10 research outputs found

    Ekonomski instrumenti smanjenja emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu

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    A significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture and forestry can be achieved with adequate economic instruments. There are also other measures on disposal, such as good agricultural practice and organic production that involve the use of agronomic and biotechnological knowledge and skills with the purpose to produce healthy and safe food, with the preserving the environment and production resources. In the paper we analyze the previous experience in the application of economic instruments for the reduction of greenhouse effect in Agriculture and Forestry, in the broad and narrow sense, both in the domestic and international context. Special attention is given to the experiences in the implementation of the so-called flexibility mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol. As a result of these experiences, in the period after 2012, new instruments have been created, mainly on a voluntary basis, which does not inspire confidence in their effectiveness. It has been noted that the system of economic instruments for the promotion of agricultural production in Serbia is in contradiction with the objectives of the climate protection policy. Changes are proposed in terms of abolishing direct benefits per hectare and the livestock units, as well as introduction of incentives for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and specifically for the organic production. Punitive measures must, once and for all, stop the harmful and dangerous practice of burning crop residues on fields.Značajno smanjenje emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte iz poljoprivrede i šumarstva, može se ostvariti jedino uz adekvatne ekonomske instrumente. U radu se analiziraju dosadašnja iskustva u primeni ekonomskih instrumenata u širem i užem smislu, kako u domaćim, tako i međunarodnim okvirirma. Posebna pažnja se pridaje iskustvima u primeni tzv. fleksibilnih mehanizama iz Kjoto protokola. Kao rezultat tih iskustava, u periodu posle 2012. godine, stvoreni su novi instrumenti, pretežno na dobrovoljnoj bazi, što ne uliva poverenje u njihovu delotvornost. Konstatuje se da sistem ekonomskih instrumenata za podsticanje poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Srbiji je u suprotnosti sa ciljevima politike zaštite klime. Predlažu se promene, u smislu ukidanja direktnih davanja po hektaru i broju grla stoke, kao i podsticaji za energetsku efikasnost, upotrebu obnovljivih izvora energije i posebno za organsku proizvodnju. Kaznenim merama se mora, jednom za svagda, prekinuti štetna i opasna praksa paljenja žetvenih ostataka na poljima

    Economic instruments for reduction of greenhouse gas emission in agriculture and forestry

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    A significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture and forestry can be achieved with adequate economic instruments. There are also other measures on disposal, such as good agricultural practice and organic production that involve the use of agronomic and biotechnological knowledge and skills with the purpose to produce healthy and safe food, with the preserving the environment and production resources. In the paper we analyze the previous experience in the application of economic instruments for the reduction of greenhouse effect in Agriculture and Forestry, in the broad and narrow sense, both in the domestic and international context. Special attention is given to the experiences in the implementation of the so-called flexibility mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol. As a result of these experiences, in the period after 2012, new instruments have been created, mainly on a voluntary basis, which does not inspire confidence in their effectiveness. It has been noted that the system of economic instruments for the promotion of agricultural production in Serbia is in contradiction with the objectives of the climate protection policy. Changes are proposed in terms of abolishing direct benefits per hectare and the livestock units, as well as introduction of incentives for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and specifically for the organic production. Punitive measures must, once and for all, stop the harmful and dangerous practice of burning crop residues on fields


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    Modern fly fishing, mainly for brown trout and grayling, has been done on a local scale and in low extensity in Serbia for over 50 years. Data obtained from 117 fly fishermen filling out an online questionnaire, with 30 questions processed using multivariate analysis, revealed that most fishermen who had started fly fishing since 2000 were under 40. Only few who were under 20 started to fish initially with the fly fishing equipment. They turned up committed to and skilled in fly fishing. Most of them live in large municipalities with much better economic opportunities. Their level of education is above average in Serbia. Economic power, place of residence and level of education outline their fishing capabilities, frequency of fishing outings, distance they travel to fly fish, as well as their attitudes towards fishery policy, conservation of native brown trout and grayling stocks, management of streams and communication with other fly fishermen.Suvremeno mušičarenje, prije svega potočne pastrve i lipljena, postoji više od 50 godina u Srbiji na lokalnom nivou i slabog je intenziteta. Podaci od 117 mušičara dobiveni anketiranjem upitnikom sastavljenim od 30 pitanja putem Interneta, analizirani multivarijatno, pokazali su da je većina onih koji su počeli mušičariti od 2000. godine starosti ispod 40 godina. Samo mali broj onih mlađih od 20 godina mušičari su od početka bavljenja ribolovom. Svi anketirani pojedinci vrlo su posvećeni mušičarenju i posjeduju potrebne mušičarske vještine. Veliki dio njih živi u velikim gradovima gdje postoje bolje ekonomske mogućnosti. Njihov obrazovni nivo je iznad prosječnog u Srbiji. Ekonomska moć, mjesto stanovanja i obrazovni nivo određuju njihove mogućnosti za ribolov, učestalost odlaska na ribolov, daljinu na koju putuju radi ribolova, kao i njihove stavove prema ribarstvenoj politici, očuvanju autohtonih fondova potočne pastrve i lipljena, ribarstvenom upravljanju pastrvskim i lipljenskim vodama i komunikaciji s drugim mušičarim

    The Political Economy of Post-Communist Autocracy: The Continuum Between Dictatorship and Democracy

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    The article deals with the economic behaviour of a hypothetical political leader in the institutionally underdeveloped democratic environment of a transitional society. By using Stigler-Peltzman’s model of economic regulation, it has been shown that there is no optimal solution for an autocratic leader. In the long run, wealth transfer to political supporters alone is not sufficient for the autocrat to stay in power. That’s why such regimes are generally unstable, and will ultimately be either overthrown or transformed into ‘hard’ dictatorships. The marginal costs of regime protection and opposition, crucial for the political behaviour of conflicted social groups, can be considered as political turning points responsible for sudden and unexpected social changes

    Efekti očekivane inflacije i inflacione neizvesnosti

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    U savremenoj makroekonomskoj literaturi može se naći mnoštvo priloga posvećenih istraživanju efekata inflacije. Nova klasična teorija, razvijana tokom sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina nudi zanimljiv pristup inflaciji sa aspekta očekivanja privrednih subjekata. U ovom radu imamo dvojaku nameru: 1) da damo sintetički pregled nekih novijih gledišta o uticaju očekivanja na inflacija i njene posledice i 2) istovremeno da pokušamo primeniti ova gledišta na naše sadašnje uslove. Poznato je da su efekti inflacije bitno opredeljeni institucionalnim okvirima tj. tipom, karakterom i stanjem konkretne privrede suočene sa inflacijom 2), zato ćemo pokušati da u svetlu nove klasične teorije sagledamo neke posledice hiperinflacije u Jugoslaviji. Suština ovog pristupa leži u razlikovanju efekata očekivane tj. Anticipirana inflacije od efekata i posledica Neanticipirana inflacije. Anticipirana inflacija je izraz racionalnih očekivanja privrednih subjekata o stopi rasta opšteg nivoa cena, formirana na osnovu svih dostupnih informacija i tržišnih signala. Neanticipirana inflacija manifestuje se kroz razliku između stvarne i očekivane inflacije. Rezultat ove razlike, tzv. inflatorna neizvesnost, praćena je nizom posledica

    Perspektive evropske integracije i poljoprivreda u Istočnoj i Centralnoj Evropi

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    Extending the European Union eastward is faced with the serious problem of incompatible agricultural policy. The Common Agricultural Policy - CAP, an important pillar of United Europe, shows to be inadequate for the existing conditions of economic and political transition in the East. Instead of pushing towards the European Union, it would be much more rationale for the Central and Eastern Europeans to start with a regional integration process between former communist economies. At the same time gradual modification of national agricultural policies would be the best way to join CAP.Ekonomska integracija zemalja Istočne i Centralne Evrope ostvarivaće se postepeno, približavanjem navedenih zemalja Evropskoj uniji, prvo putem međusobnog povezivanja u grupaciju srodnih država, a zatim kroz unifikaciju mera agrarne politike i harmonizaciju tržišne, ekološke, sanitarne fitofarmaceutske i ostale regulative. Put zemalja Istočne i Centralne Evrope ka Evropskoj uniji vodi preko bližeg međusobnog povezivanja, te korišćenja postojeće privredne komplementarnosti u regionu. U isto vreme, agrarna politika se sve više oslanja na iskustva iz Zapadne Evrope. Bugarska, na primer je donela zakon po kom su poslovne banke obavezne da daju povoljne kredite poljoprivrednicima. Češka uspostavlja poseban fond sa sličnom namenom, radi subvencionisanja kamata za agrarne kredite. Da bi se zaštitile od jevtine uvozne hrane posmatrane države uvode zaštitne mere. Mađari su uveli sistem uvoznih dozvola, a Česi, Slovaci i Poljaci, sistemom promenljivih uvoznih dažbina, održavaju stabilnost cena hrane na domaćem tržištu, u uslovima fluktuacije cena na međunarodnom tržištu

    Robni fjučersi kao činilac stabilnosti tržišta poljoprivrednih proizvoda

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    The commodity futures market has an outstanding significance in the transition process of former communist economies. The article deals with the possibility of introducing commodity futures in Yugoslavia. Agricultural markets seem to be most promising for contracting futures. A proposed model of futures trading is designed specially for the Yugoslav conditions. Micro and macro aspects of the model are explored. Emphasis is on potential benefits of futures trading for Yugoslav farmers. The most important benefits of the futures contracts are risk minimization and financial facility for the private entrepreneur.Funkcionisanje savremenih tržišnih privreda nezamislivo je bez neprekidnog obavljanja terminskih poslova. Terminski poslovi, koji se realizuju kroz forvard (forward) i fjučers (futures) ugovore, imaju višestruko korisno stabilizujuće dejstvo. Ne bez razloga se smatra da transakcije sa fjučersima predstavljaju jednu od najuspešnijih finansijskih inovacija poslednjih decenija u SAD. Na žalost, u našoj ekonomskoj teoriji, a pogotovo u praksi ove inovacije nisu dovoljno poznate. Namera nam je u ovom radu ne samo da pružimo osnovne informacije o fjučersima i forvardima, već da ukažemo na izuzetne mogućnosti korišćenja terminskih ugovora, u cilju rešavanja problema otkupa poljoprivrednih proizvoda i kreditiranja naših poljoprivrednika, kao i da predložimo prateća institucionalna rešenja i aranžmane

    The Role of Economic Instruments in Eco-Crime Prevention

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    The chapter deals with economic policy instruments for environmental policy with an emphasis on the instruments' potential to prevent eco-criminal activities. Certain types of economic instruments, frequently used in environmental policy, can serve as prevention tools in a struggle against organized eco-crime. The purpose of the chapter is to put forward a proposal for an adequate instrument design, and is aimed to help policy-makers to set up not only efficient public policy tools, but to create an economic support for the functioning of the legal system. The chapter is based upon the rational polluter model (Spence 2001; Emery and Watson 2004). The Emery Watson model is elaborated and extended in a dynamic context, introducing discount rates and present value calculations. It is used to analyze the economic impacts of environmental policy instruments on polluters' behaviour. Finally, a set of policy recommendations obtained from the extended model is confronted with the lessons learned from the Republic of Serbia environmental policy

    Makroekonomske reforme u Istočnoj i Centralnoj Evropi - njihov uticaj na poljoprivredu

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    Economic and political reforms in Eastern and Central Europe have caused very high social costs of transition. Social tensions have been increased owing to the slackened reforms in agricultural sector. The experience of five former socialist economies proved that privatization should be the first, but not the only sufficient step in the course of reforms. Institutional changes of banks, insurance companies, extension services and cooperatives, are equally important for the successful transition of agriculture

    Stanje i perspektive razvoja slatkovodnog ribarstva u Srbiji

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    The observed misbalance between fisheries production and consumption in Serbia, has caused rapidly increasing prices. Production growth in lowland carp ponds, will be the most adequate, because there is no sufficient natural resources for the production of trout and other salmon fishes in Serbia. The authors has put forward several proposals for growing production of warm water aquaculture. Among them are the following: - higher level of exploitation and utilization of the existing ponds; - strict application of agrotechnical standards; - establishing of extension services; - tax allowances for warm water fisheries production; - building of modern food manufacturing factories and chain stores for selling fast food made of carp fish