226 research outputs found

    Potres u Crnoj Gori 1979. i posljedice za muzejsku mrežu

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    Katastrofalni potres koji je 15. travnja 1979. godine pogodio Crnu Goru prouzročio je velika razaranja u gradovima i naseljima na jadranskoj obali i u neposrednom zaleđu. Najveća oÅ”tećenja pretrpjeli su stari gradovi na obali u kojima se nalazio najveći broj zaÅ”tićenih nepokretnih spomenika kulture. Muzeji u Crnoj Gori, osnovani uglavnom početkom 20. stoljeća i nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata, smjeÅ”teni su u adaptiranim zgradama sagrađenim u ranijim razdobljima koje nisu imale odgovarajuću konstruktivnu zaÅ”titu. Sve muzejske zgrade pretrpjele su znatna oÅ”tećenja, kao i muzejski predmeti koji su bili izloženi ili pohranjeni. Nakon prvih popisa i izvjeÅ”taja utvrđeno je da su oÅ”tećena ili uniÅ”tena 1642 nepokretna kulturna dobra i viÅ”e od 33 tisuće pokretnih kulturnih dobara. Nakon inventariziranja, privremenog smjeÅ”taja i privremene zaÅ”tite nepokretnih i pokretnih spomenika kulture pristupilo se sanaciji i obnovi oÅ”tećenih objekata te konzervaciji i restauraciji pokretne kulturne baÅ”tine. U tijeku obnove oÅ”tećenih objekata primjenjuju se suvremeni standardi aseizmičke gradnje

    Status i pojavljivanje dugokljune čigre Sterna sandvicensis u Hrvatskoj

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    The authors present information on the status of the Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis in Croatia using historical and recent data collected on the Adriatic coast in the period from 1984 to 1997. As well as providing a survey of occurrence, seasonal distribution and migration, they have estimated the number of wintering birds and listed the coastal areas that are most important for migration and wintering of Sandwich Terns on the coast of Croatia.Autori su prikazali status dugokljune čigre Sterna sandvicensis u Hrvatskoj koristeći povijesne i sadaÅ”nje podatke prikupljene na obali Jadranskog mora u razdoblju od 1984. do 1997. godine. Osim pregleda pojavljivanja, sezonske rasprostranjenosti i selidbe, procijenjena je brojnost zimovalica i ukazano je na dio obale koji ima veću važnost za selidbu i zimovanje dugokljunih čigri na obali Hrvatske

    Investigation of pollen morphological characteristics in some quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) cultivars

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    Morphological characterization of pollen grains is very important in the identification of individual species and cultivars of fruit trees, including quince. As material for these studies, the pollen of eight quince cultivars, Leskovacka, Vranjska, Morava, Pazardzijska, Hemus, Asenica, Portugal, and Triumph was used. During the 3-year study period (2010-2012), using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the following characteristics were investigated: the size and shape of pollen grains (length, width, and length-to-width ratio), colpus length, colpus width, mesocolpium width, and characteristics of exine pattern [number of ridges per area (100 mu m(2)) at the equatorial region of exine, ridge width, and furrow width]. The tested quince cultivars differed significantly in terms of morphological characteristics of pollen. The exceptions were colpus and mesocolpium width, as well as the ridge and furrow width on the exine, which showed no statistically significant difference. Pollen grains of quince are characterized by great length (over 53 mu m). The shape of pollen grains varied from prolate (Leskovacka, Vranjska, Morava, Hemus, Asenica, and Triumph) to perprolate (Pazardzijska and Portugal). The exine pattern of all cultivars was striate with longitudinal ridges, which were more parallel in cultivars Vranjska, Hemus, Portugal, and Triumph and less parallel in cultivars Leskovacka, Morava, Pazardzijska, and Asenica. Three groups of similar cultivars are separated on the basis of hierarchical cluster analysis results. Some pollen morphological characteristics, such as the size and shape of pollen grains and colpus length, can be used in the identification of quince cultivars

    Influence of temperature on pollen germination and pollen tube growth of plum cultivars

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    The temperature is an important environmental factor that affects pollen performance during the reproductive phase of fruit tree species. Pollen germination is one of the main factors for successful fertilization and fruit set in plum (Prunus domestica L.). The study was carried out to determine the effect of three different temperatures (5, 15 and 25Ā°C) on the pollen germination and pollen tube growth in vitro of six European plum cultivars: ā€˜Cacanska Lepoticaā€™, ā€˜Cacanska Ranaā€™, ā€˜Jojoā€™, ā€˜Topā€™, ā€˜Toperā€™ and ā€˜Stanleyā€™. Germination rate and pollen tube growth were determined on a culture medium containing 15% sucrose and 0.7% agar. Temperature significantly affected pollen germination of all studied cultivars. High germination rates (50ā€’76%) were obtained at the temperatures of 15Ā°C and 25Ā°C. However, satisfactory germination rates (29ā€’47%) were also obtained at the temperature of 5Ā°C in some cultivars (ā€˜Toperā€™, ā€˜Cacanska Ranaā€™, ā€˜Cacanska Lepoticaā€™ and ā€˜Topā€™). The influence of temperature was more prominent on the pollen tube growth. The length of pollen tubes was six to twelve times higher at 15Ā°C and 25Ā°C in comparison with 5Ā°C. This has led to the conclusion that the temperature of 5Ā°C, although it could be enough for pollen germination, is not enough for optimal pollen tube growth

    Fenotipska varijabilnost osobina plodnosti čistorasnih krmača u prva tri praŔenja

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    Investigation of the phenotypic variability of fertility traits was performed on Swedish Landrace sows (926 sows) deriving from single herd in Serbia. Data was processed by method of least squares (Harvey, 1990), and following fixed factors were included into the model: sire, season, litter genotype and order of farrowing, as well as regression effect of age at first farrowing, duration of lactation and number of reared (raised) piglets per litter. Traits of litter size varied (P lt 0.01) under the influence of sire and order of parities (first two parities). Number of still born as well as reared piglets per litter depended on the litter genotype (P lt 0.01). Year and season had no effect on variation of litter size traits except LWW (first two and three parities). Age of sows at first farrowing demonstrated linear effect (P lt 0.01) on size of their litter at farrowing (first three parities). Litter size and weight at weaning were under regression effect of lactation duration as well as corrected litter size (CLS) or number of weaned piglets (NW).Ispitivanje fenotipske varijabilnosti osobina plodnosti krmača rase Å”vedski landras sprovedeno je u jednom zapatu svinja u Srbiji. Podaci su analizirani primenom različitih modela metoda najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey, 1990), u koje su bili uključeni sledeći fiksni uticaji: otac, godina, sezona, genotip legla i redosled praÅ”enja, kao i regresijski uticaji uzrasta pri prvom praÅ”enju, trajanja laktacije i broja gajene prasadi u leglu. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 926 krmača i njihova 926 prva, 1598 prva dva i 2115 prva tri praÅ”enja. Prosečna ispoljenost trajanja perioda od zalučenja do estrusa i oplodnje (W-E i W-C), broja živorođene (NBA), ukupnorođene (TNB), mrtvoroĐene (NSB) i odgajene prasadi (NW) kao i mase legla pri zalučenju (LWW) u prvom, prva dva i prva tri praÅ”enja je bila: 9.77, 8.51, 7.80; 23.77, 20.98, 19.49; 8.31, 8.91, 9.19; 8.87, 9.46, 9.78; 0.56, 0.54, 0.51; 7.57, 8.04, 8.24 i 52.43, 58.18, 61.10, respektivno. Osobine veličine legla su varirale (P lt 0.01) pod uticajem oca i redosleda praÅ”enja (prva dva praÅ”enja). Broj mrtvorođene kao i odgajene prasadi u leglu zavisili su od genotipa legla (P lt 0.01). Godina i sezona nisu uticale na variranje osobina veličine legla osim na LWW (prva dva i tri praÅ”enja). Uzrast krmača pri prvom praÅ”enju ispoljio je linearan uticaj (P lt 0.01) na veličinu njihovih legala pri praÅ”enju (prva tri praÅ”enja). Veličina i masa legla pri zaluženju su bili pod regresijskim uticajem trajanja laktacije, korigovane veličine legla (CLS) ili broja odgajene prasadi (NW)

    Fiksni deo modela za procenu priplodne vrednosti svinja na osnovu veličine legla

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    The goal of this paper was to investigate the effect of various fixed effects on the number of born alive piglets in litter (NBA), based on results of Swedish Landrace sow fertility on three farms in Serbia, in order to determine the best adapted model for assessing genetic parameters and breeding value. Analysis of phenotipic variability of the NBA of Swedish Landrace sows was carried out based on fertility results on three swine farms (A, B and C) in the Republic of Serbia. Data sets encompassed reproduction indicators for 2803 (A), 1826 (B) and 2235 (C) sows, i.e. their 11014, 6757 and 8452 litters, respectively. For this analysis was used fix model of least square method which includes fixed effects of farrowing number, season of conception shown as combination of year and month, litter genotype, duration of previous period from weaning to conception, effect of sow age at farrowing like quadratic regression nested within farrowing number and linear regression influence of duration of previous lactation. The average NBA was within the interval from 9.13 (A) to 9.76 piglets (B and C). The monitored trait statistically highly significantly (p lt 0.001) varied under the effect of all systematic factors encompassed by the applied model, regardless of the source of analyzed data, Only the linear regression effect of duration of previous lactation for farm B was assessed as having lower statistical significance (p lt 0.05).Cilj ovoga rada bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih sistematskih faktora na variranje broja živorođene prasadi u leglu (BŽP) radi određivanja najprilagođenijeg modela za ocenu genetskih parametara i procenu priplodne vrednosti krmača. Analiza fenotipske varijabilnosti BŽP u leglima krmača rase Å”vedski landras sprovedena je na osnovu reproduktivnih pokazatelja 2803 (farma A), 1826 (farma B) i 2235 (farma C) krmača, odnosno njihovih 11014, 6757 i 8452 legala, respektivno. KoriŔćen je fiksni model metoda najmanjih kvadrata u koga su bili uključeni uticaj praÅ”enja po redu, sezone uspeÅ”nog pripusta, genotipa legla, trajanja perioda zalučenje - oplodnja, kvadratni regresijski uticaj starosti krmače pri praÅ”enju ugnježđen u okviru praÅ”enja po redu i linearni regresijski uticaj trajanja prethodne laktacije. Prosečan BŽP se kretao u intervalu od 9.13 (A) do 9.76 (B i C). Svi determinisani uticaji obuhvaćeni modelom su ispoljili statistički vrlo visoko značajan uticaj (p lt 0.001) na variranje BŽP nezavisno od toga koji set podataka je bio analiziran, osim uticaja trajanja prethodne laktacije na farmi B koji je bio ocenjen kao statistički značajan (p lt 0.05)

    Investigations of time and economic dimensions of the complex product production cycle

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    Obeležja savremene proizvodnje sa vrhunskom organizacijom i metodama upravljanja zasnivaju se na načelima ekonomije vremena i principima nove proizvodne filozofije-lean production. Proizvodnju treba organizovati po principu usisavanja, sa minimalnim zalihama, radeći samo ono Å”to je stvarno potrebno, ni prerano ni prekasno. U radu je prikazan postupak projektovanja i rezultati istraživanja proizvodnog ciklusa složenog proizvoda koji se nalazi u proizvodnom programu kompanije 'Sloboda' Čačak.The features of contemporary production process of top organization and management methods are grounded on the principles of economies of times and the principles of lean production, a new philosophy of production. Production should be organized according to the push-pull principle, with minimum inventories, manufacturing only what is really necessary, neither too early, nor too late. The paper presents the design procedure and results of investigations on the production cycle of a complex product included in the production program of 'Sloboda' - Čačak Co

    A leadersā€™s influence on the definition and implementation of strategy in organizations

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    In modern business conditions, the success of an organization is connected to the leader skills and abilities. Leadership becomes more important every day due to the requests of a turbulent and variable environment which can be satisfied only by organizations led by leaders able to harmonize the leading of the organization with the real situation within it. Thus leaders, through their behavior and skills influence, define and implement organization strategy to a large extent

    Uticaj obima analiziranih podataka na tačnost selekcijskih indeksa za procenu priplodne vrednosti krmača

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    Objective of this paper was to establish to what extent the accuracy of constructed selection indices will be changed depending on the scope of analyzed data relating to fertility based on which parameters necessary for construction of selection indices (SI) were established. Fertility results of Swedish Landrace sows obtained on three farms in Republic of Serbia (farms 1, 2 and 3) were analyzed. Parameters necessary for construction of SI were determined by application of different mixed models of the method of Least Squares. For each farm three SI were constructed for evaluation of sow breeding value based on realized fertility in the way that parameters necessary for SI construction were calculated based on fertility results in the first (SI1), first two (SI2) and first three farrowings (SI3). Accuracy of constructed Sis varied within following limits - from low rIH = 0.255 (SI3 for Farm 2) to rIH = 0.405 (SI1 for Farm 3), and only in the case of SI2 for Farm 2 it was in the category of very low (rIH = 0.231). Introduction into analysis of fertility results realized in the second and third farrowing resulted in decrease of accuracy of constructed selection indices.U ovom radu rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je tačnost selekcijskih indeksa konstruisanih na osnovu parametara ocenjenih analizom rezultata plodnosti (BŽP i BOP) ostvarenih na posmatranim farmama bila od rIH = 0.255 (SI3 za Farmu 2) do rIH = 0.405 (SI1 za Farmu 3), a samo je u slučaju SI2 za Farmu 2 bila u kategoriji jako slabe (rIH = 0.231). Povećanje obima analiziranih rezultata plodnosti dovelo je do smanjenja tačnosti SI
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