6 research outputs found

    Reproducerea asistată în Republica Moldova în ultimii 10 ani

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    În studiu sunt prezentate rezultatele tratamentului infertilităţii prin reproducerea asistată. Au fost analizaţi factorii ce afectează rezultatele procedurii FIV. S-a stabilit că femeile cu vârsta după 35 de ani, cu hidrosalpinx, patologie endometrială şi patologie a spermei au cele mai reduse şanse de obţinere a sarcinii prin metoda FIV. Cea mai bună rată a sarcinii a fost obţinută prin protocolul de stimulare a ovulaţiei cu agonişti şi antagonişti

    Preliminary tests regarding the operating conditions and modeling of the energy consumption for a domestic refrigerator

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    Energy saving and resources and environment preservation are key factors for the sustainable development of our society and hence domestic appliances are also targeted for energy efficiency improvements. Because refrigerators are the largest energy consuming appliances in households due to their widespread use and continuous operation there is a need for rigorous investigations regarding the energy consumption and efficiency of these devices. In the present paper the results of experimental tests are presented; in order to predict the energy consumption of the appliance in different operating conditions (ambient temperature, load and door openings) a simplified model was developed, based on the experimental data. A statistical analysis of the model was then performed in order to evaluate the goodness-of-fit between the model and the experimental data. The tests were performed in different days (starting at 7 a.m. each day) between may, 2015, and september, 2015. As the aim was to obtain results for two different ambient temperatures (250C and 300C) there was a selection of the results in order to achieve this goal; for the selected tests the actual mean environmental temperatures were: 25.080C and 30.040C respectively. The Multi linear regression method was used in order to develop the energy consumption model. The results confirmed that refrigerator load and ambient temperature have a significant effect on the energy consumption, when there was no door opening during the test period; when door openings were taken into account the significance of the above-mentioned factors was diminished

    The Importance of Diet in Predicting the Remission of Urticaria—Determination of Allergen-Specific IgE

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    Background and Objectives: Different types of food introduced gradually in the diet will expose children to different food allergens, increasing the chance of developing allergic diseases. The aim of our study was to determine if allergen-specific IgE values can influence, depending on the diet, the prediction of remission of urticaria in children. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted in 132 patients diagnosed over two years with urticaria, admitted to “Sf. Maria” Clinical Pediatric Hospital Iaşi. Total IgE assay was performed by ELISA, and determination of specific serum IgE by the CLA System Quanti Scan method (Innogenetics, Heiden, Germany). Data were gathered and statistical analysis was performed using statistical software SPSS, using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The determination of specific IgE to food allergens was performed on a total of 132 cases. The values of specific IgE were positive for one or more food allergens in 84 patients (63.64%). The most common allergens involved were: cow’s milk in 33.3% cases, egg white in 22.6% cases, and hazelnuts in 11.9% cases. The specific IgE values for the different types of food included in our study had a predictive value for disease remission. Conclusions: The determination of specific IgE confirms the presence of a particular food allergen and may have predictive value for the future development of an allergic manifestation

    Reproducerea asistată în Republica Moldova: experienţe a 23 ani de activitate

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    Centrul Medical Repromed, Al VI-lea Congres Național de Obstetrică și Ginecologie cu participare internațională, 13-15 septembrie 2018, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Actualmente reproducerea asistată este principala metodă de tratament a infertilităţii, de care benefi ciază anual sute de mii de femei din întreaga lume. Se estimează că aproximativ 350.000 de copiii concepuţi prin metode de reproducere asistată se nasc anual în întreaga lume. În Republica Moldova primul laborator de embriologie în Republica Moldova a fost deschis în incinta Centrului Mamei şi copilului în anul 1995. Experienţa acumulată pe parcursul a peste 20 ani de activitate ne permite de a ne împărtăşi cu societatea medicală despre progresele obţinute de noi în domeniul reproducerii asistate. Obiectivele studiului au fost aprecierea eficacităţii metodelor reproducerii asistate în funcţie de cauzele de bază a infertilităţii şi metodele de stimulare hormonală cu evidenţierea factorilor ce afectează succesul procedurii şi determinarea posibilităţilor de îmbunătăţire a rezultatelor fertilizării in vitro (FIV) . Materiale şi metode. A fost efectuată o analiză retrospectivă a 5400 cazuri de proceduri FIV efectuate în cadrul Centrului Naţional de Sănătate a Reproducerii şi Genetică Medicală (actualmente Centrul mamei şi Copilului) şi Clinica ”Repromed”. Indicaţii pentru efectuarea procedurii FIV au fost: infertilitatea tubo-peritoneală, disfuncţia hormonală, endometrioza, infertilitatea imunologică, patospermia la soţ, infertilitatea de origine neclară. Procedura FIV a inclus următoarele etape: pregătirea către procedură, stimularea ovariană cu gonadotropine, puncţia foliculilor, fertilizarea invitro a oocitelor, transferul embrionilor şi suportul fazei luteine. Rezultatele studiului. Experienţa acumulată de noi pe parcursul acestor ani de activitate a arătat, că printre factorii principali ce influenţează rezultatele FIV sunt: schema de stimulare, experienţa clinicii şi performanţele laboratorului embriologic, vârsta pacientelor, patologia asociată şi factorul masculin

    Harmony in Chaos: Deciphering the Influence of Ischemic Cardiomyopathy and Non-Cardiac Comorbidities on Holter ECG Parameters in Chronic Heart Failure Patients: A Pilot Study

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    Background and Objective: In the landscape of heart failure, non-cardiac comorbidities represent a formidable challenge, imparting adverse prognostic implications. Holter ECG monitoring assumes a supplementary role in delineating myocardial susceptibility and autonomic nervous system dynamics. This study aims to explore the potential correlation between Holter ECG parameters and comorbidities in individuals with ischemic cardiomyopathy experiencing heart failure (HF), with a particular focus on the primary utility of these parameters as prognostic indicators. Materials and Methods: In this prospective inquiry, a cohort of 60 individuals diagnosed with heart failure underwent stratification into subgroups based on the presence of comorbidities, including diabetes, chronic kidney disease, obesity, or hyperuricemia. Upon admission, a thorough evaluation of all participants encompassed echocardiography, laboratory panel analysis, and 24 h Holter monitoring. Results: Significant associations were uncovered between diabetes and unconventional physiological indicators, specifically the Triangular index (p = 0.035) and deceleration capacity (p = 0.002). Pertaining to creatinine clearance, notable correlations surfaced with RMSSD (p = 0.026), PNN50 (p = 0.013), and high-frequency power (p = 0.026). An examination of uric acid levels and distinctive Holter ECG patterns unveiled statistical significance, particularly regarding the deceleration capacity (p = 0.045). Nevertheless, in the evaluation of the Body Mass Index, no statistically significant findings emerged concerning Holter ECG parameters. Conclusions: The identified statistical correlations between non-cardiac comorbidities and patterns elucidated in Holter ECG recordings underscore the heightened diagnostic utility of this investigative modality in the comprehensive evaluation of individuals grappling with HF. Furthermore, we underscore the critical importance of the thorough analysis of Holter ECG recordings, particularly with regard to subtle and emerging parameters that may be overlooked or insufficiently acknowledged