Kvalitet zrna i mogućnosti korišćenja ZP hibrida kukuruza


The study presents results of a long-term scientific and research work on the improvement of maize utilization at the Department of Technology of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje. This research was aimed at the development of new assortment of plant food, feed and maize-based technical products of high quality. The application of modern processing technologies resulted in the production of highly valuable food: whole grain of micronised red-, yellow- and white- maize, concentrate for bread production bread and traditional Serbian corn bread with biologically valuable ingredients of red- and yellow- maize. Besides these food products, the original technology of maize cob processing has been developed. Various lignocelluloses granules intended for utilization in different sectors of industry, agriculture and environmental protection.U radu su prikazani rezultati višegodišnjeg naučnoistraživačkog rada na unapređenju korišćenja kukuruza u Odseku za tehnološka istraživanja Instituta za kukuruz. Ova istraživanja usmerena su ka stvaranju novog asortimana kvalitetne biljne hrane i tehničkih proizvoda. Primenom savremenih tehnologija prerade osvojena je proizvodnja nove i jedinstvene visokovredne hrane: integralno brašno mikronizovanog zrna crvenog, žutog i belog kukuruza, koncentrat za proizvodnju hleba, hleb i proja sa biološki vrednim sastojcima kukuruza crvenog i žutog zrna. Pored toga, razrađena je originalna tehnologija prerade kukuruznog oklaska. Dobijeni su različiti lignocelulozni granulati namenjeni za upotrebu u različitim granama industrije, poljoprivredi i zaštiti životne sredine

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