78 research outputs found

    Effects of different drought treatments on root and shoot development of the tomato wild type and flacca mutant

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    The effects of drought and partial root drying (PRD) on shoot and root growth was assessed in the wild type Ailsa Craig (WT) and the flacca tomato mutant deficient in the plant hormone ABA. Our results show that drought had an inhibitory effect on shoot growth in flacca and especially in WT; the most profound effect was observed in FI (full irrigation), then PRD and the smallest in D plants. Root development in both WT and flacca was stimulated after the 3rd day of the experiment following a decrease in the soil water content. On the 11th day of the experiment, when the soil water content was reduced by about 50% of full irrigation (FI), the root density was increased in the drying part of the PDR and on both sides of the drought treatment. On the basis of these results it can be assumed that increased root density and root length represent an adaptation or root adjustment to drought conditions

    Ublažavanje stresa suše kod biljaka u uslovima promene klime

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    This review paper addresses possible adaptation strategies to mitigate drought effects on plants that will increase under climate change. The focus will be on two approaches: use of water-saving deficit irrigation methods (partial root-zone drying-PRD and regulated deficit irrigation-RDI) and breeding of genotypes with increased drought resistance. Both approaches are based on knowledge of plant stress physiology.O vaj revijalni rad se odnosi na adaptivne strategije kojima bi se umanjio efekat suše kod biljaka, a koji će se povećati pod dejstvom klimatskih promena. Fokus je na dva pristupa: korišćenje metoda deficita navodnjavanja pomoću kojih se može smanjiti utrošak vode (regulisani deficit navodnjavanja-RDI i delimično sušenje korenova-PRD) i selekciju genotipova sa povećanom otpornošću na sušu. Oba pristupa su zasnovana na poznavanju fizioloških reakcija biljaka u stresnim uslovima

    Efekat suše na vodni režim i rastenje kvinoje (Chenopodium quinoa willd.)

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    Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a highly nutritious Andean seed crop which shows great potential to grow under a range of different stress environments. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of drought on water regime and the growth of quinoa variety KVL52 in controlled conditions. The results of the present experiment indicate that the reaction of quinoa plants to drought are based on drought avoidance mechanisms: reduced transpiration and sustained water uptake. Transpiration was reduced due to the decrease of stomatal conductance and leaf area development. These results could be of practical importance for testing the possibility of growing quinoa as a new drought resistant crop in Serbia.Kvinoja (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) je nutritivno visoko vredna kultura poreklom sa Anda, koja se može gajiti u različitim stresnim uslovima spoljašnje sredine. Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se ispita efekat suše na vodni režim i rastenje sorte kvinoje KVL52 u kontrolisanim uslovima gajenja. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su reakcije kvinoje na sušu bazirane na mehanizmu izbegavanja suše: redukciji transpiracije i održanju usvajanja vode. Transpiracija je redukovana zahvaljujući opadanju provodljivosti stoma i redukciji lisne površine. Ovi rezultati mogu biti od praktičnog značaja za testiranje mogućnosti gajenja kvinoje kao kulture koja je otporna na sušu i nova za gajenje u Srbiji

    The Effect of Partial Root-Zone Drying on Tomato Fruit Growth

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    Tomato fruit growth and productivity are complex processes depending on the interaction between physiological, genetic and environmental factors. Under current climate conditions of drought and scarce water supply, the challenge is to increase water use efficiency and to sustain tomato yield. Partial root-zone drying technique (PRD) is one of the irrigation methods with the potential to increase the water use efficiency and sustain the yield of many crops including tomato. The aim of presented results was to investigate the effects of PRD on tomato fruit growth, the activity of cell wall-associated peroxidase and ABA content in pericarp of tomato cultivar Ailsa Craig. The experiment was done in controlled conditions and plants under PRD received 70% of water given to full irrigated plants (FI) plants. In PRD irrigation is applied to one half of the root system while the other half dried down and then the treatment was reversed. ABA content in fruit pericarp was measured by ELISA test and cell wall-associated peroxidase activity by a guaiacol test. Fruit growth parameters showed that the maximal growth rate was significantly higher in FI plants than PRD but because the longer period of cell expansion the final diameter of PRD tomato fruits was slightly higher in PRD than in FI fruits. ABA content in tomato pericarp declined during the tomato development until the end of cell growth phase without significant differences between PRD and FI treated plants. The activity of peroxidase was significantly higher in PRD compared to FI. The significantly increase in the activity of enzyme cell wall-associated peroxidase in tomato fruit pericarp under PRD conditions coincided with the end of cell growth and the beginning of the ripening process. These results pointed out that this enzyme may control tomato fruit maturation

    Raman microscopy/spectroscopy: non-destructive tool for the characterization of tomato fruit qualit

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    Raman microscopy/spectroscopy is a method for non-destructive qualitative and quantitative sample analysis and have recently been used for analysing of compounds in plant materials. The aim of presenting study was to investigate potential of Raman spectroscopy in the tomato fruit quality characterization, with special attention to carotenoids and vitamin C analysis. An experiment was conducted in plant growth chamber in controlled conditions at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. Fruits of wild-type tomato Ailsa Craig and its mutant flacca were harvested in red-ripe stage and sliced with microtome blades. Slices were analysed by Raman spectroscopy (Raman Horiba XploRA), with a laser excitation lines 532 and 785 nm and 1-5 s integration time. The filter was set to 100 % and we used 100 x LWD. The results indicated that Raman spectroscopy has the great potential for fast, nondestructive analysis of fruit quality, especially of carotenoid content. Analysis of carotenoids resulted in several strong peaks which could be also used for screening different tomato genotypes both in optimal and stress conditions. Thus, Raman spectroscopy could be a useful tool for fruit phenotyping

    Paradajz - model biljka za ispitivanje rastenja i razvića plodova

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    Because of its specific biochemical and molecular properties and nutrient importance, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is an established model to study fruit growth and development. This review paper addresses several aspects of tomato fruit growth and development including its specific phases, control by water regime, cell wall enzymes, plant hormones and metabolic processes.U ovom radu dat je pregled najnovijih rezultata koji su od značaja za razumevanje biohemijskih i fizioloških procesa u toku rastenja plodova. Rezultati su predstavljeni za paradajz kao model biljku za ispitivanje plodova. Iako nisu detaljno predstavljena, genetska istraživanja takođe doprinose poznavanju rastenja i razvića plodova. Prinos paradajza, kao i drugih kultura, u značajnoj meri zavisi od efikasnosti rastenja plodova te su stoga stečena znanja i od praktičnog značaja

    Određivanje nutritivne vrednosti pšeničnog hleba sa dodatkom mešavine semena kvinoje, heljde i tikve

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    The purpose of this research was to blend quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Möench) and pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seed kernels at 40% level with wheat flour and to examine the effect of this blend on nutritional and sensory quality and also energy values of the pan bread. Hydrothermal preparation of these supplements is included. Chemical composition of the investigated materials, wheat bread and supplemented bread, was determined using relevant AOAC methods. Chemical composition of supplemented bread with an increase in protein, oil and crude fiber was superior in comparison with control wheat bread. Sensory properties of supplemented bread such as specific volume, appearance, crust and crumb texture, aroma-odor and color were evaluated and found excellent.Cilj rada je bio da se ispita mogućnost proizvodnje pšeničnog hleba sa dodatkom semena kvinoje, heljde i tikve do nivoa od 40%. Kvinoja (Chenopodium quinoa Willd., familija Amaranthaceae) je pseudocerealija. U ovom radu je korišćena danska sorta KVL 37, gajena u okolini Beograda. Domaća komercijalna semena heljde (Fagopyrum esculentum Möench) i tikve (Cucurbita pepo L.) su nabavljena u lokalnoj radnji zdrave hrane. U ovom radu su prikazani hemijski sastavi prečišćenog semena kvinoje, kao i semena heljde i tikve. Heljda i kvinoja su odabrane zbog toga što ne sadrže gluten, a imaju visok sadržaj kvalitetnih proteina. Očišćeno seme tikve (golica) je odabrano zbog toga što sadrži veliki procenat nutritivno i zdravstveno vrednog ulja i proteina. Analizirane su hemijske i tehnološke osobine mešavine ovih semena i pšeničnog brašna, kao i mogućnost njihove primene u proizvodnji hleba u kalupu. Određen je hemijski sastav i nutritivna energetska vrednost pšeničnog hleba pripremljenog sa dodatkom 15% semena kvinoje, 15% semena heljde i 10% golice. U odnosu na kontrolni pšenični hleb, obogaćeni hleb je sadržao 6% više proteina, 3,8% više ulja i oko 5% više sirovih vlakana. Sadržaj skroba u obogaćenom hlebu je bio niži za oko 8%. Energetska vrednost obogaćenog hleba je porasla za oko 150 kJ/100 g. Obogaćeni hleb je imao dobru specifičnu zapreminu i odlične senzorne osobine. Pokazano je da je ispitivana mešavina pšeničnog brašna i odabranih semena pogodna za proizvodnju hleba u kalupu, povećane nutritivne vrednosti

    Efekti delimičnog sušenja korenova i deficita navodnjavanja na fiziologiju i rastenje paradajza

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    The effects of partial rootzone drying (PRD), deficit irrigation (DI), and full irrigation (FI) on tomato physiology were investigated. In PRD and DI plants, leaf water potential values and stomatal conductance were significantly lower, while xylem ABA concentration was greater compared to FI plants. Photosynthesis was similar for all treatments. Water use efficiency was improved by PRD and DI, which reduced fruit dry weight, but had no effect on dry weight of leaves and stems.U radu su istraživani efekti delimičnog sušenja korenova (PRD), deficita navodnjavanja (DI) i punog navodnjavanja (FI) na fiziologiju paradajza. Kod PRD i DI biljaka vodni potencijal listova i provodljivost stoma su bili značajno niži, dok je koncentracija ABA u ksilemu bila veća u poređenju sa FI biljkama. Fotosinteza je bila slična kod svih tretmana. PRD i DI tretmani su značajno povećali efikasnost korišćenja vode, redukovali su suvu masu plodova, ali nisu imali uticaja na suvu masu listova i stabla

    Efekat delimičnog sušenja korenova na prinos i kvalitet različitih poljoprivrednih kultura

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    Predmet ovog istrazivanja je ispitivanje efekata delimičnog sušenja korenova (DSK) na kva­litet tri značajne poljoprivredne kulture - paradajza, krompira i vinove loze, a posebno na anti­oksidativnu aktivnost. U oba eksperimentalna sistema (plastenik i polje) sadržaj vode u zemlji­štu u uslovima optimalnog navodnjavanja (FI) održavan je blizu vrednosti poljskog vodnog ka­paciteta, dok je kod DSK tretmana, jedna polovina korenovog sistema zalivana 60% od FI, a za­mena strana zalivanja je izvršena u skladu sa smanjenjem sadržaja vode na strani korena koja ni­je prethodno zalivana. Na kraju vegetacione sezone urađena je analiza prinosa i kvaliteta plodo­va i krtola, kao i efikasnost usvajanja vode (WUE). Generalno, u ogledima nisu utvrđene značaj­ne razlike u prinosu, dok je WUE i antioksidativna aktivnost bila veća nego kod optimalno na­vodnjavanih biljaka. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da delimično sušenje korenova (DSK) može bi­ti korisna strategija u očuvanju vode za navodnjavanje koja neće dovesti do značajnih redukcija kvantiteta iii kvaliteta prinosa

    Fruit quality of cherry and large fruited tomato genotypes as influenced by water deficit

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of long term moderate drought stress on fruit yield and quality of four parents of the MAGIC TOM population and to gain insight into the differences in sensitivity to drought between large fruited and cherry tomatoes. Results showed that long term water deficit had a negative effect on fresh mass and fruit diameter that were more expressed in cherry tomatoes than in large fruited ones. Long term moderate water deficit can improve fruit taste in large fruited tomato genotypes by active metabolic accumulation of soluble sugar and organic acid (sucrose and citric acid), which are also osmotic active compounds. The reduction in fruit growth of cherry tomatoes compared to large fruits could be compensated for by improving fruit nutritional value (ascorbic acid, carotenoids and antioxidant activity) through both concentration and metabolic responses