26 research outputs found

    Role of the occupational therapist in schizophrenia patients rehabilitation

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    Mentalno zdravlje je esencijalni čimbenik za aktivno i neovisno funkcioniranje u svim aspektima života. Poremećaji mentalnog zdravlja značajno naruÅ”avaju svakodnevno življenje, te uzrokuju disbalans u tri područja čovjekovih aktivnosti: samozbrinjavanju, produktivnosti i slobodnom vremenu. Odabir, organiziranje i aktivna participacija u produktivnim aktivnostima pojedinca naruÅ”enog mentalnoga zdravlja značajno su ograničene i/ili onemogućene zbog smanjene motivacije, nemogućnosti zadovoljenja zahtjeva produktivnih uloga, smanjenih sposobnosti rjeÅ”avanja svakodnevnih problema, naruÅ”enih socijalnih vjeÅ”tina, smanjenog uvida u vlastito stanje, te stigme mentalne bolesti koja naruÅ”ava odnos radne okoline prema pojedincu. U liječenju osoba oboljelih od shizofrenije od velikog značaja je psihosocijalna rehabilitacija. Ona uključuje edukaciju bolesnika i obitelji o bolesti, plan sprječavanja recidiva bolesti, trening socijalnih vjeÅ”tina, strategije rjeÅ”avanja problema, tehnike samokontrole i samousmjeravanja, radnu terapiju, profesionalnu rehabilitaciju, programe potpomognutog zapoÅ”ljavanja, te rekreativnu, kao i razne oblike kreativne terapije. Cilj navedenih strategija psihosocijalne rehabilitacije je izgradnja vjeÅ”tina potrebnih za svakodnevni život i rad, uspjeÅ”na socijalna (re)integracija, odnosno radno uključivanje, čime se prevenira i/ili smanjuje opterećenje pojedinca i druÅ”tva kao cjeline. Dodatni značaj ovoj intervenciji je i činjenica da se ove bolesti javljaju na početku radne karijere pacijenata, pa je ovakav pristup od velike važnosti za ostatak njihovog radnoga vijeka. Od svih poremećaja mentalnoga zdravlja, shizofrenija je povezana s najvećom stigmatizacijom i diskriminacijom, stoga je svrha ovoga rada dati prikaz radno-terapijske intervencije u procesu psihosocijalne rehabilitacije osobe oboljele od shizofrenije. Prikaz iskustva psihosocijalne rehabilitacije je proizaÅ”ao iz projekta ā€žPrihvatimo različitosti, odbacimo predrasudeā€œ Udruge za unapređenje duÅ”evnoga zdravlja i podizanja kvalitete života duÅ”evnog bolesnika i njegove obitelji ā€žSretna obiteljā€œ u Popovači, Hrvatska. Iako se intervencija pokazala uspjeÅ”nom već u inicijalnim fazama provedbe, ostaje joÅ” prostora za daljnja znanstvena i stručna promiÅ”ljanja i istraživanja koja bi ukazala na opravdanost Å”ire primjene gore navedenoga koncepta u hrvatskom kontekstu.Mental health is an essential factor for active and independent functioning in all aspects of life. Mental health disorders significantly impair daily life and cause imbalance in three areas of human occupation; selfcare, productivity and leisure. Selection, organization and active participation in the productive activities of an individual with mental health problems are significantly restricted and/or disabled. This is due to reduced motivation in satisfying productive role requirements, reduced capability of dealing with everyday problems, poor social skills, reduced insight into oneā€™s own condition and mental illness stigma which impairs the relationship between the working environment and the individual. Schizophrenia patientsā€™ treatment is of great importance to psychosocial rehabilitation. sychosocial rehabilitation includes education of patients and families about the disease, plan to prevent recurrence, social skillsā€™ training, problem solving strategies, self-control techniques and self-direction, occupational therapy, vocational rehabilitation, employment programs, various forms of recreational and creative therapies, all with the goal of building skills for everyday life and work, successful social (re) integration, or inclusion, which prevents and/or reduces theburden on individuals and society as a whole. Additional significance of this intervention is the fact that these diseases occur at the beginning of the patientā€™s working career, so this approach is of great importance for the rest of their lives. Of all mental health disorders, schizophrenia is associated with the greatest stigma and discrimination, therefore, the purpose of this study provides insight into the work and therapeutic intervention in the process of psychosocial rehabilitation of persons suffering from schizophrenia. The psychosocial rehabilitation description experience was conducted within the project "Accept differences reject the prejudicesā€ by the "Happy Family" Association, Popovača, Croatia. Although interventions have proved to be successful in the initial stages of implementation, there remains room for further scientific and technical thinking and research that would indicate the reasons for a broader application of the above concepts in the Croatian context

    Pain therapy after lumbar discectomy

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    Cilj: Svrha istraživanja utvrditi je moguću prednost primjene Tramadoluma, Diclofenacuma i Dexamethasonuma u liječenju postoperacijskog bola nakon lumbalne discektomije u odnosu na uobičajenu postoperacijsku primjenu Tramadoluma i Metamizolum Natricuma. Metode: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 46 ispitanika prosječne životne dobi od 45.29 Ā± 14.06 godina. U svih ispitanika učinjena je otvorena lumbalna discektomija. U prvoj skupini od 23 bolesnika postoperacijski su primjenjivani Tramadolum i Metamizolum Natricum, a kod druge skupine od 23 bolesnika Tramadolum, Dexamethasonum i Diclofenacum. Obrazac za praćenje postoperacijskog bola sastojao se iz dva dijela: prvog, koji je ispunjavao liječnik i koji je sadržavao podatke o kliničkom nalazu, dok je drugi dio obrasca ispunjavao bolesnik i bilježio podatke o preoperacijskom bolu te bolne smetnje dva dana i osam dana nakon operacije, stupnjujući ih prema skali od 0 do 10. U statističkoj obradi rabljen je program Statistica 5.0. Značajnost razlika određivana je Studentovim t-testom za nezavisne uzorke, dok se značajnost razlika između pojedinih uzoraka s obzirom na bolnost i vrijeme anketiranja utvrđivala Studentovim t-testom za zavisne uzorke. Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja neovisno o mjerenju preoperacijskog bola govore da skupina ispitanika tretirana Tramadolumom, Dexamethasonumom i Diclofenacumom ima značajno manju bolnost u području noge (p < 0.01), dok je bolnost u križima neÅ”to manja, joÅ” uvijek u području statističke značajnosti (p = 0.03; p = 0.01) u odnosu na skupinu ispitanika tretiranih Tramadolumom i Metamizolum Natricumom. Rasprava: Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju učinkovitost i prednost kombinirane primjene Tramadoluma, Diclofenacuma i Dexamethasonuma u kupiranju postopercijskog bola nakon lumbalne discektomije u odnosu na primjenu Tramadoluma i Metamizolum Natricuma.Aim: The aim is to determine possible advantage of application of Tramadolum, Diclofenacum and Dexamethasonum in therapy of postoperative pain after lumbar discectomy in relation to standard postoperative application of Tramadolum and Metamizolum Natricum. Methods: The research covered 46 patients with mean age of 45.29 Ā± 14.06. All patients underwent open lumbar discectomy. The first group, consisting of 23 patients, was treated with Tramadolum and after the surgery , and the other one, also with 23 patients, was treated with Tramadolum, Dexamethasonum and Diclofenacum. The VAS questionnaire of postoperative pain consisted of two parts: the first one, filled in by a surgeon, included clinical findings, and the second one, filled in by a patient, contained data entered by the patient on postoperative pains and painful discomforts two and eight days after the surgery, with the scale from 0 to 10. Statistical 5.0 programme was used in statistical analysis. Statistical significance of differences was determined by Studentā€™s independent samples T-test, while significance of differences between individual samples in respect of pain and time of filling in the questionnaire was determined by Studentā€™s dependent samples T-test. Results: The research results, not considering measurement of preoperative pain, show that the group treated with Tramadolum, Dexamethasonum and Diclofenacum experienced significantly lower pain in the leg area (p< 0.01), while pain in sacral area was somewhat lower but still with statistical significance (p = 0.03; p = 0.01) compared to the group receiving Tramadolum and Metamizolum Natricum. Conclusion: The research results confirm efficiency and advantage of combined therapy with Tramadolum, Diclofenacum and Dexamethasonum in coping with postoperative pain after lumbar discectomy compared to the therapy with Tramadolum and Metamizolum Natricum


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    Alzheimerova bolest je progresivna mentalna bolest koja ima utjecaj na izvedbu aktivnosti svakodnevnog života oboljelog pojedinca, njegove obitelji ili skrbnika. Gubljenje sposobnosti komunikacije može biti jedan od težih problema za osobe oboljele od Alzheimerove bolesti i njihovu obitelj. Razvojem bolesti osoba doživljava postupno smanjenje mogućnosti komunikacije. Komunikacijski problemi osoba oboljelih od Alzheimerove bolesti često su vrlo složeni te se mogu pojaviti u različitim oblicima: problemi s pronalaženjem adekvatnih riječi, problemi ekspresije i recepcije govora, konfabulacije, siromaÅ”an vokabular, eholalija, afazija. Nedostatak, odnosno poteÅ”koće verbalne i neverbalne komunikacije dovode do socijalne deprivacije i otuđenja osobe u svim fazama Alzheimerove bolesti. Razvojem različitih znanstvenih i stručnih misli razvijaju se nova interdisciplinarna područja koja kroz nove intervencijske pristupe koriste različite kreativne medije u profilaktičke i terapijske svrhe s ciljem poboljÅ”anja kvalitete života. S obzirom na različite probleme u komunikaciji koji se javljaju u svim fazama progresije bolesti u ovom radu dat će se kratak pregled utjecaja kreativnih medija na razvijanje i održavanje komunikacijskih vjeÅ”tina, a time i na razvijanje socijalnih interakcija oboljelih. Navedeno će biti deskripcija kreativne radionice provedene u sklopu projekta SASI Stable, Able, Safe, and Independent - Independent Living Programs For Elderly, Dobrotvornog udruženje Dobrobit koji je imao za cilj osigurati dodatnu stručnu pomoć starijim građanima Grada Zagreba kroz organizaciju mreže multidisciplinarnih aktivnosti.Alzheimer\u27s disease is a progressive mental illness which influences everyday activities of the patient, but also of his family or a caretaker. The loss of the ability to communicate can be one of the most serious problems for Alzheimer\u27s disease patients and their families. As the disease progresses a patientā€™s ability to communicate decreases. Communication problems in Alzheimer\u27s disease patients are often very complex and they take various forms: problems related to finding appropriate words, problems related to speech expression and reception, confabulation, poor vocabulary, echolalia, aphasia etc. The lack, i.e. difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication leads to social deprivation and alienation of the individual in all stages of Alzheimer\u27s disease. The development of different scientific and professional thoughts leads to new interdisciplinary fields which, through new intervention approaches, apply different creative media for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes with the aim of enhancing the quality of life. Having in mind different communication problems which arise in all stages of the progression of Alzheimer\u27s disease, the paper gives a brief overview of the influence of creative media on the development and maintenance of communication skills, and thus on the development of patients\u27 social interactions. A creative workshop held within the project SASI Stable, Able, Safe and Independent - Independent Living Programs For Elderly of the humanitarian organisation "Dobrobit" with the aim of providing additional professional help to the elderly citizens of the City of Zagreb through organising a network of multidisciplinary activities is also described

    The Analysis of the Unstable Tibia Fracture Treatment Applying Internal Stabilization Method

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    The study included 51 patients with tibia fractures, who underwent percutaneous bone reposition and stabilization with unrimed tibial locking nail. The results obtained using this method were compared with those obtained by standard fracture treatment where flat and anatomic plates were applied (n=64). In patients who had osteosynthetic material implanted percutaneously (using unrimed tibial locking nail) there was no incidence of post surgical osteitis or any pseudarthrosis. The healing callus of the fracture was of lesser quality and spindle shaped, suggesting that fracture stabilization using this method was less efficient. In patients with fractures stabilized by the open method using flat and anatomic plates (n=64), we noticed 3.1% (n=2) cases of osteitis and 4.7% (n=3) cases of pseudarthrosis. Due to lesser incidence of postoperative osteitis, our method of choice in tibia fractures would be percutaneous stabilization with unrimed tibial locking nail. However, this treatment method has its disadvantages, too. Fracture callus is of lesser quality and it is spindle shaped. Furthermore, there are problems with adequate percutaneous reposition in some cases, as well as necessity for radiological checking


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    The widely used herbicide, dimethylamine salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D-DMA), is usually prepared by mixing a dimethylamine (DMA) aqueous solution with a solid 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D). The vapors of the both, reactants and products, are potentially hazardous for the environment. The contribution of DMA vapors in overall pollution from this process is most significant, concerning vapor pressures data of these pollutants. Therefore, the control of the air pollution in the manufacture and handling of methylamines is very important. Within this paper, the optimal air pollution control system in preparation of 2,4-D-DMA was developed for the pesticides manufacturing industry. This study employed the simple pollution prevention concept to reduce the emission of DMA vapors at the source. The investigations were performed on the pilot plant scale. To reduce the emission of DMA vapors, the effluent gases from the herbicide preparation zone were passed through the packed bed scrubber (water - scrubbing medium), and the catalytic reactor in sequence. The end result is a substantially improved air quality in the working area, as well as in the urbanized areas located near the chemical plant

    Propolis extract and its bioactive compounds - from traditional to modern extraction technologies

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    Propolis is a honeybee product known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antimicrobial effects. It is rich in bioactive molecules whose content varies depending on the botanical and geographical origin of propolis. These bioactive molecules have been studied individually and as a part of propolis extracts, as they can be used as representative markers for propolis standardization. Here, we compare the pharmacological effects of representative polyphenols and whole propolis extracts. Based on the literature data, polyphenols and extracts act by suppressing similar targets, from pro-inflammatory TNF/NF-B to the pro- proliferative MAPK/ERK pathway. In addition, they activate similar antioxidant mechanisms of action, like Nrf2-ARE intracellular antioxidant pathway, and they all have antimicrobial activity. These similarities do not imply that we should attribute the action of propolis solely to the most representative compounds. Moreover, its pharmacological effects will depend on the efficacy of these compoundsā€™ extraction. Thus, we also give an overview of different propolis extraction technologies, from traditional to modern ones, which are environmentally friendlier. These technologies belong to an open research area that needs further effective solutions in terms of well-standardized liquid and solid extracts, which would be reliable in their pharmacological effects, environmentally friendly, and sustainable for production

    Chemical Constituents of Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica L.): A Comprehensive Review on Phenolic and Polyphenolic Compounds and Their Bioactivity

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    Polyphenolic compounds are of great interest in todayā€™s science. Naturally, they occur in plants and other sources in many different forms. Their wide range of biological activity has attracted the attention of the scientific community. One of the sources of phenolic compounds is stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.), a common plant in almost all parts of the world. A long tradition of utilization and an interesting chemical profile make this plant a fascinating and extensive object of study. The chemical profile also allows this plant to be used as a food and a pigment source in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Previously conducted studies found phenolic acids and polyphenolic compounds in root, stalk, and stinging nettle leaves. Different extraction techniques were usually used to isolate them from the leaves. Obtained extracts were used to investigate biological activity further or formulate different functional food products. This study aimed to collect all available knowledge about this plant, its chemical composition, and biological activity and to summarize this knowledge with particular attention to polyphenolic compounds and the activity and mechanisms of their actions

    Nonaqueous Polyethylene Glycol as a Safer Alternative to Ethanolic Propolis Extracts with Comparable Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity

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    We compared the chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of two propolis extracts: one obtained with nonaqueous polyethylene glycol, PEG 400 (PgEP), and the other obtained with ethanol (EEP). We analyzed the total phenolic content (TPC) and the concentrations of ten markers of propolis antioxidant activity with HPLC-UV: caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, trans-ferulic acid, trans-cinnamic acid, kaempferol, apigenin, pinocembrin, chrysin, CAPE, and galangin. Antioxidant activity was tested using DPPH and FRAP assay, and antimicrobial activity was assessed through minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) determination. Maceration gave the yield of propolis of 25.2 Ā± 0.08% in EEP, and 21.5 Ā± 0.24% in PgEP. All ten markers of antioxidant activity were found in both extracts, with all marker concentrations, except kaempferol, higher in EEP. There was no significant difference between the TPC and antioxidant activity of the PgEP and the EEP extract ; TPC of PgEP was 16.78 Ā± 0.23 mg/mL, while EEP had TPC of 15.92 Ā± 0.78 mg/mL. Both extracts had antimicrobial activity against most investigated pathogens and Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Escherichia coli biofilms. EEP was more effective against all tested susceptible pathogens, except E. coli, possibly due to higher content of kaempferol in PgEP relative to other polyphenols. Nonaqueous PEG 400 could be used for propolis extraction. It gives extracts with comparable concentrations of antioxidants and has a good antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. It is a safe excipient, convenient for pediatric and veterinary formulations