7 research outputs found

    KaraktÂŁrisasi Senyawa Aktif Anti Bakteri Minyak Atsiri Bunga Cengkeh (Syzygium Arimaticum)

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    Water distillation and purification of drought clove (Syzygium arimaticum) interest yields clove interest essential oils 6,5 % (v/w), rust colored ofchocolate, refractive index (25°C) 1,52874, specific mass (25°C) 1,0636 g/ml and condensation in ethanol 70% (1:2) limpid. Oil of clove haves the character of antibacterial to five test bacteriums ( B. subtilis, B. cereus, S. aureus, P. aeroginosa and E. coli). Result of analysis GCMS shows existence of eugenol compound (72,98%), kariaphilena (10,40%), a-humulena (1,04%) and acetate eugenol ( 15,58%). SpectraphotometerJKTI, VOL. 12, No.1, Juni 2010 analysis UV- Vis existence of absorption at Amaks 207,63 nm (ethanol) and 283,76 nm (eugenol). Analysis FTIR existence of bunch - OH (3543,39 em'), aliphatic C-H (1605,79 - 1766,90 em'), aromatic C=C ( 1433,60 - 1514,74 em'), C-Caril (1433,60-1514,74em-I) and cO (1268,44 em')

    The Potential of Nutmeg’s Microbes (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) as Antagonistic Agents against Rigidoporus microporus

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    This study aimed to obtain yeast and bacteria from Myristica fragrans Houtt., which have the potential to produce chitinase enzymes with antagonistic ability against Rigidoporus microporous. Both microorganisms were extracted from the leaves and fruit of nutmeg. A total of 35 yeast and 29 bacterial isolates were obtained, with different morphological characters. The chitinolytic test was carried out qualitatively, and the parameters observed include the clear zones around the colony. A total of 4 bacterial isolates produced chitinase enzymes (BP 1.2.1, BP 2.1.1, EPBj II.K1, and EPBj II. K2) with a chitinolytic index of 3.92, 5.38, 2.00, and 1.66, respectively. Yeast isolates were negative for chitinase enzymes. The difference in index value indicated a variation in enzyme activity. The antagonist test was carried out using a dual culture method. A total of 1 yeast and 14 bacterial isolates inhibited the growth of R. microporous, and each has a different inhibitory zone. Based on the percentage of inhibition value, the highest percentage occurred in P.K1(41.1%), P. K2 (50%), dan EPBj II. K6 (42.2%). The antagonist test indicator includes the formation of inhibitory zones on the medium. Hemolysis test showed that yeast and bacteria are not able to break down blood cells in the medium. The molecular identification showed that P. K1 and P. K2 isolates were classified as Bacillus subtillis and EPBj II. K6 were identified as Bacillus aerius with 100% sequence homology and 99% bootstrap value respectively. These findings provided information about potential microbes that control white root fungus.      

    Aplikasi Effective Microorganism 10 (Em10) untuk Pertumbuhan Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias Gariepinus Var. Sangkuriang) di Kolam Budidaya Lele Jombang, Tangerang

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    The catfish is a fish that is widely cultivated and consumed in Indonesia. The Catfish growth depand on by the availability of food and water quality. EM4 and EM10 are an example of liquid biofertilizer. The addition of EM4 in the fish pond can help the growth of the fish and maintain of the water quality. While the test of EM10 has not been done on fishery fields. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of EM10 fertilizers on of sangkuriang catfish (Clarias gariepinus Var. sangkuriang) growth and water quality. This research was conducted in February-March 2014. Research using completely randomized design with 7 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments tested were control (A), EM4 10 ml (B), EM4 20 ml (C), EM4 30 ml (D), EM10 10 ml (E), EM10 20 ml (F), and EM10 30 ml (G ). Analysis of data were using ANOVA followed by Duncan test if there is a real effect (áľ± = 0.05). EM10 fertilizers at concentration of 20 ml could affect to the specific growth rate on catfish in 7 days maintenance, the concentration of 10 ml at 14 days of villa maintenance and the concentration of 30 ml at 28 days of maintenance. EM10 fertilizers can affect the weight growth of catfish. Fertilizer EM10 can maintain the temperature of the water

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Air Bunga Kecombrang terhadap Bakteri E. Coli dan S. Aureus sebagai Bahan Pangan Fungsional

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    The testing has been conducted research on the antibacterial activity of aqueous extracts of flowers kecombrang against E. coli and S. Aureus. This study was aims to provided scientific evidence of excellence kecombrang plants as functional food ingredients. Antibacterial activity assays performed using dispersive method. From the results of antibacterial testing kecombrang flower water extract against E. coli concentration of 20% = 0 mm, 40% = 0 mm, 60% = 4.8 mm, 80% = 5.2 mm, 100% = 7.3 mm and the test bacteria S. aureus concentration of 20% = 8.67 mm, 40% = 9.11 mm, 60% = 12:33 mm, 80% = 12:44 mm, 100% = 13.89 mm

    Effects of Heavy Metal-Tolerant Microorganisms on the Growth of “Narra” Seedlings

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    The effectiveness of heavy metal-tolerant microorganisms for supporting plant growth needs to be understood before it can be used as a soil bioremediation agent. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of heavy metal tolerant microorganisms on the growth of “Narra” seedling (Pterocarpus indicus Wild). Three heavy metals-resistant (Pb, Cd, and Cu) rhizobacteria from a copper (Cu) mined-out site in Marinduque, Philippines showed plant growth promotion in vitro. A treatment combination of formula inoculant A (CuNFbM 4.1, MGR 333), B (CuNFbM 4.1, MGR 333, PbSM 2.1), and O (Uninoculated); compost (0%, 4%); and lime + inorganic fertilizer {without or with lime and inorganic fertilizer (LF0; LF1)} were applied to Narra seedlings planted on 445 mg/kg Cu-contaminated soil. Lime (2 mg/ha) and the recommended dose of soybean inorganic fertilizer were used as positive controls to evaluate the ability of inoculations and composts to promote the growth and used as positive controls to evaluate the ability of inoculants and composts to promote the growth and copper accumulation of narra in greenhouse experiments. All treatment combinations resulted in significant differences in plant height, leaf number, stem diameter, shoot and root dry weight, as well as, shoot, root Cu content, and plant Cu uptake of 13-week-old “Narra”. Inoculated “Narra” could thrive better in mine-degraded soil containing 445 ppm Cu with 4% compost. Inoculant B demonstrated the best plant performance while Pseudomonas synxantha (PbSM 2.1) probably increases the plant’s growth due to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase it produces. Accumulation of Cu was higher in the root compared other plant parts. More research is necessary to elucidate the mechanism of plant growth promotion and heavy metal re mediation by P. synxantha

    Effects of Heavy Metal-Tolerant Microorganisms on the Growth of “Narra” Seedlings

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    The effectiveness of heavy metal-tolerant microorganisms for supporting plant growth needs to be understood before it can be used as a soil bioremediation agent. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of heavy metal tolerant microorganisms on the growth of “Narra” seedling (Pterocarpus indicus Wild). Three heavy metals-resistant (Pb, Cd, and Cu) rhizobacteria from a copper (Cu) mined-out site in Marinduque, Philippines showed plant growth promotion in vitro. A treatment combination of formula inoculant A (CuNFbM 4.1, MGR 333), B (CuNFbM 4.1, MGR 333, PbSM 2.1), and O (Uninoculated); compost (0%, 4%); and lime + inorganic fertilizer {without or with lime and inorganic fertilizer (LF0; LF1)} were applied to Narra seedlings planted on 445 mg/kg Cu-contaminated soil. Lime (2 mg/ha) and the recommended dose of soybean inorganic fertilizer were used as positive controls to evaluate the ability of inoculations and composts to promote the growth and used as positive controls to evaluate the ability of inoculants and composts to promote the growth and copper accumulation of narra in greenhouse experiments. All treatment combinations resulted in significant differences in plant height, leaf number, stem diameter, shoot and root dry weight, as well as, shoot, root Cu content, and plant Cu uptake of 13-week-old “Narra”. Inoculated “Narra” could thrive better in mine-degraded soil containing 445 ppm Cu with 4% compost. Inoculant B demonstrated the best plant performance while Pseudomonas synxantha (PbSM 2.1) probably increases the plant’s growth due to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase it produces. Accumulation of Cu was higher in the root compared other plant parts. More research is necessary to elucidate the mechanism of plant growth promotion and heavy metal re mediation by P. synxantha