188 research outputs found

    Statistical verification of 2D-to-3D conversion of size and number density of particles

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    Particle/grain size and their number density arecommonly characterized in two dimensions (2D) from planaroptical or SEM micrographs of polished samples. Accurateconversion of such quantities into the three dimensional (3D)values are necessary for prediction of material properties.Several contradicting conversion correlations are available inliterature. The main objective of the current works it to verifysome of them. For this purpose, geometrical (3D) models ofrandomly distributed mono-size spheres were constructed andsliced at different planes. The particle count and their size werevariated within the same control volume. The statisticalinvestigations of the date suggested a (2D)-to-(3D) conversionfactor of 1.152377 ± 0.009427, which is very close to some ofearlier works [A. N. Sinha, 1999]

    A case of parasitic leiomyoma with serpentine omental blood vessels: An unusual variant of uterine leiomyoma

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    AbstractLeiomyoma is considered as the commonest benign tumor of the genital tract. This case represents a multiparous woman who presented with a history of progressive abdominal distension. On examination, a mobile ill-defined centrally located intra-abdominal mass was noticed. At laparotomy a parasitic fibroid attached to the greater omentum was seen. Resection of the mass and partial omentectomy was performed which was reported as leiomyoma by the histological examination. The patient had an uneventful post-operative recovery. She has been followed up for twelve months with no evidence of recurrence or residual disease

    Impact of Washing Hands on Accuracy Result of Capillary Blood Glucose Measurements among Diabetic Patients

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    Background: The technique of monitoring patient’s blood glucose using a glucose meter is most useful as an adjunct therapy with pharmacological treatments against diabetes mellitus. The value and effectiveness of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is affected by the patient’s SMBG knowledge and skill. This paper aimed to quantify the impact of washing hands on accuracy result of capillary blood glucose measurements among diabetic patients. Patients and method: Quasi-experimental  research design was conducted to meet the study's objective. In the internal medicine department at Assiut university hospital, Egypt. Sixty adult patients were eligible according to the inclusion criteria were enrolled. An interview questionnaire involved patients' demographic characteristics, clinical data, and knowledge regarding self-monitoring of blood glucose. Results: the mean blood glucose readings before washing hands were74.37± 86.594 mg / dl, 225.66± 85.973 mg / dl respectively after washing hands,  and after peeling an orange followed by no washing hands were 349.03±90.084 mg / dl. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that there was a statistically significant  difference between washing hands and accuracy results of capillary blood glucose measurements. Recommendations: All patients should be advised to wash their hands with water and soap before performing the test. Keywords: Washing Hands; Accuracy Result; Capillary Blood Glucose Measurements; and Diabetic Patient

    Application of Hyperspectral Imaging and Acoustic Emission Techniques for Apple Quality Prediction

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    There is a growing demand for developing effective non-destructive quality assessment methods with quick response, high accuracy, and low cost for fresh fruits. In this study, hyperspectral reflectance imaging (400 to 1000 nm) and acoustic emission (AE) tests were applied to ‘GoldRush‘ apples (total number, n = 180) to predict fruit firmness, total soluble solids (TSS), and surface color parameters (L*, a*, b*) during an eight-week storage period. Partial least squares (PLS) regression, least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM), and multivariate linear regression (MLR) methods were used to establish models to predict the quality attributes of the apples. The results showed that hyperspectral imaging (HSI) could accurately predict all the attributes except TSS, while the AE method was capable of predicting fruit firmness, b* color index, and TSS. Overall, HSI regression using PLS had better comprehensive ability for predicting firmness, TSS, and color parameters (L*, a*, b*) than AE, with correlation coefficients of prediction (rp) of 0.92, 0.41, 0.83, 0.87, and 0.94 and root mean square errors of prediction (RMSEP) of 4.32 (N), 1.78 (°Brix), 3.41, 2.28, and 4.29, respectively, while AE regression using LS-SVM gave rp values of 0.88, 0.74, 0.34, 0.37, and 0.81 and RMSEP values of 4.26 (N), 0.64 (°Brix), 4.69, 1.8, and 5.17 for firmness, TSS, and color parameters (L*, a*, b*), respectively. The results show the potential of these two non-destructive methods for predicting some of the quality attributes of apples

    Application of Acoustic Emission and Machine Learning to Detect Codling Moth Infested Apples

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    Incidence of codling moth (CM) (Cydia pomonella L.) infestation in apples has been a major concern in North America for decades. CM larvae bore deep into the fruit, making it unmarketable. An effective noninvasive method to detect larvae-infested apples is necessary to ensure that apples are CM-free in post-harvest processing. In this study, a novel approach using an acoustic emission (AE) system and subsequent machine learning methods was applied to classify larvae-infested apples from intact apples. \u27GoldRush‘ apples were infested with CM neonates and stored at the same conditions as intact apples. The AE system was used to collect the data emitted by 80 larvae-infested and intact apples in total. Eleven AE features that changed with signaling time were obtained with the AE system. For each feature, the area under the curve along the signaling time was calculated and used as an independent input variable for the machine learning algorithms, which included linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and ensemble method adaptive boosting. With signaling times ranging from 0.5 to 120 s, classification rates for infested versus intact apples ranged from 91% to 100% for the training set and from 83% to 100% for the test set. The quick signal collection and high classification accuracy obtained in this study show the potential of AE for detecting and classifying CM-infested apples

    Host species identification of bloodmeals from tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP)

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    Deckblatt - Impressum for my parents, wife and children Contents Abbreviations 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 23 4 RESULTS 39 5 DISCUSSION 61 6 CONCLUSIONS 68 7 SUMMARY 69 8 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 71 9 REFERENCES 73 10 ANNEXES 89 AcknowledgementsTsetsefliegen sind obligat blutsaugende Arthropoden, die ausschließlich an Wirbeltieren Blut saugen. Sie sind für die Übertragung der Schlafkrankheit beim Menschen und der afrikanischen Trypanosomosen bei Haustieren in weiten Teilen Afrikas südlich der Sahara (Tsetsegürtel) verantwortlich. Kenntnisse über das Verhalten von Tsetsefliegen bei der Nahrungsaufnahme sind erforderlich, um die Beziehung zwischen Wirt und Vektor und ihre jeweilige Rolle im Übertragungszyklus der Krankheit zu verstehen. Die Herkunft der Blutmahlzeiten der Tsetsefliegen liefert dabei wichtige Informationen über die natürlichen Ernährungsgewohnheiten der verschiedenen Fliegenarten aus der Gattung Glossina. Ziel der Arbeit war es daher, ein DNA-analytisches Untersuchungsverfahren zur Tierartidentifikation des von Tsetsefliegen aufgenommenen Blutes zu entwickeln. Es wurde eine DNA-Bank von Haus- und Wildtierarten eingerichtet, die 33 potenzielle Wirbeltierwirte von Tsetsefliegen erfasst. Die DNA wurde aus natürlichen Proben, wie Blut, Haaren und Haut extrahiert und mittels PCR unter Verwendung universeller Cytochrom b-Primer (cytb 1 und cytb 2) amplifiziert. Die verwendeten Primer waren komplementär zu konservierten Regionen des Cytochrom b - Gens der Wirbeltiere und führten bei allen untersuchten Arten der Familie Bovidae zu übereinstimmenden aber variablen 359 bp PCR-Produkten. Die Auswahl geeigneter Schnittstellen für die Restriktionsendonukleasen basierte auf dem Vergleich von mtDNA Sequenzdaten von Boviden, die vom "National Centre for Biotechnology Information� (USA) bezogen wurden. Die potenziellen Schnittstellen innerhalb der verschiedenen 359 bp Amplifikate, wurden mit dem von der �New England Biolab Incorporation� entwickelten frei verfügbaren Programms �NEB cutter V1.0� identifiziert. Für die Unterscheidung der verschiedenen Arten der Familie Bovidae wurde unter Nutzung der unterschiedlichen Restriktionsenzyme TaqI, AluI, HindII die PCR-RFLP Analyse verwendet. Die erhaltenen artspezifischen Restriktionsprofile waren für die Identifikation von allen 10 untersuchten Bovidenarten geeignet. Die Interpretation der Restriktionsprofile erfolgte visuell, durch Vergleich mit Referenzproben und unter Verwendung eines 50 bp DNA-Markers. Eine Computeranalyse war nicht notwendig. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es unter Verwendung universeller cytb Primer möglich ist, die in der Blutmahlzeit von Tsetsefliegen vorhandene Wirtstier-DNA zu amplifizieren. Die Nachweisrate in Blutmahlzeiten von Tsetsefliegen mittels PCR-RFLP betrug 24 h nach der Blutaufnahme 100%, nach 48 h 80%, nach 72 h 60% und nach 96 h 40%. Außerdem war die Technik auch für die Amplifikation der DNA von Blutausstrichen auf Filterpapier geeignet. Bei Verwendung antiseptischer Lösungen wurde die Wirtstier- DNA nicht zerstört. Nach der Verdauung der PCR Amplifikate mit Restriktionsendonukleasen entstanden durch co-Amplifikation nukleärer cytb Pseudogene einige unspezifische DNA Fragmente. Außerdem wurde bei einigen Tierarten eine unvollständige Restriktionsverdauung beobachtet. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen, dass die cytb PCR-RFLPAnalyse eine vielversprechende Methode für die Identifikation der Blutmahlzeiten von Tsetsefliegen ist.Tsetse flies are obligatory haematophagous arthropods, feeding only on vertebrate blood. They are responsible for the transmission of Human Sleeping Sickness (HSS) and African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT) in large areas of sub- Saharan Africa. Information on the feeding behaviour of tsetse is essential in understanding the relationship between hosts and vectors, and their respective roles in a disease transmission cycle. The source of a tsetse bloodmeal might provide important information relating to the epidemiology of trypanosomosis and natural feeding habits of different species of Glossina. The aim of this work was to develop a DNA based assay for the identification of bloodmeals from tsetse flies. A DNA bank from potential vertebrate hosts of tsetse flies was established comprising of 33 wild and domestic vertebrate species. DNA was extracted from biological specimens, such as blood, hair and skin and submitted to PCR using universal Cytochrome b primers (cytb 1 and cytb 2). The primers were complementary to the conserved region of the cytochrome b gene of vertebrates leading to a consistent but variable 359 bp-PCR products in all bovid species tested. The selection of appropriate restriction endonucleases sites was based on the comparison of mtDNA sequence data of bovids drawn from the search tool of the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (USA). Sites for all restriction enzymes that cut the amplified 359 bp sequence were identified by means of the free available programme NEB cutter V1.0 designed by New England Biolab Incorporation. PCR-RFLP analysis was used to differentiate different species of the family Bovidae by using different restriction endonucleases; TaqI, AluI and HindII. The obtained species- specific restriction profiles were suitable for the identification of 10 bovid species tested in this study. Interpretation of the restriction profiles was performed visually by comparison with reference samples and help of 50 bp molecular size marker, without the need for computer analysis. The results also demonstrate that it is possible to use universal cytb primers to amplify DNA present in bloodmeals from haematophagous tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae). The detection rate of host DNA in tsetse bloodmeals by PCR-RFLP was 100%, 80%, 60% and 40% at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post-feeding, respectively. In addition, the technique was successfully used to amplify DNA from blood smeared onto filter paper and subjected to antiseptic solutions without deterioration in the host DNA. After digestion of PCR amplicons with restriction endonucleases, some non-specific DNA fragments were obtained in some species due to co- amplification of nuclear cytb pseudogenes. In addition, incomplete digestion was observed in some species. The results of this study reveal that the cytb PCR-RFLP analysis is a promising tool for the identification of tsetse bloodmeals

    The Effect of Light Intensity, Sensor Height, and Spectral Pre-Processing Methods When Using NIR Spectroscopy to Identify Different Allergen-Containing Powdered Foods

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    Food allergens present a significant health risk to the human population, so their presence must be monitored and controlled within food production environments. This is especially important for powdered food, which can contain nearly all known food allergens. Manufacturing is experiencing the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), which is the use of digital technologies, such as sensors, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and cloud computing, to improve the productivity, efficiency, and safety of manufacturing processes. This work studied the potential of small low-cost sensors and machine learning to identify different powdered foods which naturally contain allergens. The research utilised a near-infrared (NIR) sensor and measurements were performed on over 50 different powdered food materials. This work focussed on several measurement and data processing parameters, which must be determined when using these sensors. These included sensor light intensity, height between sensor and food sample, and the most suitable spectra pre-processing method. It was found that the K-nearest neighbour and linear discriminant analysis machine learning methods had the highest classification prediction accuracy for identifying samples containing allergens of all methods studied. The height between the sensor and the sample had a greater effect than the sensor light intensity and the classification models performed much better when the sensor was positioned closer to the sample with the highest light intensity. The spectra pre-processing methods, which had the largest positive impact on the classification prediction accuracy, were the standard normal variate (SNV) and multiplicative scattering correction (MSC) methods. It was found that with the optimal combination of sensor height, light intensity, and spectra pre-processing, a classification prediction accuracy of 100% could be achieved, making the technique suitable for use within production environments


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    Objective: The distribution, growth, development and productivity of wheat plants are greatly affected by various abiotic stresses such as lead (Pb) stress which become one of the most abundant toxic metal in the earth crust. Under the three applied polyamine (PAs) applications, the efficiency of wheat plants to tolerate Pb2+ stress in terms of growth and yield characteristics was noticed to varying degrees. Methods: The current study focused on the impact of 2.0 mM lead (Pb2+) on growth and performance of wheat plants before and after PAs applications. The sterilized seeds were soaked for 8 h at room temperature, either in distilled water (as a control), 0.25 mM spermine (Spm), 0.50 mM spermidine (Spd), or in 1.0 mM putrescine (Put). Results: Point out that, better growth and yield characteristics, chlorophyll “a” (Chl-a), chlorophyll “b” (Chl-b), soluble sugars, indoles, and enzymatic antioxidants (i.e., peroxidase (POX), catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, ascorbate oxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and glutathione reductase) and the enzyme α-amylase contents were obtained with seed soaking in 0.25 mM Spm, 0.50 mM Spd, or 1.0 mM Put than those generated with seed soaking in water under 2.0 mM Pb2+ stress. In contrast, the concentration of endogenous Pb2+ was significantly reduced. Conclusion: Among all tested PAs, 1.0 mM Put showed the best results and thus is recommended, as seed soaking, for wheat to grow well under Pb2+ stress

    Early clinical outcome after right anterolateral thoracotomy as an alternative for median sternotomy for mitral valve replacement

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    Background: The advantages of the right anterolateral thoracotomy (RALT) approach for mitral valve surgery over standard median sternotomy (MS) are still debatable. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the postoperative clinical outcome after RALT and MS for mitral valve replacement. Methods: This prospective observational study included 40 patients who underwent mitral valve replacement between January 2016 and August 2018. Patients were assigned to two groups, the first group included 20 patients who had conventional median sternotomy approach and the second group included 20 patients who had right anterolateral thoracotomy with the complete cannulation and aortic cross-clamping conducted through the same incision. Results: In comparison to MS, RALT had significantly higher cross-clamp time (77.7±16.1 vs 45.8±8.7 minutes, P < 0.01), total bypass time (105.2±12.7 vs 72.2±10.4 minutes, P < 0.01), and total operative time (287±41 vs 231±36 min, P < 0.01), in addition to significantly lower ventilation time (4.2±1.51 vs 6.1±1.84 hours, P < 0.01), blood loss (229±85 vs 335±137 ml), amount of blood transfusion (1.41±0.6 vs 2.19±1.1 units, P < 0.01), ICU stay duration (2.11±0.49 vs 2.78±0.82 days, P < 0.01), pain scores at 1st and 2nd postoperative days (5.67±0.79 vs 7.81±0.53, p < 0.01), and total hospital stay duration (7.2±1.3 vs 8.4±1.6 days, P = 0.01). Patients' satisfaction about their wound was significantly higher in RALT group compared to MS group (95% vs 30%, P < 0.01). Conclusion: The RALT approach for mitral valve surgery could be a safe and effective approach when compared to median sternotomy. RALT could be associated with a reduction of blood loss, blood transfusion, wound infection, in addition to shorter ICU and hospital stay

    Using Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Diagnosis of Bovine Theileriosis in Upper Egypt

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    Abstract The present study was conducted on the period from April 2008 to July 2009 and included at 150 cattle and 35 Egyptian buffalo. The age of these animals ranged from one day to above five years old. The animals belonged to farms and villages of EL-Wady EL-geded, Assiut, ELFayoum, EL-Minia and Sohage Governorates. The results of the present study cleared that the (Tams-1 primer) based PCR assay was the most sensitive test in detection of the infection with tropical theileriosis in all cases (acute, chronic and carriers). The infection rates in blood and lymph samples taken from cattle were 65.6% and 45.3%, respectively. On the other hand the infection rates were 16.7% and 25% in blood and lymph samples taken from buffaloes, respectively. PCR used as golden standard test to evaluate the conventional tests. The sensitivity of this method was 58.3% and 50% in cattle and buffaloes, respectively. While the specificity were 100% in both cattle and buffaloes. We concluded that, Tams-1 target-based PCR is the most sensitive and specific test used for diagnosis of the disease in either acute or chronic cases and also in carrier animals of tropical theileriosis