1,110 research outputs found


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    Main step forward in development of classical comprehending of human rights was without a doubt raising the level of their protection to international bodies, first UN, and afterwards by adopting of European convention on human rights and founding European court of human rights within Council of Europe. By analyzing one the eldest rights of criminal procedure, the right be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power and closely related right to trial within a reasonable time, we’ll show how did these events helped in greater respect for human rights in states’ practice and what else is needed in further development in this field. We’ll give a short historic overview, analysis of several international instruments and domestic laws, and the main focus will be on decisions of the European court of human rights regarding complaints on alleged violations of Article 5(3) of the European convention on human rights. Finally, we’ll make suggestions on possible solutions that could contribute to further improvement of this right’s safeguards.Glavni iskorak u odnosu na tradicionalno shvatanje ljudskih prava učinjen je svakako kada je zaštita istih podignuta na nadnacionalni nivo, najpre od strane UN, a zatim i osnivanjem Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u okviru Saveta Evrope i usvajanjem Evropske Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda. Koliko je ovaj napredak zapravo u praksi doprineo većem poštovanju ljudskih prava u samim državama i koliko je potrebno dalje raditi na unapredjenju ove oblasti sagledaćemo analizom jednog od najstarije priznatih prava vezanog za krivični postupak, a to je pravo da svako ko je uhapšen ili lišen slobode bude bez odlaganja izveden pred sud i da mu se sudi u razumnom roku. Ovo pravo je u Evropskoj Konvenciji propisano u stavu 3 člana 5. Daćemo kratak istorijski pregled, analizirati neke medjunarodne dokumente kao i domaće pozitivno zakonodavstvo po ovom pitanju, a koncentrisaćemo se na stanje na evropskom kontinentu razmatranjem odluka Evropskog suda za ljudska prava po predstavkama koje su mu upućene zabog navodno kršenja stava 3. člana 5. Evropske Konvencije. Po dobijenom odgovoru na napred navedena pitanja, predložićemo odredjena moguća rešenja koja bi možda doprinela daljem unapredjenju poštovanja ovog prava

    Selforganization as the most perfect form of organization

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    The fact is that everything in the natural and social order has emerged through the process of organizing. It has been scientifically proven that there are two types of organization, as follows: natural or selforganization and artificial, i.e. conscious organization. Self-organization exists in the natural order, and typical examples are: cosmos, all living creatures, especially man as a perfect self-organization. Reasonable organization is the result of man as a conscious living being and it consists of all kinds of social organizations, such as companies, institutions and other types of organizational systems. Self-organization functions based on the laws of nature, and organizing takes place based on man’s ideas, man being the example of the highest quality of selforganization. Although self-organization is the highest quality form of organization, it is rarely or not at all spoken about, and it is even more rarely applied in practice. Many analogies of self-organization could be transferred to the artificial organizations and enterprises, institutions and other institutions. This paper aims to highlight the characteristics of self-organization as a result of natural organization, in order for certain principles from this method of organization to be transferred to artificial organizations

    Multicyclic treelike reflexive graphs

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    AbstractA simple graph is reflexive if its second largest eigenvalue does not exceed 2. A graph is treelike (sometimes also called a cactus) if all its cycles (circuits) are mutually edge-disjoint. In a lot of cases one can establish whether a given graph is reflexive by identifying and removing a single cut-vertex (Theorem 1). In this paper we prove that, if this theorem cannot be applied to a connected treelike reflexive graph G and if all its cycles do not have a common vertex (do not form a bundle), such a graph has at most five cycles (Theorem 2). On the same conditions, in Theorem 3 we find all maximal treelike reflexive graphs with four and five cycles

    Specifičnost kanala marketinga višnje: primer jedne zadruge

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    Cilj rada je nastojanje da se dođe do stava o strukturi kanala marketinga višnje, kao i da se vide nedostaci njegove organizacije. Robne strukture osnovnih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda razlikuju se u organizovanju kanala marketinga. Iz toga proizilazi i neophodnost sagledavanja specifičnosti za svaki poljoprivredni proizvod. Takođe, utvrđeno je mesto kanala marketinga u strategiji marketinga agropreduzeća. Definisani su i preduslovi za uspešno kreiranje kanala marketinga višnje na primerima poslovanja preduzeća Jugprom d.o.o i Zadruge Arilje

    Primjena logističkog modela u analizi marketinških odnosa u turističkim agencijama

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    A concept of relationship marketing in tourism implies creating quality relations among all participants in the tourist supply chain. Analyzing the assumptions of the development of relations and their impact on the overall performance of companies in tourism is especially important. In this regard, the subject matter of this research is the application of relationship marketing in travel agencies in Serbia and the identification of key factors of loyalty of users of tourist services. This paper aims to investigate the influence of relationship marketing assumptions (such as trust, customer complaint management, investment in internal marketing, implementation of information technology in agencies, business image and tradition of agencies, as well as socio-demographic characteristics of clients) on the choice of travel agency through which clients will travel. The contribution of the paper is in the application of the logistics model in the research of relationship marketing in agencies. The results of this research have confirmed that investing in relational determinants in tourism leads both to the development of a long-term relationship with customers and to business performance improvement. Also, the results showed that customer profiles are important in the implementation of relationship marketing to increase the number of loyal customers in tourism. The importance of the paper is in proposing an efficient model for the application of relationship marketing in order to increase the level of customer loyalty in travel agencies operating on the Serbian market.Primjena koncepta relacijskog marketinga u turizmu podrazumijeva izgradnju kvalitetnih odnosa između svih sudionika u turističkom lancu ponude. Osobito je važna analiza pretpostavki za razvoj odnosa i njihov utjecaj na ukupnu uspješnost tvrtki u turizmu. S tim u vezi, predmet rada je istraživanje primjene marketinških odnosa u turističkim agencijama u Srbiji koji posluju na tradicionalan način i putem interneta, te identifikacija ključnih čimbenika lojalnosti korisnika turističkih usluga. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti utjecaj pretpostavki relacijskog marketinga (poput povjerenja, upravljanja pritužbama kupaca, ulaganja u interni marketing, primjene informacijske tehnologije u agencijama, poslovnog imidža i tradicije, kao i socio-demografskih karakteristika klijenata) na izbor putničke agencije preko koje će klijenti putovati. Doprinos rada je u primjeni logističkog modela u istraživanju relacijskog marketinga u agencijama. Važnost rada ogleda se u predlaganju učinkovitog modela primjene koncepta marketinških odnosa u cilju povećanja lojalnosti kupaca u turističkim agencijama

    Formation of Metal Complexes with the Arsenazo I and Arsenazo III Reagents as Functions of the Medium Acidity

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    A function is given for the medium acidity in which metals react with arsenazo I and arsenazo III, as dependent upon the solubility product of the metal hydroxides

    Gender and Musculoskeletal Comorbidity Impact on Physical Functioning in Elderly after Hip Fracture: The Role of Rehabilitation

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    The study aim was to evaluate the effects of presence and level of musculoskeletal impairment along with gender on physical functioning outcome after the rehabilitation program in aged adults with a hip fracture. We analyzed 203 elderly people with hip fractures above 65 years of age that were treated after the hip surgery. According to the time of examination, patients were tested three times: at admission, discharge, and at three months post-discharge. Musculoskeletal impairments were analyzed, and for the estimation of severity of degree impairment, we used a cumulative index rating scale for geriatrics (CIRS-G). Regarding the gender, we separately analyzed males and females. To evaluate physical functioning of aged adults after a hip fracture, we used the physical functioning component (PFC) from the quality of life (SF-36) questionnaire. For males, on all three occasions we found non-significant differences were found in SF-36 PFC values between different degrees of CIRS-G musculoskeletal impairment. A significant difference was noticed in females three months post-discharge. Effects size of different examination periods for every CIRS-G severity degree of musculoskeletal impairment were high, where males had higher values for severity degrees 1 and 2, and females had higher values for severity degrees 0 and 3. Our findings might suggest that there is a certain degree of different rehabilitation treatment effects for males versus females. Moreover, it might be assumed that other factors could influence different degrees of functional improvement and outcome of individuals after a hip fracture with musculoskeletal impairment

    Use of Cultural Heritage for Place Branding in Educational Projects: The Case of Smederevo and Golubac Fortresses on the Danube

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    Medieval fortresses represent an important tangible heritage of a nation’s culture and a valuable development asset for a particular destination on which its place-branding strategy for tourism could be built upon. Traditionally in Serbia, heritage protection and conservation have been mainly concentrated on the tangible aspects of cultural sites and monuments. Nevertheless, with the advent of urban heritage integration in the local sustainable development processes and place-branding strategies, a greater appreciation of the spirit of the place and its intangible components, as well as the need to adapt it to local contexts with more participatory forms of heritage planning, have started to emerge. A wide range of stakeholders brought the involvement and participation of both the local government and community members, including residents, as an indispensable element of the protection actions and broader urban development policies. The paper aims to validate the correlation between both intangible and tangible cultural heritage and its contemporary use for place branding and tourism development. In doing so, we have employed the case study method on the two fortresses on the Danube in Serbia to show the ways in which local stakeholders have mobilized their forces in cooperation with the university to use their cultural heritage assets for tourism and more extensive sustainable territorial development. We have found that despite new inclusive forms of governance, which is attracting the attention of planning and heritage practitioners in Serbia, the contemporary approach of integrative protection and the intangible aspects of cultural heritage are still not fully utilized. For this reason, in this study, we consider methods based on environmental aesthetics approaches to cultural heritage that point out the significant inclusion of immaterial intangible cultural heritage in an unbreakable bond with material tangible heritage. The most remarkable result of our research is that while a vast number of stakeholders with local knowledge and sense of the spirit of the place have been involved in the planning process, intangible aspects of the analyzed heritage cases are present in educational projects, and are only partially present if it comes to implementation. This clearly demonstrates that the focus on tangible aspects and spatial interventions of the place branding of cultural heritage is still dominant in Serbia, despite acknowledgment of the economic and social aspects of sustainability in the planning phase in educational projects