6 research outputs found

    Seasonal Variation in Exposure Level of Types A and B Ultraviolet Radiation: An Environmental Skin Carcinogen

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    Background: The main source of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is the sun, affecting organs such as the skin, eyes, and immune system. According to American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH) reports, the amount of UVR reaching the Earth’s surface is increasing yearly and is responsible for an increase in solar radiation‑related diseases. Aims: To investigate the amount of UVR reaching the Earth’s surface and understand the risk of UVR on disease among outdoor laborers in one of the central provinces of Iran.Materials and Methods: Arak city was divided into two geographic areas, and the weekly measurement of UVR was done in three locations) asphalt, grass and rooftop). To measure UVR, Hanger UV spectrometer, standard deviation (SD8‑A), and SD8‑B detectors were used. Amounts of UVR for a consecutive year and varying weather conditions were measured. Finally, values obtained were compared to ACGIH standards. Results: The minimum and maximum levels of UV type A radiation occurred in April 1.27 (0.724) W/m2 and September 7.147 (4.128) W/m2, these figures for UV type B were in March–April 0.005 (0.003) and September 0.083 (0.077). The maximum UVR is received between 11 and 15 o’clock.Conclusions: In the central cities of Iran, the minimum and maximum UV type A and B is received in March–April and in September, respectively. Based on the results, the angular position of the sun in the sky, cloud cover, and height from ground level affected the amount of UVR received, but the geographic locations studied did not.  Keywords: Outdoor Job, Skin Cancer, Carcinogen, Ultraviolet radiation, Ultraviolet A, Ultraviolet B, Ira

    Evaluation of egg vitamins A and E content in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) broodstock affected by different levels of synthetic and natural (Heamatococcus pluvialis) astaxanthin

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    In present research, effect of dietary astaxanthin levels in sources of synthetic and algal on vitamins A and E content of egg rainbow trout broodstock was investigated, totally for 120 days. It was considered seven groups consisting six treatments (T1-T6) in two different astaxanthin sources and control (C). According to experiment design, treatments were arranged as algal astaxanthin (Haematococcus pluvialis) in the three levels of 2.67, 3.55 and 8gr/kg food (T1, T2, T3); and synthetic astaxanthin in three levels of 40, 80 and 120mg/kg food (T4, T5, T6). Egg vitamins A and E content in obtained eggs from all treatments during spawning season was measured. The highest (280.88± 22.51 ng) and the lowest (147.82± 12.71ng) amount of vitamin A were observed in T2 and control group, respectively. The highest (19.71± 2.92µg) and the lowest (5.27± 0.51µg) amount of vitamin E were obtained in T3 and control group, respectively. By increasing level of astaxanthin in both sources of algal and synthetic, content of vitamin E in egg increased but the effect of algal source on these indices was more perfect. In general present study show that, feeding broodstock affected on quality content of egg, It also concluded that natural astaxanthin (Haematococcus pluvialis) for the reason that contains supplementary nutritious, is extraordinary preferable than synthetic astaxanthin to improve vitamins content of egg in rainbow trout