18 research outputs found

    Characterization and extraction of marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) cultivated in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Chemical composition of marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) cultivated in Republic of Macedonia, as well as the fatty acid content in the extracts of marigold whole flower, petals and repectables, were determined. The dry petals are characterised with the lowest content of total proteins, ash and sand. In dry receptacles the content of ash and proteins is the highest. Total sugars and sand contents in marigold dry whole flowers are higher then in dry petals and repectables. The highest extract yield is obtained by dichloromethane extraction of dry whole flowers. The extract yield obtained from dry petals with /i-hexane extraction is higher then those obtained from dry whole flowers and dry receptacles, under the same conditions. The content of myristic (C14:0). palmitic (C16:0). stearic (C18:0), cis-oleic (C18:l), linoleic (C18:2) and linolenic acid (CI8:3) was determined in the Calendula extracts. It is determined that in all extracts linoleic acid has the highest content. Calendula extracts are rich in oleic and linoleic acids. The content of palmitic acid is the highest compared with other saturated acids founded in the extracts

    Characterization of volatiles in Beaten cheeses (bieno sirenje) by SPME/GC-MC: Influence of geographical origin

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    In this study, the volatile profiles of a type of economically important cheeses for the FYR Macedonian dairy sector were characterized. A total of eighteen samples belonged to 6 different geographical regions of Beaten cheese, including cheeses from Kumanovo, Tetovo, Struga, Resen, Veles and Radovish were comparatively studied for their volatile profiles. Sixty two volatile compounds were identified in the cheeses by solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and the results are discussed based on their chemical classes (18 esters, 13 ketones, 10 acids, 8 alcohols, 5 terpenes, and 8 miscellaneous compounds). Acids, esters and alcohols were the most abundant classes identified and were highly dependent on the geographical origin of cheeses. Beaten cheese from Struga had the highest levels of carboxylic acids, ketones, alcohols, esters and terpenes. The Beaten cheese from other geographical origin had low levels of volatiles probably from the effect of variable characteristics of used milk and different cheese making process which affects the biochemical processes. The results suggest that each cheese from different geographical regions had different volatiles profile and the manufacturing technique as well as the ripening stage of the cheeses played a major role on the volatile compounds’ distribution


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    Modern studies worldwide suggest a high nutritional and medicinal value of the grape seeds. Oil for human consumption produced from the grape seed is already in everyday use in the diet in the economically developed countries. Seeds are also characterized by a rich composition of phenolic substances from which supplements recommended for cardiovascular system improvement are produced. Recent studies indicate the possibility of their use in the treatment of cancer. Grape seeds are not used for these purposes in the Republic of Macedonia. We tested two varieties that are most widely cultivated in the Republic of Macedonia, the red wine variety, Vranec and the white wine variety, Smederevka. Grapes were collected from two regions, Kavadarci and Valandovo, regions that are most important for the production of these two varieties. All tests were carried out in three repetitions. The mechanical and chemical composition of the grapes were analysed following the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) methods. We used statistical analysis of thecompletely randomized design. We detected rich chemical composition in the seeds, which indicates the great seed use value of the tested varieties

    Utvrđeni i deklarirani sadržaj nikotina u tekućinama za punjenje elektroničkih cigareta koje se prodaju u Sjevernoj Makedoniji

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    The use of electronic cigarettes or vaping has been gaining momentum among Macedonian smokers but has also raised great many concerns about the toxicity of liquid refills and its aerosols, especially as the nicotine levels in refill liquids (e-liquids) are not required to be declared accurately or at all by current regulations. The aim of this study was therefore to determine nicotine levels in fifteen samples of e-liquids purchased in specialised shops in Macedonia using gas chromatography. Nicotine concentrations deviated from manufacturer’s declarations in nine of the twelve samples: in five they were higher and in four lower than declared, ranging from -16.7 % to +30.0 %. These significant discrepancies between the actual and declared nicotine concentrations in the analysed e-liquids call for closer attention of the healthcare and the regulating authorities.Sve je više korisnika elektroničkih cigareta ili vapinga među makedonskim pušačima, što je izazvalo veliku zabrinutost zbog toksičnosti tekućina i njihovih aerosola, ponajviše zato što razine nikotina u tekućinama za punjenje (e-tekućine) nisu točno ili uopće nisu deklarirane prema aktualnim propisima. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio odrediti razine nikotina u petnaest uzoraka e-tekućine kupljenih u specijaliziranim prodavaonicama u Makedoniji primjenom plinske kromatografije. Koncentracije nikotina odstupaju od deklaracija proizvođača u devet od dvanaest uzoraka: u pet su veće i u četirima manje od deklariranih, u rasponu od -16,7 % do +30,0 %. Ove značajne razlike između stvarnih i deklariranih koncentracija nikotina u analiziranim e-tekućinama zahtijevaju veću pozornost zdravstvenih i regulativnih tijela

    Utjecaj vrste sirutke na prinos i kvalitetu urda sira

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    In this research, whey cheese Urda was produced in industrial conditions by thermal denaturation, followed by protein aggregation and precipitation of whey which was obtained during production of white brined cheese and Kashkaval. The impact of milk pasteurization temperature, pH values, protein content, and whey type on the Urda quality and yield was examined. The impact of whey pH on Urda yield was evaluated in the pH range from 4.5 to 6.0. Urda yield reached a maximum pH value between 5.2 and 5.4. The highest Urda yield from white brined cheese whey was obtained at pasteurization temperature of 72 °C. By increasing the temperature to 80 °C, the whey protein content and the Urda yield decreased. Whey type had no significant impact on the sensory and textural characteristics of Urda. Urda was classified as a low-fat soft albumin cheese. Valorisation of whey generated after production of white brined cheese, and manufacturing of Urda with maximum yield and optimal functional properties, is not only of economic importance, but can be conducive to improve waste water quality.U ovom je istraživanju u industrijskim uvjetima proizveden sir urda primjenom toplinske denaturacije koja je rezultirala koagulacijom i izdvajanjem proteina iz sirutke dobivene u procesu proizvodnje sira u salamuri te kačkavalja. Pritom je ispitivan utjecaj temperature pri kojoj je provedena pasterizacija, pH vrijednosti, sadržaja proteina i vrste sirutke na prinos i kvalitetu urde. pH sirutke kretao se između 4,5 i 6,0, a najveći prinos urde postignut je pri pH vrijednostima između 5,2 i 5,4. Pri korištenju sirutke dobivene proizvodnjom sira u salamuri kao ishodišne sirovine, najviši prinos urde postignut je pri temperaturi pasterizacije od 72 °C. Daljnjim povećanjem temperature do 80 °C smanjivao se prinos urde i udio proteina sirutke. Vrsta korištene sirutke nije značajno utjecala na senzorska svojstva i parametre teksture urde koja je svrstana u kategoriju niskomasnih mekih albuminskih sireva. Iskorištavanje sirutke koja zaostaje u proizvodnji sireva u salamuri te proizvodnja urde optimalnih funkcionalnih svojstava uz maksimalan prinos nije važno samo s ekonomskog stajališta, već može značajno utjecati i na poboljšanje kvalitete otpadnih voda

    Content of photosynthetic pigments in pepper in vitro cultures

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    Chlorophylls are some of the most important chelates in nature. They are capable of channelling the energy of sunlight into potential chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is complex biological process which occurs in in vitro conditions too, but in alternative pathways on biosynthesis of photosynthetic pigments. The purpose of our examinations was to evaluate the content of photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a, b and a+b in the pepper culture Capsicum annuum L. of the varieties Kurtovska Kapija and Golden Medal on the MS (Murashige and Skoog) medium, especially in shoot culture, culture of callus from meristem and callus, and as well as cotyledon culture. All pepper tissue cultures were subject of investigation regarding the effect of plant grown regulators on in vitro synthesis of photosynthetic pigments

    Content of capsaicin in pepper fruits(Capsicum annuum L.)

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    The varieties of genus capsicum, in dependence on the type, cultivars, maturity, the effect of the light type (intensity of the solar light or fluorescent light), moisture and temperature during the vegetation, are rich with many different groups of biological active compounds. From all groups of biological active - secondary metabolites, in the species of genus Capsicum the most importance have the alkaloids capsaicinoides, which are present only in the cultivars of genus Capsicum, and only they are responsible for the pungent of pepper

    In vivo and in vitro content of capsaicin in pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)

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    From all groups of biological active-secondary metabolites, in the species of genus Capsicum the most importance have the alkaloids capsaicinoides, which are present only in the cultivars of genus Capsicum, and only they are responsible for the pungent of pepper. From all capsaicinoides only two compounds with 80-90% are responsible for the pungent of papper, and they are capsaicin and dihidrocapsaicin

    Chemical constituents of pungent spice pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) from Macedonian origin

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    In this paper the chemical constituents of the pungent spice pepper Capsicum annuum L.ssp. Microcarpum from Macedonian origin are estimated. Content of moisture, proteins and soluble sugar is 9.60% and 20.33%, respectively. Color capacity of the pungent spice pepper is 5.60g capsanthin/kg pepper dry matter. The influence of organic solvents on the pepper oleoresin extraction and contents of colored components and capsaicin content in it is also studied. The highest quantity of pepper oleoresin(25%) is obtained using ethanol as extraction means. In the pepper oleoresin extracted by diethyl ether the highest concentration of color expressed as a capsanthin is determined. When n-hexane is applied during pepper extraction, in the color extracted quantity the red fraction is 93.83% from the total color contents in the pepper oleoresin. According to the highest capsaicin content of 1.53% in the pepper oleoresin, benzene is most suitable as compared to the other investigated extraction means