20 research outputs found

    Physiological parameters of stress reactions in the perioperative period of sterilization in welfare asessment of dogs

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    Jedan od načina kontrole brojnosti populacije nezbrinutih pasa je kontrolom njihove reprodukcije, odnosno primenom metode „uhvati-steriliši-vrati“ (Catch-Neuter-Release). Ovaj složen postupak se sastoji od hvatanja nezbrinutih pasa na javnim površinama, sterilizacije i vraćanja na površine odakle su privremeno sklonjeni. Zato je cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio da oceni intenzitet stresne reakcije, kao potencijalnog uzroka narušavanja dobrobiti kuja u perioperativnom periodu sterilizacije, odnosno ovariohisterektomije. Istraživanja su sprovedena na 40 kuja uključenih u program kontrole brojnosti nezbrinutih pasa na teritoriji grada Beograda. Kuje uključene u ogled bile su podeljene u četiri grupe. Prva grupa kuja podvrgnuta je abdominalnoj ovariohisterektomiji bez aplikacije nesteroidnog antiinflamatornog analgetika. Druga grupa kuja podvrgnuta je abdominalnoj ovariohisterektomiji uz tretman nesteroidnim antiinflamatornim analgetikom, karprofenom. Treća grupa kuja podvrgnuta je abdominalnoj ovariohisterektomiji uz tretman intramuskularnom injekcijom sa placebo supstancom (Aqua redestillata) i četvrta grupa kuja koja nije podvrgnuta ovariohisterektomiji. Od svih kuja koje su podvrgnute ovariohisterektomiji za analizu biohemijskih i hematoloških pokazatelja stresne reakcije (koncentracija kortizola, glukoze, holesterola i triglicerida, leukocitarna formula i odnos neutrofila i limfocita-N/L indeks) krv je uzorkovana 5 puta (po dovođenju u stacionar, 24 časa posle transporta, 30, 180 minuta i 24 časa posle hirurške intervencije.). Kod kuja koje nisu podvrgnute ovariohisterektomiji, krv za analizu je uzorkovana dva puta (po dovođenju u stacionar i 24 časa posle transporta). Za određivanje koncentracije kortizola korišćena je hemiluminiscentna imunska metoda (CLIA). Spektrofotometrijskom metodom određivana je koncentracija glukoze, holesterola i triglicerida. Za određivanje leukocitarne formule i odnosa neutrofila i limfocita pravljen je krvni razmaz koji je bojen po May-Grünwald i Giemsa-Romanowski tehnici...The way of controlling population of free roaming dogs is their reproduction with the method of "Catch-Neuter-Release". This complex process consist of capturing free roaming dogs in public areas, sterilizing and returning them to the public area from which they were temporarily removed. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the intensity of stress reactions, as a potential cause of distortion dog's welfare in the perioperative period of sterilization, ovariohysterectomy. The experiment was performed on a total of 40 female dogs involved in the programme for free roaming dogs control in the city of Belgrade area. The dogs that were studied, were designated into four groups. The first group underwent abdominal ovariohysterectomy not treated with non-steroid analgesic drugs. The second group underwent abdominal ovariohysterectomy treated with non-steroid anty-inflammatory analgesic, carprofen. The third group underwent abdominal ovariohysterectomy treated intramuscular injection with placebo substance and the fourth group was not underwent abdominal ovariohysterectomy. Each subject underwent abdominal ovaryohisterectomy for the analysis of biochemical and haematological indicators of stress response (cortisol, glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, leukocytes number and neutrophil lymphocyte ratio-N/L index) blood was sampled 5 times (after transporting, 24 hours after transporting, 30, 180 minutes and 24 hours after surgery). From dogs that did not undergo abdominal Ovario-hysterectomy, blood was sampled twice (after transport and 24 hours after transport). Concentration of cortisol determined with chemiluminescent immunoassay method (CLIA). Concentrations of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides determined with spectrophotometric method. For determination the leukocyte formula, neutrophil and lymphocyte ratio were made so that a blood smear was stained with May-Grünwald and Giemsa-Romanowski technique..

    Public health and welfare of animals

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    Javno zdravlje i dobrobit životinja su u dva područja veterinarske prakse i jedan od najjačih spojeva veterinarske i humane medicine. Dobrobit životinja služi kao jedan od najkompleksnijih i sveobuhvatnih mehanizama obezbeđenja uslova za javno zdravlje. Spoj između dobrobiti životinja i javnog zdravlja može se sagledati kroz tri najznačajnije grupe mehanizama, a to su: 1) zajednički mehanizmi obezbeđenja dobrobiti životinja koje služe za proizvodnju hrane i obezbeđenja bezbednosti i kvaliteta namirnica; 2) kroz uspostavljanje i sprovođenje institucije odgovornog vlasništva i kontrolu populacije kućnih ljubimaca poznatih vlasnika i nezbrinutih kućnih ljubimaca, kao i 3) kroz etičke odnose prema oglednim životinjama koje se koriste u naučne ili edukativne svrhe i za testiranje medikamenata.Public health and animal welfare are two areas of veterinary practice and one of the strongest link between veterinary and human medicine. Animal welfare is used as one of the most complex and comprehensive mechanism to provide and ensure all conditions for public health. Connection between animal welfare and public health can be seen in three major groups of following mechanisms: 1) common mechanisms to ensure the welfare of animals used for food production and ensure food safety and quality; 2) the establishment and implementation of responsible ownership institution and pet population control including pets of known owners and free-roaming pets and 3) the ethical relation to the experimental animals used for scientific or educational purposes and for drug testing

    Visibly marked and microchipped lost dogs have a higher chance to find their owners in Belgrade

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the demographic characteristics of lost and found dogs in Belgrade, Serbia. The demographic data concerning the 246 lost and 81 found dogs in the period of 5 consecutive years (January, 2009 to January 2014) was sampled and analysed from the data bases of four organizations for animal protection in Belgrade. The recovery rate of lost dogs and the chance to be reunited again with their owners was 33%. The highest recovery rate was estimated in the category of lost dogs with visible marks such as tags or collars (30%). The chi-square test disclosed that besides dogs with special visible marks, significantly more females, light colour coated, friendly/sociable and neutered dogs were reunited with their owners (P<0.0001)

    Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area

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    The research was conducted in dogs and cats kept as pets on the territory of the city of Belgrade (Serbia), between 2011 and 2014. Its aim was to examine the prevalence of intestinal helminths and to point out their zoonotic potential. Coprological tests were carried out on samples from 528 household pets (421 dogs and 107 cats). The research included specimens from both gender, the dogs were between 2 months and 14 years old and the cats were from 1 month to 15 years old. The diagnosed parasites included: toxocarosis (Toxocora canis 16.62% and Toxocora mystax 15.88%), ancylostomatidosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 1.87%), trichuriosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 0.93%) and dipilidiosis (in dogs 24.70% and in cats 21.49%). Most of the examined cats and dogs that were found positive for intestinal helminths were 1-8 years old. For the effective planning and conducting of preventive strategies, the most important is to know the epizootiology of intestinal helminths of dogs and cats, including the possibilities of transferring these helminths to people. The priorities include the continued education of pet owners by veterinarians, and also the close cooperation between the veterinary and the human health service

    Hranidbeno ponašanje pasa lutalica u javnom prihvatilištu

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    Feeding time of stray dogs on the first, second, third, fifth and seventh day of captivity in a municipal shelter was studied. The average value of the feeding time of dogs decreased from the first day (429.07±107.08 seconds) to the third day in captivity when it reached the lowest average value (229.53±95.18 seconds). The feeding time of dogs on the third day in captivity differs significantly from the same parameter on the first (429.07±107.08 seconds) and second day (372.73±100.58 seconds) in captivity (p lt 0.01). The highest average value of feeding time of stray dogs in the shelter was recorded on the first day. On the fifth and seventh day the feeding time of dogs increased compared to the third day. However, there were no significant differences of the average value of feeding time on the third day comparing with the fifth day (260.8±111.06 seconds) or the seventh day (301.33±119.89 seconds). Dogs ate their food more slowly on the fifth and the seventh day than on the third day, but more quickly than on the first and the second day (372.73±100.58 seconds). Significant differences were estimated comparing the feeding time of dogs on the first day with the third (p lt 0.01), fifth (p lt 0.01), and seventh day (p lt 0.05) of housing in the municipal shelter. Also, the feeding time of dogs on the second day differed significantly from the third (p lt 0.01) and the fifth day (p lt 0.05).U radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja brzine unošenja hrane kod pasa lutalica u javnom prihvatilištu u Beogradu prvog, drugog, trećeg, petog i sedmog dana boravka. Prosečna brzina unošenja hrane je opadala počev od prvog dana (429,07±107,08 sekundi) do trećeg dana boravka pasa u zatočeništvu kada je ovaj pokazatelj dostigao najnižu vrednost (229,53±95,18 sec). Brzina unošenja hrane trećeg dana se statistički značajno razlikovala u poređenju sa prvim danom (429,07±107,08 sec) i drugim danom (372,73±100,58 sec) boravka pasa u prihvatilištu (p lt 0,01). Najveća prosečna vrednost brzine unošenja hrane zabeležena je prvog dana boravka u prihvatilištu. Petog i sedmog dana boravka u prihvatilištu brzina unošenja hrane se povećala u poređenju sa trećim danom. Međutim, nisu uočene statistički značajne razlike u poređenju brzine unošenja hrane između trećeg i petog (260,8±111,06 sec) i trećeg I sedmog dana (301,33±119,89 sec). Psi su mnogo sporije unosili hranu petog i sedmog dana nego trećeg dana, ali brže nego prvog i drugog dana boravka u prihvatilištu (372,73±100,58 seconds). Značajne razlike su utvrđene u brzini unošenja hrane između prvog i trećeg (p lt 0,01), petog (p lt 0,01), sedmog dana (p lt 0,05) boravka pasa u prihvatilištu. Takođe, brzina unošenja hrane se značajno razlikovala i drugog dana u poređenju sa trećim (p lt 0,01) i petim danom (p lt 0,05)

    What is and why we need animal welfare?

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    Добробит животиња је широк појам који може различито да се дефинише. За потребе овог рада, под термином „добробит животиња“ подразумевају се све активности на заштити физичке, психичке и генетске целовитости животиња. Добробит животиња није једносмерна, већ двосмерна активност која обухвата и заштиту истих целовитости човека, који користи животиње за производњу хране, природних влакана, лекова, козметичких средстава, у промету, у биомедицинским наукама и образовању, за спорт и забаву и као кућне љубимце. Зато се добробит животиња може посматрати као превентивна мера и мотивација за унапређење јавног здравља, сигурности и безбедности хране, за спречавање социјалних и политичких несугласица, за одрживост сточарства и ветеринарске праксе, за конкурентност и изградњу „бренда“ и „имиџа“.Animal welfare is a broad term and may be defined differently. For the purpose of the article the term “animal welfare” will be defined as all activities on the protection of physical, mental and genetic integrities of an animal. However, these activities are not unidirectional. They are bidirectional and also related to human beings who use animals for production of food, natural fibres, drugs, and cosmetics, for trade, in biomedical science and education, in sport and entertainment and as pets, too. Therefore, animal welfare may be considered as a preventive measure and motivation for public health and food safety, social and political conflicts, for sustainability of livestock production and veterinary practice, for competitiveness, brand and image building

    Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) as reservoirs of respiratory capillariosis in Serbia

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory capillariosis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in some regions of Serbia. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on 102 foxes in six epizootiological regions of Serbia, during the hunting season between 2008 and 2012. Results: The presence of respiratory capillariosis in all tested epizootiological regions was confirmed. The E. aerophilus nematode was detected with overall prevalence of 49.02%. The diagnosis of E. aerophilus infection was confirmed by the determination of morphological characteristics of adult parasites found at necropsy and the trichurid egg types collected from the bronchial lavage and the content of the intestine. Conclusion: The presented results contribute to better understanding of the epidemiology of this nematodosis in Serbia. However, the high prevalence of capillaries in tested foxes, demonstrated in all explored areas, might suggest that foxes from other regions in Serbia may also be infected. The fact that domestic carnivores and humans can also be infected enhances the importance of the overall epidemiological status. To establish the relevant prevalence of respiratory capillariosis, further investigations and continous monitoring of parasitic fauna of carnivores are needed in the whole country

    Methodological approach to farm animal welfare assessment (Cattle, pigs, poultry)

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    Cilj rada je upoznavanje sa metodologijom ocene dobrobiti domaćih životinja na farmama, koja se primenjuje u zemljama Evropske unije. Metodologija ocene dobrobiti prikazana u radu odnosi se na mlečne krave, tovnu junad, priplodne krmače i prasad, tovne svinje, koke nosilje i brojlere. Dobrobit domaćih životinja na farmama ocenjuje se na osnovu direktnih i indirektnih pokazatelja dobrobiti. Indirektni pokazatelji dobrobiti odnose se na kvalitet smeštajnog prostora i opreme (indikatori resursa) i na kvalitet poslovanja (indikatori menadžmenta). Direktni pokazatelji dobrobiti odnose se na samu životinju, njenu telesnu kondiciju, zdravstveno stanje, uključujući odsustvo povreda, bolesti, bola, straha, kao i na ponašanje i emocionalni status životinje. Na osnovu direktnih pokazatelja i dobrobiti, može se otkriti da li se životinja pravilno hrani i poji, da li su joj obezbeđeni odgovarajući uslovi smeštaja, da li je zdrava, kako na nju utiču spoljašnji faktori kao što su oprema i pribor, druge životinje, ljudi, ali i kako se radnici na farmi ophode prema životinjama.The aim of the paper is to familiarize veterinarians with a farm animals welfare assessment methodology which is applied in the European Union. Animal welfare assessment methodology presented in this paper refers to dairy cows, beef cattle, sows with piglets, fattening pigs, laying hens and broilers. The welfare of domestic animals on farms is assessed on the basis of direct and indirect indicators. Indirect indicators of welfare relate to the quality of accommodation facilities and equipment (resource indicators) and the quality of the business (management indicators). Direct indicators of welfare relate to the animal itself, its body condition, health condition, including the absence of injury, illness, pain, fear, its behavior and emotional status. Direct welfare indicators reveal whether the animal is properly fed and watered, whether it provided with adequate housing conditions, whether it is healthy, how it behaves with respect to equipment and supplies, other animals, people, and how farmers relate to animals (human/animal relationship)

    Effects of fish meal replacement by red earthworm (lumbricus rubellus) meal on broilers performance and health

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    The research was performed to determine the nutritive value of raw earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) and dried earthworm powder, or earthworm meal (EM). In addition, the effects of a diet in which fish meal was substituted with EM or fresh earthworms on the health and productive performance of broilers were monitored. The experiment, which lasted 42 days, was conducted on one hundred Hybro G broilers divided into four equal groups. The control group was fed a standard feed, whereas, the first and the second one were given diets in which 50% or 100% of fish meal had been substituted with EM. The third experimental group received no fish meal but was given fresh earthworms ad libitum. The results of chemical analyses showed that earthworm meal contained 41.42% proteins (in dry matter) and satisfactory amounts of amino acids. Microbiological examination and tests for heavy metals suggest that earthworm meal and fresh earthworms did not contain heavy metals and harmful bacteria. Therefore, these feeds may be considered suitable for chickens. In the experiment as a whole no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) was observed in the productive performance between the experimental groups of broiler chickens. These results suggest that dehydrated earthworm meal can be an adequate substitute for fish meal in the broilers feed

    Krpeljska fauna autohtone pramenke u Istočnoj Srbiji

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    Sheep production is an example of a sustainable production fully integrated within the local rural development. One of the main threats on the outdoor breeding of sheep is parasitism. Ticks are nuisances and vectors of several diseases agents. The distribution of ticks appears to be changing, with spread to previously unaffected areas. Tick and tick-borne disease control is one of the major components of animal health program protecting livestock in the developing countries, which reflects impact on the livelihood of resource-poor farming communities. Taking into consideration the negative impact on the health status of the livestock, also the direct and indirect economic losses, it is necessary to examine the tolerance and resistance of certain species against diseases. It is one of the most important elements of the strategy of selection and screening for resistant animals. The aim of this study was to determine the tick species persisting in 45 tested autochthonous Zackel sheep flocks, and examine their seasonal occurrence from March 2010 to January 2011, in the region of South Serbia. The result showed that Ixodes, Dermacentor, Ripicephalus and Haemaphysalis were the most abundant ticks found, affecting 50.40% tested sheep. The result of this study is a survey of tick species from autochthonous Zackel sheep in Serbia and implication of possible preventions measures for diseases caused and transmitted by ticks.Ovčarstvo predstavlja primer održive proizvodnje koja čini sastavni deo ruralnog razvoja. Jedan od glavnih zdravstvenih problema kod ekstenzivnog načina uzgoja ovaca predstavljaju parazitske infekcije. Krpelji su vektori za uzročnike mnogobrojnih oboljenja. Rasprostranjenost krpelja se menja i u novije vreme ih nalazimo i na novim arealima. U zemljama u razvoju, borba protiv krpelja i oboljenja prenosica krpeljima predstavljaju jedan od glavnih strateških tačaka zdravstvenog nadzora nad životinjama i ljudima. Uzimajući u obzir značaj direktnih i indirektnih ekonomskih gubitaka izazvanih krpeljima i oboljenjima čiji su oni uzročnici, posebna pažnja treba da se posveti ispitivanju tolerancije i otpornosti ka parazitskim bolestima pojedinih vrsta i rasa životinja. Potraga za otpornim jedinkama i njihova selekcija treba da bude deo strategije stočarstva. Cilj ovog rada je bio da prikaže rezultate ispitivanja o prisustvu krpeljske faune u 45 zapata ovaca autohtone pramenke. Ispitana je sezonalna distribucija pojave pojedinih krpelja u periodu između marta 2010. i januara 2011. godine, u regionu Istočne Srbije. Kod 50, 40% ispitanih ovaca ustanovljeno je prisustvo krpelja. Rezultati pokazuju da su krpelji iz rodova Ixodes, Dermacentor, Ripicephalus i Haemaphysalis najučestaliji u zapatima ovaca autohtone pramenke