4 research outputs found

    Transformation of Loyalty to E-loyalty

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    As everyday life moves to the Internet, many factors and components have come up, with the "e" and e-loyalty not an exception. The authors focused on the transformation of loyalty to e-loyalty. It is important to understand the main differences between consumer loyalty models and e-loyalty models in order to promote business development not only in the traditional environment but also in the online environment. Such research methods as comparative analysis, analysis of the scientific literature, content analysis were used. The main focus of the research was on comparing loyalty models in the traditional and e-environment to find out the peculiarities and main features of the e-environment. New factors that influence loyalty in the Internet environment, but not in the real world, were highlighted as the main results. All the new influencing factors are related to the companyā€™s operation directly in the Internet environment and technical capabilities, as well as online communication. As a result, factor groups influencing the primary and secondary e-loyalty were found . This is an important topic of the 21st century, enabling businesses to move online mode and change their strategy according to the e-environment

    Comparison of E-Trust and Trust Concepts in Online and Offline Dimensions

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    In everyday lives, we more and more use different technology products to make our lives easier and faster. We often do not realise that we are switching our lifestyles to the online platform - we do everything mostly online - meet and communicate with others, watch videos and listen to favourite songs, choose and buy different things. The main question is - can we trust everything that we see on the screen? Is the explanation of ā€œtrustā€ the same in real life and in online sphere? Authors of the paper compare the concept of ā€œtrustā€ in offline trade market with that in online trading. The following methods were used - literature study and analysis, consumer survey and statistical analysis. Consumer survey is already in the process and is to be continued during the next 2 years with the purpose to compare changes through years. Participants of the survey are the inhabitants of Latvia of different age groups, location, profession, etc. The authors have continued the survey to make it more complete and to find out new tendencies. It is possible to use the research results in both ways ā€’ theoretical and practical in respect of choosing an effective communication with consumers, in creating a long-term relationship with them, and in regard to increasing the customer loyalty level and level of ā€œtrustā€

    The Determinants of online shopping: building communication with customers in an online dimension

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    Nowadays customers increase using the Internet environment to make their purchases. It helps them not only to save time and money, but makes the whole process more efficient. However, marketing on the Internet and outside it has some similarities, and it interacts with customers. The authors of this article analyse communication with the customers on the Internet. The result is analysed and the key trends are highlighted that are currently outlined in communication with customers. In addition, the authors of the article look at the marketing communication on the Internet as part of their overall marketing strategy. The aim of the paper ā€“ to find out and analyse determinants of online shopping in order to increase marketing communication effectiveness on the Internet. Methods - theoretical analysis of literature, conducting customersā€™ surveys and statistical analysis. The results showed the strong influence of social networks for marketing communications in the Internet environment, this is explained by the fact that in the Internet there is No traditional personal service. The results have theoretical as well as practical significance

    Organization and individual security

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    Nowadays the rapidly advancing technologies and the ongoing changes in the socioeconomic and political processes in societies have stipulated an increased attention to security issues. In its broadest sense, the notion of security affects each and every member of society. At the age when the majority of borders are open in the direct and indirect sense of the word, the possibilities of humans and technologies become increasingly limitless. However, these opportunities are often not directed positively, but are rather targeted at causing harm to others. In this case, we can talk about both: sensitive migration issues and acts of terror, as well as about human interrelationships in general. It is no secret that we feel at our best in an environment, which is comfortable to us. Thus, any larger or smaller disturbance creates a sense of alarm due to the feeling of threat to oneā€™s own security as well as the desire to protect oneself. Security (being secure, protected against failures, fears, aggression) occupies a prominent second place in Abraham Maslowā€™s pyramid of the basic human needs, closely following such physiological needs as food, sleep, rest and others. Therefore, paying attention to even the tiniest potential threats is a priority for everyone and generating response taken at an individual level and organisational level. By starting already with the historical development of security throughout centuries and ending with cybersecurity, the book addresses issues related to individual security and the security of organisations. The articles provide an insight into the notion of security, its concepts in the global world, ethical issues of security, risk and quality management and leadership. They also address issues of physical guarding services, Schengen Area, fire safety, video surveillance and others. A separate chapter is devoted to security training as well as crime prevention, whistleblowers and cybersecurity. The book has been developed as part of the ā€œDevelopment of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017ā€ project (Project No. NPHE-2017/10115) and has brought together authors from three institutions of higher learning - Turiba University (Latvia), Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania) and Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland). It aims to clarify various issues related to the security of individuals and organisations and targets everyone interested in gaining insight into various security-related issues from the perspective of scientists and practitioners of Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. However, it should be noted that those interested in in-depth studies of security would require further reading, since the book does not aim at becoming a comprehensive source of information on all subjects, but rather provides an insight, raises general awareness and understanding of the issues and hopes to generate interest for further studies. Each article can be read as a separate issue