10 research outputs found


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    Abstract   Corrosion of steel rebar in bridge structures is a growing issue worldwide. A pilot research project on corrosion hazards in Indonesia was carried out by employing maintenance technology using sacrificial anode cathodic protection and corrosion monitoring system based on wireless information and communication technology. This paper presents experimental studies on Zinc Cartridge as a concrete repair systems and utilization of Titanium Wire (Ti-Wire) Sensor as a reference electrode in the concrete repair system by applying them to chloride-contaminated concrete exposed to a dry-tropical climate environment. From the reported work, it can be concluded that Zinc Cartridge affords excellent corrosion protection in dry-tropical conditions, and that Ti-Wire Sensor is reliable to be used as a reference electrode for rebar corrosion monitoring in concrete.   Keywords: Zinc Cartridge; Ti-Wire Sensor; cathodic protection; corrosion protection; corrosion monitoring     Abstrak   Korosi baja tulangan pada struktur-struktur jembatan telah tumbuh menjadi suatu masalah di seluruh dunia. Suatu kajian awal tentang dampak korosi di Indonesia telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem pemeliha-raan yang menggunakan teknologi proteksi katodik anode korban dengan dilengkapi teknologi pemantauan korosi berdasarkan sistem informasi dan komunikasi secara nirkabel. Makalah ini menyajikan suatu studi eksperimental tentang Zinc Cartridge sebagai sistem perbaikan beton dan pemanfaatan sensor Titanium Wire (Ti-Wire) sebagai elektrode referensi dalam sistem perbaikan beton, dengan menerapkannya pada beton terkontaminasi klorida yang terpapar lingkungan iklim tropis kering. Berdasarkan hasil studi dan pengamatan yang didapat, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Zinc Cartridge System mampu memberikan perlindungan korosi yang sangat baik dalam kondisi lingkungan tropis yang kering, dan sensor Ti-Wire dapat diandalkan untuk digunakan sebagai elektrode referensi untuk pemantauan korosi tulangan pada beton.   Kata-kata kunci: Zinc Cartridge; Ti-Wire Sensor; proteksi katodik; perlindungan korosi; pemantauan koros


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    Abstract   Corrosion of steel rebar in bridge structures is a growing issue worldwide. A pilot research project on corrosion hazards in Indonesia was carried out by employing maintenance technology using sacrificial anode cathodic protection and corrosion monitoring system based on wireless information and communication technology. This paper presents experimental studies on Zinc Cartridge as a concrete repair systems and utilization of Titanium Wire (Ti-Wire) Sensor as a reference electrode in the concrete repair system by applying them to chloride-contaminated concrete exposed to a dry-tropical climate environment. From the reported work, it can be concluded that Zinc Cartridge affords excellent corrosion protection in dry-tropical conditions, and that Ti-Wire Sensor is reliable to be used as a reference electrode for rebar corrosion monitoring in concrete.   Keywords: Zinc Cartridge; Ti-Wire Sensor; cathodic protection; corrosion protection; corrosion monitoring     Abstrak   Korosi baja tulangan pada struktur-struktur jembatan telah tumbuh menjadi suatu masalah di seluruh dunia. Suatu kajian awal tentang dampak korosi di Indonesia telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem pemeliha-raan yang menggunakan teknologi proteksi katodik anode korban dengan dilengkapi teknologi pemantauan korosi berdasarkan sistem informasi dan komunikasi secara nirkabel. Makalah ini menyajikan suatu studi eksperimental tentang Zinc Cartridge sebagai sistem perbaikan beton dan pemanfaatan sensor Titanium Wire (Ti-Wire) sebagai elektrode referensi dalam sistem perbaikan beton, dengan menerapkannya pada beton terkontaminasi klorida yang terpapar lingkungan iklim tropis kering. Berdasarkan hasil studi dan pengamatan yang didapat, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Zinc Cartridge System mampu memberikan perlindungan korosi yang sangat baik dalam kondisi lingkungan tropis yang kering, dan sensor Ti-Wire dapat diandalkan untuk digunakan sebagai elektrode referensi untuk pemantauan korosi tulangan pada beton.   Kata-kata kunci: Zinc Cartridge; Ti-Wire Sensor; proteksi katodik; perlindungan korosi; pemantauan koros

    Effective Use of Sacrificial Zinc Anode as a Suitable Repair Method for Severely Damaged RC Members Due to Chloride Attack

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    In many cases, the repair strategy by using sacrificial anodes for cathodic protection in real RC structures requires additional zinc anodes after several years due to the decreasing protective area. This experimental study evaluates the effectiveness of time lag application of sacrificial anode cathodic protection applied to RC beam specimens that deteriorated severely due to chloride attack. In the experiment, sacrificial anodes and cathodic protection (SACP) were applied to 41-year-old RC beam specimens exposed to natural marine environments in which the embedded steel bars were significantly corroded. The repair work was performed in three stages. Instant-off and rest potential tests of steel bars were conducted periodically to demonstrate the time-dependent depolarization value. In the first stage, a polymer-modified mortar as a patch repair material was cast to replace the concrete in the middle tensile part with small sacrificial anodes embedded in the mortar. After the protective current reaches an equilibrium state, the sacrificial anodes are disconnected from the steel bars for a year, defined as the second stage. During the one year in the second stage, the steel bar in the patch repair area remained passive, without any sign of corrosion. As for the third stage, additional sacrificial anodes were installed in the existing concrete part to protect the steel in it. From one year of observation after applying sacrificial anodes to old concrete parts, the time lag SACP application of both in patch and non-patch repair parts was clarified to be effective in stopping the corrosion of steel bar in both parts until 20–30 years based on the service life prediction. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-07-015 Full Text: PD

    Corrosion potential of coated steel bar embedded in sea-water mixed mortar

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    Corrosion of embedded steel bars in concrete structures is the most impactful deterioration case in the world therefore many researchers and engineers are looking for the unknown mechanism related to the occurrence process, the effect of the damaged structures to its capacity and serviceability, and the intervention methods to control the rate of corrosion nowadays. One of the most prevalent liquid materials used in concrete is freshwater. However, the lack of freshwater for basic requirements in certain regions necessitates the adoption of an alternate material. Seawater, abundant in Indonesia, has the ability to substitute freshwater in concrete mixtures. However, its high concentration of chloride ions might raise the risk of corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. The laboratory experiment was proposed to find the empirical test result of the performance of corrosion prevention to the seawater mix RC structures. Three type of cements (PPC, PCC, and PPC-PCC mixture) were used as binder and two type of protection (steel coating and no coating) were applied in this research. One day after specimen casting, it were demolded and cured under water condition until 28 days. After that, the cylindrical and beams specimens were tested and the cubical specimens were exposed to three conditions (air-dry, wet, and dry-wet cycle) until a half-year and the half-cell potential test was conducted periodically every week. Based on the results, it demonstrated that the steel coating is the most suitable corrosion prevention method and PCC is recommended to maintain the corrosion potential stable to be passive

    Corrosion potential of coated steel bar embedded in sea-water mixed mortar

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    Corrosion of embedded steel bars in concrete structures is the most impactful deterioration case in the world therefore many researchers and engineers are looking for the unknown mechanism related to the occurrence process, the effect of the damaged structures to its capacity and serviceability, and the intervention methods to control the rate of corrosion nowadays. One of the most prevalent liquid materials used in concrete is freshwater. However, the lack of freshwater for basic requirements in certain regions necessitates the adoption of an alternate material. Seawater, abundant in Indonesia, has the ability to substitute freshwater in concrete mixtures. However, its high concentration of chloride ions might raise the risk of corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. The laboratory experiment was proposed to find the empirical test result of the performance of corrosion prevention to the seawater mix RC structures. Three type of cements (PPC, PCC, and PPC-PCC mixture) were used as binder and two type of protection (steel coating and no coating) were applied in this research. One day after specimen casting, it were demolded and cured under water condition until 28 days. After that, the cylindrical and beams specimens were tested and the cubical specimens were exposed to three conditions (air-dry, wet, and dry-wet cycle) until a half-year and the half-cell potential test was conducted periodically every week. Based on the results, it demonstrated that the steel coating is the most suitable corrosion prevention method and PCC is recommended to maintain the corrosion potential stable to be passive


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    The Titanium Wire Sensor, 3 mm in diameter was developed as a new reference electrode with the high flexibility to apply and used in corrosion monitoring of a concrete structure. The basic properties, durability, optimum length, and application of wire sensor as corrosion detection in repaired reinforced concrete member were tested and compared with ordinary commercial reference electrodes. From the test results, it was concluded that Titanium Wire Sensor is working as corrosion monitoring sensor in the areas wherein it is embedded. In addition, depending on the purpose and range of the measurement, the length of the titanium wire sensor can be changed efficiently over 30 mm. All in all, compared with other commercial reference electrodes, the Titanium Wire Sensor is superior both in economic efficiency and construction feasibility.The Conference was canceled because of COVID-19

    Application of sacrificial anode cathodic protection for partially repaired RC beams damaged by corrosion

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    In this study, patch repair and sacrificial anode cathodic protection (SACP) techniques were applied to 44-year-old RC beams in which steel bars were corroded severely in order to extend the service life of beams. In the first repair stage, polymer modified mortar was used to replace the existing concrete after the installation of embeddable sacrificial anodes along with the un-rusted rebar. The polarization effect demonstrated that the protection area limited in the patch repair section due to the electrochemical incompatibility between the new material and the existing concrete. Disconnecting the sacrificial anodes during a year is applied for observing rebar condition during the absence of current supply in patch repair system as second repair stage. It indicates that the rebars in the patch repair area have remained passive with no corrosion sign. It shows that polymer modified mortar has a persistent protective effect in the absence of cathodic protection. In order to enlarge the protection area, additional sacrificial anodes were inserted in the existing concrete as the third stage. From 12-month observation, application of sacrificial anodes both in the patch and non-patch repair concrete is sufficient to provide negative potential shift with an optimum distance of 400 mm for each anode in order to achieve 100 mV depolarization. The polarization of rebar in patch repair is limited to 200 mm from the boundary


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    This research clarifies the application of different kinds of sacrificial anode cathodic protection (SACP) in the patch and non-patch repair on more than 40-years severely damaged RC beam due to chlorideinduced corrosion. The most seriously damaged concrete in the middle tensile part of the beam was replaced by polymer-modified mortar as a patch repair material. Low powered SACPs were installed on the bottom surface of rebar to provide local cathodic protection and incipient anode protection. Four additional rib and smooth SACPs Φ20mm were embedded in both sides of non-patch repair concrete. Three connection patterns were demonstrated until one-month including (1) sacrificial anodes in patch repair only, (2) sacrificial anodes in non-patch repair, and (3) combination sacrificial anodes both in the patch and in non-patch repair. The results show that the polarization of steel bar occurs when the steel bars connect to sacrificial anodes in the patch or non-patch repair only. The depolarization test reveals that the combination of different kinds of sacrificial anodes in the closed distance canʼt reach 100 mV potential decay criterion. So, the application of a different kind of sacrificial anode in the closed area could not be a suitable repairing system.The Conference was canceled because of COVID-19


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    Patch repair of deteriorating concrete, which mainly involves the replacement of chloride-contaminated concrete with the fresh alkaline patch concrete is a common intervention to rehabilitate the defecting reinforced concrete (RC) structure while the concrete replacement of this process is expensive. Application of curative corrosion inhibitor directly on the surface of corroding rebar before new patch material casting is recommended as easy to use approach for new corrosion attack. Sacrificial anodes have been used to limit the extension of concrete replacement and extend the service life of patch repair to RC member. This study focuses on the utilization of sacrificial anode cathodic protection arrangement and corrosion inhibitor in partially repair RC beams. Two specimens of 44-years of serious chloride-induced corrosion condition having a length of 2400 mm and 200x300 mm cross-section were prepared as RC-1 and RC-2. The polymer-modified mortar as the patch repair material was applied to the middle tension area in the dimension of 70x150x800mm. Four cylindrical ribbed sacrificial zinc anodes with 30 mm diameter and 130 mm length installed in the parent concrete by LiOH cementitious coating material. A specially modified epoxy paint as corrosion inhibitor was applied to the tensile steel bar surface of the patch repair section in RC-2. The exposure condition of the specimens was on two-days wet and followed by five-days dry in laboratory air condition until 12-months observation. Depolarization test of rebar by the calomel-saturated electrode (CSE) on the side section of specimen’s surface, the current density of sacrificial zinc anodes and rebar, anodic-cathodic polarization curve are measured regularly until 12-months observation as the performance evaluation was presented in this paper. The sacrificial zinc anode tested in this research affects polarizing the potential of rebar in the deteriorated RC member. However, the high polarization is limited to 15 cm away from anodes in parent concrete, not in the patch repair section, due to the inherent differences in the properties of patch repair material and parent concrete. The application of corrosion inhibitor in the rebar surface of patch repair part may extend the polarization effect of anodes and significantly increase the polarization distance until two times