39 research outputs found
Uticaj naučno-tehnološke i industrijske revolucije na rani razvoj poljoprivredne tehnike
Although the early applications of the agricultural mechanization can be dated
in the I century b.c., the intensive use of the machines in agriculture started in the XIX
century, as a result of the scientific and tecnical development. Taking this into account in
this article the influence of scientific revolution and industrialisation on agricultural
engineering has been presented.Počeci primene sredstava poljoprivredne mehanizacije sežu još u I vek nove
ere, ali tek u XIX veku zahvaljujući naglom razvoju nauke i tehnike dolazi do značajnije
primene mašina u poljoprivredi. Imajući to u vidu, u ovome radu sagledan je uticaj
naučne revolucije i industrijalizacije na rani razvoj poljoprivredne tehnike
Cut Length Distributions of Haylage Particles
Alfalfa is one of the most important crops for forage production. Traditional method of alfalfa conservation assumes hay preparation. However, nowadays it is also commonly processed in the form of silage and haylage. Physiological effects of forages that are included in diets depend on plant species, stage of maturity, method of preservation and diet composition. Physical characteristics of rations for ruminants are primarily influenced by dietary forage to concentrate ratio, type of forages and concentrates, and mean particle size of feeds. Length distribution of forage particles represents an important parameter for ruminant’s diet formulation, especially for dairy cattle. During silage production, harvest considerations should be focused to obtaining the adequate particle size distribution of the ensiling crop particles.
This paper presents results of testing three contemporary types of self-propelled silage harvesters applied in the alfalfa haylage preparation: Claas Jaguar 950, Krone Big X 700 and Krone Big X 500. All machines were adapted with pick-up headers. In the study are analyzed length distributions of chopped alfalfa particles. Resulting frequency distributions of produced haylage are characterised by high mass percentage of the fraction comprehending the largest particles. It is also evident that harvester Class Jaguar 950 achieved the mean chopping length closest to preset value
Ostvareni obim korišćenja sredstava poljoprivredne tehnike kao element za donošenje odluke pri organizovanju mehanizovanih procesa na poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima
The paper presents a method to be based on known economic laws made the
decision making that provides increased levels of economic efficiency of use of
agricultural mechanization. It is one of the basic tasks necessary precondition for
achieving competitiveness in the market of agricultural products, as well as a necessary
part of the transformation of rural economies in order to survive.U radu je prikazan metod kako se na bazi poznatih ekonomskih zakonitosti vrši
donošenje odluke koja obezbeđuje povećanje nivoa ekonomske efektivnosti korišćenja
poljoprivredne tehnike. To je jedan od osnovnih zadataka i neophodan preduslov za
dostizanje konkurentnosti na tržištu poljoprivrednih proizvoda, kao i neophodan segment
transformacije seoskih gazdinstava u cilju njihovog opstanka
Combines Work Quality in Maize Silage Production
The paper presents testing results of three silage combines employed in maize silage preparation in Toplica region. It is focused on determination of technical working parameters of tested machines. Achieved results verified the superiority of silage combine John Deere 5820, which produced the chopped mass having particle lengths of the smallest deviation with respect to the preset cutting length. In this case, the average length of chopped mass was 9.9 mm, having 69 % mass in the range up to 8 mm. The other two silage combines produced lower mass percentage of this fraction and larger variations of particle lengths with respect to the preset length. Minimum mass flow rate was evidenced for the silage combine Fortschrit E-286: 7.3 kg s-1 (26.3 t h-1) and the surface productivity of 0.83 ha h-1, at the average speed of 4.0 km h-1. Maximum production rate was achieved with silage combine John Deere 5820: 10.9 kg s-1 (39.1 t h-1) at average working velocity of 4.7 km h-1 and surface efficiency of 1.21 ha h-1
Priprema i potencijal ostataka rezidbe u voćnjacima i vinogradima kao energetskog materijala
Huge amounts of plant remains are obtained following pruning, an essential
agricultural practice measure during the exploitation of orchards and vineyards.
Different pruning modes are employed depending on the size of the orchard and the
available machinery. The remains tend to hinder other activities in the orchard but on the
other hand they represent an essential energetic source. The energy can be transformed
or returned into soil by mulching.
Collecting and burning of the remains but also further cutting into small pieces and
plowing itself were elimination modes of former technologies. However, these
procedures contributed to the loss of a useful and important source of heat energy.
Optimal technological and technical solutions should be defined with regard to
collecting, loading, transporting and preparing pruning remains in orchards and
vineyards with the aim of obtaining energy. This is expected to have a significant
influence on the energetic efficiency of fruit growing and is an issue of major concern. In
our country collecting, preparing and using pruning remains is not widely used due to
the irrational disposal of energy and extensive production.
Pruning remains have their advantage as sustainable energy source being at the site
of consumption or its vicinity. The simplest and oldest way of using pruning remains as
energents in the process of burning and producing heat energy is to burn the unchanged
remains. Considering the bulk of it which is characterized by the irrational transport,
impeded loading, unloading, storing and use in combustion equipments.
Ecological issues and fossil energy deficiency impose the need to focus on the
preparation and use of pruning remains as energetic fuel in orchards. The issue has
gained in importance following the regulations imposed by the EU whereby renewable
energy sources should be used in the production of electrical energy. The aim is to solve
the lack of eco energy and contribute to environmental protection.Tokom eksploatacije višegodišnjih zasada pored ostalih kao obavezna
agrotehnička mera sprovodi se i rezidba kojom se dobija velika količina biljne mase u
obliku ostataka rezidbe. Rezidbe se može obavljati na više načina što je uslovljeno
veličinom zasada i raspoloživim tehničkim sredstvima. Nastala masa najpre predstavlja
balast koji ometa prolazak zasadom sa druge strane je značajan energetski izvor.
Energija iz te masi se može transformisati na više načina uz primenu odgovarajućih
postupaka ili da se varati zemljištu postupkom mulčovanja.
Kod zastarelih tehnologija upotrebe uglavnom se obavlja sakupljanje i sagorevanje
ostataka rezidbe neposredno u zasadu, ili se vrši njihovo sitnjenje a zatim zaoravanje.
Ovim postupcima ostaci rezidbe u zasadima su izgubljeni kao energetski vredan i
količinski značajan izvor toplotne energije.
Definisanje optimalnih tehnologija i tehničkih rešenja prikupljanja, utovara,
transporta i neposredne pripreme ostataka rezidbe voćaka i vinove loze za dobijanje
energije, presudno utiče na energetsku efikasnost voćarske proizvodnje i predstavlja
veoma aktuelni problem. Zbog neracionalnog raspolaganja energijom i ekstenzivnije
proizvodnje, u našim uslovima, prikupljanje, obrada, priprema i korišćenje biljnih
ostataka nisu našli širu primenu.
Ostaci rezidbe kao obnovljivi izvor energije ima i prednost u tome što se najčešće
nalaze na mestu potrošnje ili u njihovoj blizini. Najjednostavniji i najstariji način
korišćenja ostataka rezidbe kao energenta u procesima sagorevanja i dobijanja toplote je
kada se u neizmenjenom obliku obavi proces sagorevanja. Obzirom na kabastu formu
koju karakteriše mala zapreminska masa, uslovljava veoma malu racionalnost u
transportu kao i otežan utovar, istovar, skladištenje i samu upotrebu u gorionicima.
Ekološki problemi i deficit fosilnih goriva nameću potrebu da se u našem okruženju
posveti veća pažnja iznalaženju postupaka pripreme i korišćenju ostataka rezidbe u
zasadima kao energetskog goriva. Ovaj problem aktualizuju i norme Evropske Unije
koje propisuju kao obavezu proizvodnje električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora, kako
bi se doprinelo rešavanju problema nedostatka ekološki čiste energije i doprinelo
očuvanje životne sredine
Eksploatacioni parametri kombajna za ubiranje semenskog kukuruza
Maize is one of the most important crops and one of the most significant
naturally renewable energy source, but also numerous very different products. The maize
seed production is much more complex, sensitive and expense than the commercial
maize production. Therefore a special attention should be paid during the whole process
of the seed production, in order to achieve higher yields and better seed quality.
The aim of this study was to reveal the effects of harvest methods on maize hybrid
seed production and on losses. Paper presents comparison of different technological
designs of maize seed harvesters.Kukuruz je jedna od najznačajnijih gajenih biljaka i jedan od najznačajnijih
prirodno obnovljivih izvora energije i velikog broja proizvoda. Proizvodnja semena
kukuruza je veoma složena, osetljiva i znatno skuplja od merkantilne proizvodnje. Zbog
toga se ovoj proizvodnji posvećuje posebna pažnja u cilju ostvarivanja većih prinosa i
kvalitetnijeg semena.
Cilj rada je da se pokaže kako načini ubiranja utiču na proizvodnju hibridnog
semena kukuruza kao i na gubitke. Prikazana su različita tehnološka rešenja kombajna za
ubiranje semenskog kukuruza
Operacionalizacija ekonomičnosti potrošnje goriva traktora
Fuel consumption in agriculture is on very high level. Even a small percentage
of lowering fuel consumption can contribute to more successful management of
agricultural enterprises. Reduced fuel consumption will, also, be a mean of fossil fuel
resources preservation and ecology friendlier agriculture production. There are known
methods for reducing fuel consumption abut are not fully used.
This paper presents results of using known methods in operationalisation of fuel
consumption economy. The results are given for tractors with diesel motors and common
fuel supply systems.Poljoprivreda je veliki potrošač dizel goriva pa bi i malo procentualno
smanjenje značilo veliku uštedu. To bi vodilo ka uspešnijem poslovanju poljoprivrednih
preduzeća ali još značajnije je da bi se time doprinelo očuvanju ograničenih resursa
fosilnih goriva kao i smanjenju zagađenja okoline. Metode za smanjenje potrošnje goriva
su uglavnom poznate ali se nedovoljno primenjuju. Zbog toga se u ovom radu kroz
plansku primenu poznatih metoda operacionalizuje ekonomičnost potrošnje goriva kod
traktora sa dizel motorima koji imaju klasičan sistem snabdevanja gorivom
Dijagnostika sredstava mehanizacije mašinskih prstenova
The economical functioning of machinery rings is based on maximizing use of
labor resources of machinery rings. This includes adequate logistical support.
Maintenance of machinery and technical equipment of the ring is one of the most
challenging logistical tasks within it is very important segment of the diagnostics.Ekonomično funkcionisanje mašinskih prstenova se zasniva na maksimiziranju
korišćenja radnih resursa mašina prstena. To podrazumeva odgovarajuću logističku
podršku. Održavanje tehničkih sredstava mašinskog prstena je jedan od najzahtevnijih
logističkih zadataka u okviru koga je segment dijagnostike veoma značajan
Održavanje i analiza strukture zemljišta
The structure of land is one of their most important characteristics.
Substantially influence the structure of the many features and processes in the soil is
generally accepted. Soil aggregates are strongly influenced by human activities,
including land use, tillage, application of manure and growing crops. Size of aggregates
and their stability are interconnected to describe soil structure. Size distribution and
aggregate stability after the break, are used to calculate quantitative stability index. In
the classical approach to statistical analysis of soil structure are used: Gaussian normal
function, and log-normal, Rosin-Rammler and Gaudin's-Schuhmann's functions. In
addition to these distribution models recently introduced models are based on a
dimensionless statistical moments and the log-hyperbolic distribution.Uticaj strukture zemljišta na osobine i procese u zemljištu je opšte
prihvaćen. Zemljišni agregati su izloženi raznim uticajima, uključujući korišćenje
zemljišta, obradu, aplikaciju stajnjaka i gajenje useva. Veličine agregata i njihova
stabilnost međusobno su povezani. Stoga se raspodele veličina i stabilnost agregata,
posle razbijanja, koriste za izračunavanje kvantitativnih indeksa stabilnosti. Klasična
statistička analiza strukture zemljišta se oslanja na: normalnu, log-normalnu, Rosin-
Rammler-ovu i Gaudin-Schuhmann-ovu funkciju raspodele. Pored navedenih, u novije
vreme uvedeni su i modeli zasnovani na primeni viših statističkih momenata i
hiperboličke raspodele
Tečni stajnjak kao potencijal stočarskih farmi u sistemu kogeneracije
Biomass is specific energetic resource, because of a possibility of getting heat,
electricity, fuel etc.
This kind of energy contribute to higher labour employment, reduce emission of
SO2, CO2, NO2, comparing to other fossile fuels.
In order to increase energetic efficiency of its production, optimal technology and
adequate technical solutions for biomass using, are determined.
Because of extensive production in our country, processes like gathering, treatment,
preparing and using of biomass vaste are not in common use.
This paper examines the state of the fattening farm's biomass as potential in
cogeneration system, the same of renewable energy sources technologies.
There are some experiances in countries with undeveloped livestock production, that
redirected production process to better use of secondary products can significantly
improve economic effects.Biomasa uopšte, a tečni stajnjak posebno, predstavlja raznorodni energetski
izvor, jer se od njega može dobiti toplota, električna struja, gorivo za pogon i dr.
Energija iz tečnog stajnjaka doprinosi većoj zaštiti životne sredine jer se, smanjuju
emisije sumpor-dioksida, ugljen-dioksida i azot-dioksida, u odnosu na sagorevanje
fosilnih goriva.
Određena je optimalna tehnologija i tehnička rešenja korišćenja biomase iz
stočarske proizvodnje, radi poboljšanja energetske efikasnosti proizvodnje.
Postupci prikupljanja, obrade, pripreme, kao i korišćenja biomase, u našim uslovima
nisu naišli na širu primenu, zbog ekstenzivnog načina proizvodnje i nedomaćinskog
načina poslovanja.
U radu je dato stanje biomase na stočarskim farmama, kao potencijala u sistemu
kogeneracije, jednoj od tehnologija korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije.
Ekonomski efekti u zemljama sa manje razvijenom stočarskom proizvodnjom
ukazuju da se tom pitanju mora posvetiti adekvatna pažnja i pravilno usmeriti
proizvodnja, koja sa svojim sekundarnim proizvodima može doprineti pozitivnijem