14 research outputs found

    A Model of Security Management System for Transportation Systems

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    The Transportation Systems Sector, a sector that comprises all modes of transportation (aviation, maritime, mass transit, highway, freight rail, and pipeline), is a vast, open, interdependent networked system that moves millions of passengers and millions of tons of goods. The transportation network is critical to both our way of life and economic vitality. Ensuring its security is a mission charged to all sector partners, including governments (national, regional, local) and private industry stake-holders. Transportation systems represent an important part of critical infrastructure. The security and safety of transportation influence all other social and industrial pro-cesses. Disruption of this system causes disruptions in all other segments of social life. Specific characteristics of this system which influence its security are: easy accessibility, interconnection and vastness. Hence, the tolerance of this system to malfunctions and security and safety risks is very low. In order to achieve security and safety, along with reliability, efficiency and punctuality of these systems we need to consider applying an 40integrated approach to security and safety management systems. Like many other criti-cal infrastructure sectors, the Transportation Systems Sector faces a dynamic landscape of potential natural disasters, accidents, and terrorist attacks. The terrorist threat poses special challenges. Taken together, the risk from terrorism and other hazards demands a coordinated approach involving all sector stakeholders. Stakeholders throughout the sector have been and continue to be actively developing methods to improve their oper-ational security and overall resilience. However, since the Transportation Systems Sec-tor is segmented by individual modes, an increased emphasis is needed on a risk-based approach across the entire transportation spectrum. Security management systems, by integrating security awareness throughout the organization and verifying compliance through quality assurance, can be a significant force in achieving the highest possible level of regulatory compliance. Specific security practices, training and audit functions within a security management system should all be built so as to ensure compliance with applicable national transportation security programs. As an attempt to deal with these problems, this paper presents an integrated approach to safety and security and a model of safety and security management system for transportation organizations

    Bezbednosna kultura u menadžmentu bezbednosti - istraživanje stavova u Republici Srbiji

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    In an organization, security culture represents a set of security-related values, norms, beliefs, and rules of conduct shared by all the members of the organization. It has to be accepted by the entire staff, and especially by the management. The senior management is, in fact, charged with introducing norms and responsible for the implementation of security management. Security management should contribute to the prevention of crisis situations and threats. This paper puts forward the stance that security culture is an inevitable means in security management and the achievement of its goals. The paper also presents the results of a research on the attitudes towards security culture conducted in several economic entities in the Republic of Serbia

    Mogućnosti za procenu efektivnosti i efikasnosti sistema bezbednosnog menadžmenta

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    The system of security management represents a set of policies, strategies, actions, procedures, roles, and functions related to security. It is a mechanism that is integrated into an organization and has the goal of controlling the hazards that can a®ect the health and security of employees, products and services, but also to the environment and the existence of the enterprise itself. As any other activity within an organization, security management requires certain investments. However, a question that poses itself is how the e®ectiveness of this system can be measured. What can justify these investments? How can the bene°ts of the system of security management be determined? These are the questions this paper attempts to answer

    Religija i terorizam

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    This paper gives an overview of relationship between religion and terrorism, relations between religious fundamentalism and extremism, intolerance and terrorism. Basic characteristics of the religious fundamentalism, terrorism and religious terrorist acts are given. Also, the difference between peacemaking believers and those who are prone to violence is mentioned. It is explained why and how those differences are made. Main questions that are the subject of this essay are: How religion can provoke violence? Why and under which circumstances religious fundamentalism leads to terrorism? The increase of totalitarian pretensions of fundamentalist ideologies, within any religion, together with the use of global communications, transport and modern technology, indicates that the issue of religious fundamentalism deserves more attention. Although the fundamentalism isn't new, nor limited to one culture, global communication and recent political events showed that there are different kinds of Christianity and Islam. That means that within certain religions there are fragmentations which can lead to catastrophic consequences. Having in mind that relations among fundamentalism, extremism and terrorism are usually observed, commonly in regard to the Islamic fundamentalism, there is a need to design a model which could be used for predictions, in the sense of political activities which would be used as counter terrorism acts. This paper represents a small step towards that goal.U ovom radu dat je prikaz odnosa između religije i terorizma, povezanost religijskog fundamentalizma, ekstremizma, netolerancije i terorističkih akata. Navedena su osnovna obeležja religijskog fundamentalizma, terorizma kao i verski orijentisanog terorizma. Uočena je razlika između vernika koji su mirotvorci i onih koji pribegavaju nasilju. Dato je objašnjenje zašto i kako dolazi do tih razlika. Osnovna pitanja na koja esej pokušava da odgovori su: Kako religija može biti uzrok nasilja? Zašto i pod kojim uslovima religijski fundamentalizam dovodi do terorizma? Porast totalitarnih pretenzija fundamentalističkih ideologija, bilo koje religije, zajedno sa upotrebom globalizovanih komunikacija, transporta i savremene tehnologije, dovodi do toga da pitanje religijskog fundamentalizma zaslužuje veću pažnju. Iako fundamentalizam nije ni nov ni ograničen na jednu kulturu, globalizovane komunikacije i skorašnji politički događaji ukazali su da postoje različiti oblici iste religije. To znači da se u okviru pojedinih religija javlja fragmentacija koja može imati katastrofalne posledice. Pošto se obično uočavaju veze između fundamentalizma, ekstremizma i terorizma, najčešće u vezi sa islamskim fundamentalizmom, potrebno je da se predstavi model koji bi mogao da služi za predviđanje, u smislu političkih aktivnosti vezanih za borbu protiv terorizma. Ovaj rad predstavlja mali korak u tom pravcu.

    Модел за процену ефективности и ефикасности система безбедносног менаџмента

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    Један од многобројних проблема са којима су се суочавају организације у земљама у транзицији јесте и проблем реформе система безбедности и заштите на раду, као и заштите животне средине, и увођење нових стандарда у овој области. Кључну улогу у оквиру управљања и контроле овог система треба да има топ менаџмент, и то нарочито преко система безбедносног менаџмента. У контроли остваривања безбедносне функције организације имају на располагању многобројне инструменте, као што су: буџетска контрола као облик финансијске контроле, као и посебне механизме контроле, при чему се пре свега мисли на рад независних ревизора. Међутим, када је реч о утврђивању успешности рада безбедносног менаџмента, врло је мало постојећих правила и процедура. Досадашња малобројна истраживања о проблематици безбедносног менаџмента указала су на тешкоће у остваривању ове процене. Као основни проблеми у остваривању контроле безбедносног менаџмента идентификовани су недостатак воље, недовољна стручност и ресурси, као и немогућност утврђивања перформанси безбедносног менаџмента, с обзиром да се његова успешност пре свега огледа у томе да се „ништа лоше не деси“. Отежавајућу околност за процес безбедносног менаџмента представља и чињеница да у нашој земљи није законски уређен приватни безбедносни сектор, а самим тим ни могућност његове контроле. Да бисмо утврдили какви су ставови и перцепције запослених на пословима безбедности о управљању безбедношћу, које су препреке у остваривању овог процеса, као и могућност њиховог превазилажења, спровели смо истраживање у привредним организацијама у Републици Србији. Истраживање је спроведено у периоду од маја до октобра 2011. године.One among many problems that transition states face with is the problem of security and safety systems, as well as the environmental and fire protection systems reforms and the establishment of the security, health and safety standards. The crucial role within management and control of these systems should be played by top management, i.e. the key element in this process is the responsibility of security and safety management system. In realization of the security and safety functions organizations have at their disposal various instruments, such as: budget control as a form of financial control, as well as special mechanisms of control, above all the work of independent audit authorities. However, when there is a question on assessing the success of the security and safety management functions, we have very little rules and procedures. A few studies on problems of security and safety management have indicated obstacles in realization of this assessment. The main problems affecting the implementation of the control of the security and safety management are: the absence of will, insufficient competence and resources, as well as the difficulties in defining indicators for performance measurement, especially if we bear in mind that the success of the security and safety management is shown when “nothing bad has happened“. Another difficulty for the security and safety management processes is the fact that the Republic of Serbia has not legally regulated the private security sector, which implies the problem of its control. In order to determine the attitudes and perceptions of the employees in the security and safety sectors on the issues of security and safety management, the obstacles in their functioning, as well as the possibilities for their overcoming, we have conducted a study in the economic corporations in the Republic of Serbia. The investigation has been performed from May to August 2011

    Izgradnja integriteta u sistemu odbrane i suzbijanje rizika od korupcije - iskustva NATO i zemalja Partnerstva za mir

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    Corruption is a complex social, political and economic phenomenon, affecting the society on the whole. It undermines democratic institutions, decelerates the economic development, and contributes to the destabilization of the society. All spheres of the society may be affected by corruption, and numerous studies have showed that the defense and security sector is among the sectors which are the most susceptible to corruption. Fight against corruption is a true necessity of any democratic society and it is, at the same time, a prerequisite of reform changes, and building of transparent and accountable institutions. That is why the fight against corruption and the integrity building in the defense sector have found their place within NATO and partner countries. For these reasons, NATO partnership program has been developed, aiming to find optimal models of building the integrity and defense institutions, with reducing the corruption to minimum, and of maintaining or increasing the efficiency and the effectiveness of collective security.Korupcija predstavlja složen socijalni, politički i ekonomski fenomen, koji utiče na društvo u celini. Ona podriva demokratske institucije, usporava ekonomski razvoj i doprinosi destabilizaciji društva. Korupcijom mogu biti pogođene sve sfere društva, a brojna istraživanja su pokazala da sektor odbrane i bezbednosti spada među sektore koji su najpodložniji korupciji. Borba protiv korupcije predstavlja stvarnu potrebu svakog demokratskog društva i, ujedno, preduslov je za reformske promene, izgradnju transparentnih i odgovornih institucija. Stoga su borba protiv korupcije i izgradnja integriteta u sektoru odbrane našli svoje mesto u okviru NATO i partnerskih zemalja. Iz tih razloga razvijen je i NATO partnerski program koji ima za cilj da pronađe optimalne modele izgradnje integriteta i odbrambenih institucija uz minimalizaciju korupcije, i očuvanje ili povećanje efikasnosti i efektivnosti kolektivne bezbednosti

    Protivteroristička bezbednosna procena

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    Contemporary terrorism is a multifaceted and controversial concept, loaded with political instrumentalization, because of which it is very difficult to find scientifically based framework for its analysis. Finding a scientifically based framework for analyzing and assessing the terrorist threats would be of help for better understanding the terrorism, and for establishing an accord among the actors of the anti-terrorist struggle on the basic dimensions of this phenomenon, whereby the fight against terrorism would be made much more effective at all levels. This paper analyzes terrorism as a social and historical phenomenon, as a strategy of violent political struggle, and as a specific act of violence.Savremeni terorizam predstavlja višeznačan i kontroverzan pojam, opterećen političkom instrumentalizacijom, zbog čega je veoma teško pronaći naučno utemeljen okvir za njegovu analizu. Pronalaženje naučno utemeljenog okvira za analizu i procenu terorističke pretnje pomoglo bi da se terorizam bolje razume, da se među akterima u protivterorističkoj borbi uspostavi saglasnost oko osnovnih dimenzija ove pojave, čime bi se borba protiv terorizma na svim nivoima učinila znatno delotvornijom. U ovom radu terorizam se analizira kao društvena i istorijska pojava, kao strategija nasilne političke borbe i kao konkretan akt nasilja

    Stanje nacionalne bezbednosne kulture kod mladih u Republici Srbiji

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    The subject of this paper is to examine the attitudes held by young population, age 16 to 19, in the Republic of Serbia about certain security issues, with the general aim to identify the state of the national security culture. Theoretical background comprises a systemic overview of definitions and interpretations of the terms "security culture" and "national security culture". The conducted research was based on the method of a semi-structured questionnaire aiming at covering fundamental elements, including knowledge and attitude of the young generation about security issues in the Republic of Serbia. Results indicate that young people in Serbia consider drugs and corruption as dominant threats, and believe that the police, security services, and private security play a major role in the prevention.Predmet ovog rada jeste utvrđivanje stavova mladih srednjoškolskog uzrasta od 16 do 19 godina u Republici Srbiji o pojedinim pitanjima bezbednosti, čime se želi postići cilj utvrđivanja stanja nacionalne bezbednosne kulture. Teorijski okvir rada obuhvata sistematičan pregled definicija i određenja pojmova bezbednosne kulture i nacionalne bezbednosne kulture. U istražvanju koje je sprovedeno korišćena je metoda polustrukturisanog anketnog upitnika, koji je nastojao da obuhvati osnovne elemente koji uključuju znanje i stav mladih o bezbednosnim problemima u Republici Srbiji. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da mladi smatraju narkomaniju i korupciju za najveće pretnje bezbednosti, a subjekti koji prema njihovim stavovima imaju najznačajniju ulogu na planu prevencije ugrožavanja jesu policija, službe bezbednosti i privatno obezbeđenje

    Bezbednosni menadžment

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