246 research outputs found

    The impact of porous media heterogeneity on non-Darcy flow behaviour from pore-scale simulation

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    The effect of pore-scale heterogeneity on non-Darcy flow behaviour is investigated by means of direct flow simulations on 3-D images of a beadpack, Bentheimer sandstone and Estaillades carbonate. The critical Reynolds number indicating the cessation of the creeping Darcy flow regime in Estaillades carbonate is two orders of magnitude smaller than in Bentheimer sandstone, and is three orders of magnitude smaller than in the beadpack. It is inferred from the examination of flow field features that the emergence of steady eddies in pore space of Estaillades at elevated fluid velocities accounts for the early transition away from the Darcy flow regime. The non-Darcy coefficient β, the onset of non-Darcy flow, and the Darcy permeability for all samples are obtained and compared to available experimental data demonstrating the predictive capability of our approach. X-ray imaging along with direct pore-scale simulation of flow provides a viable alternative to experiments and empirical correlations for predicting non-Darcy flow parameters such as the β factor, and the onset of non-Darcy flow

    The response of transgenic strawberry plants overexpressing a drought induced gene to water stress

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    Transgenic strawberry plants expressing a chitinase gene were evaluated for their performance during water stress. Transgenic and non-transgenic plants were assigned to three different soil water contents (SWC). They were kept under well-watered, moderately watered or stressed water conditions. At fi nal stage of experiment, dry matter components, leaf area, photosynthesis rate, water-use effi ciency (WUE) and water use per leaf area (WULA) were measured. Transgenic lines showed vigorous growth as compared with non-transgenic plants. Leaf area (LA), leaf dry matter (LDM), root dry matter (RDM) and total dry matter (TDM) of well-watered and water-stressed plants of transgenic lines were signifi cantly higher than those of non-transgenic plants. The WUE increased signifi cantly in transgenic lines, while water use (WU) per leaf area reduced in transgenic plants relative to control plants. Photosynthetic rates were not different between transgenic and non-transgenic plants. Soil water contents signifi cantly affected dry matter production, and photosynthetic rates. Transgenic plants also showed vigorous growth in comparison to non-transgenic plants when grown in vitro. Shoot, root and total fresh and dry weight of in vitro transgenic lines were significantly higher than those of nontransgenic plants

    A spatially resolved fluid-solid interaction model for dense granular packs/Soft-Sand.

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    Fluid flow through dense granular packs or soft sands can be described as a Darcy’ s flow for low injection rates, as the friction between grain-grain and grain-walls dominate the solid system behaviour. For high injection rates, fluid forces can generate grain displacement forming flow channels or “fractures”, which in turn modify local properties within the system, such as permeability and stress distribution. Due to this kind of “self organized” behaviour, a spatially resolved model for these interactions is required to capture the dynamics of these systems. In this work, we present a resolved model based on the approach taken by the CFDEM open source project which uses LIGGGHTS – a discrete elements method (DEM)– to model the granular behaviour and OpenFoam finite volume library for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), to simulate the fluid behaviour. The capabilities provided by the DEM engine allows the properties of the solid phase, such as inter-grain cohesion and solid confinement stress to be controlled. In this work the original solver provided by the CFDEM project was modified so as to deal with dense granular packs more effectively. Advantages of the approach presented are that it does not require external “scaling parameters” to reproduce well known properties of porous materials and that it inherits the performance provided by the CFDEM project. The model is validated by reproducing the well-known properties of static porous materials, such as its permeability as a function of the system porosity, and by calculating the drag coefficient for a sphere resting inside a uniform flow. Finally, we present fracture patterns obtained when modelling water injection into a Hele-Shaw cell, filled with a dense granular pack

    Generalized network modelling of two-phase flow in a water-wet and mixed-wet reservoir sandstone: Uncertainty and validation with experimental data

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    We use a generalized pore network model in combination with image-based experiments to understand the parameters that control upscaled flow properties. The study is focued on water-flooding through a reservoir sandstone under water-wet and mixed-wet conditions. A set of sensitivity studies is presented to quantify the role of wettability, pore geometry, initial and boundary conditions as well as a selection of model parameters used in the computation of fluid volumes, curvatures and flow and electrical conductivities. We quantify the uncertainty in the model predictions, which match the measured relative permeability and capillary pressure within the uncertainty of the experiments. Our results show that contact angle, initial saturation, image quality and image processing algorithm are amongst the parameters which introduce the largest variance in the predictions of upscaled flow properties for both mixed-wet and water-wet conditions

    Pore-scale modeling of two-phase flow: a comparison of the generalized network model to direct numerical simulation

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    Despite recent advances in pore-scale modeling of two-phase flow through porous media, the relative strengths and limitations of various modeling approaches have been largely unexplored. In this work, two-phase flow simulations from the generalized network model (GNM) [Phys. Rev. E 96, 013312 (2017)2470-004510.1103/PhysRevE.96.013312; Phys. Rev. E 97, 023308 (2018)2470-004510.1103/PhysRevE.97.023308] are compared with a recently developed lattice-Boltzmann model (LBM) [Adv. Water Resour. 116, 56 (2018)0309-170810.1016/j.advwatres.2018.03.014; J. Colloid Interface Sci. 576, 486 (2020)0021-979710.1016/j.jcis.2020.03.074] for drainage and waterflooding in two samples-a synthetic beadpack and a micro-CT imaged Bentheimer sandstone-under water-wet, mixed-wet, and oil-wet conditions. Macroscopic capillary pressure analysis reveals good agreement between the two models, and with experiments, at intermediate saturations but shows large discrepancy at the end-points. At a resolution of 10 grid blocks per average throat, the LBM is unable to capture the effect of layer flow which manifests as abnormally large initial water and residual oil saturations. Critically, pore-by-pore analysis shows that the absence of layer flow limits displacement to invasion-percolation in mixed-wet systems. The GNM is able to capture the effect of layers, and exhibits predictions closer to experimental observations in water and mixed-wet Bentheimer sandstones. Overall, a workflow for the comparison of pore-network models with direct numerical simulation of multiphase flow is presented. The GNM is shown to be an attractive option for cost and time-effective predictions of two-phase flow, and the importance of small-scale flow features in the accurate representation of pore-scale physics is highlighted
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