9 research outputs found

    Influence of Addition the Aluminium Sulphate to River Water which contents by Total Suspended Solid in Lok Bahu Samarinda

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    This study aims to determine the effect of adding Aluminum Sulphate levels in river water to changes in TSS levels in Lok Bahu river water in Samarinda. This research was conducted in March 2017. The experiment was divided into 20 liters of water each and then treated from control to 7 grams of Aluminum Sulfate, observations and measurements were made after 24 hours and 48 hours. The results of temperature measurements in river water during the study showed that the water temperature did not show high variations, the results ranged from 26°C - 30°C. For the results of measuring the pH of the water during the study, it showed that the pH of the water after being given Aluminum Sulfate decreased. The result is in the range of 4-6, the addition of alum to the water will cause the water to become acidic, which causes the pH of the water to drop. Data analysis using Linear Regression obtained the results that Y = 21.584 - 2.881 X after 24 hours of TSS measurement, while Y = 17.334 - 1.881 X after 48 hours of TSS measurement. The results of this study also showed that 0 hours the TSS level was 36 mg/l, presumably because the water was polluted by tofu factory waste, tempeh and household waste. that is 6 mg/l. The results of this study indicate that the amount of Aluminum Sulfate given to river water is enough to add 2 grams to 20 liters of river water, so that the pH of the water can be maintained and meet the quality standards of clean water with a water pH between 6-9

    Potential Anti-Bacteria From Sponge Types Find On The Seaweed Ecosystem In The Waters Of Melahing Island, Bontang City

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    The amount of bioactive content in sponge showed that sponge has many potential such as antibacterial. This study aims to determine the type of sponge and antibacterial potential of Sponge extract found in seagrass ecosystems in the waters of Melahing Island, Bontang City against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria. The extractions used were maceration extraction (immersion) and testing with nutrient agar medium (NA). The test was performed using Cup-plate thechnique method, with three concentrations of sponge extract test of 125 μg / 50 μL, 250 μg / 50 μL and 500 μg / 50 μL and two repetitions. From 9 (Nine) samples found only 8 (eight) can be identified is Haliclona sp., Clathria Sp., Erylusformosus, Aplysinacarvenicola, Tedaniaignis, Lissodendoryx sp., Ircinia sp., And Petrosia sp. That sponge which has the greatest antibacterial potential against S. aureus and E. coli bacteria is Irciniasp. With the inhibitory zone diameter of S. aureus bacteria ie 13 mm and inhibition zone of E. coli bacteria ie 12.3 mm. Sponge which has the smallest antibacterial potential in S. aureus bacteria is Tedaniaignis with a drag zone diameter of 2 mm and on E. coli bacteria is Clathria sp. With a drag zone diameter of 2.15 mm


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    Rimpang Lengkuas (Alpinia galanga L.) merupakan tanaman yang telah banyak digunakan sebagai rempah dan obat tradisional dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tanaman ini mengandung senyawa bioaktif flavonoid yang memiliki efek antioksidan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ketinggian tempat tumbuh terhadap aktivitas antiokasidan dan toksisitas dari ekstrak rimpang lengkuas (Alpinia galanga L.). Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan cara maserasi sedangkan kadar polifenol dan flavonoid total dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Folin-ciocalteu dan metode kolorimetri yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan alat spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Uji aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode DPPH (2,2-Difenil-1-Pikrihidrazil) dan sitotoksisitas dengan menggunakan metode BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethaly Test). Ekstraksi menggunakan pelarut etil asetat diperoleh rendemen sebesar 2,24% untuk dataran rendah,  3,51% dataran sedang dan dataran tinggi sebesar 3,77%. Analisis kadar fenolik dan flavanoid diperoleh berturut turut dari dataran rendah ke tinggi sebesar 6,08±0,26% dan 2,25±0,05%, 5,09±0,14% dan 1,09±0,08, 5,47±0,24% dan 1,16±0,3%. Aktifitas antioksidan yang tertinggi diperoleh pada dataran rendah diperoleh IC50 332,48 bpj, kemudian pada dataran tinggi dengan IC50 447,14 bpj dan pada dataran sedang diperoleh IC50 sebesar 518,57 bpj. Uji sitotoksik terhadap ketiga ekstrak menunjukkan hasil LC50 yang tidak terlalu berbeda antara ketiga lokasi tersebut

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran pada Mata Pelajaran\ud Pendidikan Agama Islam di SDN Simpang Nungki Kecamatan Cerbon\ud Kabupaten Barito Kuala

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    Penelitian ini mengungkapkan tentang penerapan metode pembelajaran\ud pada mata pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SDN Simpang Nungki\ud Kecamatan Cerbon Kabupaten Barito Kuala dengan perumusan masalah sebagai\ud berikut: Bagaimana penerapan metode pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran PAI di\ud SDN Simpang Nungki Kecamatan Cerbon kabupaten Barito Kuala dan faktorfaktor\ud apa saja yang mempengaruhinya.\ud Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dengan jelas\ud penerapan metode Pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran PAI di SDN Simpang\ud Nungki Kecamatan Cerbon kabupaten Barito Kuala dan faktor-faktor yang\ud mempengaruhinya.\ud Subjek penelitian ini adalah seorang guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran\ud PAI di SDN simpang Nungki Kecamatan Cerbon Kabupaten Barito Kuala.\ud Sedangkan objek penelitian ini adalah penerapan metode pembelajaran pada mata\ud pelajaran PAI di SDN Simpang Nungki Kecamatan Cerbon Kabupaten Barito\ud Kuala.\ud Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi,\ud wawancara dan dokumenter. Sedangkan dalam pengolahan data digunakan teknik\ud pengumpulan data, editing dan klasifikasi data. Untuk analisis data menggunakan\ud analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggambarkan/ mendeskrifsikan kejadian\ud yang sesungguhnya dalam bentuk uraian kalimat, kemudian mengambil\ud kesimpulan dengan metode induktif deduktif yaitu menarik kesimpulan dari halhal\ud yang bersifat khusus kepada hal-hal yang bersifat umum.\ud Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa penerapan metode\ud pembelajaran yang Jenis metode yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan\ud Agama Islam di SDN Simpang Nungki Kecamatan Cerbon Kabupaten Barito\ud Kuala adalah metode ceramah, metode tanya jawab, dan metode drill.\ud Adapun keterampilan guru dalam penerapan metode dalam\ud pembelajaran Pendididkan Agama Islam di SDN Simpang Nungki Kecamatan\ud Cerbon Kabupaten Barito Kuala bisa dikatakan terampil dan terlaksana dengan\ud baik dalam penggunaannya, sedangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya\ud adalah latar belakang pendidikan guru yang sangat sesuai dengan pelajaran PAI,\ud pengalaman mengajar yang sangat lama dan mendukung, serta adanya motivasi\ud dari berbagai pihak bersangkutan di tempat tersebut untuk pembelajaran\ud Pendidikan Agama Islam


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    Buried in the waters of Bontang City has a diverse reef ecosystem, which grows around the seashore, based on the results of a survey that has been Conducted by the Marine Service and Fisheries Bontang City, has been found types of corals are hard coral and soft coral. Hard Coral is more dominant found than soft coral. This research aims to determine the types of coral lifeform found in the wet Rice island of the Bontang City and to know the percentage cover of coral reefs in the wet rice island of Bontang City. The research was held in June-July 2019 observations Carried out on 4 stations using the method of LIT (Line intersept transect) by holding the transect for 50 meters parallel to the coastline. Research results The types of coral reef lifeforms found in the waters of Beras Basah Island are: Acropora Branching (ACB), AcroporaDigitate (ACD), Acropora Tabulate (ACT), Coral Massive (CM), CoralEncrusting (CE), Coral Mushroom (CMR), danCoral Foliose (CF) and average coral cover percentage in Wet Rice Island is 29.1% with medium coral cover category, Diversity index (H ') in research area included in low category, index Uniformity (E) is included in the high category and the Dominancy Index (C) belongs to the low category which means no lifeform dominates on the observation area


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    The Mahakam River is the largest river that divides the province of East Kalimantan, where its flow circles the areas of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Kutai Barat Regency and Samarinda City. Community activities such as household activities, plantations, fishery cultivation and mining are daily activities along the river. The existence of Gagok fish (Mystus wolffii) which is easily found by the community as a result of their daily catch in the Mahakam had been made an object used as an indicator organism of heavy metal pollution due to activities along the river. This research was conducted for 6 months, at 5 stations based on where the Gagok fish (Mystus wolffii) was caught by analyzing the heavy metal content in the gills, kidneys and meat of Gagok fish (Mystus wolffii) and related to the influence of water quality using atomic absorption analysis (AAS) and Chi-square test. The conclusion showed that the heavy metal content found in the kidneys was dominated by Cu with a value ranging from 0.33 mg / kg - 0.76 mg / kg, in the gills was dominated by Pb, with a value ranging from 0.34 mg / kg - 0.90 mg / kg, and in the meat the Pb and Cu values were not dominant, while Hg was not found in all parts. However, after being compared with the metal quality standard in organisms (SK Dirjen POM no 072/B/SK/VII/89) it is below the maximum contamination limit


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    Fungiidae is one of the free-living coral species and able to live on variety of substrates. Most of these species can be found on reef slopes that have coral fracture substrate. The study of distribution of hard coral family Fungiidae was carried out in June to July 2018 in Bontang waters with 4 research stations namely Station I (Segajah), Station II (Malahing), Station III (Kedindingan) and Station IV (Tihi-Tihi). The study aim was to determine the distribution and diversity of Fungiidae and its species in the waters of Bontang City. The study was done by random sampling method (Proposive random sampling) using a Scuba set. The results showed there were 35 individuals of Fungiidae and the distribution of Fungiidae was 17 (seventeen) species representing 6 (six) genera, namely genus Fungia, Heliofungia, Herpolitha, Ctenactis, Polyphyllia and Sandalolitha. The highest diversity of species is at Station III, which is obtained by 9 species. The highest diversity of genus is at Station II, which is obtained by 3 genera and Station IV is obtained by 5 genera. Whilst the lowest diversity have been in Station I that have only 1 genus of Fungia

    Analisis Perbandingan Produktivitas Primer pada Ekosistem Terumbu Karang dan Lamun di Perairan Melahing, Bontang

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the differences of primary productivity between coral reef and seagrass ecosystems in the Melahing waters, Bontang, based on tidal conditions. This research was conducted from July to September 2017. Determination of primary productivity was carried out using bright and dark bottles method. Data collection was carried out directly in the field and in the Laboratory. Data analysis used Multivariate Test and T-Test. The results of the study showed that the water quality parameters in the Bontang City met quality standards that referred to KEMENLH NO. 51 of 2004. Primary productivity was found rhigher in coral reef ecosystems compared to seagrass ecosystems, yet there wasno significant difference. Higher abundance of phytoplankton was found in coral reef ecosystems compared to seagrass ecosystems, but there was no significant difference. There was no significant differences among stations for water quality parameters, GPP, NPP and phytoplankton abundance. Yet, temperature, orthophosphate, and total nitrogen showed significant differences between periods of high tide and low tid


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    Post coal mining pond which is located in Kutai Kartanegara has been used by the community for fish cultivation that potentially contain heavy metals. This study aimed to find out the concentration of Copper (Cu) and Iron (Fe) in Tilapia cultivated in post coal mining pond in Jongkang Village, Loa Kulu, Kutai Kartanegara. The main parameters observed were Cu and Fe in the gills and the muscles of fish that has been cultivated for 0 – 3 months, parameters of Cu and Fe in the water and in the sedimen, and water quality were analyzed as supporting data. This research was conducted from January to April 2018. The heavy metals were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric (AAS). The result showed that Cu concentration in the gills ranged from 1,47 to 2,04 mg/kg, while in the muscles ranged from 1,09 to 1,44 mg/kg. The value of Fe in the gills ranged from 261,85 to 304,59 mg/kg, and Fe in the muscles ranged from 43,94 to 76,42 mg/kg. Generally, the heavy metals concentration of Tilapia in 0 month has been high, then the heavy metals concentration has decreased in aged 1 - 2 months but the heavy metals concentration has increased at the age of 3 months. The concentration of Cu and Fe in the gills and muscles have exceeded the quality standard set by SNI 3787 2009