42 research outputs found

    Maternal Periodontal Status as a Factor Influencing Obstetrical Outcomes

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    Background and Objectives: Preterm birth as a complex phenomenon is influenced by numerous endogenic and exogenic factors, although its exact cause often remains obscure. According to epidemiological studies, maternal periodontal diseases, in addition to affecting general health, can also cause adverse pregnancy outcomes. Nonetheless, the existing results in the literature regarding this topic remain controversial. Consequently, our study aimed to determine the connection between poor maternal periodontal status and neonatal birth weight. Materials and Methods: A total of 111 primigravida–primiparous pregnant, healthy women underwent a periodontal examination in the second trimester of their pregnancies. Probing depth (PD) and bleeding on probing (BOP) were determined, and based on these diagnostic measurements, the patients were divided into three subgroups according to their dental status: healthy (H, n = 17), gingivitis (G, n = 67), and periodontitis (P, n = 27). Results: Considering that poor maternal oral status is an influencing factor for obstetrical outcomes, the presence of PD and BOP (characterized by the sulcus bleeding index, SBI) was evaluated. In the case of P, defined as PD ≥ 4 mm in at least one site and BOP ≥ 50% of the teeth, a significant correlation between BOP and a low neonatal birth weight at delivery (p = 0.001) was found. An analysis of the relationship between SBI and gestational age (GA) at the time of the periodontal examination in the different dental status groups showed a significant correlation between these parameters in the G group (p = 0.04). Conclusions: Our results suggest that a worse periodontal status during pregnancy may negatively affect obstetrical outcomes, especially the prematurity rate and newborn weight. Therefore, the importance of periodontal screening to prevent these complications is undeniable

    OWLAP - using OLAP approach in anomaly detection

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    OWLAP (Operative Workbench for Large-scale Analytics and Presentation) is a visual analytics tool that allows the user to browse and drill down the multidimensional data on-line with the possibility to export result into a zooming presentation framework. We address the challenges of multidimensional visualization by aiding the cognitively hard task of understanding attributes, finding patterns and outliers. We successfully solved the challenge of real time Big Data OLAP reporting by a home developed multithreaded inmemory database manager. Our additional focus is the automatic management of summary preparation that we aid by scripting the presentation framework of Prezi Inc

    Munkahelyi stressz és megküzdési stratégiák vizsgálata földi és légi mentésben dolgozók körében | Examination of work-related stress and coping strategies among ambulance- and air-ambulance workers

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A magyar egészségügyi szférában dolgozók körében köztudott a magas fokú stresszhatás jelenléte, amely kihathat az egyénre. Célkitűzés: A földi és légi mentésben dolgozók körében feltárni a munkahelyi stresszt, annak mértékét, illetve a pozitív és negatív megküzdési stratégiáikat. Módszer: 2015. júniustól októberig vizsgálták Magyarországon a földi és légi mentésben dolgozókat. Az adatgyűjtést saját szerkesztésű, illetve a Rahe-féle, Rövidített Stressz- és Megküzdési Kérdőív segítségével online formában végezték. A kutatás keresztmetszeti típusú, kvantitatív jellegű volt (n = 141). Az adatelemzés SPSS 20.0 statisztikai szoftverrel történt. Szignifikanciahatár p<0,05 volt. Eredmények: Nagyobb a munkahelyi stresszhatás jelenléte a földi mentésben dolgozóknál (p<0,01), nagyobb mértékben jelentkeznek náluk testi és pszichológiai tünetek (p<0,05). A Globális Stressz és Megküzdési Index alapján hatékonyabb copingmechanizmus figyelhető meg a légi mentésben dolgozóknál (p<0,01). Következtetések: Aránytalanság áll fenn a dolgozót ért stresszhatás és az azzal való megküzdési mechanizmus közt. A munkahelyi stressz csökkentésében a munkahelyek humán menedzsmentjének alapvető szerepe és érdeke is kell, hogy legyen. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(45), 1802–1808. | Abstract Introduction: Among Hungary’s health sector workers the presence of a high level of stress is known, which can affect the individual. Aim: The aim of the authors was to uncover major risk factors causing work-related stress, as well as its extent, and positive and negative coping strategies among ground and aerial rescue workers. Method: From June until October 2015, a national survey was conducted among Hungarian rescue workers. An own questionnaire and Rahe Stress and coping validated short questionnaire online form were used. A total of 141 persons took part in the survey. Results: As compared to air-ambulance workers, ground rescue workers were exposed to higher work-related stress effects (p<0.01), resulting in a much larger variety of physical and psychological symptoms (p<0.05). Based on Global Stress and Coping Index effective coping mechanisms were observed among air rescue workers (p<0.01). Conclusions: It is important to perform regular professional theoretical and practical training. Human resource management should pay attention on occupational stress reduction. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(45), 1802–1808

    DYNLL2 dynein light chain binds to an extended linear motif of myosin 5a tail that has structural plasticity

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    LC8 dynein light chains (DYNLL) are conserved homodimeric eukaryotic hub proteins that participate in diverse cellular processes. Among the binding partners of DYNLL2, myosin 5a (myo5a) is a motor protein involved in cargo transport. Here we provide a profound characterization of the DYNLL2 binding motif of myo5a in free and DYNLL2 bound form by using NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography and molecular dynamics simulations. In the free form the DYNLL2 binding region, located in an intrinsically disordered domain of the myo5a tail, has a nascent helical character. The motif becomes structured and folds into a β-strand upon binding to DYNLL2. Despite all differences of the myo5a sequence from the consensus binding motif, it accommodates into the same DYNLL2 binding groove as all other partners do. Interestingly, while the core motif shows similar interaction pattern in the binding groove as seen in other complexes, the flanking residues make several additional contacts, thereby lengthening the binding motif. The N-terminal extension folds back and partially blocks the free edge of the β-sheet formed by the binding motif itself. The C-terminal extension contacts the dimer interface and interacts with symmetry related residues of the second myo5a peptide. The involvement of flanking residues of the core binding site of myo5a could modify the quaternary structure of the full-length myo5a and affect its biological functions. The presented structural data widen our understanding of the diverse partner recognition of DYNLL proteins and provide an example of a Janus-faced linear motif.

    Fogágybetegség kezelésének hatása a terhesség kimenetelére = Effect of the treatment of periodontal disease on the outcome of pregnancy

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A terhesség alatti fogágybetegségek és az azok szülészeti következményei közötti összefüggések elemzése egyre szélesebb körben kutatott és bővülő témakör. A páciensek megfelelő szájhigiénia iránti motivációja és szükséges esetben a biztonságosan és hatékonyan kivitelezhető professzionális szájhigiénés kezelések kiemelt pontjai kell, hogy legyenek a várandósgondozásnak. Célkitűzés: A jelen tanulmányban a terhesség alatt elvégzett professzionális szájhigiénés kezelés hatásait elemeztük, szülészeti szempontokból. Módszer: A szerzők a fenyegető koraszülés miatt megfigyelt terhesek esetében prospektív randomizált tanulmányban vetették össze a csak fogászati szűrésen (n = 71), illetve ezzel egy időben fogászati kezelésen is (n = 79) átesett várandósok szülészeti mutatóit. Statisztikai analízis: A kezelt és nem kezelt csoportok egyszerű összehasonlítását kategorikus változók esetében khi-négyzet-, míg folytonos változók esetében t-próbával végeztük. A perinatológiai kimenetel kategorikus faktorainak elemzése esetén a változók egybevetésekor kapott kockázati esélyhányadosok összehasonlítása a gingivitises és krónikus fogágybetegségben szenvedő terheseknél Mantel–Haenszel-próbával történt. A kezelés hatékonyságát befolyásoló tényezők összehasonlításában többváltozós logisztikus regressziót alkalmaztunk. A statisztikai szignifikancia határát 5%-ban határoztuk meg. Eredmények: A krónikus fogágybetegségben szenvedő terheseknél, a kezelésen átesett csoportban az újszülöttek súlya szignifikánsan magasabb volt, mint a nem kezelteknél (2990 ± 582,3 g vs 2568,1 ± 699,1 g, p = 0,005). A szülésnél észlelt terhességi kor a fogágybetegségben szenvedőknél kezelés hatására szignifikánsan magasabb volt, mint a nem kezelt csoportban (37,3 ± 1,9 vs 36 ± 2,9 hét, p = 0,027). A kezelés hatására a terhességi kor prolongálását észleltük mindkét csoportban, kifejezettebb szignifikanciaértékkel a gingivitisszel rendelkezők esetében, mint a krónikus fogágybetegségben szenvedőknél (p = 0,02 vs p = 0,043). Következtetés: A terhesség alatt elvégzett fogászati kezeléseknek jótékony hatásuk volt a terhesség prolongálására, és ilyen módon a koraszülés okozta perinatalis szövődmények csökkentésére. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(24): 978–984. | Abstract: Introduction: Correlations between periodontitis and its effects on the outcome of pregnancies are actually more focused topics. Maternal motivation for a good oral hygiene and preventive dental treatment must be highlighted tasks during pregnancy care. Aim: The authors analysed the effect of the preventive dental treatment during pregnancy and its obstetrical effects. Method: In a prospective randomised study, including pregnant women observed for threatening preterm deliveries, patients with dental examination (n = 71) were compared with patients undergoing dental treatment at the same time (n = 79). Statistical analysis: Univariate comparisons for categorical variables were assessed by χ2 tests and independent Student’s t-tests for continuous variables. ORs were compared with Mantel–Haenszel tests. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to evaluate the factors determining the poor periodontal parameters and gingivitis separately. The two-tailed statistical significance level was set at 5%. Results: In the dental treatment group, the neonatal birth weight was significantly higher than in the non-treated group, in case of patients with periodontitis (2990 ± 582.3 g vs 2568.1 ± 699.1 g, p = 0.005). Also the average age at delivery was significantly higher in the treated vs non-treated groups (37.3 ± 1.9 vs 36.0 ± 2.9 weeks, p = 0.027), and the treatment had a beneficial effect on the prolongation of pregnancy, with a higher level of significance in the gingivitis group vs patients with periodontitis groups (p = 0.02 vs p = 0.043). Conclusions: Dental treatment of expecting women has a beneficial effect on the prolongation of pregnancy by decreasing the rate of prematurity and perinatal complications. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(24): 978–984

    Structural insights into the tyrosine phosphorylation-mediated inhibition of SH3 domain-ligand interactions.

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    Src homology 3 (SH3) domains bind proline-rich linear motifs in eukaryotes. By mediating inter- and intramolecular interactions, they regulate the functions of many proteins involved in a wide variety of signal transduction pathways. Phosphorylation at different tyrosine residues in SH3 domains have been reported previously. In several cases, the functional consequences have also been investigated. However, a full understanding of the effects of tyrosine phosphorylation on the ligand interactions and cellular functions of SH3 domains requires detailed structural, atomic-resolution studies along with biochemical and biophysical analyses. Here, we present the first crystal structures of tyrosine-phosphorylated human SH3 domains derived from the Abelson-family kinases ABL1 and ABL2 at 1.6 and 1.4 Å resolutions, respectively. The structures revealed that simultaneous phosphorylation of Tyr-89 and Tyr-134 in ABL1, or the homologous residues Tyr-116 and Tyr-161 in ABL2 induce only minor structural perturbations. Instead, the phosphate groups sterically blocked the ligand-binding grooves, thereby strongly inhibiting the interaction with proline-rich peptide ligands. Although some crystal contact surfaces involving phosphotyrosines suggested the possibility of tyrosine-phosphorylation induced dimerization, we excluded this possibility by using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and NMR relaxation analyses. Extensive analysis of relevant databases and literature revealed that the residues phosphorylated in our model systems are not only well conserved in other human SH3 domains, but that the corresponding tyrosines are known phosphorylation sites in vivo in many cases. We conclude that tyrosine phosphorylation might be a mechanism involved in the regulation of the human SH3 interactome

    Egyedi elhelyezéssel kombinált csoportos tartás hatása az anyanyulak termelésére, helyválasztására és viselkedésére = Location preference, behaviour and performance of rabbit does in a pen system of combination of group and individual housing

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    The aim of the experiment was to test a special pen system of combination of group and individual housing, examination of production and preference of rabbit does. The experiment was conducted at Kaposvár University with pregnant and lactating Pannon White rabbit does (n=48). The 1.83 x 2.00 m open top pen consisted of four individual cages (0.5 x 0.91 m) which were connected to the 1.83 x 1.00 m common area throughout a 0.25 m long and 0.20 m wide lockable corridor. The rabbit does were randomly divided into three groups. The groups differed only in that the material of walls of the individual cages. Pen with solid wall cages (Solid, n=16); pen with wire-mesh wall cages (Wire, n=16) and pen with partly solid and partly wire-mesh wall cages (Mix, MP, n=16). Four rabbit does were placed to the closed individual cages 3 days before the expected parturition for 21 days. 18 days after kindling the entrances of the individual cages were opened, and the 21-day group-housing started. All 4 does and their kits could use all individual cages and the common area freely. The kits were weaned at 35 days of age. The injuries on ears, and body were checked on days 2, 4, 8, 14 and 22 after grouping the does. 24-h video recordings were made on days 1, 2, 3, 7 and 13 after opening the doors, and location of rabbits was registered at every 15 min. On day 1 rabbit does preferred to stay alone than together (Solid: 62.3%; Wire: 64.3%; Mix: 82.8%). Later on, less rabbit does located alone (on day 13: Solid: 30.8%; Wire: 51.0%; Mix: 39.2%). On day 1 in all pens the majority of the does located in the individual cages (Solid: 77.3%; Wire: 76.8%; Mix: 83.9%), however later the percentage of does in the individual cages decreased until day 13. At almost every day less rabbit does preferred the individual cages in the Solid than in Wire or Mix group. Rabbit does preferred their own cages, more rabbit does stayed in the own cages than the expected probability (25%) on all days (day 1: Solid: 64.6%; Wire: 68.4%; Mix: 74.6%; day 13: Solid: 28.0%; Wire: 38.0%; Mix: 34.5%). In Mix group rabbit does which were housed in solid wall cages before grouping preferred to stay in the solid wall cages in all days (day 13: 59.1%) and that of housed in wire-mesh cages before grouping preferred to stay in wire- mesh cages (day 13: 65.6%). No significant differences were found between the different types of pens in almost the all production traits. The productive performance fits to the results of Pannon Breeding Program. On the other hand in Wire and Mix groups the does mortality were 6.3% and 12.5% and the kindling rates were 62.5 and 68.8%. The ratio of injured rabbits was higher than 50% in each system. Based on the results it can be concluded that the main problems of group housing of does (aggressiveness, injuries) have not been solved with this system. Keywords: rabbit does, group housing, preference, aggressive behaviour, productive performanc

    Csoportosan tartott anyanyulak helyválasztása és viselkedése közös teret és egyedi ketrecrészeket tartalmazó fülkében (Előzetes eredmény) = Location and behaviour of group housed rabbit does in pens included common area and individual cages (preliminary result)

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    The aim of the experiment was to test a special group housing system, examination of location, aggressive and sexual behaviour of rabbit does in pens which include individual cages and common area. The experiment was conducted at Kaposvár University with non-pregnant Pannon White rabbit does (n=44). The temperature was 15- 18 ºC, and 16-hour daily lighting was applied in the room. The rabbit does consumed commercial pellet ad libitum and water was available from nipple drinkers. The 1.83 x 2.00 m open top pen contained four individual cages (0.5 x 0.91 m) which were connected to the 1.83 x 1.00 m common area throughout a 0.25 long and 0.20 wide lockable corridor. The hole size and thickness of wire-mesh floor were 10.7 x 49.6 mm and 2.5 mm, respectively. The rabbit does were randomly divided into three groups. The groups differed only in that the wire net walls of the individual cages were solid or not solid with plastic slat. Pen with solid walls (Solid Pen, SP, n=16); pen with not solid walls (No Solid Pen, NoSP, n=12) and pen with partly solid and partly not solid walls (Mixed Pen, MP, n=16). At the beginning of the experiment the does were placed in the closed cages (4 does/pen), individually for 3 days, to get used to their own cages. After the adaptation period the doors of the cages were opened to allow the does move freely. The experiment lasted for 14 days. 24-h video recordings were made on days 1, 3, 7 and 14 after opening the doors. Location of rabbits was registered at every 15 min. The behavioural patterns (fighting, chasing and ,,mating attempts”) were observed continuously. The injuries were registered on days 2, 4, 8 and 14. Especially on day 1 rabbit does preferred to stay alone than together (SP: 73.8%; NoSP: 65.4%; MP: 79.5%).View of the whole experimental period the rabbit does located alone more frequently than together (NoSP: 53.0%; MP: 66.5%) except in SP (46.0). Majority of does preferred to stay in the individual cages than the common area in NoSP and MP (65.9% and 71.5%, respectively). In SP the does located less in the individual cages (47.2%). Rabbit does preferred their own individual cages: except for SP on day 7, 13 (17.1% and 19.6%), where more rabbit does located in their own cages than the expected probability (25%) on all days (total experimental period: SP: 27.8; NoSP: 31.1; MP: 37.6). Frequency of all examined behavioural patterns (fighting, chasing, ,,mating attempts”) were the highest on day 1 (SP: 118, 323, 262; NoSP: 48, 179, 179; MP: 121, 128, 148). The less fighting occurred in NoSP where does were able to see each other so they may keep of the aggressive contacts. The frequency of mating attempts was high until the end of the experiment. High frequencies of injured rabbits were observed in the whole experimental period (SP: 37.5%; NoSP: 16.7%; MP: 50%). Based on our result we can concluded that the main problems (aggressiveness, injuries) of group housing of does have not been solved with this system. Keywords: rabbit does, group housing, location, aggressive behaviour, sexual behaviou