375 research outputs found

    Permeability characterization of stitched carbon fiber preforms by fiber optic sensors

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    The in-plane and through thickness permeability of unidirectional stitched carbon fiber preforms have been determined through vacuum infusion tests. The impregnation of various dry preforms with different stitching characteristics has been monitored by fiber optic sensors that have been stitched together with the dry tow to manufacture the dry preform. The experimental infusion times have been fitted by a numerical procedure based on Finite Element (FE) processing simulations. A good agreement between the numerical and experimental infusion times has been found demonstrating the potentiality of the fiber sensor system as suitable tool to evaluate impregnation times and permeability characteristics

    Fiber Bragg Grating sensors for deformation monitoring of GEM foils in HEP detectors

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    Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors have been so far mainly used in high energy physics (HEP) as high precision positioning and re-positioning sensors and as low cost, easy to mount, radiation hard and low space- consuming temperature and humidity devices. FBGs are also commonly used for very precise strain measurements. In this work we present a novel use of FBGs as flatness and mechanical tensioning sensors applied to the wide Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) foils of the GE1/1 chambers of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of CERN. A network of FBG sensors has been used to determine the optimal mechanical tension applied and to characterize the mechanical stress applied to the foils. The preliminary results of the test performed on a full size GE1/1 final prototype and possible future developments will be discussed.Comment: Four pages, seven figures. Presented by Michele Caponero at IWASI 2015, Gallipoli (Italy

    Experimental and numerical study of vacuum resin infusion of stiffened carbon fiber reinforced panels

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    Liquid resin infusion processes are becoming attractive for aeronautic applications as an alternative to conventional autoclave-based processes. They still present several challenges, which can be faced only with an accurate simulation able to optimize the process parameters and to replace traditional time-consuming trial-and-error procedures. This paper presents an experimentally validated model to simulate the resin infusion process of an aeronautical component by accounting for the anisotropic permeability of the reinforcement and the chemophysical and rheological changes in the crosslinking resin. The input parameters of the model have been experimentally determined. The experimental work has been devoted to the study of the curing kinetics and chemorheological behavior of the thermosetting epoxy matrix and to the determination of both the in-plane and out-of-plane permeability of two carbon fiber preforms using an ultrasonic-based method, recently developed by the authors. The numerical simulation of the resin infusion process involved the modeling of the resin flow through the reinforcement, the heat exchange in the part and within the mold, and the crosslinking reaction of the resin. The time necessary to fill the component has been measured by an optical fiber-based equipment and compared with the simulation results

    Intrahepatic persistent fetal right umbilical vein: a retrospective study

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    Introduction: To appraise the incidence and value of intrahepatic persistent right umbilical vein (PRUV). Methods: This was a single-center study. Records of all women with a prenatal diagnosis of intrahepatic PRUV were reviewed. The inclusion criteria were women with gestational age greater than 13 weeks of gestation. Exclusion criteria were fetuses with situs abnormalities, due to the hepatic venous ambiguity, and extrahepatic PRUV. The primary outcome was the incidence of intrahepatic PRUV in our cohort. The secondary outcomes were associated malformations. Results: 219/57,079 cases (0.38%) of intrahepatic PRUV were recorded. The mean gestational age at diagnosis was 21.8 ± 2.9 weeks of gestations. PRUV was isolated in the 76.7%, while in 23.3% was associated with other major or minor abnormalities. The most common associated abnormalities were cardiovascular abnormalities (8.7%), followed by genitourinary abnormalities (6.4%), skeletal abnormalities (4.6%), and central nervous system abnormalities (4.1%). Within the cardiovascular abnormalities, the most common one was ventricular septal defect (six cases). Conclusion: In most cases PRUV is an isolated finding. Associated minor or major malformations are presented in the 23.3% of the cases, so this finding should prompt detailed prenatal assessment of the fetus, with particular regard to cardiovascular system

    Cms gem detector material study for the hl-lhc

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    A study on the Gaseous Electron Multiplier (GEM) foil material is performed to determine the moisture diffusion rate, moisture saturation level and the effects on its mechanical properties. The study is focused on the foil contact with ambient air and moisture to determine the value of the diffusion coefficient of water in the foil material. The presence of water inside the detector foil can determine the changes in its mechanical and electrical properties. A simulated model is developed with COMSOL Multiphysics v. 4.3 [1] by taking into account the real GEM foil (hole dimensions, shapes and material), which describes the adsorption of water. This work describes the model, its experimental verification, the water diffusion within the entire sheet geometry of the GEM foil, thus gaining concentration profiles and the time required to saturate the system and the effects on the mechanical properties

    Active Surface Structure of SnO2 Catalysts for CO2 Reduction Revealed by Ab Initio Simulations

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    Tin oxide (SnO2) is an efficient catalyst for the CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) to formic acid; however, the understanding of the SnO2 surface structure under working electrocatalytic conditions and the nature of catalytically active sites is a current matter of debate. Here, we employ ab initio density functional theory calculations to investigate how the selectivity and reactivity of SnO2 surfaces toward the CO2RR change at varying surface stoichiometry (i.e., reduction degree). Our results show that SnO2(110) surfaces are not catalytically active for the CO2RR or hydrogen evolution reaction, but rather they reduce under an applied external bias, originating surface structures exposing few metal tin layers, which are responsible for formic acid selectivity

    TCGA molecular groups of endometrial cancer: Pooled data about prognosis

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    Background: After The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) findings, four novel prognostic groups may direct the management of endometrial cancer (EC): POLE-mutated/ultramutated (POLEmt), microsatellite-instable/hypermutated (MSI), copy-number-low/p53-wild-type (p53wt), and copy-number-high/p53-mutated (p53mt). However, data about prognosis in each group are different across the studies, and definitive pooled estimates are lacking after validation series. Such data may be crucial in directing clinical study design and establishing the optimal tailored management of patients. Aim: To provide pooled estimates of hazard ratio (HR) for overall survival (OS), disease-specific survival (DSS), progression-free survival (PFS) in each prognostic group. Materials and methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed by searching 7 electronic databases, from their inception to April 2019, for studies assessing prognosis in each TCGA EC group. Both univariable and multivariable HR analysis was performed for OS, DSS and PFS in each group, using p53wt as reference group. Results: Six studies with 2818 patients were included. Regarding OS, pooled HRs were 3.179 and 1.986 for p53mt group, 1.522 and 1.192 for MSI group, and 0.589 and 0.795 for POLEmt group at univariable and multivariable analyses, respectively. Regarding DSS, pooled HR were 5.052 and 2.133 for p53mt group, 1.965 and 1.068 for MSI group, and 0.552 and 0.325 for POLEmt group at univariable and multivariable analyses, respectively. Regarding PFS, pooled HR were 3.512 and 1.833 for p53mt group, 1.354 and 0.817 for MSI group, and 0.287 and 0.217 for POLEmt group at univariable and multivariable analyses, respectively. Conclusions: Prognosis of p53mt group is consistently the worst one and is further worsened by unfavorable clinicopathological factors. Prognosis of MSI group overlaps with p53wt group but is worsened by unfavorable clinicopathological factors. Prognosis of POLEmt group is the best one and does not seem to be significantly affected by clinicopathological factors

    Efficient mapping of CO adsorption on Cu1−xMx bimetallic alloys via machine learning

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    The electrochemical reduction of CO2 (CO2RR) has the potential to allay the greenhouse gas effect while also addressing global energy challenges by producing value-added fuels and chemicals (mostly C-2 molecules such as ethylene and ethanol). However, due to the complicated chemical pathways involved, achieving high selectivity and efficiency towards specific reduction products remains challenging. In fact, the design of more selective and efficient catalysts often relies on trial-and-error approaches, which are very time consuming and resource intensive. In response, driven by the inherent importance of CO adsorption energy in the conversion of CO2 into C2+ hydrocarbons and alcohols, we propose a two-step approach employing machine learning classification and regression algorithms to predict CO binding energies on CuM(111)/(100) (M = Al, Ti, V, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Nb, Mo, Ru, Pd, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Hf, W, Ir, Pt, Au) bimetallic surfaces. Firstly, we assess the stability of each adsorption site by utilizing classification algorithms. Subsequently, focusing exclusively on the stable sites, we employ regression models to predict the adsorption energies of CO. Remarkably, by employing a Gradient Boosting Classifier for classification, together with a Gradient Boosting Regressor for regression, we predict CO binding energies with a high level of robustness and accuracy for Cu bimetallic alloys with up to 17% surface impurity concentrations. The accuracy of our models is demonstrated by F1 scores exceeding 96% and a mean square error below 0.05 eV(2) for the classification and regression parts, respectively. These remarkable results highlight the adaptability of our approach and its capability for efficiently screening Cu-based CO2RR electrocatalysts, enabling rapid evaluation of promising candidates for future in-depth explorations

    Histomorphometric analysis of osteocyte lacunae in human and pig: exploring its potential for species discrimination

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    In recent years, several studies have focused on species discrimination of bone fragments by histological analysis. According to literature, the most consistent distinguishing features are Haversian canal and Haversian system areas. Nonetheless, there is a consistent overlap between human and non-human secondary osteon dimensions. One of the features that have never been analyzed for the purpose of species discrimination is the osteocyte lacuna, a small oblong cavity in which the osteocyte is locked in. The aim of this study is to verify whether there are significant quantitative differences between human and pig lacunae within secondary osteons with similar areas. Study sample comprises the midshaft of long bones (humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, and fibula) of a medieval human adult and a juvenile pig. Sixty-eight secondary osteons with similar areas have been selected for each species and a total of 1224 osteocyte lacunae have been measured. For each osteon, the total number of lacunae was counted, and the following measurements were taken: minimum and maximum diameter, area, perimeter, and circularity of nine lacunae divided between inner, intermediate, and outer lacunae. Statistical analysis showed minimal differences between human and pig in the number of lacunae per osteons and in the minimum diameter (P > 0.05). On the contrary, a significant difference (P < 0.001) has been observed in the maximum diameter, perimeter, area, and circularity. Although there is the need for further research on different species and larger sample, these results highlighted the potential for the use of osteocyte lacunae as an additional parameter for species discrimination. Concerning the difference between the dimensions of osteocyte lacunae based on their position within the osteon (inner, intermediate, and outer lacunae), results showed that their size decreases from the cement line towards the Haversian canal both in human and pig
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