Bray 1-P. A Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.65 was obtained when both manure and inorganic fertilizer plots were considered. The correlation coefficient increased to 0.82 when only manure-treated plots were considered, but decreased to 0.25 when only fertilizer-treated plots were considered. Manure applications were more effective in increasing soil available phosphorus than fertilizer applications. Manure applications apparently prevent phosphorus fixation on Coto clay, increasing soil available phosphorus and thus favoring higher fruit yields.聽Se estableci贸 un experimento en un suelo Coto (Typic Eutrustox) para evaluar el uso de gallinaza como fertilizante para papaya. Cuatro niveles de gallinaza (0, 5,10 y 15 t/ha) y cuatro niveles de fertilizante inorg谩nico 15-15-15 (0,56,112 y 224 g/planta/mes) se evaluaron en todas las posibles combinaciones. Las aplicaciones de gallinaza aumentaron significativamente el peso fresco y seco de las hojas (peciolos y l谩minas), pero no se observ贸 efecto alguno del fertilizante inorg谩nico. Las concentraciones de f贸sforo y potasio aumentaron significativamente en las l谩minas con la aplicaci贸n de 15 t/ha de gallinaza. Las aplicaciones de fertilizante aumentaron el contenido de potasio de las l谩minas y disminuyeron el contenido de magnesio. La producci贸n de papaya aument贸 significativamente con las aplicaciones de gallinaza y fertilizante. La aplicaci贸n de 10 y 15 t/ha de gallinaza result贸 en una producci贸n de frutas de 42.19 y 54.75 t/ha, respectivamente. Estas producciones fueron significativamente superiores a las obtenidas con las aplicaciones de 0 y 5 t/ha. Los tratamientos de 0, 56,112 y 224 g/planta/mes de fertilizante resultaron en una producci贸n de frutas de 28.11, 42.60, 37.22 y 38.25 t/ha, respectivamente. La producci贸n obtenida con el tratamiento de 0 fertilizante fue significativamente inferior a las de los otros tratamientos, las cuales fueron similares entre s铆. Las aplicaciones de gallinaza aumentaron el f贸sforo disponible (Bray 1-P) de 16.57 a 28.64 mg/kg y el potasio intercambiable de 0.12 a 0.19 cmolc/kg. Las aplicaciones de fertilizante no afectaron estos dos par谩metros. Se observ贸 una correlaci贸n significativa entre la producci贸n de frutas y el Bray 1-P. El coeficiente de correlaci贸n de Pearson fue 0.65 cuando se consideraron todas las parcelas experimentales. Este coeficiente aument贸 a 0.82 al considerarse solamente las parcelas tratadas con gallinaza, y disminuy贸 a 0.25 al considerarse solamente las parcelas tratadas con fertilizante. La gallinaza fue m谩s efectiva que el fertilizante en aumentar el f贸sforo disponible del suelo. La gallinaza aparentemente previene la fijaci贸n de f贸sforo en el suelo Coto, aumentando su disponibilidad y propiciando una mayor producci贸n de frutas


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    Tillage Effects on a Crop Rotation of Yam, Eggplant, Bean and Corn in Oxisol, Ultisol and Vertisol Soils in Puerto Rico

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    Three tillage methods, conventional till, minimum till and deep till versus no till and their respective interaction with three fertilizer levels (0, lx and 2x the recommended amount) were evaluated in a crop rotation that included yam (.Dioscorea alata L.), eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and corn (Zea mays L.). The experiment was established at three ecologically different locations with three different soil orders: Ultisol, Oxisol and Vertisol. Yam, the first crop in the rotation, was planted after soil preparation according to the treatments. The crops that followed in the rotation were planted no till in the same plots. A fifth treatment, in which all crops in the rotation were planted under conventional tillage, was used as a check. Yield response of the rotation crops varied with location. Yam yields in the no till plots were significantly lower than in the conventional till plots in the Ultisol and Vertisol soils, but not in the Oxisol soil. Response to fertilizer was observed only in the Oxisol. Yield response of eggplant with respect to the tillage treatments was similar to that observed for yams, thus suggesting that there was a residual effect of tillage. For the bean and corn crops, the third and fourth crops of the rotation, the residual effect of the tillage practices performed at the beginning of the rotation cycle was little if any

    Efecto de la labranza y el abonamiento en el rendimiento del 帽ame (Dioscorea alata L.)

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    In Puerto Rico yam (Dioscorea spp.) is usually planted in thoroughly tilled soils of the mountain region. An experiment was established in an Ultisol (aquic tropudults), a Vertisol (udic chromusterts) and an Oxisol tropeptic haplorthox) to study the effect of tillage and fertilizer rates on yield of the Binugas yam (Dioscorea alata L.). Three tillage treatments (conventional, deep and minimum) were compared to no-till; and three fertilizer levels (0, 1X and 2X the recommended level) were evaluated. The highest yields were observed in the conventionally tilled plots but differences among tillage treatments were significant only in the Ultisol and Vertisol soils. At these sites, yields under no-tillage were significantly lower than those under conventional tillage. No yield response to tillage was observed in the Oxisol, possibly because of the good physical condition of this soil. Response to fertilizer treatments was observed only in the Oxisol, a soil of low native fertility.En Puerto Rico el 帽ame (Dioscorea spp. ) usualmente se siembra en terrenos bajo labranza intensiva en la zona monta帽osa. Se estudi贸 el efecto de la labranza y los niveles de abonamiento en la producci贸n del 帽ame Binugas (Dioscorea alata L.) en tres suelos de diferentes propiedades f铆sicas y qu铆micas: un Ultisol (aquic tropudults), un Vertisol (udic chromusterts) y un Oxisol (tropeptic haplorthox). Se compararon tres tipos de labranza (convencional, profunda y m铆nima) con la no labranza y tres niveles de abonamiento (0, 1X y 2X el nivel recomendado para este cultivo). Los rendimientos m谩s altos se obtuvieron en las parcelas labradas convencionalmente; las diferencias, sin embargo, fueron significativas s贸lo en los suelos Ultisol y Vertisol. En 茅stos los rendimientos de las parcelas sin labranza fueron significativamente menores que en las parcelas labradas convencionalmente. En el suelo Oxisol las diferencias en rendimiento no fueron significativas debido posiblemente a las buenas condiciones f铆sicas de ese suelo. Sin embargo, s贸lo en el Oxisol hubo respuesta a la aplicaci贸n de fertilizante. Los an谩lisis de suelo realizados al iniciar el experimento indicaron que la fertilidad del predio era de media a baja