29 research outputs found

    Mogućnost primene biljnih ekstrakata u formulaciji funkcionalne hrane

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    Functional food designate all sorts of food containing, along with their own nutritive value, constituents which have positive effects to human health and its psycho-physical conditions.. The aim of science, today, is development of such food products, which assume prevention and simultaneous reduction of risks of appearance of different diseases. Medicinal plants, extracts of medical plant became significant for production of functional food, because it has a lot of biological and pharmacological activities.Funkcionalnom hranom se označava svaka hrana koja pored svoje nutritivne vrednosti sadrži sastojke koji imaju pozitivnu ulogu na zdravlje ljudi, njihovo psiho-fizičko stanje. Cilj nauke danas je razvoj prehrambenih proizvoda koji pozitivno utiču na zdravlje, daju mogućnost prevencije i istovremeno smanjuju rizik od pojave bolesti. Lekovito bilje, njihovi ekstrakti kao nosioci biološke i farmakološke aktivnosti, postali su značajni u proizvodnji funkcionalne hrane

    Polyphenolic Profile of Sambucus Ebulus Root, Leaf and Fruit Extracts

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    Sambucus ebulus L. is a perennial herbaceous plant popular in folk medicine in Western Europe, Balkan and Middle East regions. Its preparations and extracts have shown wide range of biological activities against various disease and conditions. Isolation of the phenolic components was conducted using microwave-assisted extraction technique, while identification and quantification of isolated compounds were conducted using HPLC-DAD analysis. Fourteen compounds were detected and quantified in the extracts of the plant root, leaves and fruit, whereby rutin was predominant compound in all three samples. Minor compound in root sample was ferulic acid, in the leaves extract was chlorogenic acid, while in fruit sample was luteolin. Contrary, protocatehuic acid, caffeic acid, luteolin glycoside and apigenin glycoside were not detected in any of analyzed extracts

    Chemical Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Helianthus Tuberosus

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    Helianthus tuberosus L., commonly known as the Jerusalem artichoke, belongs to Helianthus genus and Asteraceae botanical family. Due to its wide range of biological activities, aim of this study was to investigate chemical profile of extracts obtained using different approaches: maceration, percolation, infusion and Soxhlet extraction. Extracts were further investigated regarding heavy metal, saccharides, total phenolics and total flavonoids contents, as well as antioxidant activity using DPPH assay. Obtained results showed presence of all investigated species, as well as significant capability of prepared extract to scavenge DPPH radicals

    Isolation and Chemical Profile of Thymus Serpyllum L. and Lavandula Angustifolia Mill. Essential Oils

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    Aim of this study was to isolate essential oil from two different plants, Thymus serpyllum L. and Lavandula angustifolia Mill., as well to investigate their chemical composition. Essential oil was isolated by hydrodistillation, while chemical composition was established by GC-MS analysis. Obtained results showed that much more compounds were detected in Lavandula angustifolia Mill. than in Thymus serpyllum L. essential oil. Dominant compounds in Lavandula angustifolia Mill. were linalool (54.24%), eucalyptol (17.97%) and endo-borneol (13.36%), while thymol (37.37%), β-bisabolene (6.98%), germacrene D (6.68%) and trans-caryophyllene (6.47%) dominated in Thymus serpyllum L. essential oil

    Quality and Chemical Profile Assessment of Different Teas in Serbia

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    Satureja montana, Ocimum basilicum, Camellia sinesis, Saliva officinalis, Althaea officinalis, Thymus camphoratus, Rosmarinus officinalis, Mentha piperita and Mountain tea were investigated for their quality (ash and moisture contents), as well as for chemical profile. HPLC analysis was applied to determine saccharide, vitamin C and caffeine contents in all teas samples. Obtained results demonstrated high quality of all tea samples (moisture of all samples was below 12%), while chemical analysis revealed presence of glucose, fructose, sucrose, vitamin C and caffeine in tested materials. Exception was Ocimum basilicum, where only glucose was detected and quantified

    Inovativne tehnologije u ekstrakciji biološki važnih molekula

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    Huge biological potential of plant products is one of the main reasons of their common utilization in the productions of dietary supplements as well as functional food which, beside of its nutrition properties, express pharmacological and physiological effects. New scientific knowledge regarding the isolation of pharmacologically active compounds from complex matrices led to significant progress in this field. Today, the process of extraction has significant scientific role, while “green” technologies possess special place in the today’s science. Developing of such technologies implies the use of "green" solvents, among which are especially significant sub- or supercritical fluids and ionic liquids.Veliki biološki potencijal biljnih proizvoda glavni je razlog njihove široke upotrebe u proizvodnji dijetetskih suplemenata i funkcionalne hrane, koja pored zadovoljavajućih nutritivnih svojstava, ispoljava i određene farmakološke i fiziološke efekte. Poslednjih godina došlo je do značajnog napretka u procesima izolovanja farmakološki aktivnih jedinjenja, pre svega zahvaljujući novim naučnim saznanjima vezanim za mehanizme izdvajanja jedinjenja iz složenih matriksa. Danas ekstrakcioni procesi zauzimaju značajno mesto u nauci, a posebni fokus svetske nauke usmeren je ka „zelenim“ tehnologijama. Razvoj takvih tehnologija implicira upotrebu „zelenih“ rastvarača, među kojima su posebno značajni sub- ili superkritičnih fluida kao i jonske tečnosti

    Fitohemijski profil i biološki potencijal čajnog napitka duda (Morus Nigra L.)

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    Black mulberry is the most medicinally important plant of the genus Morus. This study examines the chemical composition, antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity of mulberry leaves tea. The tea drinks were prepared in water (70, 80, 90 ° C and boiling temperature). This study has shown that mulberry teas have high antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity. Experimental investigation has shown that the best conditions for preparing mulberry teaa are with boiling water. Mulberry teas could be regarded as a promising source of bioactive natural compounds, which can be used both as a food supplement and a herbal remedy.Crni dud (Morus nigra L.) je medicinski važna biljka iz porodice Morus. U ovom radu ispitan je sadržaj ukupnih fenola i flavonoida kao i antioksidativna, antimikrobna i citotoksična aktivnost čajnih napitaka lista crnog duda. Čajni napitci su pripremani korišćenjem vode različite temperature (70, 80, 90ºC i ključala voda). Ispitivanja koja su urađena su pokazala da čajni napitci poseduju visoku antioksidativnu, antimikrobnu i citotoksičnu aktivnost. Najbolje osobine pokazali su napitci pripremani sa ključalom vodom. Čajni napici lista duda se mogu smatrati odgovarajućim izvorom prirodnih bioaktivnih komponenti, koji mogu naći primenu u vidu dodataka ishrani ili herbalnih lekova

    High frequency of the R75Q CFTR variation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    AbstractWe performed the complete screening of the CFTR gene in a group of 31 patients with COPD in order to investigate the impact of mutations and polymorphisms in the CFTR gene. The cumulative frequency of CFTR mutations (17.74%) was significantly higher than in our general population (P<0.0001). The R75Q was significantly overrepresented in COPD patients (8.06%; P=0.002). In all patients carrying the R75Q chronic bronchitis was a dominant symptom of COPD, and all were homozygous for the V470 allele. These findings suggest that R75Q mutation could be characteristic CFTR variant for COPD patients

    Tehnološki potencijal lekovitog bilja Balkana

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    Balkan Peninsula abounds with large number of medical herbal species. Throughout traditional usage and modern science presence of significant compounds with high biological activities. Aim of modern science is development of groceries with beneficial effects on human health. Such products reduce risk of development of various diseases allowing the prevention in the same time. Application of medical herbs and their extracts represent a new trend in food industry with high potential for development new technological processes as well as new products. In this study, application of stinging nettle leaves in the formulation of new bakery products was described.Balkansko poluostrvo obiluje značajnim brojem lekovitih biljnih vrsta. Kroz tradicionalnu upotrebu i savremenu nauku dokazano je prisustvo značajnih jedinjenja u lekovitom bilju sa visokom biloškom aktivnošću. Cilj nauke danas je razvoj prehrambenih proizvoda koji pozitivno utiču na zdravlje, daju mogućnost prevencije i istovremeno smanjuju rizik od pojave bolesti. Primena lekovitog bilja i njihovih ekstrakta je nov trend u prehrambenoj industriji koji je stvorio širok tehnološki potencijal za razvoj novih tehnoloških procesa i proizvoda različite namene. U radu je dat primer opravdanosti primene lista koprive u formulaciji funkcionalnih pekarskih proizvoda

    Identification of a rare p.G320R alpha-1-antitrypsin variant in emphysema and lung cancer patients

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    The alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT) gene is highly polymorphic, with more than 100 genetic variants identified of which some can affect A1AT protein concentration and/or function and lead to pulmonary and/or liver disease. This study reports on the characterization of a p.G320R variant found in two patients, one with emphysema and the other with lung cancer. This variant results from a single base-pair substitution in exon 4 of the A1AT gene, and has been characterized as P by isoelectric focusing. Functional evaluation of the A1AT p.G320R variant was through comparing specific trypsin inhibitory activity in two patients with pulmonary disorders, carriers of the p.G320R variant, and 19 healthy individuals, carriers of normal A1AT M variants. Results showed that specific trypsin inhibitory activity was lower in both emphysema (2.45 mU/g) and lung cancer (2.07 mU/g) patients than in carriers of the normal variants (range 2.51-3.71 mU/g). This rare A1AT variant is associated with reduced functional activity of A1AT protein. Considering that it was found in patients with severe pulmonary disorders, this variant could be of clinical significance