208 research outputs found

    "La trasmissione del cognome paterno ai figli della coppia coniugata. L'impulso dell'Europa al superamento di una regola discriminatoria"

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    Il problema dell'automatica attribuzione del patronimico ai figli nati all'interno del matrimonio non si è presentato finchè la società italiana poneva alle proprie basi una visione patriarcale dei rapporti familiari. La Costituzione del '48, aveva portato all'affermazione nuovi principi, basati sull'uguaglianza giuridica tra uomo e donna, i quali non erano più in armonia con la visione patriarcale presente nel Codice del '42. La riforma del diritto di famiglia (1975) ha eliminato molte di queste disparità ma non la disciplina del cognome dei figli nati all'interno del matrimonio. La sentenza della Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo del 7 gennaio 2014, ha condannato l'Italia per aver violato i diritti di una coppia di coniugi avendogli negato la possibilità di attribuire alla figlia il cognome della madre invece di quello del padre ed ha esortato l'ordinanento interno a formulare una normativa che sia compatibile con i principi enunciati all'articolo 8 e 14 della CEDU. Dopo vari disegni di legge presentati d'urgenza, il 24 settembre 2014, è stata approvata dalla Camera il disegno di legge unificato riguardante le modifiche al codice civile in materia di cognome dei coniugi e dei figli in attesa di approdare al Senato

    Innovation processes for inference

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    In this letter, we introduce a new approach to quantify the closeness of symbolic sequences and test it in the framework of the authorship attribution problem. The method, based on a recently discovered urn representation of the Pitman-Yor process, is highly accurate compared to other state-of-the-art methods, featuring a substantial gain in computational efficiency and theoretical transparency. Our work establishes a clear connection between urn models critical in interpreting innovation processes and nonparametric Bayesian inference. It opens the way to design more efficient inference methods in the presence of complex correlation patterns and non-stationary dynamics

    The Role of Micronutrients in Human Papillomavirus Infection, Cervical Dysplasia, and Neoplasm

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    There is evidence that diet and nutrition are modifiable risk factors for several cancers. In recent years, attention paid to micronutrients in gynecology has increased, especially regarding Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. We performed a review of the literature up until December 2022, aiming to clarify the effects of micronutrients, minerals, and vitamins on the history of HPV infection and the development of cervical cancer. We included studies having as their primary objective the evaluation of dietary supplements, in particular calcium; zinc; iron; selenium; carotenoids; and vitamins A, B12, C, D, E, and K. Different oligo-elements and micronutrients demonstrated a potential protective role against cervical cancer by intervening in different stages of the natural history of HPV infection, development of cervical dysplasia, and invasive disease. Healthcare providers should be aware of and incorporate the literature evidence in counseling, although the low quality of evidence provided by available studies recommends further well-designed investigations to give clear indications for clinical practice

    Le Piante endemiche della Sardegna

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    Questa linea di ricerca, portata avanti in collaborazione tra botanici di Firenze e Sassari da circa 12 anni, ha prodotto le prime pubblicazioni nel 1977. Scopo della ricerca è quello di approfondire le conoscenze sulle piante endemiche della Sardegna pubblicando il risultato delle indagini in maniera uniforme sotto forma di scheda. Lo schema di trattazione comprende tutti gli aspetti di un'entità, come andrebbero proposti per una flora critica: sinonimia, descrizione, identificazione del typus, etimologia, iconografie, numero cromosomico, tipo biologico, fenologia, areale, materiale d'erbario esaminato, ecologia, note e bibliografia. Ogni entità, inoltre, è sempre stata corredata da un'iconografia e da una cartina di distribuzione in Sardegna costruita per punti solo da exsiccata revisionati

    Risk perception and affective state on work exhaustion in obstetrics during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Amulticenter cross-sectional survey study involving four Italian University Hospitals was performed to test the hypothesis that negative affect and positive affect (affective dimensions) mediate the association between risk perception (perceived risk of infection and death; cognitive dimensions) and the feeling of work exhaustion (WE) among obstetrics healthcare providers (HCPs) during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Totally, 570 obstetrics HCPs were invited to complete the 104-item IPSICO survey in May 2020. A theoretical model built on the tested hypothesis was investigated by structural equation modelling. The model explained 32.2% of the WE variance. Only negative affect mediated the association between cognitive dimensions and WE and also the association between WE and psychological well-being before the pandemic, experiences of stressful events, female gender, and dysfunctional coping. Non-mediated associations withWE were observed for work perceived as a duty, experience of stressful events, support received by colleagues, and the shift strategy. Only previous psychological well-being, support by colleagues, and shift strategies were inversely associated with WE. Based on study results, monitoring negative than positive affect appears superior in predicting WE, with practical implications for planning psychological interventions in HCPs at the individual, interpersonal, and organizational levels

    HABITAT: An IoT Solution for Independent Elderly

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    In this work, a flexible and extensive digital platform for Smart Homes is presented, exploiting the most advanced technologies of the Internet of Things, such as Radio Frequency Identification, wearable electronics, Wireless Sensor Networks, and Artificial Intelligence. Thus, the main novelty of the paper is the system-level description of the platform flexibility allowing the interoperability of different smart devices. This research was developed within the framework of the operative project HABITAT (Home Assistance Based on the Internet of Things for the Autonomy of Everybody), aiming at developing smart devices to support elderly people both in their own houses and in retirement homes, and embedding them in everyday life objects, thus reducing the expenses for healthcare due to the lower need for personal assistance, and providing a better life quality to the elderly users

    Frailty, psychological well-being, and social isolation in older adults with cognitive impairment during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: data from the GeroCovid initiative

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    Background: The containment measures linked to the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected the phyco-physical well-being of the population, especially older adults with neurocognitive disorders (NCDs). This study aims to evaluate whether the frailty of NCD patients was associated with different changes in multiple health domains, in particular in relation to loneliness and social isolation, pre- and post-lockdown. Materials and methods: Patients were recruited from 10 Italian Centers for Cognitive Disorders and Dementia. Data were collected in the pre-pandemic period (T0), during the pandemic lockdown (T1), and 6-9 months post-lockdown (T2). The UCLA Loneliness Scale-3, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Instrumental ADL (IADL), Mini-Mental State Examination, and Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) were administered. Caregivers' burden was also tested. Patients were categorized as non-frail, pre-frail, and frail according to the Fatigue, Resistance, Ambulation, Illness, and Loss of Weight scale. Results: The sample included 165 subjects (61.9% women, mean age 79.5 ± 4.9 years). In the whole sample, the ADL, IADL, and NPI scores significantly declined between T0 and T2. There were no significative variations in functional and cognitive domains between the frail groups. During lockdown we recorded higher Depression Anxiety Stress Scales and Perceived Stress Scale scores in frail people. In multivariable logistic regression, frailty was associated with an increase in social isolation, and a loss of IADL. Conclusions: We observed a global deterioration in functional and neuro-psychiatric domains irrespective of the degree of frailty. Frailty was associated with the worsening of social isolation during lockdown. Frail patients and their caregivers seemed to experience more anxiety and stress disorders during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Comprehensive assessment of sequence variation within the copy number variable defensin cluster on 8p23 by target enriched in-depth 454 sequencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In highly copy number variable (CNV) regions such as the human defensin gene locus, comprehensive assessment of sequence variations is challenging. PCR approaches are practically restricted to tiny fractions, and next-generation sequencing (NGS) approaches of whole individual genomes e.g. by the 1000 Genomes Project is confined by an affordable sequence depth. Combining target enrichment with NGS may represent a feasible approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As a proof of principle, we enriched a ~850 kb section comprising the CNV defensin gene cluster DEFB, the invariable DEFA part and 11 control regions from two genomes by sequence capture and sequenced it by 454 technology. 6,651 differences to the human reference genome were found. Comparison to HapMap genotypes revealed sensitivities and specificities in the range of 94% to 99% for the identification of variations.</p> <p>Using error probabilities for rigorous filtering revealed 2,886 unique single nucleotide variations (SNVs) including 358 putative novel ones. DEFB CN determinations by haplotype ratios were in agreement with alternative methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although currently labor extensive and having high costs, target enriched NGS provides a powerful tool for the comprehensive assessment of SNVs in highly polymorphic CNV regions of individual genomes. Furthermore, it reveals considerable amounts of putative novel variations and simultaneously allows CN estimation.</p