19 research outputs found

    Zarade u Republici Srbiji 1994-2011.

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    The paper addresses trends in salaries in the Republic of Serbia over 1994−2011, containing the following data: average gross and net salaries, annual growth rates of salaries and salaries in Euros. The salaries are presented in form of graphs and tables. The methodology of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia used to collect and issue data on salaries is presented in brief, together with the types of data and publications in which they are included. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of salaries in the period following the outburst of the world financial crisis over 2008−2011, when the increase of nominal and real salaries slowed down and average net salaries in Euros stagnated. Finally, comparison of salaries of the 'economy' and 'non−economy' is given.U radu je prikazano kretanje zarada u Republici Srbiji u periodu 1994−2011. godine. Prikazani su sledeći podaci o zaradama: prosečne bruto i neto zarade, godišnje stope rasta zarada i zarade u evrima. Zarade su prikazane tabelarno i grafički. Predstavljena je ukratko metodologija koju Republički zavod za statistiku koristi u prikupljanju i obradi podataka o zaradama, kao i vrste podataka o zaradama koje se objavljuju i u kojim publikacijama se objavljuju. Posebna pažnja posvećena je analizi zarada u periodu nakon izbijanja svetske finansijske krize, tokom 2008−2011. godine. U ovom periodu, došlo je do usporavanja rasta nominalne i realne zarade i do stagnacije prosečne zarade izražene u evrima. Na kraju, izvršeno je poređenje zarada u privredi i vanprivredi

    Indeks industrijske proizvodnje - prva serija srpske ekonomske statistike

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    The paper presents the methodology, data collection, dissemination and uses of the Index of industrial production for Serbia. The Index of industrial production for the entire industry is used in the analysis of industrial and labor productivity, but also as the indicator of current economic trends and as the indicator of long-term trend in Serbian economy. There are some possibilities of using the Index of industrial production as the cyclical coincident indicator in cyclical analysis, which is demonstrated in the paper. The changes in methodology of compilation of the Index over the past few years, and their impact on the coverage of the Index will be discussed. The Index of industrial production for the entire industry cannot be treated separately from indices of industrial production at lower aggregation levels (groups, branches and sections of industry), considering that the procedure for its calculation is based on those indices; therefore, those indices, methodology of their compilation and uses of indices will also be discussed in the paper.U radu je predstavljena metodologija, način prikupljanja podataka, diseminacija i primena indeksa industrijske proizvodnje za Srbiju. Indeks industrijske proizvodnje za industriju u celini koristi se u analizi industrijske proizvodnje i produktivnosti rada u industriji, takođe i kao indikator tekućih ekonomskih trendova u privredi i kao indikator dugoročnog trenda u ekonomiji Srbije. Postoje mogućnosti za korišćenje indeksa u cikličnoj analizi, kao cikličnog koincidirajućeg indikatora, što je pokazano u radu. Biće reči i o promenama u metodologiji za obračun indeksa tokom prethodnih godina koje su za posledicu imale promene u obuhvatu indeksa. Indeks industrijske proizvodnje za industriju u celini ne može se posmatrati odvojeno od indeksa industrijske proizvodnje na nižim nivoima agregacije (za grupe, grane i oblasti industrije), s obzirom na to da je postupak izračunavanja indeksa zasnovan na ovim indeksima, pa će u radu biti reči i o indeksima industrijske proizvodnje na nižim nivoima agregacije, metodologiji njihovog obračuna i primeni

    The impact of groove edge temperature and heat input on the structure and hardness of the heat affected zone of steel 460 NL1 welded joint

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    Polazne strukture i vreme hlađenja u temperaturnom intervalu 800 - 500°C (t8/5) imaju presudan uticaj na strukture i osobine zone uticaja toplote zavarenih spojeva čelika. Na vreme hlađenja t8/5 između ostalog, utiče i temperatura ivice žleba. Zbog zagrevanja toplotom luka temperatura ivice žleba duž spoja raste, zbog čega se vreme hlađenja zone uticaja toplote produžava. Samim tim, duž spoja se produžava i vreme hlađenja t8/5. U radu su prikazani rezultati merenja temperatura ivica žleba pri zavarivanju višeprolaznog sučeonog spoja mikrolegiranog čelika P 460 NL1. Određen je uticaj ovih temperatura na vremena hlađenja t8/5 i na makro i mikrostrukture i tvrdoće u zoni uticaja toplote ovog zavarenog spoja.The starting structures and cooling times in the temperature range 800 - 500°C (t8/5) have a decisive influence on the structures and properties of the heat affected zone of steel welded joints. At the cooling time t8/5, inter alia, the groove edge temperature has an effect. Due to heating by the electrical arc, the groove edge temperature along the joint, increases, resulting in extending of the cooling time of the heat affected zone. Therefore, the cooling time t 8/5 is extended along the joint. The paper presents the measurement results of the groove edges temperature during the welding of the multilayer joint of the microalloyed steel P 460 NL1. The influence of these temperatures on the cooling time t8/5 and on the macro and microstructure and hardness in the heat affected zone of this welded joint was determined

    Efficacy of plant-derived formulation argus ras in varroa destructor control

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    Varroa destructor is the most important honey bee parasite. There are various methods used in the control of this mite, but none of them meets all requested criteria, to be safe, effective and easy to apply. The objective of this study was to evaluate the varroacidal efficacy of newly created plant-derived formulation Argus Ras (mixture of extracts of Sophora flavescens, Ginkgo biloba, Gleditsia chinensis and Teucrium chamaedrys) in a field trial. The investigation was conducted on 240 Apis mellifera colonies equalized in respect of brood amount, adult bee population and food reserves. Efficiency was evaluated by applying Argus Ras consecutively with two other acaricides, amitraz and oxalic acid. Average acaricidal efficacy of Argus Ras was 80.89%, being higher of other previously tested essential oils. Besides, it showed a potential in knocking down the mites resistant to other acaricides. It should not be neglected that Argus Ras requires a smaller number of treatments and financial investments than other formulations used for the control of Varroa mites

    Morphological, biochemical and hematological characterization of endangered balkan donkey breed

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    The aim of the study was to establish morphometric, biochemical and hematological values for the endangered Balkan donkey breed (Serbia) and to explore the possible age dependence of the parameters tested. Inter-breed similarity of morphometric parameters was assessed by comparing the data obtained for the Balkan donkey with morphometric measurements of several previously characterized domestic donkey breeds. The study population included 74 donkeys, divided in two age groups (group A 3 years). In total, 18 morphometric, 13 hematological and 14 biochemical parameters were assessed. Significant morphometric differences (p < 0.05) in body length, head length, chest circumference and body weight were found between the two age groups. Significant differences in morphological parameters were revealed among the Balkan donkey and other donkey breeds (Catalonian, Croatian and Albanian), but results of cluster analysis demonstrated the smallest distance between the Balkan donkey and Albanian donkeys. The results of morphometric analyses showed consistency of the obtained values within the breed, and diversity as compared to other donkey breeds, and, thus, could be taken as referent for the Balkan donkey. Hematological and biochemical profiles obtained for the Balkan donkey were consistent with previous reports and within the recommended reference ranges. White blood cell, mid cell and granulocyte counts, showed significantly higher (p < 0.05) values in donkeys under 3 years of age, while the only biochemical parameter affected by age was alkaline phosphatase. The information gained through characterization of the Balkan donkey breed provides a basis for conservation and development of the breed standard

    Mammoths, Deer, and a Dog: Fossil and (Sub) Recent Allochthonous Remains from the Northeastern Croatia (Podravina Region), with the First Radiocarbon Dating of the Croatian Woolly Mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius)

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    Eight anatomically and taxonomically different finds are presented in this paper, and they belong to four taxa: woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), giant deer (Megaloceros giganteus), red deer (Cervus elaphus), and dog (Canis familiaris). All specimens represent allochthonous Late Pleistocene and Holocene animal remains, and all were dredged during the gravel exploitation at the Sekuline site near Molve (Podravina region, SW Pannonian basin, NE Croatia). Mammoth remains (bone and tusk fragments) were radiocarbon dated, and these are the first absolute dates on mammoths in Croatia. One upper last left deciduous premolar (dP4 sin.) also belongs to the same species. Ascribed to a dog is one well-preserved skull with a peculiar abscess scar on the maxillary bone as the result of an inflammatory process on the carnassial (P4) premolar. The Late Pleistocene cervid remains are giant deer, while the other cervid finds were determined to be red deer of the Holocene age. Morphometrical and taphonomical data are presented for each specimen. Such fossil and recent bone/tooth aggregates are characteristic of fluvial deposits and selective collecting. Although lacking stratigraphic provenance, these finds help to fulfil the gaps in palaeoenvironmental, palaeoecological, and palaeoclimate reconstructions of Podravina and its neighbouring areas

    Study of microstructure and thermal properties of as-cast high carbon and high chromium tool steel

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    This work aims to investigate the microstructural and thermal properties of as-cast high carbon and high chromium cold work tool steel. The microstructure was investigated by using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. It was determined that at room temperature the microstructure of the investigated tool steel includes a lamellar network of M7C3 carbide precipitates along grain boundaries of ferrite grains in the base. Thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the investigated steel alloy were determined in the temperature interval from 25 to 400 °C by using the laser-flash method. Thermal conductivity increases from 24.9 at 25 °C to 26.9 W/m·K at 400 °C. Phase transition temperatures in the temperature region from room temperature to 1250 °C were experimentally determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). One endothermic effect in the temperature interval from 803 to 820 °C, corresponding to the ferrite/austenite phase transformation, was detected during sample heating. Experimental results were compared with the results of phase equilibria calculations obtained from the ThermoCalc software and TCFE6 database

    Characteristics of heat flow in recuperative heat exchangers

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    A simplified model of heat flow in cross-flow tube recuperative heat exchangers (recuperators) was presented in this paper. One of the purposes of this investigation was to analyze changes in the values of some parameters of heat transfer in recuperators during combustion air preheating. The logarithmic mean temperature (Atm) and overall heat transfer coefficient (U), are two basic parameters of heat flow, while the total heated area surface (A) is assumed to be constant. The results, presented as graphs and in the form of mathematical expressions, were obtained by analytical methods and using experimental data. The conditions of gaseous fuel combustions were defined by the heat value of gaseous fuel Qd = 9263.894 J.m-3, excess air ratio λ= 1.10, content of oxygen in combustion air ν(O2) = 26%Vol, the preheating temperature of combustion air (cold fluid outlet temperature) tco = 100-500°C, the inlet temperature of combustion products (hot fluid inlet temperature) thi = 600-1100°C