369 research outputs found

    Maximal qubit violation of n-locality inequalities in a star-shaped quantum network

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    Bellʼs theorem was a cornerstone for our understanding of quantum theory and the establishment ofBell non-locality played a crucial role in the development of quantum information. Recently, itsextension to complex networks has been attracting growing attention, but a deep characterization ofquantum behavior is still missing for this novel context. In this work we analyze quantum correlationsarising in the bilocality scenario, that is a tripartite quantum network where the correlations betweenthe parties are mediated by two independent sources of states. First, we prove that non-bilocalcorrelations witnessed through a Bell-state measurement in the central node of the network form asubset of those obtainable by means of a local projective measurement. This leads us to derive themaximal violation of the bilocality inequality that can be achieved by arbitrary two-qubit quantumstates and arbitrary local projective measurements. We then analyze in details the relation between theviolation of the bilocality inequality and the CHSH inequality. Finally, we show how our method canbe extended to then-locality scenario consisting ofntwo-qubit quantum states distributed amongn1+nodes of a star-shaped networ

    A economia financeirizada : o novo padrão de riqueza global

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    Este trabalho se propõe a analisar o processo de financeirização da economia capitalista moderna, compreendido como a dominância do capital portador de juros sobre a economia produtiva. Refletindo mudanças nas práticas econômicas em um mundo cada vez mais globalizado, a análise vigente neste trabalho busca tanto em fatores macroeconômicos, como o padrão monetário internacional e a criação de moeda, quanto em aspectos micro, como as novas formas de gestão corporativa, elementos fundamentais para a compreensão de um novo padrão de gestão da riqueza no mundo. Podendo ser percebido, sobretudo, a partir do fim do Acordo de Bretton Woods, a natureza instável da financeirização colaborou para o aumento da desigualdade, para a redução do nível de crescimento econômico global e para a maior ocorrência de crises econômicas na maior parte dos países

    Implementing open-source information systems for assessing and managing the seismic vulnerability of historical constructions

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    Reducing the uncertainty about the structural vulnerability of historical constructions comprises the selection of reasonably generalised approaches in a context of a significant typological variability; the difficulty of performing large-scale assessments with reasonable reliability; and the lack of dedicated infrastructures for efficiently storing, sharing, managing, and updating data – an issue that is even more relevant for small (and often isolated) settlements. This work presents a proposal to set up a geographic database for surveying, calculating and storing the seismic vulnerability index of masonry constructions using an adapted version of the GNDT-II approach. Some critical steps for setting up Geographical Information System (GIS) databases for storing and managing the fields of a parameter-based vulnerability assessment are presented. Then, some alternatives for distributing the database are introduced, including cloud-based distribution and Transactional Web Feature Service (WFS-T) protocols, even using virtual servers. Additionally, an alternative front-end for accessing data and calculating the vulnerability index of constructions and levels of damage is presented. The main objective is to offer a replicable and feasible workflow to be performed even with reduced infrastructure and computational resources but can be easily connected and associated to a progressively enlarged system based on free and open-source software

    Contaminación por mercurio y las malformaciones congénitas detectadas en el nacimiento en Porto Velho, Brasil, entre 1997 y 2007

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    The possible negative impacts of mercury contamination in the Madeira river, State of Rondonia, Brazil, on newborn babies health were evaluated. The incidence of congenital malformations was surveyed from the records of newborns in the main hospital of Porto Velho, Rondonia, from 1997 to 2007. The type of malformations between local population and cases transferred from other areas in Rondonia were compared. Neurological related malformations were found in 45% of the cases. The proportion of neurological defects in the local population was slightly higher than in transferred cases. Non-neurological malformations represented 43% of the sample and, 11.4% were unspecified. The incidence of general (including non-neurological) congenital malformations was similar to the region’s average. This is indicative of Hg contamination during pregnancy.Los posibles impactos negativos de la contaminación por mercurio en el río Madeira, Estado de Rondonia, Brasil, en la salud de los bebés recién nacidos fueron evaluados. La incidencia de malformaciones congénitas fue examinado en los registros de los recién nacidos en el principal hospital de Porto Velho, Rondonia, de 1997 a 2007. El tipo de malformaciones entre la población local y los casos transferidos de otras zonas de Rondonia fueron comparados. Malformaciones neurológicas relacionadas se encontraron en el 45% de los casos. La proporción de defectos neurológicos en la población local fue levemente superior en los casos transferidos. Malformaciones non neurológicas representó el 43% de la muestra y, el 11,4% sin especificar. La incidencia de la general (incluyendo non neurológicas) malformaciones congénitas fue similar al promedio de la región. Esto es indicativo de contaminación de mercurio durante el embarazo

    Scopolamine induces deficits in spontaneous object-location recognition and fear-learning in marmoset monkeys

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    The non-selective muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine (SCP) induces memory deficits in both animals and humans. However, few studies have assessed the effects of amnesic agents on memory functions of marmosets – a small-bodied neotropical primate that is becoming increasingly used as a translational model for several neuropathologies. Here we assessed the effects of an acute SCP administration (0.03 mg/kg, sc) on the behavior of adult marmoset monkeys in two tasks. In the spontaneous object-location (SOL) recognition task, two identical neutral stimuli were explored on the sample trial, after which preferential exploration of the displaced versus the stationary object was analyzed on the test trial. In the fear-motivated behavior (FMB) procedure, the same subjects were submitted to an initial baseline trial, followed by an exposure period to a snake model and lastly a post-exposure trial. All trials and inter-trial intervals lasted 10 min for both tests. Results showed that on the SOL test trial, the saline group explored the displaced object significantly longer than its identical stationary counterpart, whereas SCP-treated marmosets explored both objects equivalently. In the FMB test, the saline group – but not the SCP-treated animals – spent significantly less time where the stimulus had been specifically encountered and more time being vigilant of their surroundings, compared to pre-exposure levels. Drug-related effects on general activity, overall exploration (SOL task) and behavioral response to the aversive stimulus (FMB task) were not observed. SCP thus impaired the marmosets’ short-term ability to detect changes associated with the spatial location of ethologically irrelevant (SOL task) and relevant stimuli (FMB task). Similar results have been reported in other animal species. Marmosets may thus help reduce the translational gap between pre-clinical studies and memory-associated human pathologies

    Timed mind maps using MINDMANAGER & MS-PROJECT for educational innovation

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    The adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is becoming a great challenge for the University Community, especially for its teaching and research staff, which is involved actively in the teaching-learning process. It is also inducing a paradigm change for lecturers and students. Among the methodologies used for processes of teaching innovation, system thinking plays an important role when working mainly with mind maps, and is focused to highlighting the essence of the knowledge, allowing its visual representation. In this paper, a method for using these mind maps for organizing a particular subject is explained. This organization is completed with the definition of duration, precedence relationships and resources for each of these activities, as well as with their corresponding monitoring. Mind maps are generated by means of the MINDMANAGER package whilst Ms-PROJECT is used for establishing tasks relationships, durations, resources, and monitoring. Summarizing, a procedure and the necessary set of applications for self organizing and managing (timed) scheduled teaching tasks has been described in this paper

    Cannabidiol affects MK-801-induced changes in the PPI Learned Response of Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus spp.)

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    There are several lines of evidence indicating a possible therapeutic action of cannabidiol (CBD) in schizophrenia treatment. Studies with rodents have demonstrated that CBD reverses MK-801 effects in prepulse inhibition (PPI) disruption, which may indicate that CBD acts by improving sensorimotor gating deficits. In the present study, we investigated the effects of CBD on a PPI learned response of capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.). A total of seven monkeys were employed in this study. In Experiment 1, we evaluated the CBD (doses of 15, 30, 60 mg/kg, i.p.) effects on PPI. In Experiment 2, the effects of sub-chronic MK-801 (0.02 mg/kg, i.m.) on PPI were challenged by a CBD pre-treatment. No changes in PPI response were observed after CBD-alone administration. However, MK-801 increased the PPI response of our animals. CBD pre-treatment blocked the PPI increase induced by MK-801. Our findings suggest that CBD’s reversal of the MK-801 effects on PPI is unlikely to stem from a direct involvement on sensorimotor mechanisms, but may possibly reflect its anxiolytic properties
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