58 research outputs found

    Continuing professional development of teachers: Interplay of the school management, school climate, motivation and incentives

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje uzajamnih veza insentiva i motivacije koji podstiču nastavnike i utiču na njihovo učeŔće u programima za kontinuirano profesionalno usavrÅ”avanje (KPUN) sa karakteristikama organizacije (efektivni Å”kolski menadžment i podsticajna Å”kolska klima), te učeŔćem nastavnika u programima za KPUN i njihovim zadovoljstvom tim programima. Uzorak su činili nastavnici iz 92 osnovne Å”kole iz Srbije (N=1162). Podaci su prikupljani pomoću tri instrumenta, koji se sastoje od ukupno 93 stavke, za merenje percepcije: podsticajnosti Å”kolskog menadžmenta, Å”kolske klime i različitih insentiva i motiva. Prikupljeni podaci podvrgnuti su nekolicini uobičajenih statističkih postupaka (frekvencije, standardna devijacija, aritmetička sredina i sl.), te složenijim statističkim postupcima (eksplanatorna faktorska analiza, konfirmatorna faktorska analiza, modelovanje strukturalnih jednačina). Rezultati upućuju na složenu međusobnu "igru" motivacije i insentiva sa percepcijom Å”kolskog menadžmenta i Å”kolske klime i ukazuju na potrebu za detaljnim planiranjem, razvojem i realizacijom programa za KPUN koji bi bili korisni za svakodnevi posao nastavnika, njihovu samorealizaciju i poboljÅ”anje performanse, dok bi u tom procesu valjalo posebnu pažnju pokloniti razvoju Å”kolskog menadžmenta i Å”kolske klime podsticajne za kontinuirano profesionalno usavrÅ”avanje nastavnika.This study is aimed to explore interconnections of incentives and motivation that instigate and affect teachers to participate in programs for continuing professional development of teachers (CPDT) with organizational characteristics (effective school management and supportive school climate) that support teachers' participation in the CPDT programs, and their satisfaction with these programs. The sample of teachers from 92 primary schools in Serbia (N=1162) were included. The data were collected by three instruments that consisted of 93 items in total, that had to measure perception of: supportiveness of the school management, the school climate, and the different incentives and motives. The collected data were subjected to a few common (frequencies, std. deviation, means, etc.) and more complex statistical proceedings (exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis). The results indicate complex interplay of motivation and incentives with perceived school management and perceived school climate, with emphasis on requirement for detailed planning, development and distribution of CPDT programs that are useful for everyday activities of teachers, for their self-realization and for improvement of their performance, while in this process special attention should be given to development of effective school management and school climate conductive for teacher's continuing professional development

    Varijabilnost deformacije ljuske kokoŔijih jaja u zavisnosti od genotipa i uzrasta nosilja

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    Here we have results of examination of eggs quality in two light line hybrids of chickens (Hisex Brown and Shawer 579). At the end of every four-week period an examination of external qualities of eggs was carried out. The examination was carried out on the sample of 30 eggs for each hybrid. There were total of ten examinations. The aim of these researches was to examine effects of genotype and age of hens on deformation of egg shell in 10-month period. Obtained measuring average of egg shell deformation for Shawer 579 was 26.27/1000mm and it was a little higher than deformation in Hisex Brown (25.82/1000mm). On the basis of the research, it was noticed that with the age of hen, deformation of egg shell increases, too. Higher range of variability in egg shell deformation in 4-week periods of examinations was found in Hisex, but differences were not significant. Accordingly, differences between obtained results for egg shell deformation in examined hens were very small.U radu su izloženi rezultati ispitivanja kvaliteta jaja dva laka linijska hibrida kokoÅ”i (Hisex Brown i Shaver 579). Krajem svakog 4-nedeljnog perioda obavljeno je ispitivanje spoljaÅ”njih osobina kvaliteta jaja. Ispitivanje je vrÅ”eno na uzorku od 30 jaja za svaki hibrid. Ukupno je izvrÅ”eno 10 ispitivanja. Cilj ovih istraživanja, bio je da se ispita uticaj genotipa i uzrasta nosilja na deformaciju ljuske kokoÅ”ijeg jajeta u periodu od 10 meseci. Dobijeni prosek merenja deformacije ljuske jajeta za Shaver 579 nosilje iznosio je 26,27/1000 mm i bio je neÅ”to veći u odnosu na deformaciju koju je imao Hisex Brown (25,82/1000 mm). Na osnovu istraživanja, zapaženo je da se sa uzrastom nosilja deformacija ljuske jajeta povećavala. Veći raspon variranja deformacije ljuske jajeta po 4-nedeljnim periodima ispitivanja imale su nosilje Hisex, ali razlike nisu bile signifikantne. Prema tome, razlike između dobijenih rezultata za deformaciju ljuske kokoÅ”ijih jaja kod ispitivanih nosilja, bile su zanemarljivo male

    How much are the teachers dedicated to their profession and the school in which they work?

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    U radu su prikazani nalazi istraživanja o posvećenosti nastavnika sopstvenoj profesiji i organizaciji/Å”koli u kojoj su zaposleni. Posvećenost je određena kao povezanost nastavnika sa sopstvenom profesijom i ustanovom u kojoj su zaposleni, koja se ispoljava kroz normativnu, afektivnu i kontinuacijsku formu. Istraživanje je fokusirano na u naučnom smislu nedovoljno istražen fenomen posvećenosti nastavnika, sa ciljem da pomogne u sagledavanju problema iz perspektive pripadnosti organizaciji (Å”koli u kojoj su nastavnici zaposleni) i pripadnosti profesiji. U istraživanju koje je obuhvatilo 1.162 nastavnika iz 92 osnovne Å”kole sa teritorije Srbije primenjen je kvantitativni, neeksperimentalni istraživački metod. Realizovana su dva zadatka: (1) izdvajanje bazičnih indikatora i komponenata posvećenosti nastavnika i (2) ispitivanje uticaja bioloÅ”kih, profesionalno-obrazovnih i radnih karakteristika nastavnika na izdvojene komponente posvećenosti. Utvrđene su statistički značajne veze s izdvojenim elementima normativne, afektivne i kontinuacijske organizacione i profesionalne posvećenosti. Nalazi istraživanja, u kome su primenjene analiza glavnih komponenata i multipla regresija, imaju relevantne naučne i praktične implikacije jer pružaju inovativni uvid u razumevanje problema efektivnosti i efikasnosti menadžmenta u obrazovanju i otvaraju mogućnost pravljenja strategija profesionalizacije nastavnika.The paper presents the results of a research of the dedication of teachers to their profession and the institution/school in which they are employed. Dedication is defined as connectedness of the teacher with their own profession and the institution in which they are employed and it shows through normative, affective and continuation forms. The research focused on a scientifically under-researched phenomenon of the teacher's dedication in order to help identifying the problem from the perspective of belonging to a certain institution and profession. The research included 1162 teachers in 92 elementary schools in Serbia. The quantitative, non-experimental research method was applied and two tasks were fulfilled: (1) identification of basic indicators and components of the teachers' dedication and (2) examination of the influence of professionally-educational and performance of the teachers regarding each component of dedication. Statistically significant relations with each element of normative, affective, continuational - organizational and professional dedication were established. The research results, obtained by the analysis of the main components and multiple regression, have relevant scientific and practical implications because they provide an innovative insight in understanding the problem of effectiveness and efficiency of educational management and open a possibility for designing strategies for further professionalization of teachers

    The competence-based development of teachers in vocational education

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    Didactic education and/or in-service training of teachers in higher education institutions based on (self)assessment of their own competencies and educational needs is or should be the basis for their professional development. According to such assumption, founded on the current didactic approaches, and rooted in the constructive alignment and andragogical participatory planning, we researched the opinion of teachers and associates of higher vocational studies to find out how they assess their pedagogical-didactic ability, to address on that basis induced dilemmas, and if possible, to offer certain solutions for teachersā€™ professional development in the domains of pedagogy and didactic. The research was conducted on a proper sample of teachers and associates employed in vocational high schools in Novi Sad and Belgrade (N=124). Data were collected by instrument that combined survey-type questions and three-level descriptive assessment scales. The majority of the teachers and associates (88.7%) stated that they do not have special pedagogical and didactic education, and that the assessment of certain didactic competencies (45 items) varies from ā€œpossess knowledge about ways how to support students from vulnerable social groupsā€ (M=2,33; SD=0,729), ā€œpossess knowledge about the characteristics of cognitive development of young peopleā€ (M=2,42; SD=0,651), ā€œpossess knowledge and abilities to diagnose individual abilities, potentials and talents.ā€ (M=2,57; SD=0,614) to ā€œpossess pedagogical skills of group managementā€ (M=2,94; SD=0,278), ā€œpossess knowledge how to act in accordance with the principles of multiculturalism and non-discriminationā€ (M=2,95; SD=0,215), and ā€œpossess skills and knowledge for planning own professional development based on the results of self-evaluation and external work evaluationā€ (M=2,96; SD=0,198). Significant differences in the assessment of individual competencies of teachers and associates according to the length of teacher 'service, working position and according to the owned pedagogical and didactic education were also found. In conclusion, professional development of teachers and associates in vocational education should be participatory and competency-based planned, implemented and evaluated, while plans and programs for their professional development should be based on specific educational needs and competencies assessment, gained differences, and grounded on constructive harmonization with implementation and evaluation

    MorfoloŔke osobine ploda nekih F1 hibrida breskve

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    Results of the most important morphological properties of the fruit and stone in four promising peach hybrids of late ripening time in the two-year period of research (2010- 2011) are shown in this paper. Selected hybrids obtained from the crossing combination Flaminia x Summerset. All of the traits of the examined hybrids were compared with a standard cultivar -Summerset. Statistically significant differences between investigated hybrids were found in terms of morphometric properties of the fruit and stone. Fruit weight ranged from 96.41 g (hybrid FS4) to 167.25 g (hybrid FS2). Stone weight was related to fruit weight, and stone share in the fruit weight ranged from 5.87% (hybrid FS2) to 8.24% (hybrid FS6). In terms of descriptive properties of fruit investigated hybrids are mainly exceeded the standard cultivar. Based on the late ripening time, weight and color of fruit, hybrids FS2 and FS3 were selected, which may be of interest as candidates for the recognition of new peach cultivars or further breeding work.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati dvogodiÅ”njih istraživanja (2010-2011) najvažnijih morfoloÅ”kih osobina ploda i koÅ”tice kod četiri perspektivna hibrida breskve poznog vremena sazrevanja. Izdvojeni hibridi dobijeni su iz kombinacije ukrÅ”tanja Flaminia x Summerset. Sve osobine ispitivanih hibrida upoređivane su sa standard sortom - Summerset. Između proučavanih hibrida utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u pogledu morfometrijskih osobina ploda i koÅ”tice. Masa ploda se kretala u intervalu od 96,41 g (hibrid FS4) do 167,25 g (hibrid FS2). Masa koÅ”tice je bila povezana sa masom ploda, a udeo koÅ”tice u masi ploda je varirao od 5,87% (hbrid FS2) do 8,24% (hibrid FS6). U pogledu opisnih osobina ploda proučavani hibridi su uglavnom prevaziÅ”li sortu standard. Na osnovu poznog vremena sazrevanja, mase i obojenosti ploda izdvojili su se hibridi FS2 i FS3, koji mogu biti interesantni kao kandidati za priznavanje novih sorti breskve ili dalji oplemenjivački rad

    Comparative analysis of outdoor education in Serbia and Scandinavian countries

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    Nastava u prirodi predstavlja specifičan oblik vaspitno-obrazovnog rada koji podrazumeva kontinuiranu realizaciju nastavnog procesa tokom Å”kolske godine, u prirodnom ambijentu, pri čemu bi se takvo okruženje koristilo kao podsticaj i neposredni izvor znanja u nastavi i prijatan ambijent za celovit psihofizički razvoj učenika. Cilj ovog rada jeste da se sagleda na koji način se određuje nastava u prirodi u Srbiji - od zakonskih regulativa, pa do relevantne stručne i naučne literature i da se kroz komparativnu analizu postojeće teorije i prakse u skandinavskim zemljama (u NorveÅ”koj, Å vedskoj i Danskoj) sagledaju potencijalne mogućnosti za unapređenje planiranja i realizacije nastave u prirodi u Srbiji. Analiza je pokazala da se nastava u prirodi u Srbiji posmatra u okviru značenja termina Å”kola u prirodi, pri čemu se podrazumeva realizacija nastave van mesta boravka učenika i učitelja u trajanju od sedam do deset dana godiÅ”nje bez mogućnosti da se nastava u prirodi realizuje kontinuirano tokom Å”kolske godine. Kroz analizu skandinavskog modela nastave u prirodi, uočeno je da u NorveÅ”koj, Å vedskoj i Danskoj postoji razrađeniji koncept i dugogodiÅ”nja istraživačka tradicija ovog problema. Kao osnovne preporuke koje se nameću iz komparativnog pregleda literature, izdvajamo da je neophodno na teorijskom nivou preispitati pristup nastavi u prirodi i sprovesti viÅ”e istraživanja u ovoj oblasti, čiji bi rezultati pomogli da se nastava u prirodi unapređuje na svim nivoima. Takođe, potrebno je ispitati mogućnost da se Å”kolskim planom i programom predvidi čeŔća realizacija nastave u prirodi tokom Å”kolske godine, istražiti mogućnosti da se ponude reÅ”enja na sistemskom nivou i omoguće finansijska i stručna podrÅ”ka Å”kolama i nastavnicima.Outdoor education is a specific educational form that involves the continuous realization of the teaching and learning process throughout the school year, in a natural environment, where such an environment would be used as an incentive and direct source of knowledge for teaching, as well as a pleasant environment for the psychophysical development of students. The aim of this paper is to look at how outdoor education is determined in Serbia -starting with legal regulations, relevant professional and scientific literature, and through the comparative analysis of existing theory and practices in Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden and Denmark), and to try to identify potential opportunities of improving realization of outdoor education in Serbia. The results show that outdoor education in Serbia is viewed within the meaning of the term schools in nature, where the realization of teaching is outside the place of residence of students and teachers and lasts for 7 to 10 days a year, with no reference to the possibility of realization of outdoor education continuously during the school year. Through the analysis of the Scandinavian model of outdoor education, we note that in Norway, Sweden and Denmark there is a long-standing research tradition of this problematic. Teaching in nature,which many in the Scandinavian countries advocate, consists of a continuous stay of students in a school yard, a city park, museums, galleries, and such. Preparation of teaching in nature implies, first and foremost, a good preparation of teachers and pupils, as well as cooperation with the local community. The emphasis in the part of the preparation is primarily on the teacher because the teacher is mostly the one who decides which contents will be realized in natural conditions and in what way. After this decision, a number of didactic-methodical and organizational-technical requirements are followed, which should be fulfilled as a prerequisite for good realization of teaching in nature. In addition to didactic-methodical education, the teacher should be well aware of the natural conditions and characteristics of the place where the school is located, in order to know which cultural and educational resources he has and how to use them. In Scandinavian countries, attention is paid to this problem during the initial academic education of future teachers, while in Serbia, future teachers receive some basic guidelines through subjects as didactics of social and natural sciences. As basic recommendations from the comparative literature review, we emphasize that it is necessary to reconsider the approach of outdoor education at the theoretical level and also to conduct more research in this field, the results of which would help to improve outdoor education at all levels. Also, it is necessary to examine the possibility for the school curriculum to anticipate a more frequent realization of outdoor education throughout the school year, to explore opportunities to offer solutions at the system level and to provide financial and professional support to schools and teachers. At the micro level (school level), the positive experiences of the Scandinavian and other countries can help understanding and opening up various possibilities for improving the planning and realization of outdoor education in our country. For example, planning visits to galleries and museums can be realized as a part of outdoor education; understanding the potential of the school yard and the school environment can be put into the function of their use in the realization of teaching of different teaching subjects, as well as an integrative approach in the processing of teaching contents. Didactic diversity in the choice of teaching and learning strategies, encouraging teachers to explore the effects of applied strategies and reflecting their own practice can also be an important segment of improving the realization of teaching in nature, that is, empowering teachers to use creative and educational potentials of the natural and social environment. From all of the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to provide conditions on the macro level (level of the system) first of all -to define in the law regulations what outdoor education actually is and to give concrete recommendations to the schools for planning and realization of it. Also, it is necessary to provide financial conditions and cooperation with the local community, to carry out various scientific research and assessments, to offer the necessary support to teachers, both in initial education and later through various seminars and similar ways of support

    Podsticanje participativnosti u programima za profesionalno usavrÅ”avanje pomoću informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija

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    U radu se raspravlja o mogućnostima podsticanja participativnosti u programima za profesionalno usavrÅ”avanje nastavnika osnovnih Å”kola sa teritorije Republike Srbije pomoću informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija. U kvalitativnom istraživanju učestvovalo je dvadeset četiri nastavnika osnovnih Å”kola čiji su obrazovna pripremljenost za koriŔćenje i odnos prema primeni informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija u sopstvenom profesionalnom usavrÅ”avanju posmatrani kroz prizmu dva modela profesionalnog usavrÅ”avanja nastavnika ā€“ modela zasnovanog na tradicionalnom koriŔćenju informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija i modela ā€žumreženog profesionalnog usavrÅ”avanjaā€. Nalazi pokazuju da postoje prepreke u koriŔćenju modela ā€žumreženog profesionalnog usavrÅ”avanjaā€, uzrokovane materijalno/tehničkom opremljenoŔću, diskontinuiranim programima i nedostatkom vremena, ali i snažno ispoljena zainteresovanost kod nastavnika koji su adekvatno osposobljeni za aktivnu participaciju u tom modelu i koji poseduju neophodnu materijalno/tehničku opremu

    Analiza proizvodnih potencijala lakih linijskih hibrida kokoŔi

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    The paper vas aimed at analyzing production results on Shaver 579 hybrid hens breeder eggs and their comparing with those on Shaver hybrid hen breeder eggs recorded by their producer. On the basis of currently obtained results and comparison with those obtained than their own producer, the following may be concluded the differences between the experimental results Shaver 579 hens breeder eggs and the standard in terms of breeding dynamics, diet consumption for one egg production and mortality were found to be negligible.Cilj ispitivanja ovog rada bila je analiza proizvodnih rezultata kokoÅ”i nosilja Shaver 579 hibrida i njihovo upoređivanje sa tehnoloÅ”kim normativom koje navodi njegov proizvođač. Na osnovu analize rezultata ovog istraživanja i njihovim upoređivanjem sa proizvodnim rezultatima (normativom), može se zaključiti da razlike između oglednih Shaver 579 nosilja i standarda sa stanoviÅ”ta dinamike nosivosti, utroÅ”ka hrane i mortaliteta bile su zanemarljivo male

    Komparativna ispitivanja nosivosti lakih linijskih hibrida kokoŔi

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    In order to make comparative examination of lying eggs capacity, an experiment was carried out. It lasted from 19th to 63rd week of age. Examination included two hensā€™ hybrids Shaver 579 and Hisex Brown. For both examined hybrids, similar conditions of growing and feeding technology were provided. For the whole period of egg production, average values and variability of weekly number of eggs per hen for Shaver 579 was 5.72, and Hisex Brown had a little higher weekly egg production-5.99 eggs. The greatest part of eggs per hen was in 11th week of production in both examined provenience. In both examined light line hybrids, statistically significant difference was determined between age of hens and average weekly egg production per hen.U cilju uporednog ispitivanja nosivosti lakih linijskih hibrida kokoÅ”i, izveden je ogled u trajanju od 19. do 63. nedelje starosti. Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćena dva hibrida kokoÅ”i: Shaver 579 i Hisex Brown. Za nosilje, oba ispitivana hibrida, bili su obezbeđeni slični uslovi tehnologije gajenja i ishrane. Za ceo period produkcije jaja, prosečne vrednosti i varijabilnosti nedeljnog broja sneÅ”enih jaja po useljenoj nosilji za Shaver 579 je iznosio 5,72, dok je neÅ”to veću prosečnu nedeljnu proizvodnju jaja imao Hisex Brown 5,99 jaja. Najveći broj jaja po useljenoj kokoÅ”i bio je u 11. nedelji proizvodnje kod obe ispitivane provenijence. Kod oba ispitivana laka linijska hibrida utvrđena je statistički vrlo značajna zavisnost između uzrasta nosilja i prosečne nedeljne proizvodnje jaja po useljenoj kokoÅ”i

    Komparativna ispitivanja osobina kvaliteta žumanca lakih linijskih hibrida

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    The study presents results of examination of qualities of consumable eggs of two light hen types, Shawer 579 and Hisex Brown. Every four week, on the sample of 30 eggs for each hybrid, internal qualities of eggs were examined. This examination confirmed the rule that with the age, mass of yolk increases, too. A little greater height of yolk was found in hens Shawer 579. Mass, color and diameter of yolk were almost the same in both examined types. Generally, both examined hybrids gave satisfying results regarding qualities of yolk.U radu su prezentovani rezultati ispitivanja kvaliteta konzumnih jaja dve provenijence lakog tipa kokoÅ”i: Shaver 579 i Hisex Brown. Svake četiri nedelje, na uzorku od 30 jaja za svaki hibrid, obavljeno je ispitivanje unutraÅ”njih osobina kvaliteta jaja. Ovim ispitivanjem je potvrđeno pravilo da se sa staroŔću nosilja povećava masa žumanca. NeÅ”to veću visinu žumanca imale su kokoÅ”i Shaver 579. Masa, boja i prečnik žumanca, kod obe ispitivane provenijence kokoÅ”i, bile su približno iste. UopÅ”te posmatrano, oba ispitivana hibrida, u pogledu osobina kvaliteta žumanca ispitivanih jaja, dala su zadovoljavajuće rezultate
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