20 research outputs found

    Primary and secondary students’ usage of digital platforms for mathematics learning during the COVID-19 outbreak: The case of the Gaza strip

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    Producción CientíficaDuring the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital learning has reshaped mathematics education in different ways. In particular, different social media platforms have acquired an unforeseen prominence as a way to enhance mathematics learning and to model somehow the face-to-face classroom interactions abruptly interrupted. How primary and secondary students have reacted or responded to these changes in the initial learning conditions is the main aim of this study. With this purpose in mind data was collected from 3179 students from the Gaza Strip by means of a validated rating scale and then a cluster analysis approach was applied that revealed the existence of three clusters. K-means cluster analysis was applied to analyze data as an exploratory approach to identify structures within the data. Also, chi-square was applied to identify differences between the clusters with regard to demographic characteristics. Regarding the grouping of participants in clusters the analysis performed lead to the identification of three clusters: Cluster 1, 2 and 3 had 2001, 824 and 354 cases, respectively. These clusters were grouped depending on employ social media platforms used by the students to reinforcement their mathematics learning. Participants in Cluster 3 exhibited the highest proficiency in the usage of social media for mathematics learning as compared to those in Cluster 1 and Cluster 2. This means that students in cluster 1 are more likely to exhibit negative attitudes and low levels in the skills related to using digital technology and the employment of social media in mathematics learning. The results showed that there were no significant differences between cluster-groups with regard to gender, age, and type of school. In contrast, significant differences were found among the three clusters with regards to the educational level of parents and the economic status of the family. However, the overall results show that digital learning is considered a positive response to the school closure in the time of the COVID-19 outbreak

    Lecturers’ perspectives on using virtual classrooms in education: Challenges and Opportunities for the Post-COVID-19 Era

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    This study aims at examining the perspectives of university lecturers on using virtual classrooms in education in Palestine. This study used quantitative and qualitative data collection tools and analysis methods. The present cross-sectional study was carried out from January 10 to February 13, 2023, during the second semester of 2022/2023. An online questionnaire with 33 closed-ended questions was used to collect data. The study group consisted of teachers and lecturers (n = 311) who teach in Palestinian universities. The R cran program was employed for the statistical analysis of quantitative data. The Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used To determine whether demographic characteristics had a significant impact on teachers' perspective of virtual classrooms in education. The results showed that most of the participants (71.4%) prefer to employ virtual classrooms in education since they are just like in-person education as it is very organized with deadlines. There is a significant difference in the mean scores of the preference toward employing virtual classrooms among lecturers who have experience in the usage of technological tools and those who have no experience (p = 0.07). Lecturers aged 25-30 years were the highest in mean scores of preference (3.96 ± 0.32) and have a higher satisfaction toward using virtual classrooms (p = 0.01). In addition, teachers who attended courses respecting employing virtual classrooms have a higher satisfaction (3.6 ± 0.78) towards using it in education compared to those who did not attend any course related to virtual classrooms (2.91 ± 1.06) (p <0.001). Only 28.6% of teachers experience problems during distance teaching through virtual classrooms. Teachers face many obstacles related to the curriculum, students, and electronic environment. These obstacles might be contributed to the stress experienced by 35.70% of teachers during distance teaching. &nbsp

    Visual symptoms and control of the Red Palm Weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) in the Gaza Strip, Palestine

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    Abd Rabou AN, Radwan ES. 2017. Visual symptoms and control of the Red Palm Weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Nusantara Bioscience 9: 322-329. The Red Palm Weevil –RPW (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier)(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) has recently become one of the most destructive pests of Date Palms in the Gaza Strip and the Middle East. It is a serious pest threatening the Date Palm health and production, with the larva is the most destructive stage. The current study aims at introducing the visual symptoms and control techniques of the RPW in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Field surveys and institutional visits were applied to fulfill the purpose of the study. The current study documented that first local infestation of Date Palm trees with the RPW was discovered in late 2011. The introduction of infected offshoots from Egypt through earth tunnel trade and the ability of the adult RPW to fly long distance and cross borders seem to be main causes of the local infestations with the pest. Different control techniques have been adopted by the responsible parties to combat the RPW; with the integrated pest management (IPM) program was tracked and respected. Finally, the study recommends the cooperation of different parties and authorities to adopt appropriate policies to eliminate the RPW and to support farmers with the necessary pesticides and equipment to control this painful pest

    Improvement in growth of plants under the effect of magnetized water

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    The magnetic field can change the polarity characteristics and hydrogen-bond structure of water; therefore, magnetized water can affect plant growth and development. Magnetized water is hexagonal water created by passing water through a specific magnet that can activate and ionize water molecules to change its structure. This review highlights the use of magnetized water in the agricultural sector to enhance plant growth and food productivity. We discussed the impact of magnetized water on seed germination, vegetative growth, fruit production, soil and pigments of treated plants. Plant growth and development can be improved both qualitatively and quantitatively via irrigation with magnetized water. It can promote seed germination, seedling early vegetative development, improvement of the mineral content of fruits and seeds, the enzyme activity of the soil, improved water use efficiency, higher nutrient content, and better transformation and consumption efficiency of nutrients; it can also mitigate soil salinity. Furthermore, magnetized water had a substantial good influence on the mobility and uptake of micronutrient concentrations, as well as promoted better growth criteria, all of which increased biomass and total yield. Also, irrigating plants with magnetized water resulted in a considerable increase in chloroplast pigments (carotenoids, chlorophyll a, and b) and photosynthetic activity. Magnetizing low-quality water (brackish water, saline water or water contaminated with metals) can be considered as an alternative tool to overcome the problem of scarcity and shortage of water resources. As a result, magnetic treatment of irrigation water could be a promising technique to boost agricultural production while also being environmentally beneficial in the future. The major challenge in using magnetized water in agriculture is creating pumps that are compatible with the technical and practical needs of magnetic systems while also effectively integrating irrigation components

    Effects of treated water with neodymium magnets (NdFeB) on growth characteristics of pepper (Capsicum annuum)

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of magnetic water treatment on growth characteristics of pepper (Capsicum annuum) plants. One week old pepper plants were selected and divided into four groups in a complete randomized design. In our study, we took normal tap water and divided it into four parts. The first group received given non-magnetically treated water (as a control), while the remaining groups received magnetized water at 3, 6, and 9 magnets, respectively. Four pipes and 18 permanent magnets with a flux density of 70 mT were used for this system. The results of the current study showed that magnetized water caused significant increases in all studied parameters, except plant length and dry weight, when compared to non-magnetized water. The results revealed that magnetizing water with 6 magnets was effective than others in increasing the number of fruits and leaves per plant, whereas magnetizing water with 9 magnets was effective than others in increasing the fresh weight of produces fruits. The impact of magnetic water treatment depends on the number of magnets used to magnetizing water. It appears that the utilization of magnetically treated water can lead to improving the quantity and quality of pepper fruits. Therefore, applying magnetized water could be one of the most promising ways to enhance agricultural production in an environmentally friendly way.This study was conducted to investigate the effect of magnetic water treatment on growth characteristics of pepper (Capsicum annuum) plants. One week old pepper plants were selected and divided into four groups in a complete randomized design. In our study, we took normal tap water and divided it into four parts. The first group received given non-magnetically treated water (as a control), while the remaining groups received magnetized water at 3, 6, and 9 magnets, respectively. Four pipes and 18 permanent magnets with a flux density of 70 mT were used for this system. The results of the current study showed that magnetized water caused significant increases in all studied parameters, except plant length and dry weight, when compared to non-magnetized water. The results revealed that magnetizing water with 6 magnets was effective than others in increasing the number of fruits and leaves per plant, whereas magnetizing water with 9 magnets was effective than others in increasing the fresh weight of produces fruits. The impact of magnetic water treatment depends on the number of magnets used to magnetizing water. It appears that the utilization of magnetically treated water can lead to improving the quantity and quality of pepper fruits. Therefore, applying magnetized water could be one of the most promising ways to enhance agricultural production in an environmentally friendly way


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    This study was conducted to evaluate the response of some growth characteristics of corn (Zea mays) seedlings for watering with magnetized water. For this experiment, we took corn seedlings and separated it into two sets. The first set watered with magnetized water and the second one was given tap water (control). The magnetized water was prepared by passing of tap water through the magnetization device at a relatively low speed and then collected into bottle for distribution. The seedlings were immediately watered after magnetization of water. The growthrelated aspects of corn seedlings were investigated for 7 weeks. The results of the current study revealed that the seedlings’ length, stem thickness, leaves number and leaves morphology were affected by magnetized water. Analysis of the results revealed the positive effects of magnetized water on the growth of corn seedlings. The seedlings that given magnetized water exhibited marked increases in shoot length, stem thickness and leaves number per seedling, and also changes of morphology of leaves over the control.أجريت هذه الدراسة لتقييم استجابة بعض خصائص النمو شتلة الذرة (زيا ميس) لسقي بالماء الممغنط. لهذه التجربة ، اتخذنا الذرة الشتلات وفصلها إلى مجموعتين. المجموعة الأولى تسقى بالماء الممغنط والثانية أعطيت واحد ماء الصنبور (السيطرة). تم تحضير الماء الممغنط بتمرير ماء الصنبور من خلال جهاز مغنطة بسرعة منخفضة نسبيا ثم جمعت في زجاجة ل توزيع. تم سقي الشتلات على الفور بعد مغنطة المياه. تم التحقيق في الجوانب المرتبطة بالنمو لشتلات الذرة لمدة 7 أسابيع. نتائج الدراسة الحالية كشفت أن طول الشتلات وسمك الساق وعدد الأوراق والأوراق المورفولوجية كانت تتأثر المياه الممغنطة. كشف تحليل النتائج الآثار الإيجابية للممغنطة الماء على نمو شتلات الذرة. الشتلات التي أعطت المياه الممغنطة عرضت ملحوظ يزيد في طول تبادل لاطلاق النار ، وسمك الجذعية ويترك عدد لكل الشتلات ، وكذلك تغييرات التشكل من الأوراق على السيطرة


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    The objective of the present study was to investigate the changes of growth related aspects of seedlings after being exposed to Wi-Fi radiation. Experiment was carried out by exposing seedlings to radiation from a Wi-Fi router. The test seedlings and the control were subjected to the same environment during four weeks. The results showed that corn seedlings when exposed to Wi-Fi radiation grew faster and have shoot length and stem thickness significantly larger than the other control. On the other hand basils and eggplants, both exposed and not exposed to Wi-Fi radiation, were found with no significant effects on the shoot length and stem thickness. Moreover Wi-Fi radiation significantly reduced the fresh weight of corns and basils, whereas eggplants were not affected. Furthermore Wi-Fi radiation significantly increased the dry weight of eggplants, whereas corns and basils were not affected. Finally, the results showed that Wi-Fi radiation significantly decreased the water content of three tested seedlings. The study concluded that the Wi-Fi radiation may alter growth related characters of seedlings


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    This paper presents the investigation of the influence of microwave treated water on the growth of the plants. For this experiment, four groups of seedlings were used and subjected to the study. We took drinking water and divided it into four parts, each group was given only one part. The first group was given water that had been heated to boiling in a glass cup on a gas stove. The second and third group was given water that had been heated in a microwave to boiling (100 C) and 60 C respectively. The fourth group of seedlings was given water that had not been heated at all and used as control. The growth of seedlings was studied for 30 days. The analysis of the results shows that corn seedlings that exposed to microwaved water show lower growth rate in comparison to the control ones. Corn seedlings when watered with normal water or with water heated on the stove grew faster and have shoot length significantly bigger than the corns which were watered with water heated in a microwave at 60 C/100 C. On the other hand, pepper seedlings watered with either microwaved water or not microwaved water were found with no significant effects on their growth characteristics

    The State of the Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) in the Gaza Strip, Palestine: A Questionnaire-based Study

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    The current study aims at documenting the trends on various aspects of the knowledge of farmers, workers and owners of Date Palm orchards regarding the state of the Date Palm sector in Deir Al-Balah region, Gaza Strip, Palestine. One hundred and fifty people (N=150) were selected randomly to fill a questionnaire especially designed to conduct this study. The results of the questionnaire survey revealed that 71.4% of the interviewed population had 3 dunum or less cultivated by Date Palms. The groundwater was the main irrigation source as claimed by 61.3% of the interviewed population; the rest depends on either rain water or reclaimed wastewater. The Hayani cultivar was grown by all respondents, though the majority ensured that the cultivation of diverse cultivars can help lower the risk of pest infestation. About two-thirds (62.0%) confirmed that the average production per a Date Palm tree was from 70 to 200 kg per year. All respondents were aware on the popular uses and industries based on Date Palm trees, and 70.0% of them produce various household products. The military operations of the Israeli occupation and the outbreak of RPW are crucial threats facing the Date Palm sector in the Gaza Strip. Moreover, 84.0% believed on advantages drawn by the Date Palm cultivation projects in the Gaza Strip to include the provision of self-sufficiency and food security, the improvement of productivity and national income and the reduction of unemployment which is an escalating problem in the Gaza Strip. Finally, the study recommends the improvement of the processes of Date Palm cultivation, production and marketing, and the cooperation of responsible parties to ensure a good sustainable development of the Date Palm sector in the Gaza Strip

    Mental illness stigma as a moderator in the relationship between religiosity and help-seeking attitudes among Muslims from 16 Arab countries

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    Background: Determining the potential barriers responsible for delaying access to care, and elucidating pathways to early intervention should be a priority, especially in Arab countries where mental health resources are limited. To the best of our knowledge, no previous studies have examined the relationship between religiosity, stigma and help-seeking in an Arab Muslim cultural background. Hence, we propose in the present study to test the moderating role of stigma toward mental illness in the relationship between religiosity and help-seeking attitudes among Muslim community people living in different Arab countries. Method: The current survey is part of a large-scale multinational collaborative project (StIgma of Mental Problems in Arab CounTries [The IMPACT Project]). We carried-out a web-based cross-sectional, and multi-country study between June and November 2021. The final sample comprised 9782 Arab Muslim participants (mean age 29.67 ± 10.80 years, 77.1% females). Results: Bivariate analyses showed that less stigmatizing attitudes toward mental illness and higher religiosity levels were significantly associated with more favorable help-seeking attitudes. Moderation analyses revealed that the interaction religiosity by mental illness stigma was significantly associated with help-seeking attitudes (Beta =.005; p \u3c.001); at low and moderate levels of stigma, higher religiosity was significantly associated with more favorable help-seeking attitudes. Conclusion: Our findings preliminarily suggest that mental illness stigma is a modifiable individual factor that seems to strengthen the direct positive effect of religiosity on help-seeking attitudes. This provides potential insights on possible anti-stigma interventions that might help overcome reluctance to counseling in highly religious Arab Muslim communities