67 research outputs found

    Nowe stanowiska Calamobius filum (Rossi, 1790) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) w Polsce

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    New records of Calamobius filum (Rossi, 1790) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Poland. Calamobius filum (Rossi, 1790) has very recently been recorded in the Polish part of Silesia. Six new localities in Upper Silesia and the Eastern Sudety Mts. are reported, details of the species’ habitats are given, and migration routes are discussed. It is concluded that the Moravian Gate has played an important role in the species’ spread to Poland, and it is likely that linear infrastructure, like roads and motorways, will likewise be of significance for the species’ further expansion in Poland

    Calvariopsis gen. nov., a new genus of Neotropical Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea)

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    Ruta, Rafał (2019): Calvariopsis gen. nov., a new genus of Neotropical Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea). Zootaxa 4604 (1): 1-41, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4604.1.

    Prionocyphon macrodascilloides Ruta, 2010, sp. nov.

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    Prionocyphon macrodascilloides sp. nov. (Figs 2 –3, 10– 15) Type material. Holotype, male (HNHM): “ TAIWAN, Ilan county, / Fushan Botanical Garden. / at light, 25.XII. 2001. / leg. A. Kun & L. Ronkay” [printed label]; „ HOLOTYPUS / Prionocyphon / macrodascilloides / sp. n. / des. Rafał Ruta 2009 ” [red label, printed]. Diagnosis. Body is large, moderately convex, elytra bear indistinct longitudinal carinae, antennae are bicoloured. Parameroids of penis are subparallel, not converging apically, tegmen has narrow, tapering apices. Similar to P. costipennis sp. nov., but larger, with indistinct elytral carinae and different genital structures. Description. Holotype, male. Measurements: TL 4.75, EW 2.85, EL 4.00, PW 1.80, PL 0.80, HW 1.55, greatest depth of body 1.70. Body elongate, moderately convex, covered with suberect yellowish-brown setae. Elytra testaceous, head and pronotum darker, brownish, antennomeres 1–3 yellowish, 4–11 brownish-black. Body 1.7 times as long as broad. Head 2.6 times wider than width of interocular space, with subtle but dense punctation, punctures separated by ca. 0.5 –1.0 diameter, eyes large, finely facetted, strongly protuberant; tempora converging posteriorly. Scape enlarged, with explanate anterodistal angle, and sharp anterior ridge, 1.5 times as long as wide, antennomere 2 globular, 3 reduced, shorter than half length of antennomere 2, antennomeres 4–10 elongated, widened, subtriangular, with somewhat rugose surface, apical antennomere elongate oval. Clypeus wide, transverse, anterior clypeal margin straight, anterolateral angles almost right-angled. Anteclypeus reduced, slightly visible. Labrum small, transverse, with broadly rounded anterolateral angles. Mandibles well developed, symmetrical, each with a sharp mesal denticle. Pronotum transverse, 2.3 times as broad as long, widest at posterior angles, distinctly narrower than elytral base. Disc of pronotum with subtle punctation, punctures separated by ca. 1.0 diameter. Posterior margin of pronotum arcuate. Anterior angles explanate, posterior angles almost obtuse, sides of pronotum short, almost straight. Scutellum subtriangular, with similar punctation to that on pronotum. Angle between pronotum and elytra well marked in dorsal outline. Each elytron with 3 longitudinal ridges, elytra 1.4 times as long as broad and 5.0 times as long as pronotum, sides subparallel in basal half, regularly rounded and converging to apex in posterior half. Humeri well marked. Punctation very strong, deep and dense, distance between punctures ca. 0.3–0.5 diameter. Epipleura narrowed behind metanepisternum, present towards apices. Hind wings fully developed. Prosternal process narrowly lanceolate, ca. 5.0 times longer than wide. Mesocoxae separated by a wide process slightly converging apically, about 3.6 times as long as broad; metaventral discrimen almost complete. Ratio of ventrites’ lengths 1.0: 2.0: 2.0: 2.0: 2.5. Ventrite 5 regularly rounded, without emargination. Penis (Fig. 10; L 0.82 W 0.31) symmetrical with large subrectangular pala and three processes, which are about as long as pala: mesal subtriangular centema and thin lateral parameroids, which are subparallel and slightly longer than centema; tegmen (Fig. 11; L 1.06, W 0.53) large, wide, with long, thin parameres bearing several long setae on apices; tergite 8 (Fig. 12; L 0.84, W 0.57) with sparse and minute setation at apical margin, apodemes almost the same length as the membranous portion; tergite 9 (Fig. 13; L 0.67, W 0.39) with short apodemes and membranous apical part with numerous minute setae; sternite 8 (Fig. 14; L 0.35, W 0.43) small, v-shaped; sternite 9 (Fig. 15; L 0.71, W 0.33) elongate oval, with marginal setae in apical half. Female unknown. Distribution. N Taiwan; known only from the locus typicus. Etymology. The name refers to the external similarity to Macrodascillus Carter, a monotypic genus of Scirtidae endemic to Australia. Note. The Fushan Botanical Garden, where both new species were collected, is located on the boundary of Taipei and Ilan county, close to the Ha-Pen Reserve, protecting well preserved forests; it is highly plausible that individuals attracted to light dwell in the forest.Published as part of Ruta, RafaĹ‚, 2010, Two new species of Prionocyphon Redtenbacher from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Scirtidae), with notes on Prionocyphon, Mescirtes Motschulsky and Prionoscirtes Champion from East and Southeast Asia, pp. 52-60 in Zootaxa 2402 on pages 54-56, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.19410

    Prionocyphon costipennis Ruta, 2010, sp. nov.

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    Prionocyphon costipennis sp. nov. (Figs 1, 4– 9) Type material. Holotype, male (HNHM): “ TAIWAN, Ilan county, / Fushan Botanical Garden. / at light, 21.I. 2002. / leg. A. Kun & L. Ronkay” [printed label]; “ HOLOTYPUS / Prionocyphon / costipennis sp. n. / des. Rafał Ruta 2009 ” [red label, printed]. Diagnosis. Body is moderate in size, somewhat depressed, elytra bear distinct longitudinal carinae, antennae are bicoloured. Parameroids of penis are converging apically, tegmen has wide apices. Similar to P. macrodascilloides sp. nov., but smaller, with more distinct elytral carinae and different genital structures. Description. Holotype, male. Measurements: TL 3.60, EW 2.20, EL 3.15, PW 1.35, PL 0.60, HW 1.15, greatest depth of body 1.20. Body elongate, depressed, covered with suberect yellowish setae. Body uniformly testaceous, humeral region slightly lighter, yellowish, antennomeres 1–3 yellowish, 4–6 black (remaining antennomeres missing in the holotype). Body 1.6 times as long as broad. Head 1.6 times wider than width of interocular space, with subtly rugose punctation, punctures separated by ca. 1.0 diameter, eyes large, finely facetted, strongly protuberant; tempora converging posteriorly. Scape subrectangular, with rounded anterodistal angle, with sharp anterior ridge, 1.5 times as long as wide, antennomere 2 globular, 3 reduced, ca. half as long as antennomere 2, antennomeres 4–6 elongated, of similar lengths, narrowly subtriangular, with somewhat rugose surface. Clypeus wide, transverse, anterior clypeal margin straight, anterolateral angles almost right-angled. Anteclypeus reduced, hardly visible. Labrum small, transverse, with broadly rounded anterolateral angles. Mandibles well developed, symmetrical, each with a sharp mesal denticle. Pronotum transverse, 2.3 times as broad as long, widest at posterior angles, distinctly narrower than elytral base. Disc of pronotum with subtle granulate punctation (punctures separated by ca. 1.0– 1.5 diameter). Posterior margin of pronotum arcuate. Anterior angles explanate, posterior angles almost obtuse, sides of pronotum short, almost straight. Scutellum subtriangular, with similar punctation to that on pronotum. Angle between pronotum and elytra well marked in dorsal outline. Each elytron with 3 distinct longitudinal ridges, elytra 1.4 times as long as broad and 5.3 times as long as pronotum, sides subparallel in basal half, regularly rounded and converging to apex in posterior half. Humeri well marked. Punctation very strong, deep and dense, distance between punctures ca. 0.3–0.5 diameter. Epipleura narrowed behind metanepisternum, present towards apices. Hind wings fully developed. Prosternal process lanceolate, ca. 3.5 times longer than wide. Mesocoxae separated by a narrow subparallel process, about 3.5 times as long as broad; metaventral discrimen almost complete, surrounding area somewhat concave. Ratio of ventrites’ lengths 1.0: 2.1: 2.1: 2.4: 2.9. Ventrite 5 regularly rounded, without emargination. Penis (Fig. 4; L 0.62, W 0.28) symmetrical with broadly oval pala and three processes, which are about as long as pala: mesal subtriangular centema and relatively wide lateral parameroids converging apically, which are slightly longer than centema; tegmen (Fig. 5; L 0.68, W 0.50) large, wide, with long and broad parameres bearing several long setae on inner sides of apices and more numerous setae on outer sides; tergite 8 (Fig. 6; L 0.40, W 0.50) very wide, transverse, with sparse and minute setation at apical margin, apodemes slightly shorter than apical portion; tergite 9 (Fig. 7; L 0.50, W 0.37) with indistinct setae on apical margin, apodemes almost as long as membranous portion; sternite 8 (Fig. 8; L 0.37, W 0.43) small, v-shaped; sternite 9 (Fig. 9; L 0.52, W 0.33) relatively broad, elongate oval, with numerous setae in apical portion. Female unknown. Distribution. N Taiwan; known only from the locus typicus. Etymology. Name refers to the distinct longitudinal ridges on the elytra (latin costa = rib, penna = wing).Published as part of Ruta, RafaĹ‚, 2010, Two new species of Prionocyphon Redtenbacher from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Scirtidae), with notes on Prionocyphon, Mescirtes Motschulsky and Prionoscirtes Champion from East and Southeast Asia, pp. 52-60 in Zootaxa 2402 on pages 53-54, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.19410

    A new species of Daploeuros Watts (Coleoptera: Scirtidae)

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    Ruta, Rafał (2020): A new species of Daploeuros Watts (Coleoptera: Scirtidae). Zootaxa 4728 (3): 334-340, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4728.3.

    Calvariopsis gen. nov., a new genus of Neotropical Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea)

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    Ruta, Rafał (2019): Calvariopsis gen. nov., a new genus of Neotropical Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea). Zootaxa 4604 (1): 1-41, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4604.1.

    FIGURE 25 in Calvariopsis gen. nov., a new genus of Neotropical Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea)

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    FIGURE 25. Calvariopsis saopaulense sp. nov., male.A) penis; B) tegmen and sternite IX; C) tergite VIII; D) tergite IX. Scale bar = 0.25 mm

    FIGURE 8. Calvariopsis gen. nov., group I in Calvariopsis gen. nov., a new genus of Neotropical Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea)

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    FIGURE 8. Calvariopsis gen. nov., group I (A, C, E–F) and group II (B, D), females, apical portion of elytra, excitators. A) C. pittieri; B) C. brasiliense, an arrow indicates patch of modified setae; C) C. sp., Colombia, Gorgona Island; D) C. sp., Ecuador, an arrow indicates patch of modified setae; E) C. sp., Paraguay; F) C. sp., Peru

    FIGURE 16 in Calvariopsis gen. nov., a new genus of Neotropical Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea)

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    FIGURE 16. Labels of holotypes. A) Calvariopsis sculptipenne (Pic); B) Calvariopsis brasiliense (Pic)

    FIGURES 1–3 in Two new species of Prionocyphon Redtenbacher from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Scirtidae), with notes on Prionocyphon, Mescirtes Motschulsky and Prionoscirtes Champion from East and Southeast Asia

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    FIGURES 1–3. Dorsal view: 1) Prionocyphon costipennis sp. nov.; 2) & 3) Prionocyphon macrodascilloides sp. nov. Scale bar (for 1&2) = 1.0 mm
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