24 research outputs found

    Alfabetizzare ai dati nella società dei big e open data: una sfida formativa

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    The central thesis of this paper is that to mine the treasure of big and open data, it is necessary to propose analytical basis to promote educational research and training of trainers on the isuee of data literacy as skill required to operate in this context of innovation. The paper starts introducing the phenomenon of big and open data; hence, it characterizes the multi-level training needs identified along the several levels of education and training; then, it focuses on the definition of data literacy, further discussing some frameworks for its analysis and development. To this regard, in this last phase of conceptual elaboration, two points are discussed: the need to go beyond the “DigComp” framework for specific data literacy coverage (despite the very important background this framework provides); and the inadequacy of some existing frameworks to characterize data literacy at general education levels, not just as a specialist competence. Finally, the paper introduces a draft data literacy framework aligning with DigComp, as tool for educational research and practice. With a validity yet to be consolidated taking into consideration the prototyping approach, it tries to lay the foundations for progressive refinement bythe scientific/practice in order to support a theme that in Italy, as in the international context, requires careful attention.La tesi centrale del presente lavoro è che per appropriarsi del tesoro che racchiudono i big e open data, risulta necessario proporre una base analitica che orienti la ricerca educativa e la formazione dei formatori in materia di alfabetizzazione ai dati o data literacy, competenza necessaria per operare nei suddetti nuovi contesti.Il lavoro introduce l’analisi del fenomeno; caratterizza il fabbisogno formativo a più livelli del sistema d’istruzione e formazione; e quindi sposta il focus sulladefinizione di data literacy, discutendo ulteriormente alcuni framework per la suaanalisi e sviluppo. In particolare, discute due punti: la necessità di andare oltre ilframework “DigComp” per la copertura specifica della data literacy (nonostantel’importantissimo punto di partenza che esso fornisce); e l’inadeguatezza di alcuni framework esistenti per caratterizzare l’alfabetizzazione ai dati dalla base del sistema dell’istruzione e della formazione, non solo come competenza specialistica.Infine, introduce uno strumento (framework) utile alla pratica e la ricerca educativa sulla data literacy. Di validità ancora da consolidare vista la modalità di elaborazione, tenta di porre le basi per un progressivo perfezionamento da parte dalla comunità scientifica e di pratica interessata, a supporto di un tema che in Italia come nel contesto internazionale, richiede sicura attenzione

    Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom

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    This paper presents an exploratory study to examine the practices of outstanding primary school teachers in their professional development for ICT integration in teaching and learning, as a means of understanding how their learning ecologies develop and function. Outstanding teachers in the context of this study are teachers who innovate pedagogically and who are influential in the community, having successfully developed their learning ecology. Using a qualitative approach, we explore the concept of learning ecologies as a driver for innovation in the professional development of teachers, using a carefully selected sample of nine outstanding teachers. Drawing from in-depth interviews, specific coding and NVIVO analysis, our results show that these teachers develop organized systems for activities, relationships and resource usage and production, which can be characterized as the components of their professional learning ecology, to continuously keep up to date. We also identified some characteristics of teachers that perform outstandingly and factors that potentially facilitate or hinder their learning ecology development. Further research in the field will enable an improved understanding of the professional learning ecologies of school teachers and support future interventions and recommendations for professional development through the cultivation of emerging professional learning ecologies

    Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom

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    This paper presents an exploratory study to examine the practices of outstanding primary school teachers in their professional development for ICT integration in teaching and learning, as a means of understanding how their learning ecologies develop and function. Outstanding teachers in the context of this study are teachers who innovate pedagogically and who are influential in the community, having successfully developed their learning ecology. Using a qualitative approach, we explore the concept of learning ecologies as a driver for innovation in the professional development of teachers, using a carefully selected sample of nine outstanding teachers. Drawing from in-depth interviews, specific coding and NVIVO analysis, our results show that these teachers develop organized systems for activities, relationships and resource usage and production, which can be characterized as the components of their professional learning ecology, to continuously keep up to date. We also identified some characteristics of teachers that perform outstandingly and factors that potentially facilitate or hinder their learning ecology development. Further research in the field will enable an improved understanding of the professional learning ecologies of school teachers and support future interventions and recommendations for professional development through the cultivation of emerging professional learning ecologies

    Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom

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    This paper presents an exploratory study to examine the practices of outstanding primary school teachers in their professional development for ICT integration in teaching and learning, as a means of understanding how their learning ecologies develop and function. Outstanding teachers in the context of this study are teachers who innovate pedagogically and who are influential in the community, having successfully developed their learning ecology. Using a qualitative approach, we explore the concept of learning ecologies as a driver for innovation in the professional development of teachers, using a carefully selected sample of nine outstanding teachers. Drawing from in-depth interviews, specific coding and NVIVO analysis, our results show that these teachers develop organized systems for activities, relationships and resource usage and production, which can be characterized as the components of their professional learning ecology, to continuously keep up to date. We also identified some characteristics of teachers that perform outstandingly and factors that potentially facilitate or hinder their learning ecology development. Further research in the field will enable an improved understanding of the professional learning ecologies of school teachers and support future interventions and recommendations for professional development through the cultivation of emerging professional learning ecologies

    Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom

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    This paper presents an exploratory study to examine the practices of outstanding primary school teachers in their professional development for ICT integration in teaching and learning, as a means of understanding how their learning ecologies develop and function. Outstanding teachers in the context of this study are teachers who innovate pedagogically and who are influential in the community, having successfully developed their learning ecology. Using a qualitative approach, we explore the concept of learning ecologies as a driver for innovation in the professional development of teachers, using a carefully selected sample of nine outstanding teachers. Drawing from in-depth interviews, specific coding and NVIVO analysis, our results show that these teachers develop organized systems for activities, relationships and resource usage and production, which can be characterized as the components of their professional learning ecology, to continuously keep up to date. We also identified some characteristics of teachers that perform outstandingly and factors that potentially facilitate or hinder their learning ecology development. Further research in the field will enable an improved understanding of the professional learning ecologies of school teachers and support future interventions and recommendations for professional development through the cultivation of emerging professional learning ecologies

    Per una cultura di qualità: valutazione partecipata e apertura di contenuti generati dagli utenti nella didattica online

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    Questo articolo propone un concetto di qualità dell’eLearning (e in generaledell’istruzione universitaria) basato sulla critica alla cultura dominantedi valutazione della qualità legata alla produzione industriale, alla conformitàa standard predefiniti, alla produttività del sistema e dove gli utenti(particolarmente gli studenti) hanno un ruolo passivo, da consumatori; e unripensamento radicale della partecipazione degli studenti nella costruzionedi culture di qualità formativa (Ehlers, Schneckenberg, 2010, Ghislandi,Raffaghelli, 2012a). Il lavoro presenta un’esperienza di ricerca basata suprogetto o design based research (DBR, Pellerey, 2005) relativa ad un insegnamento universitario. Le autrici intendono dimostrare che un processo divalutazione partecipata della qualità dell’apprendimento può innescare unprocesso riflessivo e collaborativo tra docenti e studenti che ha incidenzasulla cultura di qualità. Tale processo si basa sulla generazione da partedegli studenti di alcuni contenuti (Learners’ generated content), per una  apertura della didattica; e tramite un approccio partecipato e costruttivista della verifica dell’apprendimento. Le conclusioni portano ad una migliore comprensione di due elementi portanti nella ricerca: in primo luogo, come la qualità della didattica va costruita in un impegno collaborativo e complesso. In secondo luogo, indica come gli studenti possono partecipare in tale processo collaborativo

    Mirroring learning ecologies of outstanding teachers to integrate ICTs in the classroom

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    This paper presents an exploratory study to examine the practices of outstanding primary school teachers in their professional development for ICT integration in teaching and learning, as a means of understanding how their learning ecologies develop and function. Outstanding teachers in the context of this study are teachers who innovate pedagogically and who are influential in the community, having successfully developed their learning ecology. Using a qualitative approach, we explore the concept of learning ecologies as a driver for innovation in the professional development of teachers, using a carefully selected sample of nine outstanding teachers. Drawing from in-depth interviews, specific coding and NVIVO analysis, our results show that these teachers develop organized systems for activities, relationships and resource usage and production, which can be characterized as the components of their professional learning ecology, to continuously keep up to date. We also identified some characteristics of teachers that perform outstandingly and factors that potentially facilitate or hinder their learning ecology development. Further research in the field will enable an improved understanding of the professional learning ecologies of school teachers and support future interventions and recommendations for professional development through the cultivation of emerging professional learning ecologies

    La renovación de la palabra en el bicentenario de la Argentina : los colores de la mirada lingüística

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    El libro reúne trabajos en los que se exponen resultados de investigaciones presentadas por investigadores de Argentina, Chile, Brasil, España, Italia y Alemania en el XII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística (SAL), Bicentenario: la renovación de la palabra, realizado en Mendoza, Argentina, entre el 6 y el 9 de abril de 2010. Las temáticas abordadas en los 167 capítulos muestran las grandes líneas de investigación que se desarrollan fundamentalmente en nuestro país, pero también en los otros países mencionados arriba, y señalan además las áreas que recién se inician, con poca tradición en nuestro país y que deberían fomentarse. Los trabajos aquí publicados se enmarcan dentro de las siguientes disciplinas y/o campos de investigación: Fonología, Sintaxis, Semántica y Pragmática, Lingüística Cognitiva, Análisis del Discurso, Psicolingüística, Adquisición de la Lengua, Sociolingüística y Dialectología, Didáctica de la lengua, Lingüística Aplicada, Lingüística Computacional, Historia de la Lengua y la Lingüística, Lenguas Aborígenes, Filosofía del Lenguaje, Lexicología y Terminología