9 research outputs found

    Disentangling factors that assemble New Zealand's ant communities

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    Several biotic and abiotic stressors can influence community assembly. The negative co-occurrence patterns observed within many communities, for example, may derive either from behavioural similarities (e.g. species displaying high aggression levels towards each other) or habitat preference. I evaluated the role of several stressors that may shape New Zealand’s ant communities. First, I investigated (in chapter 2) the co-occurrence patterns of two native ant communities located within transitional grassland-forest habitats. I also monitored the temperature variation in these habitats over a one-year period. I found that grasslands are exposed to higher temperature variation than forest habitats. I also found that some ants are mostly associated with forest habitats and others with grasslands. Using null models to examine these communities, I found evidence that two ant species (Monomorium antarcticum and Prolasius advenus) exhibit negative co-occurrence patterns. In the reminder of my thesis I developed a series of laboratory-based experiments to examine the processes that could explain the co-occurrence patterns that I observed in these ant communities. In chapter 3, I subjected heterospecific groups of ants to interactions in controlled conditions. I asked if interspecific aggression predict the survival probability and co-occurrence patterns described in chapter 2. My results demonstrated that aggression predicted the survival probability of interacting ant species and their co-occurrence patterns. I argued that aggressive behaviour might reflect the risks imposed by competitors. Differences in aggression may thus be a key factor influencing sympatric and allopatric co-occurrence patterns of these ant communities. In chapter 4, I tested the hypotheses that arrival sequence and diet influence the strength of interactions between colonies of two species that exhibited negative co-occurrence patterns (P. advenus and M. antarcticum). When arriving first, P. advenus displayed increased aggression and M. antarcticum a defensive reaction. The adoption of a defensive reaction by M. antarcticum increased their colony survival probability. Changes in carbohydrate and protein availability modulated colony activity rates of both species. These results indicate that arrival sequence can modulate the territorial behaviour displayed by interacting species in situations of conflict. Also, I showed that these ant species adjust their foraging activity rates in according to their diet, but different species do so differently. In chapter 5, I expanded the scope of chapter 4 and asked if aggression and foraging behaviour of P. advenus and M. antarcticum change in different conditions of temperature, diet and group size. For both ant species, changes in temperature had stronger effects on small than large colonies. Small groups of M. antarcticum displayed higher foraging activity at lower temperatures. Conversely, small groups of P. advenus displayed higher foraging activity at high temperatures. Also, small M. antarcticum colonies displayed increased aggression and significantly reduced the size of large P. advenus colonies, regardless of temperature and diet. These results suggest that P. advenus and M. antarcticum perform differently at different temperatures. Furthermore, I demonstrated that the persistence of these small colonies might be related to their ability to modulate foraging activities and interspecific aggression according to the environment. I also investigated (in chapter 6) the effects of a neurotoxic pesticide (neonicotinoid) on a native (M. antarcticum) and an invasive ant (Linepithema humile). I tested whether sublethal contamination with a neonicotinoid affects foraging, fitness and the outcome of interspecific interactions between these ants. Overall, pesticide exposure increased aggression of the invasive ant and reduced the aggression of the native species. Importantly, non-exposed individuals of the invasive species subjected to interactions against exposed natives were less aggressive, but more likely to survive. These results suggest that the modification of the physicochemical environment by pesticide contamination could change the dynamics of communities and influence invasion success. Overall, this thesis highlights that synergistic effects between several biotic and abiotic factors influence community assembly. My results suggest that non-random allopatric patterns of niche occupancy observed in these ant communities are better explained by high levels of aggression displayed between pairs of species that seldom co-occur, though I was unable to falsify the hypothesis that habitat preference also plays a role in determining their distribution and co-occurrence patterns. The modification of behaviour by external factors – either natural (e.g. temperature) or human mediated (e.g. pesticide exposure) – likely has broad effects on population and community dynamics and on patterns of species co-existence

    Disentangling factors that assemble New Zealand's ant communities

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    Several biotic and abiotic stressors can influence community assembly. The negative co-occurrence patterns observed within many communities, for example, may derive either from behavioural similarities (e.g. species displaying high aggression levels towards each other) or habitat preference. I evaluated the role of several stressors that may shape New Zealand’s ant communities. First, I investigated (in chapter 2) the co-occurrence patterns of two native ant communities located within transitional grassland-forest habitats. I also monitored the temperature variation in these habitats over a one-year period. I found that grasslands are exposed to higher temperature variation than forest habitats. I also found that some ants are mostly associated with forest habitats and others with grasslands. Using null models to examine these communities, I found evidence that two ant species (Monomorium antarcticum and Prolasius advenus) exhibit negative co-occurrence patterns. In the reminder of my thesis I developed a series of laboratory-based experiments to examine the processes that could explain the co-occurrence patterns that I observed in these ant communities. In chapter 3, I subjected heterospecific groups of ants to interactions in controlled conditions. I asked if interspecific aggression predict the survival probability and co-occurrence patterns described in chapter 2. My results demonstrated that aggression predicted the survival probability of interacting ant species and their co-occurrence patterns. I argued that aggressive behaviour might reflect the risks imposed by competitors. Differences in aggression may thus be a key factor influencing sympatric and allopatric co-occurrence patterns of these ant communities. In chapter 4, I tested the hypotheses that arrival sequence and diet influence the strength of interactions between colonies of two species that exhibited negative co-occurrence patterns (P. advenus and M. antarcticum). When arriving first, P. advenus displayed increased aggression and M. antarcticum a defensive reaction. The adoption of a defensive reaction by M. antarcticum increased their colony survival probability. Changes in carbohydrate and protein availability modulated colony activity rates of both species. These results indicate that arrival sequence can modulate the territorial behaviour displayed by interacting species in situations of conflict. Also, I showed that these ant species adjust their foraging activity rates in according to their diet, but different species do so differently. In chapter 5, I expanded the scope of chapter 4 and asked if aggression and foraging behaviour of P. advenus and M. antarcticum change in different conditions of temperature, diet and group size. For both ant species, changes in temperature had stronger effects on small than large colonies. Small groups of M. antarcticum displayed higher foraging activity at lower temperatures. Conversely, small groups of P. advenus displayed higher foraging activity at high temperatures. Also, small M. antarcticum colonies displayed increased aggression and significantly reduced the size of large P. advenus colonies, regardless of temperature and diet. These results suggest that P. advenus and M. antarcticum perform differently at different temperatures. Furthermore, I demonstrated that the persistence of these small colonies might be related to their ability to modulate foraging activities and interspecific aggression according to the environment. I also investigated (in chapter 6) the effects of a neurotoxic pesticide (neonicotinoid) on a native (M. antarcticum) and an invasive ant (Linepithema humile). I tested whether sublethal contamination with a neonicotinoid affects foraging, fitness and the outcome of interspecific interactions between these ants. Overall, pesticide exposure increased aggression of the invasive ant and reduced the aggression of the native species. Importantly, non-exposed individuals of the invasive species subjected to interactions against exposed natives were less aggressive, but more likely to survive. These results suggest that the modification of the physicochemical environment by pesticide contamination could change the dynamics of communities and influence invasion success. Overall, this thesis highlights that synergistic effects between several biotic and abiotic factors influence community assembly. My results suggest that non-random allopatric patterns of niche occupancy observed in these ant communities are better explained by high levels of aggression displayed between pairs of species that seldom co-occur, though I was unable to falsify the hypothesis that habitat preference also plays a role in determining their distribution and co-occurrence patterns. The modification of behaviour by external factors – either natural (e.g. temperature) or human mediated (e.g. pesticide exposure) – likely has broad effects on population and community dynamics and on patterns of species co-existence

    Monitoramento da qualidade ambiental de áreas citrícolas utilizando formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) como bioindicadores

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    O uso de formigas como bioindicadores constitui-se de uma ferramenta poderosa para avaliação de mudanças na estrutura dos ecossistemas, podendo ser um elo de confiança entre as partes interessadas (governo, mercado e a sociedade civil) no direcionamento de políticas públicas, e em processos de certificação, garantindo um desenvolvimento sustentável. Para validar as formigas como bioindicadores de áreas citrícolas foram amostradas quatro áreas, duas áreas de cultivo convencional e duas áreas de cultivo orgânico, e dois fragmentos florestais próximos a duas das áreas cultivadas, uma orgânica e uma convencional. A amostragem da mirmecofauna foi realizada utilizando-se armadilhas de solo tipo pitfall traps e em coletas realizadas na copa das árvores de citros através de guarda-chuva entomológico (batimento). Com os dados obtidos em campo foram calculados índices faunísticos de riqueza de espécies (S), diversidade de Shannon (H), diversidade de Simpson (1-D) e equitabilidade (J) para cada área amostrada. As espécies foram ainda classificadas em grupos funcionais e submetidos a análise estatística de similaridade e de variância de Kruskal-Wallis, que quando apresentaram valores significativos (p<O.05), foram pareados dois a dois em teste de Student-Newman-Keuls. Segundo os dados estatísticos obtidos e integrados a análise de grupos funcionais, a área de cultivo orgânico apresentou maior similaridade com seu fragmento florestal quando comparado a similaridade apresentada pela área de cultivo convencional e seu respectivo fragmento florestal. Ponderando as relações de dominância e os dados estatísticos obtidos em análises entre os grupos funcionais as áreas de cultivo orgânico apresentam melhor qualidade ambiental quando comparadas as áreas de cultivo convencionalThe use of ants as bioindicators consist in a powerful tool for evaluation of changes in the structure of ecosystems, being able to be a reliable link among stakeholders (government, market and the civil society) aiming public politics and certification's processes, guaranteeing a sustainable development. To validate ants as bioindicators of citrus orchards, four agricultural areas were sampled, two of them are organic and the other two, are conventional areas. Two forest fragments, next to both cultivated areas, one organic and one conventional, were also sampled. Two methods were used to collect the ants, on soil surface using pitfall traps, and collects on canopies' citrus trees using entomological umbrella. With the data obtained in field the following indexes were calculated: Species richness (S), Shannon diversity (H), Simpson diversity (1-D) and equitability (J) for each sampled area. All the collected species were classified by functional groups and submitted to similarity's analyses, and variance of Kruskal-Wallis, that when showed significant values (p<O.05) were submitted to pairwise test of Student-Newman-Keuls. According to statistical data and the functional group analyses, the organic culture showed a greater similarity with its forest fragment when compared to similarity showed between the conventional culture and its own forest fragment. Considering the statistical data and dominance between the ant's functional groups, organic cultures showed better environmental quality when compared to conventional culturesCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Disentangling factors that assemble New Zealand's ant communities

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    Several biotic and abiotic stressors can influence community assembly. The negative co-occurrence patterns observed within many communities, for example, may derive either from behavioural similarities (e.g. species displaying high aggression levels towards each other) or habitat preference. I evaluated the role of several stressors that may shape New Zealand’s ant communities. First, I investigated (in chapter 2) the co-occurrence patterns of two native ant communities located within transitional grassland-forest habitats. I also monitored the temperature variation in these habitats over a one-year period. I found that grasslands are exposed to higher temperature variation than forest habitats. I also found that some ants are mostly associated with forest habitats and others with grasslands. Using null models to examine these communities, I found evidence that two ant species (Monomorium antarcticum and Prolasius advenus) exhibit negative co-occurrence patterns. In the reminder of my thesis I developed a series of laboratory-based experiments to examine the processes that could explain the co-occurrence patterns that I observed in these ant communities.  In chapter 3, I subjected heterospecific groups of ants to interactions in controlled conditions. I asked if interspecific aggression predict the survival probability and co-occurrence patterns described in chapter 2. My results demonstrated that aggression predicted the survival probability of interacting ant species and their co-occurrence patterns. I argued that aggressive behaviour might reflect the risks imposed by competitors. Differences in aggression may thus be a key factor influencing sympatric and allopatric co-occurrence patterns of these ant communities.  In chapter 4, I tested the hypotheses that arrival sequence and diet influence the strength of interactions between colonies of two species that exhibited negative co-occurrence patterns (P. advenus and M. antarcticum). When arriving first, P. advenus displayed increased aggression and M. antarcticum a defensive reaction. The adoption of a defensive reaction by M. antarcticum increased their colony survival probability. Changes in carbohydrate and protein availability modulated colony activity rates of both species. These results indicate that arrival sequence can modulate the territorial behaviour displayed by interacting species in situations of conflict. Also, I showed that these ant species adjust their foraging activity rates in according to their diet, but different species do so differently.  In chapter 5, I expanded the scope of chapter 4 and asked if aggression and foraging behaviour of P. advenus and M. antarcticum change in different conditions of temperature, diet and group size. For both ant species, changes in temperature had stronger effects on small than large colonies. Small groups of M. antarcticum displayed higher foraging activity at lower temperatures. Conversely, small groups of P. advenus displayed higher foraging activity at high temperatures. Also, small M. antarcticum colonies displayed increased aggression and significantly reduced the size of large P. advenus colonies, regardless of temperature and diet. These results suggest that P. advenus and M. antarcticum perform differently at different temperatures. Furthermore, I demonstrated that the persistence of these small colonies might be related to their ability to modulate foraging activities and interspecific aggression according to the environment.  I also investigated (in chapter 6) the effects of a neurotoxic pesticide (neonicotinoid) on a native (M. antarcticum) and an invasive ant (Linepithema humile). I tested whether sublethal contamination with a neonicotinoid affects foraging, fitness and the outcome of interspecific interactions between these ants. Overall, pesticide exposure increased aggression of the invasive ant and reduced the aggression of the native species. Importantly, non-exposed individuals of the invasive species subjected to interactions against exposed natives were less aggressive, but more likely to survive. These results suggest that the modification of the physicochemical environment by pesticide contamination could change the dynamics of communities and influence invasion success.  Overall, this thesis highlights that synergistic effects between several biotic and abiotic factors influence community assembly. My results suggest that non-random allopatric patterns of niche occupancy observed in these ant communities are better explained by high levels of aggression displayed between pairs of species that seldom co-occur, though I was unable to falsify the hypothesis that habitat preference also plays a role in determining their distribution and co-occurrence patterns. The modification of behaviour by external factors – either natural (e.g. temperature) or human mediated (e.g. pesticide exposure) – likely has broad effects on population and community dynamics and on patterns of species co-existence.</p

    Relationship Between Population Size and Symbiont Fungus Culture Volume in Colonies of Acromyrmex balzani (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    In order to quantify the population of Acromyrmex balzani Emery, 1890 nests and to verify whether the population dynamic of the colony is correlated with the symbiont fungus volume, the principal energy source of the colony, five nests located in grassland areas were evaluated. The nests were sprayed with neutral talcum powder to improve visualization and digging. The symbiont fungus and the entire population existent in the chambers were collected. The mean fungus volume and total nest population in excavated nests were, respectively, 74.76 ml and 1,095 individuals. Simple linear correlation analysis verified that the fungus volume grew proportionally to the number of individuals. Despite the correlation between fungus volume and population dynamic of colonies, the factors that determine this relationship are little known since other microorganisms live in association with the colony

    Attractiveness of copperleaf-based bait to leaf-cutting ants

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    Folhas de acalifa (Acalypha spp.) são de grande aceitação pelas formigas cortadeiras e, por isso, utilizadas na manutenção de colônias em laboratório. Baseado nesses fatos, procedeu-se a uma avaliação da atratividade de isca granulada feita com folhas de Acalypha wilkesiana, usando a formiga cortadeira Atta sexdens rubropilosa como modelo, com o objetivo de determinar o seu potencial atrativo frente ao citros, atualmente utilizado na formulação comercial de iscas formicidas. Foram formuladas artesanalmente iscas atóxicas, contendo pó (90% p/p) de polpa cítrica ou de A. wilkesiana. As iscas foram colocadas simultaneamente em uma arena de forrageamento até o carregamento total de uma delas. Os resultados mostram que a isca de acalifa é menos atrativa que a de citros, o que inviabiliza a substituição.Leaves of copperleaf (Acalypha spp.) are greatly accepted by leaf-cutting ants and therefore used to maintain colonies in the laboratory. In order to determine the attractive potential of granulated bait of Acalypha wilkesiana leaves versus citrus pulp, currently used in commercial baits, an evaluation was performed, by using the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa as model. The handmade non-toxic baits contained powder (90% w/w) of either citrus pulp or A. wilkesiana were offered simultaneously in the foraging arena until the total loading of one of them. Results showed that copperleaf baits are less attractive than the citrus ones, which invalidates the viability of the substitution.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Ant Group Effects on the Insecticide and Dye Flow Among Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Workers

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    Social behavior has conferred many advantages upon insects. Allogrooming and self-grooming, frequently observed among leaf-cutting ants, help to prevent colony contamination by microorganisms and aid in the process of recognizing nest-mates, given the evidence that the grouping effect acts to modulate these behavioral parameters. For Ellis reason, the contamination dynamic was evaluated in workers of Atta sexdens rubropilosa by particles adhering externally to the tegument of their bodies, with and without the presence of insecticide added to dye in different groupings. The results demonstrate that although the dye had dispersed rapidly among workers in all groupings, it was eliminated efficaciously only in groups that utilized the dye without insecticide. When compared by the chi-square test (X(005)(2); 3) at 60 minutes only, the group containing the most individuals (128) presented significant values and at 120 minutes only the smallest group (16 individuals) did not present significant values, indicating that the greater the number of individuals the more rapidly it would be dispersed among nest-mates, thus elevating the importance of utilizing active ingredients with a delayed action in the control of leaf-cutting, ants, to avoid detection of insecticide by the colony and enable its propagation to all or most of the colony before triggering, the defense mechanisms of the colony.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq