98 research outputs found

    Integrated design in the process of architectural education

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    Integrated design represents a contemporary approach of conceiving and development of building projects. It is defined as a design which results in buildings that successfully perform their function, in accordance with all aspects of sustainability: social, economic and environmental. The key issues to be considered during the design are related to the environmental protection, with special emphasis on harmful emissions, energy efficiency and materials and waste, as well as to the social benefits for building users, with special emphasis on protection and safety, comfort, spatial organization, space adaptability, maintenance and visual stimulation. This approach implies that different disciplines are involved in the decision-making from the very beginning of design process, with the idea to respond to the increasingly complex requirements. The paper discusses the innovative educational model, partially applied within the studies of architecture at University of Belgrade, which should address this new reality. Whereas integrated design requires system thinking and continuous interaction of all participants in the design process, research strategies that cross the boundaries of individual disciplines are applied. The learning is based on the integration of the theoretical knowledge in the field of architecture and engineering in function of problem-solving. It implies a holistic view on the design, within which education, research and practice are integrated into a single process that encourages critical thinking directed to multidisciplinary optimization of design solutions. The basic elements of the discussed educational model are presented in this paper, as well as its potential and limitations

    Effects of window replacement on energy renovation of residential buildings - case of the Serbian building practice

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    Achieving the desired degree of energy efficiency in buildings has become an imperative of nowadays construction.This requirement is set in relation to both new and existing buildings, in order to reduce their energy consumption, but also to improve the overall comfort, especially thermal, contributing in this way to a creation of a healthier place. Measures that are applied in order to improve energy efficiency in buildings include various interventions on its thermal envelope, which in the case of energy renovation of existing residential buildings is not necessarily all-inclusive.The effectiveness of the measures implemented to assess the appropriate calculation methodology of the energy required for heating, as in the case of existing regulations in Serbia, implies that applied enhancement should contribute to the improvement of their energy class for at least one energy rate. Such improvement, especially in the case of larger buildings, could be achieved only by improving the air-tightness of the existing windows, but their replacement with windows of high energy performances is the most common measure in practice. However, without energy rehabilitation of surrounding faƧade walls, such intervention could cause condensation along the peripheral, insufficiently insulated, non-transparent structures. Thus, the positive effects of the improvement measures could be questioned. Taking into account the characteristics of the existing building stock in Serbia, typical situations of existing contacts between the faƧade walls and the corresponding windows are simulated in the paper, in relation to the risk of condensation and consequent potential usersā€™ health problems

    E(nergy) p(erformance) c(ertificate) of buildings and dwellings Influence of Disposition and Orientation

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    Following the guidance set by the Directive on the energy performance of buildings (recast) (EPBD2), current regulations in Serbia which refer to the issue of energy efficiency and energy certification of buildings provides an opportunity of certification of selected unit of a building, such as a dwelling. This measure was set in order to make it possible for owners or tenants of the building or the building unit to assess and compare its energy performance. From the user's perspective this measure is very important since, apart from reviewing the quality or the deficiencies of space in which they live, it would be an important parameter of economic evaluation of the apartment in the future. As energy performance of the apartment is not a priori identical to that of the whole building, the paper will analyze and compare these values for different positions in a horizontal and vertical plan of the same apartment within the building. Comparison of the results obtained for individual dwellings and for a building as a whole, will provide insight into the extent to which the disposition and the orientation of the apartment affect its energy performance

    Acute Coronary Syndrome with ST-segment Elevation in Pregnancy: Anesthetic Management of Delivery

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    Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) during pregnancy is rare but may be associated with high risk complications. Approximately 150 myocardial infarctions (MI) during pregnancy have been documented in literature worldwide, but we didnā€™t find one with myocardial aneurysm. We describe 2 patients with acute MI; both with ST segment elevation (STEMI), 1 case complicated with heart failure, formation of a myocardial aneurysm and broad QRS arrhythmia; another with uncomplicated course, and their anesthetic management during delivery. Acute MI is rare in reproductive age usually developing in women with cardiovascular risk factors. There is concern about its rising incidence due to the increase of average maternal age. Our cases show that there might be some undiscovered risk factors for pregnancy related myocardial infarction

    Kratkoročno delovanje nikosulfurona na biohemijsku aktivnost černozema

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    Short-time effects of the herbicide nicosulfuron on the biochemical activity of soil were investigated. Nicosulfuron rates of 0.3, 1.5 and 3.0 mg kg-1 of soil were laboratory-tested on Chernozem soil. The change in the dehydrogenase activity, in microbial biomass carbon, soil respiration and the metabolic coefficient (qCO2 ) were examined. Samples were collected for the analysis 1, 7, 14, 21, 30 and 60 days after nicosulfuron application. The obtained results indicated that the effect of nicosulfuron on the soil biochemical activity depended on its application rate and duration of activity, and the effect was either stimulating or inhibiting. However, the changes detected were found to be transient and, therefore, there is no real risk of the compound disrupting the balance of biochemical processes in Chernozem soil.U radu je ispitivano kratkoročno delovanje herbicida nikosulfuron na biohemijsku aktivnost zemljiÅ”ta. Ogled je postavljen u laboratorijskim uslovima na zemljiÅ”tu tipa glinovita ilovača. Nikosulfuron je primenjen u količinama od 0,3, 1,5 i 3,0 mg kg-1 zemljiÅ”ta. Praćeni su sledeći biohemijski parametri: aktivnost enzima dehidrogenaze, promene mikrobioloÅ”ke biomase ugljenika, respiracija (disanje) zemljiÅ”ta kao i metabolitički koeficijent (qCO2). Uzorci za analize uzimani su 1, 7, 14, 21, 30 i 60 dana posle primene nikosulfurona. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je uticaj nikosulfurona na biohemijsku aktivnost zemljiÅ”ta zavisio od primenjene količine i dužine delovanja, te je u zavisnosti od toga, bilo stimulativno ili inhibitorno. Međutim, utvrđene promene su bile prolaznog karaktera, tako da može da se smatra da nema realnog rizika od naruÅ”avanja ravnoteže biohemijskih procesa u zemljiÅ”tu pod uticajem ovog jedinjenja

    Uticaj materijala na energetska svojstva i toplotni komfor u zgradama

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    Savremeno projektovanje i građenje ima za cilj da uspostavi adekvatan odnos između tri karakteristična pola: čoveka ā€“ korisnika, zgrade i okoline. Ovo poglavlje ima za cilj da istakne dotični problem uzimajući u obzir relevantne karakteristike termičkog omotača zgrade, odnosno uticaj koji izbor materijala ima na ponaÅ”anje objekta u celini. Danas smo zaintrigirani ponaÅ”anjem zgrade kao sistema, uglavnom kroz prizmu količine energije koju troÅ”i tokom svog postojanja. S jedne strane, to nas dovodi do potrebe za adekvatnim poznavanjem osnovnih principa fizike zgrade, a, s druge strane, do spoznaje o relevantnim osobinama materijala koje koristimo u procesu izgradnje kako bismo zadovoljili zahteve komfora korisnika. Iako se ovim poglavljem stavlja naglasak na problem zadovoljavanja zahteva za toplotnim komforom, na primeru karakterističnih tipova stambenih zgrada sa područja Beograda koje su prikazane i analizirane razmatran je stepen zadovoljavanja ukupnih zahteva komfora, kao i međuzavisnost koja postoji između različitih tipova komfora (toplotnog, vazduÅ”nog, zvučnog i svetlosnog)

    The Impacts of Temperature, Soil Type and Soil Herbicides on Seed Germination and Early Establishment of Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.)

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    The effects of different temperatures (20 degrees C, 25 degrees C, 30 degrees C, 35 degrees C and photoperiod 26 degrees C/21 degrees C), types of soil (sand and loam) and soil herbicides (oxyfluorfen, terbuthylazine and mesotrione) on seed germination percentage, germination rate, as well as seedling length and weight of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) were examined. Over a period of ten days, germinated seeds were counted daily, and seedling length and weight were measured on the final day and germination rate calculated. The results indicated that temperature was the factor that significantly affected the percentage of germinated seeds of common milkweed, seedling length and germination rate, while it had less influence on seedling weight. The results showed that the alternating day/night temperature of 26 degrees C/21 degrees C also had a significant impact as the percentage of germinated seeds was the highest at that temperature on both soil types (sand: 71.3%; loam: 61.3%). Data regarding the herbicides tested (oxyfluorfen, terbuthylazine and mesotrione) showed decreasing germination percentage and seedling length with increasing herbicide concentrations on both soil types. Their effect was weakest on seedling weight. Tested herbicides are usable in control of common milkweed at the stages of germination and early establishment

    A necessidade de novas abordagens ao estudo da arquitectura tradicional no processo de ensino da arquitectura

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    When modernizing the curricula at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade, some fields of study have been somewhat neglected, including the teaching of traditional architecture, which is currently studied only at a basic level. Many students complete their education without adequate knowledge in this field, and this has affected the current situation of architectural practice in Serbia. Two optional courses were initiated to try to fill this gap, with different approaches to the study of traditional architecture. One course focuses on the study of traditional building techniques and materials related to the historical building context. The other course explores the correlation between traditional and sustainable architecture, following the idea that the latter is closely connected to traditional architecture. These teaching experiences, their problems and their outcome will be presented in this paper

    Helianthus annuus: A new important element of the non-arable and arable flora in Serbiaā€™s region of southern Banat

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    Four species of the Helianthus genus have been found in the non-arable and arable communities in Vojvodina and Serbia, namely: H. annuus, H. tuberosus, H. decapetalus and H. scaberimus. Studies conducted hitherto have shown that Helianthus annuus has the highest frequency in all weed phytocoenoses examined so far. The spreading of H. decapetalus and H. scaberimus, introduced to Vojvodina from the neighboring Hungary and Romania, has still not assumed alarming proportions in quantitative terms, but a tendency has been observed of their further spreading. It is therefore necessary to monitor and study the trend of their expansion over the coming period.

    Uticaj rizobakterija i useva na klijanje i rani porast viline kosice (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.)

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    Several bacterial cultures: Bacillus licheniformis (MO1), B. pumilus (MO2), and B. amyloliquefaciens (MO3), isolated from manure; B. megatherium ZP6 (MO4) isolated from maize rhizosphere; Azotobacter chroococcum Ps1 (MO5) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (MO6), were used to test the influence of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on seed germination and germination rate of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.). Also, to examine the effect of host seeds on germination and initial growth of seedlings of field dodder plants in the dark and under white light, the seeds of four host plants were used (watermelon, red clover, alfalfa and sugar beet). Germinated seeds were counted daily over a ten-day period and the length of seedlings was measured on the final day. The results show that treatments MO3, MO4 and MO6 had inhibitory effects (15%, 65% and 52%, respectively), while treatments MO1, MO2 and MO5 had stimulating effects (3%, 3% and 19%, respectively) on seed germination of field dodder. The data for host seeds show that light was a significant initial factor (83-95%, control 95%) for stimulating seed germination of field dodder plants, apart from host presence (73-79%, control 80%).Za ispitivanje uticaja rizobakterija (Planth Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria - PGPR) na klijanje semena i stope klijanja viline kosice (Cuscuta campestris Yunk.), koriŔćene su bakterijske kulture: Bacillus licheniformis (MO1), B. pumilus (MO2) i B. amyloliquefaciens (MO3) izolovane iz stajnjaka; B. megatherium ZP6 (MO4) iz rizosfere kukuruza; Azotobacter chroococcum Ps1 (MO5) i Pseudomonas fluorescens (MO6). Svakodnevno u periodu od deset dana brojana su proklijala semena. Takođe, za praćenje uticaja semena biljaka domaćina na klijanje semena i početni porast klijanaca viline kosice u mraku i pri tretmanu belom svetloŔću koriŔćena su semena četiri biljke domaćina (lubenica, crvena detelina, lucerka i Å”ećerna repa). Proklijala semena su prebrojavana svakodnevno u periodu od deset dana, a poslednjeg dana su izmerene dužine klijanaca. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su tretmani MO3, MO4 i MO6 ispoljili inhibitorni (15%, 65% i 52%), a tretmani MO1 (Bacillus licheniformis), MO2 (B. amyloliquefaciens) i MO5 (Azotobacter chroococcum Ps1) stimulativni efekat (3%, 3% i 19%) na klijanje semena viline kosice. Takođe, rezultati dobijeni sa semenima biljaka domaćina ukazuju da je za podsticanje klijanja semena viline kosice, osim prisustva domaćina (73-79%, kontrola 80%), kao inicijalni faktor značajna i svetlost (83-95%, kontrola 95%)
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