32 research outputs found

    Prato: The Social Construction of an Industrial City Facing Processes of Cultural Hybridization

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    This chapter deals with a widely studied case, that is, Prato, a middle-sized city with rooted industrial traditions, in the Centre of Italy. Prato is a textile industrial district embedded in the so-called Third Italy—an area characterized by the presence of small firms spread throughout the territory, linked together in supply and subcontracting relationships—which, in the last twenty years, has undergone a profound transformation as a consequence of the crisis of textile and immigration, leading to the formation of a large Chinese community. The related changes brought with them problems of social cohesion and sustainable development. The authors address these issues by analyzing both academic and public discourses on Prato. Their basic idea is that common stereotypes act as drivers of a public discourse that prevents the city to re-negotiate its identity. The analysis concludes that different forms of hybridization—particularly cultural hybridization—are occurring, which would need further investigations

    Le fratture e l'acromion-claveare: il trattamento riabilitativo

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    a riabilitazione dopo una lesione traumatica della spalla nello sportivo ha lo scopo di restituire l’integrità anatomo-funzionale della parte lesa allo stato prefunzionale nel più breve tempo possibile e di prevenire la perdita della forma fisica globale, trovando un giusto equilibrio fra riposo ed esercizio per un’ottimale condizione psico-fisica dell’atleta. La rieducazione dopo un evento traumatico pone, infatti, due tipi di problemi: da un lato il trattamento della lesione deve aderire a principi guida generali che comprendono il rispetto dei tempi di guarigione della lesione e, nel caso specifico di un evento fratturativo, l’accurata riduzione e immobilizzazione della frattura; dall’altro la necessità propria dell’atleta di riprendere l’attività sportiva nel più breve tempo possibile. La riabilitazione della patologia traumatica di spalla nello sportivo deve quindi basarsi su un progetto riabilitativo che comprenda un’accurata valutazione del trauma e del paziente da riabilitare nel suo complesso, in una stretta interazione e collaborazione tra chirurgo ortopedico, fisiatra, fisioterapista, staff atletico e paziente stesso in ogni fase riabilitativa

    Transnational medical spaces: opportunities and restrictions

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    How can we understand health-seeking behaviour, if the space in which this behaviour takes place stretches across borders? Is there more happening than just the increase in options? Based on examples from research on reproductive travels, medical remittances, the circulation of medicines in migrants’ personal networks, and the revitalisation of local healing traditions through globally active NGOs, in this working paper we attempt to elaborate upon medical practices and therapeutic itineraries in a transnational framework. By looking at how people take advantage of different regulations and procedures in different national frameworks, we propose to think along the lines of therapeutic opportunity structures in order to bring in spatial theory as well as draw attention to new forms of exclusion and agency

    Valutazione dell'assetto posturale in pazienti con frenulo linguale corto: studio preliminare

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    Valutazione dell'aspetto posturale in pazienti con frenulo linguale corto : studio preliminar

    Medical pluralism reloaded

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    This article examines if and how medical pluralism can be reconceptualised in light of the expansion of the borders of care, where people do not simply seek care nationally but transnationally. We draw on our own research on reproductive travels, medical remittances, the circulation of medicines in migrant’s personal networks and the revitalization of local healing traditions through globally active NGOs to shed light on the emergence of what we call a transnationally opportunity space. The article focuses on the analysis on new opportunities and restrictions which emerge through the existing global economic stratification, the diverging legal frameworks and regulations in different nation states and locations, and the different levels of health care governance

    La riabilitazione del paziente con fratture vertebrali da fragilità: compliance ad un protocollo riabilitativo

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    La riabilitazione del paziente con fratture vertebrali da fragilità: compliance ad un protocollo riabilitativ