6 research outputs found

    Distribuição e identificação das regiões de risco para a cisticercose bovina no estado do Paraná

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    A cisticercose bovina é um problema de saúde pública e animal amplamente difundido no Brasil, que repercute negativamente na produção de carne em diversos estados do país. Trata-se de uma das afecções mais ocorrentes nos abates sob inspeção sanitária tornando-se motivo de preocupação para frigoríficos e produtores, devido os prejuízos que acarreta. Pouco se conhece sobre a distribuição e a evolução do número de casos de cisticercose bovina no estado do Paraná. Diante do exposto este trabalho teve o objetivo realizar um levantamento retrospectivo sobre a ocorrência da cisticercose bovina, diagnosticada através do exame post-mortem pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal do Estado do Paraná entre os anos de 2004 a 2008, além de determinar a distribuição dos casos no Estado, identificar as regiões com maiores chances de apresentarem casos da doença e analisar a perda econômica do Estado por conta das condenações por esta parasitose. Foi constatada prevalência de 2,23% cisticercose bovina no estado do Paraná. Durante o período analisado ocorreu uma redução estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) da prevalência de cisticercose bovina no estado. Nos anos de 2004-2008 foram condenadas 29.708.550 kg de carne bovina por cisticercose, acarretando prejuízos de ordem econômica. O estado do Paraná está conseguindo através da implantação do programa de controle do complexo teníase-cisticercose, uma evolução positiva já que conseguiu durante o período analisado diminuir a prevalência desta parasitose nos bovinos e consequentemente diminuir as perdas econômicas

    Epidemiological survey of the taeniasis/cysticercosis complex in cattle farms in Viçosa County, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Despite the importance of human taeniasis/bovine cysticercosis for public and animal health and the economy, its actual epidemiological status in Brazil is not well-studied. We sought to assess the epidemiological profile of this zoonosis in the rural area of Viçosa County, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The prevalence of bovine cysticercosis was 0.42%, whereas no case of human taeniasis was diagnosed. Factors favoring the persistence of zoonosis were identified. These included the supply of untreated water to animals, animals raised for slaughter without sanitary supervision, poor mechanization of raising techniques, and the use of untreated water for human consumption. Bovine meat for human consumption acquired in the city or from the farm itself was characterized as a risk factor for bovine cysticercosis (Odds Ratio (OR) =16.77; p<0.05). Nevertheless, the families on the investigated farms did apply several appropriate measures to control this disease, such as the virtual lack of open sewers and the consumption of well-cooked meat. The presence of bovine cysticercosis cases, and the factors favoring its persistence, point to the need for constant epidemiological and sanitary surveillance in this county

    Epidemiological survey of the taeniasis/cysticercosis complex in cattle farms in Viçosa County, Minas Gerais, Brazil Inquérito epidemiológico sobre o complexo teníase-cisticercose bovina no município de Viçosa, Minas Gerais

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    Despite the importance of human taeniasis/bovine cysticercosis for public and animal health and the economy, its actual epidemiological status in Brazil is not well-studied. We sought to assess the epidemiological profile of this zoonosis in the rural area of Viçosa County, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The prevalence of bovine cysticercosis was 0.42%, whereas no case of human taeniasis was diagnosed. Factors favoring the persistence of zoonosis were identified. These included the supply of untreated water to animals, animals raised for slaughter without sanitary supervision, poor mechanization of raising techniques, and the use of untreated water for human consumption. Bovine meat for human consumption acquired in the city or from the farm itself was characterized as a risk factor for bovine cysticercosis (Odds Ratio (OR) =16.77; p<0.05). Nevertheless, the families on the investigated farms did apply several appropriate measures to control this disease, such as the virtual lack of open sewers and the consumption of well-cooked meat. The presence of bovine cysticercosis cases, and the factors favoring its persistence, point to the need for constant epidemiological and sanitary surveillance in this county.<br>Apesar da importância do complexo teníase-cisticercose bovina para a saúde pública, animal e para a economia, a realidade epidemiológica da ocorrência dessas zoonoses no Brasil é pouco conhecida. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o perfil epidemiológico desta zoonose na zona rural do município de Viçosa, MG. A prevalência encontrada de cisticercose bovina foi de 0,42%, e nenhum caso de teníase humana foi diagnosticado. Foi verificada presença de fatores favoráveis a manutenção dessa zoonose, como fornecimento de água sem tratar aos animais, criação de animais destinados ao abate sem inspeção sanitária, criação de bovinos com baixa adoção de tecnologia, e utilização de água sem tratamento. O consumo de carne bovina oriunda da propriedade e da cidade foi caracterizado como variável de risco (OR=16,77; p<0,05) para a cisticercose bovina. Apesar disso, as famílias das propriedades pesquisadas possuíam hábitos favoráveis como medida de controle para o desenvolvimento desta parasitose, como a quase ausência de esgoto a céu aberto e a ingestão de carne bovina bem passada. A presença de caso de cisticercose bovina e de fatores considerados favoráveis a manutenção dessa parasitose, mostra a necessidade da contínua vigilância epidemiológica e sanitária neste município

    Prevalence and risk factors for porcine cysticercosis in rural communities of eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT: Cysticercosis is caused by Taenia solium, a parasitic zoonosis that affects human and pigs raised free-range in developing countries. The epidemiology of the taeniosis cysticercosis complex in Brazil is poorly understood especially when it comes to field research. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and identify the risk factors associated with porcine cysticercosis in rural communities located in the east of Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil. From 371 farms in the county of Tumiritinga/MG, 101 farms from 14 communities were randomly sampled. Blood samples from pigs were collected, and epidemiological questionnaires were carried out. The serum samples obtained were analyzed through immunodiagnosis techniques, including ELISA and Western Blot, both for the detection of antibodies. The data obtained by different surveys were analyzed using EpiInfo 3.5.1 software to determine seroprevalence and risk factors associated with cysticercosis. The prevalence of farms with porcine cysticercosis was 9.9% (10/101) and antibody-based seropositive was 5.3% (13/247). The results indicate that cysticercosis occurs in high level in the rural area never studied before. These results suggest the presence of tapeworm carriers contributing to the occurrence and maintenance of this zoonotic life cycle in the county. Regarding risk factors, the most significant determinants for porcine cysticercosis in the field were free-range pig management (OR: 17.4, p: 0.0001), the method of disposal of human faeces in the environmental (OR: 7.6; p 0.012), and the size of the farm. Porcine cysticercosis was diagnosed only in areas represented by Agrarian Reform Settlements. From the results, it is possible to recommend as a means of control and prevention the destination of human faeces in appropriate sanitary landfills and the production of pigs in an enclosed area. Additionally, improving education in the communities sampled will indirectly affect the spreading of this disease. The results draw attention to the largest studies of this zoonotic disease in human settlements from rural areas due to the lack of knowledge about the epidemiology of the taeniosis-cysticercosis complex. The results could serve as the basis to support public policies aimed at creating an effective program to control the taeniosis-cysticercosis complex in the studied area. Awareness of TC among medical doctors, veterinarians, meat animal family producers and the public should be developed through appropriate information and education