86 research outputs found

    Primena metode kontrolisanog eksperimenta u analizi ponaŔanja potroŔača električne energije

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    Unapređenje energetske efikasnosti u domaćinstvima je jedan od prioriteta Srbije, s obzirom da se električna energija u domaćinstvima neracionalno troÅ”i, a domaćinstva imaju dominantno učeŔće od oko 51% u finalnoj potroÅ”nji električne energije. Kako bi se unapredila energetska efikasnost, neophodno je definisati ključne faktore koji utiču na ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača. Na ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača, pored cenovnih, utiče i čitav niz necenovnih faktora. Polazeći od činjenice da je cena električne energije u Srbiji najniža u Evropi, u ovom radu fokus je na necenovnim faktorima. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da utvrdi da li informisanje domaćinstava o jednostavnim načinima za uÅ”tedu električne energije doprinosi promeni njihovog ponaÅ”anja. Istraživanje je sprovedeno primenom metode kontrolisanog eksperimenta Å”to je podrazumevalo defi- nisanje eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe na uzorku od 330 domaćinstava. Istraživanje je pokazalo da u situaciji kada je cena električne energije veoma niska, informacije o uÅ”tedi energije nemaju značajan uticaj na promenu ponaÅ”anja potroÅ”ača

    Parents And families of children With disability As A factor of Successful early intervention

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    Predmet istraživanja: Rad daje pregled savremenih studija o psihosocijalnom funkcionisanju roditelja i porodice dece sa ometenoŔću tokom rane faze adaptacije na ovu okolnost. U radu je dat predlog strategija, zasnovanih na prikazanim istraživanjima koje pružaju podrÅ”ku porodici. Uloga roditelja počinje joÅ” u kući, ranim detekcijama razvojnih teÅ”koća kod deteta. Rano mobilisanje roditelja i uključenost u rane intervencija ima pozitivan uticaj na dalji tok rehabilitacije. Adaptacija roditelja na dete sa ometenoŔću utiče na adaptaciju samog deteta na sopstvenu ometenost. Metod: Metod rada je pretraga relevantnih baza podataka na osnovu ključnih reči, pregled i prikaz istraživanja. Mnoga istraživanja pokazuju da roditelji dece sa ometenoŔću prolaze kroz individualne krize (npr. povećan nivo stresa, depresivana reagovanja). TeÅ”koće (koje se tiču nege deteta, psiholoÅ”ke, socijalne, ekonomske) pogađaju funkcionisanje cele porodice. Rezultati: Diskutovane su osobenost funkcionisanja porodice (podela brige o detetu, prisustvo/odsustvo oba roditelja, prisustvo/odsustvo socijalne podrÅ”ke). Navedene su i studije koje govore da nema suÅ”tinske razlike u funkcionisanju porodice dece sa i bez ometenosti. Istraživanja impliciraju da funkcionsanje roditelja i porodice nije direktna posledica ometenosti deteta per se već je u korelaciji sa varijablama čije dejstvo savremena istraživanja proveravaju (npr. strategije prevladavanja stresa, rezilijabilnost, verovanja i stavovi roditelja). Zaključak: Roditelji se smatraju neophodnim partnerima u savremeno koncipiranom tretmanu ometenosti. U radu su prikazane strategije psiholoÅ”ke podrÅ”ke roditeljima i porodici kroz edukaciju, savetovanje i psihoterapijske intervencije. Predložene strategije su proizaÅ”le iz empirijskih potvrda navedenih u ovom radu.Research subject: This paper reviews current studies on psychosocial functioning of parents and families of children with disabilities during the early stages of adaptation to this circumstance. The paper gives a strategy proposal, based on the presented studies that provide family support. The role of parents begins in the home, with the early detection of childā€™s developmental problems. Early mobilization and involvement of parents in early interventions has a positive impact on the further course of rehabilitation. Adaptation of the parents to the child with a disability affects the childā€™s adaptation to their own disability. Method: The method of work is an examination of relevant databases, based on keywords, review and presentation of research. Many studies show that parents of children with disabilities go through individual crises (e.g. increased stress levels, depressive reactions). Difficulties (psychological, social, economic, those related to child care) affecting the functioning of the whole family. Results: We discussed the characteristic of functioning families (division of child care, the presence/absence of both parents, and the presence/absence of social support). We are also cited studies showing that there is no substantial difference in the functioning of families with and without children with disabilities. Studies imply that functioning of parents and families is not a direct result of the childā€™s disability, but is correlated with variables whose effects are still under the scrutiny of contemporary researches (e.g., coping strategies, resilience, beliefs and attitudes of parents). Conclusion: Parents are considered as essential partners in modern treatment of disability. The paper presents the strategy of psychological support to parents and families through education, counseling and psychotherapeutic intervention

    Ecological status of the RaŔka River evaluated by epiphytic diatom community

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    Bentosne silikatne alge koriste se kao bioindikatori i smatraju se korisnim u proceni ekoloÅ”kog statusa voda. Uzorci epifitske zajednice silikatnih algi reke RaÅ”ke sakupljeni su tokom pet sezona (2011. i 2012. godine), sa po 5 lokaliteta. Cilj ovog rada je određivanje vrednosti 17 dijatomnih indeksa radi procene ekoloÅ”kog statusa vode reke RaÅ”ke. Dobijene vrednosti dijatomnih indeksa ukazuju da je ekoloÅ”ki status vode reke RaÅ”ke dobar do veoma dobar, sa umerenom do poviÅ”enom koncentracijom nutrijenata, beza većih varijacija u vrednostima između lokaliteta.Benthic diatoms have been regularly used as ecological indicators and considered to be valuable in water quality assessment and monitoring. Epiphytic samples were collected from five points during five seasons (2011-2012). The objective of this paper is to evaluate applicability of 17 diatom based indices used worldwide for water quality assessment. The water of the RaÅ”ka River can be characterized as good to very good quality with moderate to elevated concentration of nutrients

    Challenges of the green transition for the recovery of the Western Balkans

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    The aim of this paper is to reconsider the necessity for the green transition and the key preconditions for the implementation of a circular economy in Western Balkan countries. With the objective of the research in mind, the method of analysis and synthesis was applied to determine (1) regulatory and institutional prerequisites for the green transition; (2) the need for the Western Balkan countries to redefine the model of sustainable economic growth towards the green transition; (3) the development opportunities for recovery defined in the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans; and (4) the possibility of implementing the circular economy in the Western Balkans

    Facilitating circularity in city governance in the Republic of Serbia: a novel approach to modeling of energy efciency big data mining

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    Efficient use of energy and other resources, as the basic postulates of the circular economy, is a prerequisite for the green transition to more sustainable cities in the future. The main scientific goal of the paper is the development of a new approach to city governance when it comes to the inefficient use of energy, predominantly fossil fuels, mainly in developing and poor countries. Energy efficiency problems faced by these countries require the introduction of urgent, applicable, and realistically achievable solutions. A prerequisite for adequate analysis and modeling of energy efficiency performance, measures, policies, outcomes, and impacts is the introduction and functioning of the big data management system, which should begin with data mining. On the other hand, adequate data collection has been neglected in many of these countries. The study shows a way to reduce this gap, but in accordance with realistic and limited possibilities for countries with less favorable conditions. In that respect, a conceptual model for the Analytical Service for facilitating energy efficiency in city governance was developed and presented as a driver that can enable cities to manage energy more efficiently. The model is based on an interdisciplinary approach and on the needs of cities in the Republic of Serbia. However, it is designed to allow upgrading in accordance with the capabilities and resources of cities, primarily applicable in developing and poor countries

    Lidarske metode u ranom otkrivanju i praćenju požarnih procesa i njihovoj simulaciji

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    Methods for eearly detection, dynamics monitoring and surveillance of fire processes are topics which belong to the method class where high reliability, detection rate and response imply. Although various transformation processes exist for measuring and quantification of the principal parameters of fire processes, the use of optical methods (including ultraviolet, visible and infrared ranges) is increasing. Laser - quantum generator in all three parts of optical range through various measurement methods of real atmospheric parameters or fire environment are for a long time included in this area. Operation methods are related to linear and nonlinear processes enabling different ranges of measurement uncertainty. This paper is on one hand, dedicated to the analysis of up-to-date optical methods based on lidar solutions and on the other to simulation methods and possibilities of modern software tools.Metode za rano otkrivanje, praćenje dinamike i nadgledanje požarnih procesa su problematika, koja pripada klasi metoda, gde se podrazumeva visoka pouzdanost, brzina detekcije i odziva. Iako postoje različiti procesi transformacije glavnih parametara požarnih procesa u cilju merenja i kvantifikacije, ipak su optičke metode (uključujući ultraljubičasti, vidljivi i infracrveni opseg) sve viÅ”e u upotrebi. Laseri - kvantni generatori, u sva tri dela optičkog područja, kroz različite metode merenja parametara atmosfere ili požarne okoline, su odavno uključeni u problematiku. Metode rada su vezane za linearne i nelinearne procese, koji omogućuju različite opsege mernih nesigurnosti. Rad je posvećen, sa jedne strane, analizi savremenih optičkih metoda baziranih na lidarskim reÅ”enjima, a sa druge, metodama simulacije i mogućnostima savremenih softverskih alata

    Determinants of energy intensity in the European Union: A panel data analysis

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the energy intensity in EU-28 member states for the period 1990 e2012, establish its determinants, and estimate the size and statistical significance of the effect of each determinant on energy intensity. In order to achieve this, a panel data approach was designed for EU-28 member states. The estimated model showed that energy prices, energy taxes and GDP (gross domestic product) per capita have a negative influence on energy intensity, while the growth of gross inland consumption and final energy consumption per capita positively affect energy intensity. The biggest impact on energy intensity was estimated for the price of electricity, indicating that the level and structure of this determinant should be considered and used as a valuable energy policy tool for improving energy efficiency. This policy conclusion is also supported by the fact that Denmark, Germany and Italy have the highest share of energy taxes in the structure of the final electricity price, and at the same time the lowest energy intensity

    Epiphytic and epilithic diatom communities along the RaÅ”ka River ā€“ implications for the water quality

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    We compared epiphytic and epilithic diatom communities in the RaŔka River, and their use in river biomonitoring. The material was collected in April, June, August and November 2011, and March 2012 from 5 localities along the RaŔka River. The result showed high variation of the diatom species composition between this two micro-habitats. The most abundant genera were Navicula, Gomphonema and Nitzschia, but with higher diversity in epiphytic diatom community. During first season, Achnanthidium minutissimum and Gomphonema tergestinum were dominant taxa in epilithic, while A. minutissimum and Diatoma vulgaris in epiphytic diatom community. Epilithic diatoms are the favoured community for monitoring water quality. However, at any river, diatom species are located on various substrates at the same sampling site. For diatom diversity assessment it is necessary to investigate all micro-habitats. Our results point to a difference in values of TDI diatom index between macrophytes and stone samples. Is it necessary to investigate all micro-habitats, or is the type of substratum independent for water quality monitoring?6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, September 14-18, 201


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    Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the larynx is a rare epithelial origin neuroendocrine carcinoma. Its endolaryngeal growth may lead to airway obstruction and consequently endanger patient life. Managing the airway in this case poses great challenge for the anesthesiologist. The aim of this case report is to present alternative airway management in case of the possible unsuccessful endotracheal intubation. Emergency tracheotomy in sedoanalgesia and local anesthesia is successfully performed in patient with large neuroendocrine carcinoma of the larynx. Midazolam and remifentanyl used for sedoanalgesia may lead to respiratory depression. Therefore, pressure support preoxygenation was performed in order to prevent hypoxia, which could occur during the period of apnea. In conclusion, this regimen of preoxygenation prior to tracheotomy in sedoanalgesia and local anesthesia could be an appropriate alternative to general anesthesia and endotracheal intubation, especially in case of large endoluminal tumor that almost completely obstructs the airway.Sitnostanični laringealni tumor je rijedak neuroendokrini tumor epitelnog podrijetla. Endoluminalni rast tumora može dovesti do opstrukcije diÅ”nog puta te ugroziti život bolesnika. Uspostavljanje diÅ”nog puta u ovakvom slučaju je velik izazov za anesteziologe. Cilj ovoga rada je prikaz alternativnog rjeÅ”enja uspostavljanja diÅ”nog puta kod bolesnika s velikim endoluminalnim tumorom larinksa u slučaju postojanja visokog rizika za bezuspjeÅ”no izvođenje endotrahealne intubacije. Urgentna traheotomija u analgosedaciji i lokalnoj anesteziji uspjeÅ”no je učinjena kod bolesnika s velikim neuroendokrinim karcinomom larinksa. Za analgosedaciju koriÅ”teni su midazolam i remifentanil koji mogu dovesti do respiratorne depresije. Kako bi se preveniralo hipoksiju koja može nastati tokom apneje bolesnik je adekvatno preoksigeniran uz pomoć pritiskom podržane ventilacije. Zaključak: Primjena analgosedacije i lokalne anestezije uz prethodnu preoksigenaciju potpomognutu inspiracijskim i endekspiracijskim pritiskom adekvatna je alternativa općoj anesteziji i endotrahealnoj intubaciji u slučaju izvođenja traheotomije, naročito kod bolesnika s velikim endoluminalnim tumorom

    Sustainable energy transition in Central Asia: status and challenges

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    Background: The paper aims at gaining insight into the implementation of the process of sustainable energy transition in the countries of Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Information and scientific studies on the situation in these countries is scarce. On the other hand, these are resource-rich countries, some are exporters, and all are energy transit countries. The main aim of the paper was realized by applying the energy policies and regulatory framework analysis, defining priorities and monitoring selected indicators prescribed by the International Energy Agency. Methods: The following methods were used in the quantitative analysis: measurement of data intercorrelation; Pearson test of correlation; principal component analysis (with rotation method: Oblimin with Kaiser normalization); Kaiserā€“Meyerā€“Olkin measure of sampling adequacy, Bartlettā€™s test of sphericity and t-test. The period covered by the quantitative analysis: 1990ā€“2018, provided that the available data for 2019 or 2020 were used in certain cases. Results: Sustainable energy transition is, at the analysis of policies and data, at a low level. There is no adequate regulatory framework in these countries. The energy transition takes place exclusively within the framework of providing enough energy, without regard to sustainability, while even energy exporting countries are not making efforts to achieve a sustainable energy transition. Conclusions: There are no indications that the energy transition in the countries of Central Asia will take place according to the standards of the European Union or global bodies. On the other hand, having in mind the natural resources of the mentioned countries and the specific geopolitical position, monitoring the changes is of special importance. The impact of changes on sustainability can be determined mainly ex post
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