5 research outputs found

    Permanent Campaigning: A Meta-Analysis and Framework for Measurement

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    Permanent campaigning emerged as a concept in the 1970s in studies of US politics but is now recognized as a universal phenomenon. Despite its long history, there has been no attempt to build a holistic picture of the elements that constitute a permanent campaign. Generally, researchers focus on tactical elements, situating their use within an overall strategy, but there is a lack of a broader methodological framework for holistically measuring adherence to the permanent campaigning. This article presents results of a meta-analysis of relevant research to provide a framework to understand how permanent campaigning is practiced. Our study showed there were three reasonably discrete forms of campaigning activities that had been identified: those in which permanent campaign strategies are related to capacity building and strategy; a second, in which permanent campaigning relates to paid and owned media; and a third in which earned media is the main focus. In mapping these studies, we identify the common features of permanent campaigning, identifying strong and weak indicators and the extent these are employed by the government, parties, or elected representatives and within which political systems: parliamentarism or presidentialism. Our framework can be applied in future comparative research to understand trends in political communication

    Effect of milk production season on profile of fatty acids in milk fat

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    Badano wp艂yw sezonu produkcji mleka na zawarto艣膰 kwas贸w t艂uszczowych w t艂uszczu mlekowym. Materia艂em badanym by艂 t艂uszcz mlekowy pozyskany metod膮 ekstrakcyjn膮 z niepasteryzowanej 30 % 艣mietanki. Pr贸bki do bada艅 pobierano 12 razy w miesi膮cu przez ca艂y rok. Profil kwas贸w t艂uszczowych w t艂uszczu mleka okre艣lano metod膮 chromatografii gazowej. Przeprowadzone badania wskazuj膮, 偶e sezon produkcji mleka wywiera istotny wp艂yw na profil kwas贸w t艂uszczowych t艂uszczu mlekowego oraz proporcje kwas贸w t艂uszczowych nienasyconych (UFA, w tym MUFA i PUFA) do nasyconych (SFA) oraz zawarto艣膰 kwas贸w t艂uszczowych o dzia艂aniu hipocholesterolemicznym (DFA) i hipercholesterolemicznym (OFA).The study comprised a research into the effect of milk production season on the content of fatty acids in milk fat. The study material consisted of milk fat isolated from a 30 % non-pasteurized sweet cream using an extraction method. The samples for analyses were taken 12 times per month during one year. The profile of fatty acids in milk fat was determined using a gas chromatography. The research performed shows that the milk production season significantly impacts both the profile of fatty acids in milk fat and the ratios of unsaturated (UFA, in it MUFA and PUFA) to saturated (SFA) fatty acids, as well as the content of hypocholesterolemic (DFA) and hypercholesterolemic acids (OFA)

    Preparedness for chemical crisis situations: experiences from European medical response exercises

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    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated how European first responders and hospital personnel, along with CBRN experts, approach an overwhelming surge situation after a chemical incident. Surge capacity and capability bottlenecks were discussed.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two chemical warfare agent (CWA) scenarios were developed: in the first, a nerve agent was released indoors; in the second, there was an outdoor explosion containing a blister agent. CBRNE experts, first responders and hospital specialists from across Europe participated in a two-day table-top exercise to discuss pre-hospital and hospital CBRNE preparedness, triage, surge capacity and communication issues. This was followed by a medical response exercise at a level 2 Emergency Department in Italy.RESULTS: Several surge capacity challenges and lessons were identified. Critical resources were rapidly exhausted and sourcing from national/international medical stockpiles was not feasible in the time critical scenarios. Secondary contamination in the blister agent scenario was considered plausible and hospitals are currently unprepared for this situation. The medical response exercise highlighted further training needs.CONCLUSIONS: The majority of the lessons are not new and have been reported in North American studies. However, this study is the first to describe these CWA challenges from a European perspective. Medical facilities across the region should consider these lessons to evaluate and improve their surge capacity, capability and response