108 research outputs found
Discursive space and its consequences for understanding knowledge and information
The paper develops the idea of discursive space by describing the manner of existence of this space and the world of facts. The ontology of discursive space is based on the idea of discourse by Foucault. Discourse, being a language phenomenon, is a form of existence of knowledge. The discursive space is a representation of knowledge and can be interpreted as the system of acquiring this knowledge. This space is connected with the world of facts by a relationship of supervenience, which can be interpreted as a flow of knowledge. At the same time, the existence of the world of facts (world of affairs) assumes that it covers all phenomena and processes, and therefore, necessarily, also the discursive space. Hence, this space is not a separate system but a system that emerges from the world in order to allow the gathering of specific knowledge about it. Treating the discursive space as one of the possible cognitive systems, one can imagine other systems of knowledge that emerge from the world (the whole), as parts subordinated to particular goals (the use of knowledge), which can have a multilevel character. The flow of knowledge on the border of such a system and the whole of it can be interpreted as information. This paper tries to justify this possibility, which could lead to a general model of the flow of the knowledge
Cultural heritage within postmodern reality
This article tries to reconstruct possible issues could appear when the postmodern mode of interpretation is applied to the problem of cultural heritage. The problem is more complicated because the idea of cultural heritage is mostly founded on the humanistic management theory and this theory also tries to use postmodern tools but more generally. So it is impossible to consider connections between heritage and postmodernity in separation to the discipline of humanistic management. The solution lies in the universal characteristics of postmodernity, especially in its theory about the knowledge. Article refers this issue through the concepts by Jean-François Lyotard and Michel Foucault. These concepts underline relativeness and localness of the knowledge. The same attributes affect categories it uses like historicity, identity and even genuineness or humanity. In that case it is impossible to treat heritage as a simple order of succession, but rather as a local effect. But there is also a limit in this treatment which is constituted by the subject, the man, who ought to build his subjectivity against polyphonic and meaningless form of world. This also refine the fundamental bet between the heir and the testator much more important than the circular movement of goods within community which stands behind the modern form of cultural heritage
Culture as an internet phenomenon from the humanistic management perspective
The article describes possible uses of the term “culture” as implemented to the Internet and proposes four levels of its interpretation. The fi rst level is proposed for the Web construed as a way of gathering information about cultural events, so functioning mostly as a channel of information. The second level perceives the Internet as an environment for any organization which could be recognized as “cultural” in any way, including public institutions of culture. The third meaning of culture in the context of the Internet gathers all artistic activities usually connected with social actions. These activities could evolve into particular social events, which usually would cover existing social needs or cultural insuffi ciencies. The fourth meaning sees culture as a tool to perform an abstract and general theory of the Internet seen as a broad environment which includes social matters, technology, history, economy and so on. Each level of interpretation is widely described and supplemented by mostly Polish examples and literature.Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, ISSN 0860-0139; 1334
ISBN 978-83-233-3602-
The Internet and Its Present and Future as a Problem of Technology Role Interpretation in the Context of Development of the Business in the Web
Artykuł omawia najnowsze tendencje rozwoju Internetu w kontekście teoretycznych badań dotyczących ich aspektu technologicznego, będącego klasycznym problemem badań poświęconych mediom. Problem ten stał się szczególnie ważny i został postawiony na nowo w wypadku tzw. nowych mediów. Jego osobny wariant pojawił się także w obrębie bardziej szczegółowego pola badawczego dotyczącego zarządzania mediami. Wspomniane najnowsze tendencje rozwoju przyjmują dwa kluczowe kierunki: intensyfikacja i wzbogacenie ruchu w obecnej infrastrukturze oraz rekonstrukcja od podstaw infrastruktury sieci oparta na jej nowej koncepcji (tzw. clean slate paradigm). Oba kierują się jasną pragmatyką, jakiej dostarcza aspekt komercyjny sieci, choć fundamentalnie różnie rozumieją jej status (obiektywna rzeczywistość v. "usługa" państwowa). Realizują także klasyczną ambiwalencje badawczą mediów, która przeciwstawia stanowisko deterministyczne (determinizm technologiczny) rozumieniu technologii jako odpowiedzi na zapotrzebowanie społeczne głównie o charakterze ekonomicznym.The article describes the newest tendencies in the development of the Internet in the context of theoretical investigations considering its technological aspect which is a classical problem in the media studies. This issue has become especially urgent with the arrival of new media and made theory to rethink it from the beginning. Its separated variant appeared also in a more specific field of the media management. The newest tendencies in the development of the Internet take now two key directions: acceleration and enrichment of the traffic incurrent infrastructure or fundamental reconstruction of current infrastructure based on new criteria (clean slate paradigm). Although both of them present clear pragmatics, which is provided by the commercial aspect of Web, they understand its status in a very different ways (objective reality vs. state service). They also realize the classical theoretical ambivalence in media studies which holds on one side a deterministic attitude (technological determinism) and on the second the idea that technology mainly arises as a result of mostly economically driven social need
The two key points in the history of the Internet in the context of the idea of environment
The article tries to describe two key points of the Internet’s history in the context of the notion of environment: the emergence of the World Wide Web and the dotcom bubble. The first was the effect of Tim Berners-Lee’s invention but also the source of rapid growth in the commercial sector on the Internet, which can be proved by the number of enterprises registered in the web. The change also expressed itself as a massive, ubiquitous participation of people, which has been constituted by the numerous communities of retail clients. The second key point was the Nasdaq stock market crash, when many companies from the ICT sector lost their assets or even failed. It was also the beginning of a new phase of the Internet and a fundamental change in its functioning. User changed its character to the participant and co-worker – an active element. The effects of this change can be observed as a fundamental change of nature of most web processes. Thanks to this analysis one can see the convergent and complicated nature of the Internet, based mostly on two forces coming first from the technology and then inevitably from the economy
"Humanitas" jako punkt startu myślenia na temat uniwersytetu w kontekście tzw. zarządzania humanistycznego
Instytucjonalny aspekt funkcjonowania uniwersytetu nie może być oderwany od szerszego kontekstu nauki, przepracowanego i zinterpretowanego w obrębie humanistyki. Artykuł dowodzi, że zarządzanie humanistyczne, łączące zarządzanie z humanistyką, jest właściwym polem naukowej refleksji dla rozpoznania i zrozumienia tej problematyki.The institutional aspect of the functioning of the university may not be separated from the broader context of science, already reworked and interpreted in the Humanities. The paper proofs that the humanistic management connecting the Humanities and the management is the proper scientific field to recognize and understand this problematics
Uncertain status of knowledge in the light of technological development
Rozmaite formy walidacji antyracjonalizmu i antynaukowości w mediach przybierają w ciągu ostatnich dziesięcioleci wymiary zjawiska globalnego. Związane to jest z podważeniem paradygmatu racjonalnego i globalnym spadkiem zaufania do instytucji naukowych, ale także z kierunkiem rozwoju mediów interaktywnych, które jednocześnie umożliwiły rozpowszechnianie dyskursu antyracjonalnego, jak i stały się jednym ze źródeł jego społecznej legitymizacji. Sytuację tę wykorzystują do osiągania własnych celów praktycznych i ideologicznych politycy, marketing, organizacje religijne. Ten tekst poświęcony jest opisowi
i operacjonalizacji szczególnej odmiany antynaukowości w mediach, jaką jest irracjonalizm banalny - antyracjonalne i irracjonalne wypowiedzi wbudowane w naszą codzienną retorykę i metaforykę (a zatem także w treści mediów), przyczyniające się do podważania wartości i sensu wiedzy racjonalnej. Jego opis jest rezultatem szerszej projektu badawczego - powstał w wyniku analizy ramowania i retoryki dyskursów antyracjonalnych w polskich mediach.Various forms of validation of anti-rationalism and anti-scientific attitudes in the mass media have nowadays become the global phenomenon. It is associated with the undermining of the rational paradigm of knowledge and the global diminishment of the trust in the scholarly institutions, but also with the direction of the development of the interactive media, facilitating the spreading of the anti-rational discourse while also becoming one of the sources of its social legitimisation. Politicians, marketing, religious organisations exploit this situation for their ideological and practical goals. This text is devoted to the description and operationalisation of the particular variety of the anti-science discourse
in the media that is co-called banal irrationalism, i.e. the irrational and antirational, but transparent and naturalized public utterances, ingrained into our everyday rhetoric and metaphors - and therefore in the media discourses as well - contributing to the undermining of the sense and value of the scientific knowledge. This description is the part of a wider research project aiming at the analysis of the framing and rhetoric of the antirational discourses in the Polish media
The two key points in the history of the Internet in the context of the idea of environment
The article tries to describe two key points of the Internet’s history in the context of the notion of environment: the emergence of the World Wide Web and the dotcom bubble. The first was the effect of Tim Berners-Lee’s invention but also the source of rapid growth in the commercial sector on the Internet, which can be proved by the number of enterprises registered in the web. The change also expressed itself as a massive, ubiquitous participation of people, which has been constituted by the numerous communities of retail clients. The second key point was the Nasdaq stock market crash, when many companies from the ICT sector lost their assets or even failed. It was also the beginning of a new phase of the Internet and a fundamental change in its functioning. User changed its character to the participant and co-worker – an active element. The effects of this change can be observed as a fundamental change of nature of most web processes. Thanks to this analysis one can see the convergent and complicated nature of the Internet, based mostly on two forces coming first from the technology and then inevitably from the economy
Stygmatyzacja osób z niepełnosprawnościami w procesie edukacji
Przedmiotem artykułu jest stygmatyzacja uczniów i młodzieży z niepełnosprawnościami. Osoby o odmiennym zachowaniu niż powszechnie akceptowane są piętnowane i odrzucane. Celem pracy jest prezentacja dwóch studiów przypadków jako obserwacji autora: jednej w szkole podstawowej i drugiej w szkole wyższej. Pierwszy przypadek dotyczy 10-letniego ucznia, u którego zdiagnozowano ADHD, drugi – studentki z problemami zdrowotnymi, którą postrzegano jako upośledzoną umysłowo. Oba przypadki zdarzyły się na innych etapach edukacji, ale cechą wspólną jest taki sam rodzaj reakcji społecznej: stygmatyzacja i chęć odrzucenia przez otoczenie. Wnioski dotyczą medycznego modelu niepełnosprawności, który dominuje w Polsce. Podstawą odrzucenia lub gorszego traktowania jest diagnoza medyczna lub jej podejrzenie. Społeczny model niepełnosprawności powinien być nadal promowany, jednak w potocznej świadomości mocno ugruntowany jest podział na zdrowych i chorych, co jest pogłębiane procesem medykalizacji.Publikacja dofinansowana ze środków Polskiego Towarzystwa Socjologiczneg
Konstruowanie tożsamości w Internecie – młodzi ludzie z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną
The construction of online identity by young people with intellectual disabilities is slightly different
than in the case of non-disabled peers. According to research, they use online communication,
but they usually learn about various amenities and news with a delay. The aim of the
considerations is to answer the question of what impact the Internet has on various aspects of life:
risk-taking, loneliness and networking, getting to know sex life, the role of parents (eg Seale, Chadwick,
2017). Young people with intellectual disabilities use the Internet for slightly different purposes
than their peers. It is very important to maintain contact with others online for emotional
purposes (Krzyżak-Szymańska (red.), 2019). Intellectual disability additionally creates a situation
in which young people are subjected to more frequent aggression and hate (Plichta 2012). Although
the identity constructed on the Internet allows to hide the real „I” and establish relationships
that are a substitute for normalcy (Watson, 2002), as a result, real meetings are less frequent than
among groups of able-bodied youth
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