11 research outputs found

    Importance of presentation skills in contemporary business

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    Improving presentation skills has been a popular issue since ancient times, and today is becoming a necessity in many activities, especially in the context of management. In modern business, according to experts in this field, the ability to present ideas is considered an important feature of employees. Professional presentations, in fact, are a significant and common method of disseminating information. Presentation skills are a real challenge in the case of teachers, researchers and scientists, who are at the beginning of their professional careers. They sometimes cause great anxiety. This paper therefore discusses various aspects of presentation skills, relevant to business people as well as researchers and scientists. Useful guidelines to help researchers and scientists hone their skills. The central part of the paper deals with the analysis of factors that affect the quality of the presentation for different purposes. The author's view is that presentation skills, like other skills, can be learned and developed through practice

    Social challenges in education for sustainable engineering future: Transformative guideline

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    Engineers are educated and trained to take the lead in sustainable development, tackling worldwide difficulties like depletion of natural resources, contamination, fast-growing populations, and ecological degradation. The relevance of government entities dealing with sustainable development is linked to the societal problem of future education. While all social-economical and/or technical variables play a role in determining the outlook in which each competence originates, novel-adaptive thinking, social intelligence, design mentality, and sense-making, social imagination (cross-sectoral fertilization), cognitive load management, virtual collaboration and networking, and novel media literacy suggest representing crucial drivers for the development of each ability. An extensive selection of continuing education programs enables graduates to improve subject-specific skills and extend their professional networks, with the objective of preparing motivated and highly-trained professionals for the job market. It is feasible to achieve the aim of a sustainable engineering future by recognizing the relevance of these criteria, comprehending, and adequately fulfilling them

    Redesign of secondary magnesium metallurgy in the complex Mg Serbien

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    In the current study it has been concluded that production of magnesium is only feasible by principles of closing the production cycle through optimization and synergy between primary and secondary magnesium production in order to generate as least as possible waste, emission and pollution in the Pidgeon process. The time of return of investment in redesign of secondary magnesium metallurgy was concluded to be 3.11 years which is the shortest time for this kind of projects. The parameters as the individual discount rate 11.50%, internal rate of return, period of return 19%, positive net present value and profitability index 1.98 are acceptable. The unit capital cost per unit of 5,267/tandunitOPEXof 5,267/t and unit OPEX of 1,395/t were indicative of the economic success of this project and the most appropriate parameters have been achieved. Also, using gas as a fuel instead of coal will reduce OPEX for 8.4%. With this model waste substances are converted into highly profitable resources along with the promotion of sustainability and a cleaner production strategy, which is the ultimate goal for company and society

    Uticaj tehnološkog razvoja na podsticanje inovativnosti domaćih industrijskih preduzeća

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    Technology and technological development are the key factors of contemporary socio-economic development, and the application of the latest technological achievements is the developed countries' most powerful means of competitiveness. Intensive technological changes produce an influence on increasing the dynamics of the business conditions, making them uncertain, unpredictable and discontinued, while forcing business entities to adapt constantly. In this paper, the influence of technological development on the enhancement of innovativeness of domestic industrial enterprises is studied, given the fact that today, as well, industry is the branch of economy which the prosperity of the majority of the developed countries rests on. Study on the subject is divided into four parts. In the first part, the mutual dependency of technological and economic development is examined, with special attention to the strategic aspects of technological development. The second part of the paper is dedicated to observing innovativeness as the basis for technological development. The analysis of certain indicators of innovativeness in domestic enterprises is presented in the third part, whereas in the last part, analysis of the data obtained by conducting research into the influence of technological development on encouraging innovativeness of domestic industrial enterprises was carried out by investigating the role of graduate engineers in this process. The aim of this paper is to indicate the significance and complexity of the influence of technological development on contemporary business conditions, and also to conduct an analysis of the influence of technological development on encouraging innovativeness in domestic industrial enterprises. The ultimate goal of the paper is to define certain measures that are to be taken so as to improve the existing, highly unfavorable, situation in this field.Tehnologija i tehnološki razvoj predstavljaju ključne faktore savremenog društveno-ekonomskog razvoja, a primena najnovijih tehnoloških dostignuća čini najmoćnije sredstvo konkurentnosti razvijenih zemalja. Intenzivne tehnološke promene utiču na povećanje dinamičnosti uslova poslovanja, čineći ih neizvesnim, nepredvidivim i diskontinuiranim, i primoravajući privredne subjekte da im se stalno prilagođavaju. U ovom radu proučava se uticaj tehnološkog razvoja na pospešivanje inovativnosti domaćih industrijskih preduzeća, budući da je industrija i danas privredna grana na kojoj počiva prosperitet većine razvijenih zemalja. Proučavanje predmetne problematike podeljeno je na četiri dela. U prvom delu rada proučava se međusobna uslovljenost tehnološkog i privrednog razvoja, sa posebnim osvrtom na nužnost strategijskog pristupa u ovoj oblasti. Drugi deo rada posvećen je proučavanju inovativnosti kao osnove tehnološkog razvoja. Analiza određenih pokazatelja inovativnosti domaćih privrednih subjekata izneta je u trećem delu rada, dok je u poslednjem delu rada izvršena analiza podataka dobijenih istraživanjem uticaja tehnološkog razvoja na podsticanje inovativnosti domaćih industrijskih preduzeća, kroz proučavanje uloge diplomiranih inženjera u ovom procesu. Cilj rada je da se ukaže na značaj i kompleksnost uticaja tehnološkog razvoja na savremene uslove poslovanja, kao i da se na osnovu podataka dobijenih sprovedenim istraživanjem izvrši analiza uticaja tehnološkog razvoja na podsticanje inovativnosti u domaćim industrijskim preduzećima. Krajnji cilj rada jeste da se definišu određene mere koje bi trebalo preduzeti kako bi se postojeća, veoma nepovoljna, situacija u ovoj oblasti poboljšala

    Razvoj kompetencija zaposlenih kao element menadžmenta ljudskih resursa - sa posebnim osvrtom na tekstilnu industriju

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    Knowledge, ability and skills of every employees are his competitiveness. Technical and technology progress causes changes, and because of that demands of competitiveness become bigger and bigger. There are distinctions between manager competitiveness and competitiveness of other employees. In this paper in the first part the main characteristics of human resource management are studied. In the second part the definition and development of employment competitiveness are studied. According to importance of human resource management in the work intensive sectors, in the third part of paper specifications of competitiveness development in textile industry are studied. The researcher is turned out that in the textile industry business success of enterprises must to be based on professional staffs work, in both operational and management area. In the textile industry it is necessary to pay special attention to adequate management of key staffs, textile engineers and designers. In this economic part enterprises managers must to be very educated, creative, with multicultural approach and with adequate experience and skills. They must have ability to react in right moment in the critical situations. In that way, it can contribute to long term business success of textile enterprises.Upravljanje ljudskim resursima ima za cilj da se na svako radno mesto zaposle radnici koji će na osnovu znanja, veština i iskustva koje poseduju maksimalno efikasno obavljati dodeljene zadatke i koji će na osnovu toga adekvatno doprinositi ostvarenju poslovnog uspeha organizacije u kojoj su zaposleni. Znanje, sposobnosti i veštine koje poseduje svaki zaposleni predstavljaju njegove kompetencije. Usled promena uslovljenih tehničko tehnološkim progresom zahtevi u pogledu kompetencije zaposlenih stalno se menjaju i proširuju, pa je neophodno date kompetencije permanentno razvijati. U procesu razvoja kompetencija zaposlenih trebalo bi napraviti razliku između kompetencija radnika izvršilaca i kompetencija menadžera. Rad je koncipiran tako da su u prvom delu iznete glavne karakteristike upravljanja ljudskim resursima, dok je drugi deo rada posvećen definisanju kompetencija zaposlenih i njihovom razvoju. S obzirom na to da upravljanje ljudskim resursima i razvoj kompetencija zaposlenih posebno značajnu ulogu imaju u radno intenzivnim privrednim granama, u trećem delu rada ukazuje se na specifičnosti razvoja kompetencija zaposlenih u tekstilnoj industriji. Istraživanje pokazuje da bi svoj poslovni uspeh preduzeća tekstilne industrije trebalo da baziraju na radu stručnih kadrova, kako u sferi same proizvodnje, tako i u sferi upravljanja. Posebnu pažnju trebalo bi posvetiti adekvatnom upravljanju ključnim kadrovima, a to su tekstilni inženjeri i dizajneri. Menadžeri tekstilnih preduzeća trebalo da poseduju široko obrazovanje, kreativnost, multikulturalnost i odgovarajuće iskustvo i veštine iz konkretne struke, sposobnost brzog uočavanja, zaključivanja i reagovanja kako u tekućim, tako i u kritičnim situacijama, što može bitno da doprinese dugoročnom uspešnom poslovanju preduzeća tekstilne industrije

    Exploring Possibilities of Implementation of Special Rutile Electrodes for Welding Microalloyed Steels

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    The paper presents test results of a new quality of a special rutile electrode, with a core of flux-cored wire made from local raw materials, based on analyzing mechanical properties and microstructure of the weld metal in MMA welding. The base metal for experimental welding was microalloyed steel marked J55 (thickness 7.0 mm) according to API Spec 5L standards (EN 10113-3. and JUS C.B0 502) which was produced in Smederevo steelworks. For experimental welding a special electrode IHIS E 35 R-2 was used, with a medium thickness rutile coating, a core of flux-cored wire and Ni content of 2.5%. The results of the analyzes indicate that the new quality special rutile electrode with the flux-cored wire core provides good structural and mechanical properties of weld metal in microalloyed steel welded joints

    Development of Coated Electrodes with Solid Wire and Flux-Cored Alloyed Wire for Microalloyed Steel Welding

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    In this paper, we will present our investigation of the quality of J55 microalloyed steel welds that were formed by a basic flux-cored wire electrodes that were of appropriate quality and alloyed with Ni and Mo. Based on the comparison and analysis of the obtained results related to the testing of the chemical composition, mechanical properties, toughness at test temperatures, and the microstructure of welding joints formed by a classic and specially coated rutile flux-cored electrode, we assessed the justification to switch from solid wire electrodes to flux-cored alloyed wire electrodes of appropriate quality. The research aim for the application of flux-cored wire electrodes instead of solid wire electrodes is based on the advantages pertaining to a flux-cored wire: molten metal from electrode wire is transferred in the form of fine droplets, easy welding and maximum productivity within all spatial positions related to welding, improved properties of welding joints, and increased productivity when compared to a classic solid wire. Our research encompasses the development of the experimental production at the Research and Development Center IHIS Belgrade (Development Institute for Chemical Power Sources), Serbia, of the new type of a coated electrode with improved welding properties when compared to a classic electrode intended for microalloyed steel welding

    Multicriteria ranking of a job positions by ELECTRA methods in order to improve the analysis and conditions at work in companies in the textile industry

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    Application of appropriate technological methods of production of certain products often causes the negative impact on the employees in the respective processes. The level of the negative impact of the application of certain technological processes on employees varies depending on where the industry is doing, and depending on the level of technological development for a company. In order to identify those negative impacts, it is necessary to perform a proper analysis of manufacturing jobs from the exposure to given influences. This study presents the results of the multi criteria ranking of sixteen different workplaces in textile factories producing and processing fibre in the area of the city of Leskovac in Republic of Serbia, based on six parameters that regularly measure and define the conditions of the working environment. There were analyzed the working environment conditions by measuring the parameters of the working environment: air temperature and comfort zone in winter (microclimate), by determining the presence of harmful chemical sources and hazards that occur while using working equipment, noise, the presence of vibration and the level of light at the workplace. When defining the criteria of a job difficulty it was taken into account the fact that all the parameters of the working environment are not of the equal significance, namely they all do not have the same impact on the health of the employees. The results indicate that this method can be successfully used to solve these problems in other industries, as well as data knowledge can be applied in order to improve working conditions, especially in jobs that are most exposed to the harmful effects of the working environment

    Analysis of the tool plunge in friction stir welding comparison of aluminum alloys 2024 t3 and 2024 t351

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    Temperature, plastic strain and heat generation during the plunge stage of the friction stir welding of high-strength aluminum alloys 2024 T3 and 2024 T351 are considered in this work. The plunging of the tool into the material is done at different rotating speeds. A 3-D finite element model for thermomechanical simulation is developed. It is based on arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation, and Johnson-Cook material law is used for modelling of material behaviour. From comparison of the numerical results for alloys 2024 T3 and 2024 T351, it can be seen that the former has more intensive heat generation from the plastic deformation, due to its higher strength. Friction heat generation is only slightly dfferent for the two alloys. Therefore, temperatures in the working plate are higher in the alloy 2024 T3 for the same parameters of the plunge stage. Equivalent plastic strain is higher for 2024 T351 alloy, and the highest values are determined under the tool shoulder and around the tool pin. For the alloy 2024 T3, equivalent plastic strain is the highest in the influence zone of the tool pin

    Applying brazing for repairing electrical contacts

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    „Applying brazing for repairing electrical contacts“, The 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurg