69 research outputs found

     El sueño de la lista propia : los dilemas de coordinación electoral post-reforma de 1997

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    Artículo originalEn este artículo, se analizan los dilemas de coordinación electoral para las fracciones de los diferentes partidos del sistema uruguayo en la elección de octubre 2004. Para esto, se caracteriza al sistema de elección de senadores y diputados dentro de los partidos (entre las fracciones) como un sistema electoral mixto, y se consideran los efectos que estos sistemas tienen sobre el número de agentes en sus diferentes niveles de competencia. En una segunda instancia, se describen en detalle las restricciones y posibilidades que ofrece el sistema a los agentes políticos. Los datos electorales que se presentan muestran cómo los niveles de fraccionalización están fuertemente influidos por la performance electoral de los partidos y la distribución de su electorado en las diferentes circunscripciones. En este sentido, los partidos exitosos y con una fuerte presencia en las circunscripciones más grandes presentan mayores oportunidades para las fracciones que los partidos con menor caudal electoral, concentrado en las circunscripciones pequeñas

    Evaluación de la respuesta terapéutica en pacientes con enfermedad artrósica por farmacéuticos comunitarios

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    Introducción: La artrosis es una enfermedad que origina dolor, rigidez e incapacidad funcional. Actualmente el tratamiento es sintomático, no existen fármacos con capacidad para frenar la enfermedad artrósica, aunque los síntomas que origina se pueden aliviar, permitiendo que el paciente padezca lo menos posible.Objetivos: Evaluar la respuesta terapéutica en pacientes con osteoartrosis desde la farmacia comunitaria.Material y métodos: Estudio cuasi experimental no aleatorizado realizado en farmacias comunitarias de Madrid. Se cumplimentó un cuestionario estructurado recogiendo información sobre el paciente, diagnóstico, medicamentos prescritos, articulaciones afectadas, grado de dolor, estado funcional de la articulación, estado global del paciente e intervención farmacéutica realizada.Resultados: La muestra fue constituida por 141pacientes. Los fármacos incluidos pertenecieron a los grupos N02B (36,1 %), M01A (27,6 %), N02AX (23,4 %), M01AH (14,1 %), M01AX (27,6 %) prescritos para osteoartrosis. Con relación al dolor, 34 (24,1 %) pacientes obtuvieron una reducción del dolor de 20 mm en la EVA, alcanzando la respuesta clínica mínima efectiva. Respecto a la calidad de vida, la actividad más afectada fue la de subir y bajar escaleras, presentado muchísimo dolor al subir y bajar escaleras 58 (41,1 %) sujetos. Detectamos 111 RNM, de los que 61 fueron de inefectividad (54,9 %). La intervención farmacéutica fue ofrecer educación sanitaria en el autocuidado de las articulaciones a 29 (20,5 %) pacientes, recomendar ejercicio físico a 32 (22,7 %), recomendar dieta-ejercicio a 23 (16,3 %), derivar al especialista a 19 (13,4 %), derivar al MAP a 12 (8,5 %).Conclusión: La intervención del farmacéutico comunitario en pacientes con osteoartrosis contribuye a mejorar la efectividad de los tratamientos, mejorando los resultados de salud de los mismos

    Rapid and sensitive determination of pyrethroids indoors using active sampling followed by ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction and gas chromatography

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    A fast and simple method to analyze pyrethroids as well as other components of frequently used domestic insecticide preparations in indoor air is presented. The proposed method, based on sampling with an adsorbent followed by ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction, was developed with the aim to simplify the traditional extraction methodologies applied up to date to determine pesticides in air. The analytes were retained on a very small amount of adsorbent, which allowed using solely 1 mL of solvent for desorption. The quantification was performed by gas chromatography with microelectron-capture detection (GC–μECD) and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The influence of main factors involved in the ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction step (type of adsorbent and type of solvent, solvent volume and extraction time) was studied using an experimental design approach to account for possible factor interactions. The sampling step was studied for two adsorbents (Tenax TA and Florisil), finding that 1 m3 air could be sampled without losses of analytes. In this way, the analysis of pyrethroids in air by the proposed method could be carried out within a total time shorter than an hour, including sampling. Linearity was demonstrated in a wide concentration range. Efficiency of the total sampling–extraction process was studied at several concentration levels (2, 10, 100 and 1000 ng/m3), obtaining quantitative recoveries for all compounds, with good precision (RSD < 10%). Method detection limits were below 1 ng/m3 in air when GC–μECD was employed, and about one order of magnitude higher for GC–MS. In addition, the proposed method was applied to real samples collected in contaminated closed rooms, in which some of the target compounds were determined.This research was supported by the projects BQU2003-02090 from CICYT, Spanish Commission for Research and Development (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia) and PGIDIT04PXIC23701PN and PGIDIT05RAG50302PR from Xunta de Galicia. R.B. would like to acknowledge her Doctoral grant to the Xunta de Galicia.S

    Continuous fiberizing by laser melting (Cofiblas): production of highly flexible glass nanofibers with effectively unlimited length

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    The development of nanofibers is expected to foster the creation of outstanding lightweight nanocomposites and flexible and transparent composites for applications such as optoelectronics. However, the reduced length of existing nanofibers and nanotubes limits mechanical strengthening and effective manufacturing. Here, we present an innovative method that produces glass nanofibers with lengths that are, effectively, unlimited by the process. The method uses a combination of a high-power laser with a supersonic gas jet. We describe the experimental setup and the physical processes involved, and, with the aid of a mathematical simulation, identify and discuss the key parameters which determine its distinctive features and feasibility. This method enabled the production of virtually unlimited long, solid, and nonporous glass nanofibers that display outstanding flexibility and could be separately arranged and weaved.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2019/23Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B 2016/047-0Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481D 2017/010European Union | Ref. EAPA_151/2016 Interreg Atlantic AreaAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PGC2018-094900-B-I0

    Twittarquía: la política de las redes en Uruguay

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    El objetivo del libro es presentar un panorama general de cómo la política y en particular la campaña electoral se desarrolló en Twitter. Para esto descargamos más de 3 millones de tuits relacionados a la campaña electoral, incluyendo todas las menciones a los precandidatos de marzo a noviembre y más de 30 hashtags distintos. Para procesar estos datos utilizamos diversas herramientas como análisis de sentimiento, de redes y temporales

    High contrast laser marking of alumina

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    Alumina serves as raw material for a broad range of advanced ceramic products. These elements should usually be identified by some characters or symbols printed directly on them. In this sense, laser marking is an efficient, reliable and widely implemented process in industry. However, laser marking of alumina still leads to poor results since the process is not able to produce a dark mark, yielding bad contrast. In this paper, we present an experimental study on the process of marking alumina by three different lasers working in two wavelengths: 1064 nm (Near-infrared) and 532 nm (visible, green radiation). A colorimetric analysis has been carried out in order to compare the resulting marks and its contrast. The most suitable laser operating conditions were also defined and are reported here. Moreover, the physical process of marking by NIR lasers is discussed in detail. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy, High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy were also employed to analyze the results. Finally, we propose an explanation for the differences of the coloration induced under different atmospheres and laser parameters. We concluded that the atmosphere is the key parameter, being the inert one the best choice to produce the darkest marks.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. CN2012/29

    Toward smart implant synthesis: bonding bioceramics of different resorbability to match bone growth rates

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    Craniofacial reconstructive surgery requires a bioactive bone implant capable to provide a gradual resorbability and to adjust to the kinetics of new bone formation during healing. Biomaterials made of calcium phosphate or bioactive glasses are currently available, mainly as bone defect fillers, but it is still required a versatile processing technique to fabricate composition-gradient bioceramics for application as controlled resorption implants. Here it is reported the application of rapid prototyping based on laser cladding to produce three-dimensional bioceramic implants comprising of a calcium phosphate inner core, with moderate in vitro degradation at physiological pH, surrounded by a bioactive glass outer layer of higher degradability. Each component of the implant is validated in terms of chemical and physical properties and absence of toxicity. Pre–osteoblastic cell adhesion and proliferation assays reveal the adherence and growth of new bone cells on the material. This technique affords implants with gradual-resorbability for restoration of low-load-bearing bone.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia | Ref. MAT2006-10481Xunta de Galicia | Ref. CN2012/29

    Characterization of Co-Cr-W dental alloys with veneering materials manufactured via subtractive milling and additive manufacturing LDED methods

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    Laser-directed energy deposition (LDED) is an additive manufacturing (AM) technology which can be an alternative to the traditional subtractive milling process for the obtention of porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) prosthesis. Still, the adhesion performance of the veneering ceramics for this material has been not studied yet. The main objective of this study is to perform a systematic comparison of the adhesion performance of Co-Cr-W metal frameworks obtained through LDED and conventional milling techniques. Comparison includes microstructural, superficial, and adhesion analysis. Co-Cr manufactured via LDED technique presents similar behavior (p < 0.05) in comparison to the material obtained via milling techniques, and its performance was validated with the veneering ceramics and veneering composites currently employed in the dental industry.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. EQC2019-005892-PXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2019/23Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2020-117900RB-I0

    Commented checklist of marine fishes from the Galicia Bank seamount (NW Spain)

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    A commented checklist containing 139 species of marine fishes recorded at the Galician Bank seamount is presented. The list is based on nine prospecting and research surveys carried out from 1980 to 2011 with different fishing gears. The ichthyofauna list is diversified in 2 superclasses, 3 classes, 20 orders, 62 families and 113 genera. The largest family is Macrouridae, with 9 species, followed by Moridae, Stomiidae and Sternoptychidae with 7 species each. The trachichthyd Hoplostethus mediterraneus and the morid Lepidion lepidion were the most abundant species. Biogeographically, the Atlantic group, with 113 species (81.3%) is the best represented, followed by the Lusitanian one with 17 species (12.2%). Data on species abundance, as number of individuals caught, size and depth are reported. Habitat, distribution and vulnerability status are commented. Moreover, biometric data and meristic counts are also reported for several species. The results obtained showing a high fish biodiversity and a sensible number of threatened species, strongly support the future declaration of the Galicia Bank as a Marine Protected Area.En prensa0,974

    On the fabrication of bioactive glass implants for bone regeneration by laser assisted rapid prototyping based on laser cladding

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    The processing of bioceramic materials is a topic of great interest for bone regeneration; bioceramic implants are specifically appropriate for low-load applications, such as cranioplasty. In the present study, we investigated the capabilities of rapid prototyping based on laser cladding to generate three-dimensional bioactive glass implants without moulds or preplaced powder bed. 45S5 bioactive glass and lower crystallization tendency S520 bioactive glass particles were successfully injected and melted to obtain glass-derived implants with similar mechanical properties to the precursor materials. The role of processing parameters in the process outcome was analysed: optimization of the assist gas volumetric flow, the precursor glass mass flow, the substrate preheating, and the optical power of the CO2 infrared laser beam, allowed to adjust the material cooling rates to preclude extensive crystallization or cracking. The assessment of calcium hydroxyapatite precipitation ability and ion release in simulated body fluid conclude the potential osteoconductivity of the produced implants.Xunta de GaliciaMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia | Ref. MAT2006-10481EU – ATLANTIC AREA TRANSNATIONAL AREA. European Regional Development | Ref. MARMED 2011-1/16