6 research outputs found

    Denture stomatitis: Ethiopathogenesis and therapeutic approach

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    Periodontal medicine: The emergence of a new branch in periodontology

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    Denture stomatitis is the most common inflammatory reaction that occurs in people who wear dentures. It is believed that in 60-65% of cases the cause of this inflammation is infections by yeasts from the genus Candida (C.), primarily Candida albicans infection. C.albicans is a part of the normal microflora of the respiratory and digestive tract. This yeast has the ability to adhere to the oral mucosa and to the base of the denture, as well as to form a biofilm. Its virulence is especially supported by the state of weakened resistance of the organism, when C.albicans expresses its pathological effect. This paper presents the pathogenesis of C. albicans-associated denture stomatitis, as well as the most common diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used to diagnose and successful therapy


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    The primary aim of this paper is to present how new knowledge as organizational competitive advantage is created by natural interaction between social and intellectual capital. The paper first gives an overview of the key theoretical interpretations of social and intellectual capital and thereafter analyses how structural, cognitive and relational dimension of social capital, through exchanging and combining with existing intellectual capital, creates new intellectual capital. The key value of new intellectual capital lies in the fact that it belongs to the corpus of group or socially tacit knowledge which is the key precondition for creation of innovative business solutions. Thus, new collective forms of knowledge enable the organization to make and maintain its advantage. Therefore, it can be said that the process of generating intellectual capital through social capital is a value basis for creating new knowledge and organizational competitive advantage.Osnovni cilj rada je da prikaže na koji način se prirodnom interakcjiom socijalnog i intelektualnog kapitala stvara novo znanje i organizaciona konkurentska prednost. Rad prvo daje prikaz ključnih teoretskih tumačenja socijalnog i intelektualnog kapitala a potom analizira kako strukturna, kognitivna i relaciona dimenzija socijalnog kapitala kroz razmenu i kombinovanje sa postojećim intelektualnim kapitalom stvara novi intelektualni kapital. Osnovna vrednost novog intelektualni kapitala se ogleda u činjenici da on pripada korpusu grupnog ili socijalno tacitnog znanja koje je ključan preduslov za stvaranje inovativnih poslovnih rešenja. Tako, ove nove kolektivne forme znanja omogućavaju organizacijama da izgrade i zadrže svoju prednost. Zato se i može reći da je proces generisanja intelektualnog kapitala posredstvom socijalnog kapitala vrednosna osnova za stvaranje novog znanja i organizacione konkurentske prednosti

    Oral Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in Young Adults

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    Knowledge about the importance of oral health and oral hygiene practices, attitudes, and behavior among young adults shows the association of insufficient or irregular oral hygiene with the occurrence of gingival/periodontal diseases, caries, and consequently systemic disease occurrence including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, infections of the respiratory tract, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and neurological disorders. Public health dentists should be trained for oral health needs assessments as well as for the evaluation of community-based oral health improvement strategies among different population groups

    Comparative in vivo evaluation of novel formulations based on alginate and silver nanoparticles for wound treatments

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    In the present study, possibilities for using novel nanocomposites based on alginate and silver nanoparticles for wound treatment were investigated in a second-degree thermal burn model in Wistar rats. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were electrochemically synthesized in alginate solutions that were further utilized to obtain the Ag/alginate solution and microfibers for subsequent in vivo studies. Daily applications of the Ag/alginate colloid solution, containing AgNPs, alginate and ascorbic acid (G3), wet Ag/alginate microfibers containing AgNPs (G5) and dry Ag/alginate microfibers containing AgNPs (G6) were compared to treatments with a commercial cream containing silver sulfadiazine (G2) and a commercial Ca-alginate wound dressing containing silver ions (G4), as well as to the untreated controls (G1). Results of the in vivo study have shown faster healing in treated wounds, which completely healed on day 19 (G4, G5 and G6) and 21 (G2 and G3) after the thermal injury, while the period for complete reepitelization of untreated wounds (G1) was 25 days. The macroscopic analysis has shown that scabs fell off between day 10 and 12 after the thermal injury induction in treated groups, whereas between day 15 and 16 in the control group. These macroscopic findings were supported by the results of histopathological analyses, which have shown enhanced granulation and reepithelization, reduced inflammation and improved organization of the extracellular matrix in treated groups without adverse effects. Among the treated groups, dressings based on Ca-alginate (G4-G6) induced enhanced healing as compared to the other two groups (G2, G3), which could be attributed to additional stimuli of released Ca2+. The obtained results indicated potentials of novel nanocomposites based on alginate and AgNPs for therapeutic applications in wound treatments