437 research outputs found

    Corporate Governance In India – An Overview

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    This paper attempts to highlight the Corporate Governance in India- An Overview. Corporate Governance is essentially all about how corporations are directed, managed, controlled and held accountable to their shareholders. In India, the concept of corporate governance has come up mainly in the wake of economic liberalization and de-regularization of industry and business.. The objective of any corporate governance system is to simultaneously improve corporate performance and accountability as a means of attracting financial and human resources on the best possible terms and of preventing corporate failure. Corporate Governance is about promoting corporate fairness, transparency and accountability. It is a multi-level and multi tired process that is distilled from an organization’s culture, its policies, values and ethics especially of the people running the business and the way it deals with various stakeholders. Thus Corporate Governance is a set of laws, rules, regulations, systems, principles, process by which a company is governed

    Investing in breastfeeding – the world breastfeeding costing initiative

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    BACKGROUND Despite scientific evidence substantiating the importance of breastfeeding in child survival and development and its economic benefits, assessments show gaps in many countries' implementation of the 2003 WHO and UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding (Global Strategy). Optimal breastfeeding is a particular example: initiation of breastfeeding within the first hour of birth, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months; and continued breastfeeding for two years or more, together with safe, adequate, appropriate, responsive complementary feeding starting in the sixth month. While the understanding of "optimal" may vary among countries, there is a need for governments to facilitate an enabling environment for women to achieve optimal breastfeeding. Lack of financial resources for key programs is a major impediment, making economic perspectives important for implementation. Globally, while achieving optimal breastfeeding could prevent more than 800,000 under five deaths annually, in 2013, US58billionwasspentoncommercialbabyfoodincludingmilkformula.Supportforimprovedbreastfeedingisinadequatelyprioritizedbypolicyandpracticeinternationally.METHODSTheWorldBreastfeedingCostingInitiative(WBCi)launchedin2013,attemptstodeterminethefinancialinvestmentthatisnecessarytoimplementtheGlobalStrategy,andtointroduceatooltoestimatethecostsforindividualcountries.ThearticlepresentsdetailedcostestimatesforimplementingtheGlobalStrategy,andoutlinestheWBCiFinancialPlanningTool.EstimatesusedemographicdatafromUNICEFsStateoftheWorldsChildren2013.RESULTSTheWBCitakesaprogrammaticapproachtoscalingupinterventions,includingpolicyandplanning,healthandnutritioncaresystems,communityservicesandmothersupport,mediapromotion,maternityprotection,WHOInternationalCodeofMarketingofBreastmilkSubstitutesimplementation,monitoringandresearch,foroptimalbreastfeedingpractices.ThefinancialcostofaprogramtoimplementtheGlobalStrategyin214countriesisestimatedatUS58 billion was spent on commercial baby food including milk formula. Support for improved breastfeeding is inadequately prioritized by policy and practice internationally. METHODS The World Breastfeeding Costing Initiative (WBCi) launched in 2013, attempts to determine the financial investment that is necessary to implement the Global Strategy, and to introduce a tool to estimate the costs for individual countries. The article presents detailed cost estimates for implementing the Global Strategy, and outlines the WBCi Financial Planning Tool. Estimates use demographic data from UNICEF's State of the World's Children 2013. RESULTS The WBCi takes a programmatic approach to scaling up interventions, including policy and planning, health and nutrition care systems, community services and mother support, media promotion, maternity protection, WHO International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes implementation, monitoring and research, for optimal breastfeeding practices. The financial cost of a program to implement the Global Strategy in 214 countries is estimated at US 17.5 billion ($130 per live birth). The major recurring cost is maternity entitlements. CONCLUSIONS WBCi is a policy advocacy initiative to encourage integrated actions that enable breastfeeding. WBCi will help countries plan and prioritize actions and budget them accurately. International agencies and donors can also use the tool to calculate or track investments in breastfeeding.The project was possible through financial support from SAFANSI (South Asia Food and Nutrition Security Initiative) project and a contribution by DFID (Department for International Development) and AusAID (Australian Agency for International Development)


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    Background: Vidarikand is the one of the most important drug which has broadly described in detail in all the textbook of Ayurveda. It is commonly known as Indian kudzu which is a perennial climber with woody tuberculated stem with large tuberous roots. Generally all the Nighantus are mention its various properties. It is used in variety of formulation mention in Ayurvedic Samhita for the different-different purpose and treatment of diseases. There are so many researches were done on Vidarikand on range of diseases and its property. Aims and Objects: This paper trying to elaborate, evaluate and discuss the medicinal property, therapeutic effects of Vidarikanda in various diseases including new emerging problems. Material and Method: The text book of Ayurveda, its commentaries and text book of modern medicine along with various clinical studies published in index journal have been review thoroughly. Result and Discussion: Vidarikanda has Madhur Rasa,Shita Veerya and Guru, Snigdh Guna and it pacify Vata, Pitta and Rakta dosha and having Brihani, Vrashya, Jivniya, Rasayan, Stanya, Shukral, Balya property mention in Ayurvedic text due to these excellent property its field of use is highly amplified for cure diseases. Its formulations are highly used in Jwara, Raktapitta, Rajayakshma, Apasmar, Kshatksina, Kasa, Vatavyadhi, Vatarakta, Klevya and many more diseases. It is also mentioned in Balavarna vardhak and Vranaropak formulation. It is good in Immunomodulting, Antioxidant, Galactogogue, Cardiotonic, Aphrodisiac, Rejuvenation, Nootropic and Anti-inflammatory effect

    TC-PTP Dephosphorylates the Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor C3G (RapGEF1) and Negatively Regulates Differentiation of Human Neuroblastoma Cells

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    The guanine nucleotide exchange factor, C3G (RapGEF1), functions in multiple signaling pathways involved in cell adhesion, proliferation, apoptosis and actin reorganization. C3G is regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation on Y504, known to be mediated by c-Abl and Src family kinases. In the present study we explored the possibility of cellular phospho-C3G (pC3G) being a substrate of the intracellular T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase TC-PTP (PTPN2) using the human neuroblastoma cell line, IMR-32. In vivo and in vitro binding assays demonstrated interaction between C3G and TC-PTP. Interaction is mediated through the Crk-binding region of C3G and C-terminal noncatalytic residues of TC-PTP. C3G interacted better with a substrate trap mutant of TC48 and this complex formation was inhibited by vanadate. Endogenous pC3G colocalized with catalytically inactive mutant TC48 in the Golgi. Expression of TC48 abrogated pervanadate and c-Src induced phosphorylation of C3G without affecting total cellular phospho-tyrosine. Insulin-like growth factor treatment of c-Src expressing cells resulted in dephosphorylation of C3G dependent on the activity of endogenous TC48. TC48 expression inhibited forskolin induced tyrosine phosphorylation of C3G and neurite outgrowth in IMR-32 cells. Our results identify a novel Golgi localized substrate of TC48 and delineate a role for TC48 in dephosphorylation of substrates required during differentiation of human neuroblastoma cells

    Approximate reasoning for real-time probabilistic processes

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    We develop a pseudo-metric analogue of bisimulation for generalized semi-Markov processes. The kernel of this pseudo-metric corresponds to bisimulation; thus we have extended bisimulation for continuous-time probabilistic processes to a much broader class of distributions than exponential distributions. This pseudo-metric gives a useful handle on approximate reasoning in the presence of numerical information -- such as probabilities and time -- in the model. We give a fixed point characterization of the pseudo-metric. This makes available coinductive reasoning principles for reasoning about distances. We demonstrate that our approach is insensitive to potentially ad hoc articulations of distance by showing that it is intrinsic to an underlying uniformity. We provide a logical characterization of this uniformity using a real-valued modal logic. We show that several quantitative properties of interest are continuous with respect to the pseudo-metric. Thus, if two processes are metrically close, then observable quantitative properties of interest are indeed close.Comment: Preliminary version appeared in QEST 0