141 research outputs found

    Cerealije - proizvodnja, svojstva i organska hrana

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    Man has always been using cereal grains in his diet. When traditional stone mills were replaced the mass white flour production began. Rejecting whole grain and orientating exclusively to white bread and bakery products, mankind eventually suppressed extremely valuable cereals (millet, barley, oat, rye, buckwheat, amaranth and even maize) from its nutrition. During the second half of the last century people became aware of a need to use again natural sources of food and high biological values of such food for the human organism. One of basic principals of correct and healthy nutrition is daily consumption of whole-grain cereals. Based on the most recent trends in the world science of food, the objective of this study was to present the most important properties and prospective of the production development and utilization of the most important cereals in our country and abroad. In terms of obtained scientific and research results, potential possibilities, status and needs on markets, and in accordance with recommendations made by nutritionists, the production of organic cereals and their products of high nutritive values and health safety, is considered remarkably actual and attractive. The aim of the study is to draw attention to this very important sector of the contemporary science and technology, for which it can be justifiably claimed that is full of real and great challenges.Čovek je oduvek u svojoj ishrani koristio zrno cerealija, odnosno žita. Tek je zamena klasičnih kamenih mlinova dovela do masovne proizvodnje belog brašna. Odbacujući celo zrno i orijentišući se isključivo na beli hleb i peciva savremeno čovečanstvo je postepeno potisnulo iz svoje ishrane izuzetno vredna žita: proso, ječam, ovas, raž, heljdu, štir, pa čak i kukuruz. Druga polovina prošlog veka donosi buđenje svesti o potrebi vraćanja na prirodne izvore hrane i visokim biološkim vrednostima koje ona ima za ljudski organizam. Jedan od osnovnih principa pravilne i zdrave ishrane jeste svakodnevna upotreba integralnih cerealija. Cerealije su jedna od najzastupljenijih biljnih vrsta u organskoj proizvodnji u svetu. Sagledavajući najnovije trendove svetske nauke o hrani za zadatak ovog rada je postavljeno da se prikažu najbitnija svojstva i perspektive razvoja proizvodnje i korišćenja najvažnijih cerealija u našoj zemlji i u svetu. Polazeći od do sada ostvarenih naučnoistraživačkih rezultata, potencijalnih mogućnosti, stanja i potreba na tržištu, a u skladu sa preporukama nutricionista, proizvodnja organskih cerealija i njihovih proizvoda visoke nutritivne vrednosti i zdravstvene bezbednosti se smatra izuzetno aktuelnom i atraktivnom. Cilj rada je da skrene pažnju na ovaj veoma važan sektor savremene nauke i tehnologije za koji se sa pravom se može reći da je pun pravih i velikih izazova

    Unapređenje tehnološkog postupka za dobijanja skroba

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    Starch is a very important, naturally renewable and relatively inexpensive raw material. Since the current industrial production establishes demands pertaining starch quality, a greater attention has been paid to development and improvement of existing technological procedures for starch isolation. This paper describes the following two procedures for starch isolation, developed and improved by our research: wet milling of maize bran and starch alkaline extraction from seeds of amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus). The implementation of maize bran wet milling into the existing technology of maize wet milling processing led to the total starch yield increase. In order to produce starch form seeds of amaranth different procedures of alkaline extraction and combined procedures of alkaline steeping and enzymic treatments have been used.Skrob je veoma važan prirodno obnovljiv i relativno jevtin sirovinski materijal. Pošto moderna industrija postavlja odrešene zahteve u pogledu njegovog kvaliteta, razvoju novih i unapređenju postojećih tehnoloških postupaka za dobijanje škroba pridaje se sve veći značaj. U ovom radu su opisana dva, u našim istraživanjima razvijena i unapređena, postupka za dobijanje škroba: mokro mlevenje kukuruznih mekinja i alkalna ekstrakcija škroba iz semena vrste Amaranthus cruentus. Primenom mokrog mlevenja kukuruznih mekinja u postojeće tehnologije skrobarske prerade kukuruza postiže se povećanje ukupnog prinosa škroba. Za dobijanje škroba iz semena vrste Amaranthus cruentus primenjeni su različiti postupci alkalne ekstrakcije i kombinovani postupci alkalnog močenja i enzimskog tretmana

    Savremeni pristupi upotrebe kukuruza

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    From a global standpoint, maize is one of the most important crops and as such one of the most significant naturally renewable carbohydrate raw materials of not only energy but also numerous very different products. The dominance and superiority of maize are primarily caused by and resulted from the extremely wide, very diversified and enormous possibilities of its utilization. Previous accomplishments were presented and prospective developments of the maize utilization were discussed in the present study. The recent utilizations of maize in the production of bioethanol biodegradable plastics and textile fibres were particularly emphasized and described. In addition, a brief review on changes in the global maize production was also presented.Posmatrano u svetskim razmerama kukuruz je je jedna od najznačajnijih gajenih biljaka i kao takav ujedno i jedna od najznačajnijih prirodno obnovljivih ugljenohidratnih sirovina energije i jako velikog broja veoma različitih proizvoda. Dominacija i superiorni položaj kukuruza uslovljeni su prevashodno izuzetno širokim, veoma raznovrsnim i ogromnim mogućnostima njegove upotrebe. U ovom radu su prikazana dosadašnja dostignuća i diskutovane perspektive budućeg razvoja upotrebe kukuruza. Posebno su istaknute i opisane najnovije upotrebe kukuruza u proizvodnji bioetanola, biorazgradive plastike i tekstilnih vlakana. Pored toga, dat je i kratak osvrt na promene u svetskoj proizvodnji kukuruza

    ZP hibridi kukuruza kao sirovina za proizvodnju skroba

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    Maize is the most important raw material in starch production not only in our country, but also worldwide. Maize grain consists of approximately 70% of starch. Starch is the component that has the greatest influence on the maize grain yield. As starch accounts for two thirds of maize grain dry matter, it is, therefore, economically its most important component. This paper encompasses results on improvement of ZP maize hybrids utilization as a raw material for starch production obtained within a long-term scientific and research programme performed at the Technology Research Department at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Pole. This study presents the chemical composition, physical and technological properties of grains of widely grown ZP maize hybrids of different generations, various maturity groups and different endosperm types.Najznačajnija sirovina za proizvodnju skroba u našoj zemlji kao i u svetu je kukuruz. Kukuruzno zrno sadrži u proseku oko 70% skroba, komponente koja najviše utiče na njegov prinos. Pošto skrob čini 2/3 suve materije kukuruznog zrna, to je ujedno i njegova ekonomski najznačajnija komponenta. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati dugoročnog naučnoistraživačkog programa na unapređenju korišćenja ZP hibrida kukuruza kao sirovine za proizvodnju skroba u Odseku za tehnološka istraživanja Instituta za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje'. Pregledno je dat zbirni prikaz hemijskog sastava, fizičkih i tehnoloških karakteristika zrna najšire gajenih ZP hibrida kukuruza različitih generacija, različitih grupa zrenja i različitog tipa endosperma

    Oplemenjivanje kukuruza šećerca (Zea mays L. Saccharata) u Institutu za kukuruz Zemun polje

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    Sweet corn breeding programme have been implemented at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje - Belgrade, for the last 40 years. Sweet corn is used as human food at the milk stage when the kernel is sweet, soft and succulent. It is one of the most popular vegetable crops in countries where maize consumption is traditional. Sweet corn is the mutant. The mutation at the Su lokus probably occurred at different time and in different types of maize. The su mutation affects the endosperm composition by causing it to accumulate two or more times water-soluble polysaccharides (WSP) then normal field corn has at the immature stage when it is normally consumed. Sucrose is predominant sugar in grain of standard sweet corn. Sweet corn is harvested 18-23 days after pollination. The homozygous recessive su gene has its limitations, and the major one is the very short period when kernels remain at high quality. Sometimes this period is as short as one day, which makes problems for sweet corn growers and processors. The identification of additional endosperm genes causing a higher level of sugar, leds to utilization of these genes in the development and improvement of sweet corn. Most sweet corn commercial hybrids are based on one or more recessive alleles which modify endosperm composition. These mutants are enzymic "injuries" in the path way of starch synthesis, which change endosperm carbohydrate composition and result, almost in all causes, in decreased starch level. The hybrids with the sh, sh2, bt, bt2 gene contain two to three times more sucrose than hybrids with the su gene. As a result the kernels (seeds) are of poor quality, winkled, light, angular, brittle and susceptible to injuries. Consequently, germination and emergence in the field, as well as, early growth, are harder than of standard grain quality maize. The aim of sweet corn breeders is to develop hybrids which will meet the demands of the market.Rad na oplemenjivanju kukuruza šećerca započet je sedamdesetih godina u Institutu za kukuruz "Zemun Polje". Do sada je priznato 20 ZP hibrida kukuruza šećerca različite dužine vegetacije. Svi domaći ZP hibridi kukuruza šećerca su sa sugary genom. U našoj zemlji najveći deo proizvedenog šećerca se prerađuje u obliku zamrznutog zrna. Standardni kukuruz šećerac je mutant. Mutacija su uslovljava takvu kompoziciju endosperma gde se akumulira dva puta i više u vodi rastvorljivih polisaharida (WSP) nego kod običnog kukuruza u fazi nezrelog zrna kada se ono konzumira. Ukus šećerca određuje slatkoća koja zavisi od udela šećera i skroba u endospermu. Ove osobine menjaju važnost zavisno od načina korišćenja hibrida. Glavni resursi u selekciji šećerca su elitni hibridi i elitne inbridovane linije, koji se preporučuju i odabiraju za poboljšanje osobina, kao i sintetičke populacije uže i šire genetičke osnove. Mnogi selekcionari šećerca se uzdržavaju od korišćenja germplazme koje nisu šećerac u svojim selekcionim programima zbog teškoća da se sačuva niz faktora kvaliteta i specifičnost sirovog proizvoda što je karakteristič no za šećerac. Naravno, germplazma koja nije u tipu šećerca se koristi za poboljšanje šećerca od samih početaka selekcionih programa. Ovaj tip germplazme se koristi kao izvor za povećanje relativne otpornosti prema bolestima i štetočinama u zavisnosti od aktuelnosti određenog svojstva za šećerac


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    The aim of the present study was to identify the relationship between morphological parameters and motor skills that are important for sprint performance in children aged 8 to 16 years divided into four age groups (U10, U12, U14, U16) in both genders. The sample consisted of two hundred eighty one participant who trained sprinting in various athletic clubs. A prediction set of twenty-five variables for assessing morphological characteristics and motor skills was applied, and the criterion variable was a sprint at 60m. Using multiple correlation, it has been established that a large number of morphological characteristics are statistically significant positive correlation with the sprint, especially the longitudinal variables, while the variables of skinfolds showed a low negative statistical significance in relation to the given criterion. In the field of motor skills, the highest number of positive statistically significant correlations were found in the tests of explosive power of the upper and lower extremities, agility test and horizontal and vertical jump tests. In order to determine which morphological features and motor skills should be applied in sprint running training, we tested related attributes using different algorithms for data mining (LR, M5, KNN, SVM, MLP, RBF). The results suggests that the predictors that we use can continue to be applied with high reliability in assessing sprint performance, but also in the monitoring of the training process in order to profile the better sprint achievements.The aim of the present study was to identify the relationship between morphological parameters and motor skills that are important for sprint performance in children aged 8 to 16 years divided into four age groups (U10, U12, U14, U16) in both genders. The sample consisted of two hundred eighty one participant who trained sprinting in various athletic clubs. A prediction set of twenty-five variables for assessing morphological characteristics and motor skills was applied, and the criterion variable was a sprint at 60m. Using multiple correlation, it has been established that a large number of morphological characteristics are statistically significant positive correlation with the sprint, especially the longitudinal variables, while the variables of skinfolds showed a low negative statistical significance in relation to the given criterion. In the field of motor skills, the highest number of positive statistically significant correlations were found in the tests of explosive power of the upper and lower extremities, agility test and horizontal and vertical jump tests.In order to determine which morphological features and motor skills should be applied in sprint running training, we tested related attributes using different algorithms for data mining (LR, M5, KNN, SVM, MLP, RBF). The results suggests that the predictors that we use can continue to be applied with high reliability in assessing sprint performance, but also in the monitoring of the training process in order to profile the better sprint achievements.Key words: youth athletes, sprint running, morphological characteristics, motor skills, regression algorithm

    Hibridi kukuruza specifičnih svojstava za industrijsku preradu

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    Extremely high genetic variability of maize provides the possibility to develop new types for various purposes in the process of selection. By the method of selection, the grain composition can be significantly modified in respect to quantity and quality of certain components. It enables "designing" of new maize types with specific traits necessary for particular purposes. Maize is mainly grown as an energetic crop, but there is a broad use of types with specific traits such as: sweet corn, popcorn and white-seeded maize. Maize types with specific traits require remarkable attention not only in the process of breeding and seed production, but also in the commercial production and processing.Izuzetno velika genetička varijabilnost kukuruza omogućava da se u procesu selekcije razvijaju tipovi za raznovrsne namene. Kompozicija zrna se selekcijom može značajno menjati u pogledu količine i kvaliteta pojedinih sastavnih delova. To omogućava da se u određenim granicama "dizajniraju" novi tipovi specifičnih svojstava potrebnih za određene namene. Kukuruz se gaji prvenstveno kao energetski usev, ali se dosta široko koriste i različiti specifični tipovi kao što su: šećerci, kokičari i kukuruz belog zrna. Kod specifičnih tipova kukuruza zastupljene su osobine koje zahtevaju posebnu pažnju, kako u toku procesa oplemenjivanja tako i u procesu proizvodnje semena, u komercijalnoj proizvodnji i tokom procesa prerade

    Kvalitet zrna i mogućnosti korišćenja ZP hibrida kukuruza

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    The study presents results of a long-term scientific and research work on the improvement of maize utilization at the Department of Technology of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje. This research was aimed at the development of new assortment of plant food, feed and maize-based technical products of high quality. The application of modern processing technologies resulted in the production of highly valuable food: whole grain of micronised red-, yellow- and white- maize, concentrate for bread production bread and traditional Serbian corn bread with biologically valuable ingredients of red- and yellow- maize. Besides these food products, the original technology of maize cob processing has been developed. Various lignocelluloses granules intended for utilization in different sectors of industry, agriculture and environmental protection.U radu su prikazani rezultati višegodišnjeg naučnoistraživačkog rada na unapređenju korišćenja kukuruza u Odseku za tehnološka istraživanja Instituta za kukuruz. Ova istraživanja usmerena su ka stvaranju novog asortimana kvalitetne biljne hrane i tehničkih proizvoda. Primenom savremenih tehnologija prerade osvojena je proizvodnja nove i jedinstvene visokovredne hrane: integralno brašno mikronizovanog zrna crvenog, žutog i belog kukuruza, koncentrat za proizvodnju hleba, hleb i proja sa biološki vrednim sastojcima kukuruza crvenog i žutog zrna. Pored toga, razrađena je originalna tehnologija prerade kukuruznog oklaska. Dobijeni su različiti lignocelulozni granulati namenjeni za upotrebu u različitim granama industrije, poljoprivredi i zaštiti životne sredine

    Uticaj obrade u autoklavu i hidrolize pululanazom na prinos rezistentnog skroba iz normalnog kukuruznog skroba

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    In this study, resistant starch (RS), type 3, was prepared by the autoclaving and debranching of normal maize starch isolated from a selected ZP genotype. The objectives of this study were to optimize both starch autoclaving and debranching with pullulanase (PromozymeBrewQ) for the production of RS. Autoclaving at 120°C (30 min) increased the RS content of all samples, whereas freezing at -20°C did not have an obvious effect on the RS contents. The highest RS yield in the autoclaved starch samples was 7.0% after three autoclaving-cooling cycles. After pullulanase debranching at 50°C and retrogradation at 4°C, the RS yields ranged from 10.2 to 25.5 % in all samples (depending on the hydrolysis time). Debranched starch samples with a maximum RS yield of 25.5 % were obtained after a debranching time of 24 h. This study showed that starch from the selected ZP maize genotype is suitable for pullulanase treatment and RS preparation but that additional studies with a greater number of different treatments (incubation time/temperature) are necessary to manipulate and promote crystallization and enhance RS formation.U ovom radu, rezistentan skrob (RS), tip 3, pripremljen je obradom u autoklavu i hidrolizom sa pululanazom iz normalnog kukuruznog skroba koji je izolovan iz odabranog ZP genotipa kukuruza. Predmet istraživanja je bio da se izvrši optimizacija tretmana obrade u autoklavu i hidrolize pululanazom (PromozymeBrewQ) u cilju dobijanja RS-a. Obrada u autoklavu na 120°C (30 min) je uticala na povećanje sadržaja RS-a u svim uzorcima, dok temperatura čuvanja od -20°C nije imala uticaja na njegov sadržaj. Najveći prinos RS-a u autoklaviranim uzorcima skroba je bio 7,0 % nakon tri ciklusa obrada u autoklavu-hlađenje. Nakon hidrolize pululanazom na 50 °C i retrogradacije na 4°C prinos RS-a u svim uzorcima se kretao od 10,2 do 25,5 % (zavisno od vremena hidrolize). Hidrolizovani uzorci skroba sa maksimalnim prinosom RS-a od 25,5 % određeni su nakon 24 časa inkubacije. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da je skrob iz odabranog ZP genotipa kukuruza pogodan za hidrolizu pululanazom i dobijanje RS-a, ali su neophodna dalja istraživanja sa većim brojem različitih tretmana (vreme/temperatura inkubacije) u cilju poboljšanja procesa kristalizacije i povećanja prinosa RS-a

    Genetic variability as background for the achievements and prospects of the maize utilisation development

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    Maize is one of the most important crops, and as such, one of the most significant naturally renewable carbohydrate raw materials of energy and numerous very different products. The dominance and superiority of maize are primarily caused by the extremely wide, very diversified and enormous possibilities of its utilisation. Previous accomplishments are presented and prospective developments of the maize chemistry and technology, i.e. maize utilisation in our country and worldwide were discussed in the present study. The objective of this study was to advert to this section of science that is full of real and great challenges. Changes in the maize production and utilisation are described. Some very important questions were asked, such as: what is it that makes maize such a valuable, naturally renewable raw material, how and why do we sow maize and harvest energy and products?