15 research outputs found

    Assessment of the culinary behavior of puerpera in a university hospital: Avaliação do comportamento culinário de puérperas em um hospital universitário

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    In the food context, mothers are often associated with the responsibility of transmitting information about food, as well as food practices, from one generation to the next. In addition, children's food preferences can be influenced by parents' food preferences and by the accessibility of food at home, making the family system a determining factor in food education. Considering the scarcity of studies that assess the interference of mothers' cooking skills in the feeding of their children, this study aims to evaluate the knowledge of mothers who were hospitalized at the Lauro Wanderley University Hospital (HULW) about cooking skills, and more specifically, to assess whether postpartum women have culinary skills, to analyze the culinary attitude and the index of culinary skills. This is a cross-sectional study with the participation of 311 postpartum women admitted to a university hospital. Culinary skills were measured in the form of scores. The puerperal women were classified into three strata. According to the scores obtained, three categories were defined, considering the values ​​of the 25th and 75th percentiles as lower limits (low cooking skills) and upper limits (high cooking skills), respectively. The study population showed a high index of culinary skills, as well as a high culinary attitude. The present study advances in the research and deepening of the theme, enabling one of the first approximations with the Brazilian reality, especially with regard to puerperal women. It is believed that, even being a first exploratory study on the culinary skills of puerperal women treated at a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, this study presents findings that can be used as a starting point for future research directions

    Assessment of knowledge and self-efficiency for the use of basic culinary techniques in puerpera in a university hospital: Avaliação do conhecimento e da autoeficácia para o uso de técnicas culinárias básicas em puérperas em um hospital universitário

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    The healthy and diversified food introduction represents an opportunity for the child to be exposed to the wide variety of foods that will form the basis for future healthy eating habits. In view of the scarcity of studies that correlate the introduction of complementary foods from the child's six months of life onwards with maternal cooking skills, the present study aims to verify whether there is pre-existence to the puerperium of the mother's cooking skills and, more specifically, to assess whether postpartum women have culinary skills; assess self-efficacy for using basic cooking techniques as well as the cooking skills index. This is a cross-sectional study, which had the participation of 311 postpartum women admitted to a university hospital. Cooking skills were measured in the form of scores. The puerperal women were classified into three strata, according to the scores obtained, three categories were defined, considering the values of the 25th and 75th percentiles as lower limits (low cooking skill) and upper limits (high cooking skill), respectively. The study population showed a high index of cooking skills, as well as a high effectiveness for the use of basic cooking techniques. This study advances in the exploration of the theme, enabling one of the first approaches to the Brazilian reality, especially about postpartum women. It is believed that, even though it is a first exploratory study on the culinary skills of postpartum women attended at a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, its findings can be used as a starting point for future research directions


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    A hipovitaminose D é considerada uma epidemia mundial com implicações que podem afetar a saúde dos trabalhadores. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com 91 trabalhadores, a fim de avaliar a prevalência da hipovitaminose D e associações com parâmetros metabólicos. Os participantes foram avaliados quanto ao perfil sociodemográfico e ocupacional, exposição solar, antropometria e pressão arterial. Foram realizados os exames: 25-hidroxivitamina D [25(OH)D] e demais parâmetros metabólicos. Verificou-se uma prevalência de 61,54% de deficiência/insuficiência dos níveis séricos de 25(OH)D. Não foram observadas associações entre as características sociodemográficas e ocupacionais e o status de vitamina D, pela Regressão de Poisson. Verificou-se uma prevalência aumentada em portadores de diabetes e hipertrigliceridemia. Indivíduos com maior CAT apresentaram uma redução na prevalência de hipovitaminose D. Em conclusão, verificou-se uma alta prevalência de hipovitaminose D entre os trabalhadores, e uma prevalência aumentada para os indivíduos diabéticos e com hipertrigliceridemia e a CAT como influenciável para redução dessa deficiência/insuficiência. Enfatiza-se a necessidade de um monitoramento dos parâmetros laboratoriais em vigilância à saúde do trabalhador

    Condições de vida e saúde de pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids na Paraíba: segurança alimentar, qualidade de vida e estado nutricional

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    A significant number of people are living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (Aids) in the world, currently. With the increased survival rate provided by antiretroviral therapy, HIV-infected people now have concerns about their quality of life (QOL). Food insecurity corroborates with the socio-economic impacts arising from the disease while the HIV infection tends to aggravate the situation of food insecurity by the fact that it reduces work capacity and productivity of affected individuals. Nutrition intervention studies have demonstrated that the nutritional assistance promotes good responses to treatment and improves quality of life of people with HIV. In this context, the present thesis has as main objective to meet the conditions of life and health of people living with HIV and Aids (PLWHA) in the light of the situation of food insecurity, quality of life and nutritional status. This is a cross-sectional analytic study, involving 481 PLWHA answered in a reference service of the State of Paraiba-Brazil, held between the months of September and December 2015. Food insecurity was assessed using the Brazilian range of food insecurity and the quality of life was measured using the WHOQOL-Bref HIV. The association between food insecurity and socio-demographic, economic and health characteristics was evaluated by the Chi-square test. To assess quality of life scores in relation to the characteristics mentioned, we used nonparametric tests: Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney. In order to evaluate the associations between quality of life and food insecurity, the variables that showed significant differences to the quality of life were included in the multiple regression model of Poisson. A decision tree model was generated for the purpose of classifying the self-evaluation of the quality of life. The results show that in addition to the fragility that resulted from infection with HIV, people living with HIV/Aids demonstrate other types of vulnerability: average age above 30 years, significant number of women, low economic condition, low education level, high number of people employed or receiving pensions and aid. The prevalence of food insecurity found was considered high, 62.8%. The average scores of all domains of quality of life, were considered good. The lowest average scores were found in the environmental domain, followed by the domain level of independence and the largest in the field, in the physical domain of spirituality and psychology. Lower average scores in the areas were observed among women, individuals with lower per capita income, low education, without occupation and inactive. Food insecurity increases the prevalence of a worse quality of life in the areas: physical (19%), level of independence (20%), environment (23%) and on assessment of QOL (20%). PLWHA in food insecurity, regardless of the seriousness of the same average scores that are lower than those on food safety in all areas of quality of life, there was a significant difference (p < 0.01). Correlation exists between all domains of quality of life and food insecurity. The decision tree model generated contributes to the association between food insecurity and the quality of life. On the subjectivity and multidimensionality of quality of life, the findings of this study are relevant, contribute to filling existing gaps in the literature on the subject and need to be considered in order to promote a positive cycle of combat against HIV/Aids.Um número expressivo de pessoas vive com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e com a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (Aids) no mundo, atualmente. Com o aumento da sobrevida proporcionado pela terapia antirretroviral, as pessoas infectadas pelo HIV passaram a ter preocupações com a sua qualidade de vida (QV). A insegurança alimentar corrobora com os impactos socioeconômicos advindos da doença enquanto que a infecção pelo HIV tende a agravar a situação de insegurança alimentar pelo fato de reduzir a capacidade de trabalho e a produtividade dos indivíduos afetados. Estudos de intervenção nutricional têm demonstrado que a assistência nutricional promove boas respostas ao tratamento e melhora a qualidade de vida dos portadores HIV. Nesse contexto, a presente tese tem como objetivo principal conhecer as condições de vida e saúde de pessoas vivendo com HIV e Aids (PVHA) em função da situação de insegurança alimentar, qualidade de vida e estado nutricional. Trata-se de um estudo analítico de corte transversal, envolvendo 481 PVHA atendidas em serviço de referência do Estado da Paraíba - Brasil, realizado entre os meses de setembro e dezembro de 2015. A insegurança alimentar foi avaliada utilizando a escala brasileira de insegurança alimentar e a qualide de vida foi medida utilizando o WHOQOL-HIV Bref. A associação entre a insegurança alimentar e as características sócio demográficas, econômicas e de saúde foi avaliada através do teste qui-quadrado. Para avaliar os escores de qualidade de vida em relação às características citadas, foram utilizados os testes não paramétricos de Kruskal Wallis e Mann Whitney. Com o objetivo de avaliar as associações entre a qualidade de vida e a insegurança alimentar, as variáveis que apresentaram diferenças significativas com a qualidade de vida foram incluídas no modelo de regressão múltipla de Poisson. Um modelo de árvore de decisão foi gerado com o propósito de classificar a auto avaliação da qualidade de vida. Os resultados demonstram que além da fragilidade advinda pela infecção com o HIV, pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids demonstram outros tipos de vulnerabilidade: faixa etária média acima dos 30 anos, número expressivo de mulheres, baixa condição econômica, baixo nível de escolaridade, número elevado de pessoas sem ocupação ou recebendo aposentadorias e auxílios. A prevalênciade insegurança alimentar encontrada foi considerada alta, 62,8%. Os escores médios de todos os domínios de qualidade de vida, foram considerados bons. Os menores escores médios foram encontrados no domínio ambiental, seguido do domínio nível de independência e os maiores, no domínio espiritualidade, no domínio fisico e psicológico. Menores escores médios nos domínios foram observados entre as mulheres, nos indivíduos com menor renda per capita, baixa escolaridade, sem ocupação e inativos. A insegurança alimentar aumenta a prevalência de uma pior qualidade de vida nos domínios: físico (19%), nível de independência (20%), meio ambiente (23%) e na auto avaliação da QV (20%). PVHA em insegurança alimentar, independentemente da gravidade da mesma, apresentam escores médios menores do que aqueles em segurança alimentar em todos os domínios da qualidade de vida, houve diferença significativa (p < 0,01). Existe correlação entre todos os domínios da qualidade de vida e a insegurança alimentar. O modelo de árvore de decisão gerado contribui para a associação entre a insegurança alimentar e a qualidade de vida. Diante da subjetividade e multidimensionalidade da qualidade de vida, os achados do presente estudo são relevantes, contribuem para o preenchimento de lacunas existentes na literatura acerca do tema e precisam ser considerados no sentido de promover um ciclo positivo de enfrentamento do HIV/Aids

    Tracking of Dietary Patterns in the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease after a Nutritional Intervention Program&mdash;A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Individuals with a history of previous cardiovascular events have an increased risk of mortality and morbidity, so adherence to a healthy dietary pattern is essential. We aimed to evaluate and compare dietary patterns between the control and the experimental group from the BALANCE Program. A total of 2360 individuals aged 45 years or older with previous cardiovascular disease were included. The individuals were randomized into two groups: intervention (dietary prescription with nutritional recommendations, nutritional education program based on playful strategies, suggestions of typical and accessible Brazilian foods and intensive monitoring) and control (conventional nutritional counseling). The dietary patterns were identified using factor analysis with the principal component extraction method, and the t-Student tests and ANOVA test were performed to evaluate the associated factors. Four dietary patterns were identified for both groups: &ldquo;Traditional&rdquo;, &ldquo;Snack&rdquo;, &ldquo;Western&rdquo;, &ldquo;Cardioprotective&rdquo;. There was an increase in the variances of the &ldquo;Cardioprotective&rdquo; pattern in both groups. Regarding the &ldquo;Western&rdquo; pattern, there was a significant reduction in the variances of the experimental group (10.63% vs. 8.14%). Both groups had improvements in eating habits, especially in the first year of follow-up. The greater increase in adherence to the traditional and cardioprotective pattern in the experimental group justifies the initiative of the BALANCE program